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    Monday, April 12, 2021

    Clash Royale new emote: dababy royale

    Clash Royale new emote: dababy royale

    new emote: dababy royale

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 04:29 PM PDT

    What do you mean you don't wanna play war?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 04:06 AM PDT

    placing a golem at 1x is deadly

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 07:28 AM PDT

    Loading Screen Drawing

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 10:01 AM PDT


    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 05:31 PM PDT

    Do you accept this offer from ladder?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 10:48 AM PDT

    Floating Hog Rider ��

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 10:18 AM PDT

    POV: Your Teammate in 2v2.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 08:19 AM PDT

    The card we all need...

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 08:27 PM PDT

    I didn’t think people still did this. It was my first time using that deck and he joined my clan just to get mad at me

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 08:58 PM PDT

    I wonder which deal is better

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 08:36 AM PDT

    Myth confirmed ✅: You can match a clan member in the global tournament :)

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 11:00 AM PDT

    [EFFORT] Hero Ideas (Long Post)

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 10:19 PM PDT

    Hello! These are just some Hero ideas I have been working on a while. I tried to make sure to make them as faithful to the game as possible (down to the Card Descriptions, which I am most proud of). All of these are original ideas (so no Barbarian King or Archer Queen).

    Basically, how I think Heros should work is this: Every game, you get to play your Hero only three times. It's seperate to your other cards, so the Hero icon would be above where the next card icon is, and is seperate. When you play a Hero, the Hero Icon will glow, and if you tap it, the ability is used. The ability is free and available as soon as you play the Hero. If your Hero dies, it does the hero "explosion" from Clash of Clans, and then you have to wait a minute before you can play your Hero again. So, you would want to save your Hero for key moments.

    This idea could either be implemented to Ladder matches and the Game as a whole, or just be a seperate permanent gamemode.

    Also, all of these cards are overpowered as hell. Obviously, lots of these would need to be toned down a lot. These are just ideas after all.

    I may post more if I think of them! Be sure to also share your ideas for Heros as well? Do you agree with me about how Heros should play? Let me know!

    1. Paladin

    Cost: 4 Elixir

    How he attacks: Slashs foes with the Legendary Blade, The Gizrond Sword. Has a shield that can take 2 Sparky blasts but just barely (1400 health). Targets ground troops.

    Special: Angel Aura-Spawns a healing aura around him for 8 seconds. Much stronger then the heal from a Heal Spell or the Battle Healer.

    Other noteworthy things: Great on defense. Self heals himself while not fighting, like the Battle Healer. Is like a better Knight, as his fast attack speed can cut down hordes of enemies. Can only heal himself when he doesn't have his shield.

    Card Description (for in game): The Legendary Paladin cuts down evil foes with his even more legendary Gizrond Sword. His shield is tough, and his healing skills are unmatched. But deep inside, he enjoys peppermint tea.

    1. Giga Guard

    Cost: 9 Elixir

    How he attacks: Jabs enemies with his spear. Although it looks long, the Giga Guard has short range, a slow attack, small amount of damage, and it can't hit air. Targets ground troops.

    Special: Fortify-Spawns three magical shields around him that each have 500 health. While any of the shields are intact, the Giga Guard can't be damaged by spells.

    Other noteworthy things: His massive shield and armor give him more health then Golem. Spells will do 4x damage to him, so Fortify is needed to keep him alive. He has a 5 second spawn timer, the longest of all heros. He also isn't a Skeleton, but more like a giant Royal Recruit with amour similar to a Mega Knight.

    Card Description (for in game): After an accident at the Spell Factory involving a prototype of a newly developed Gigafy Spell, a Royal Recruit got supersized. Not to waste a golden opportunity, he got outfitted in custom gear made for him, making him the toughest nut to crack. Even the Golem is jealous, and he has a heart of stone.

    1. War Machine

    Cost: 6 Elixir

    How he attacks: Shoots huge cannonballs that push the attacking unit back 4 spaces. The recoil will send the War Machine back 3 spaces as well. When the War Machine gets destroyed, the Master Builder inside gets out and starts whacking troops with his Monkey Wrench. Targets ground troops.

    Special: Automatic Autonomous Turrents Deploy (A.A.T.D)-Spawns 3 mini Armoured Turrents in a triangle formation around him that protect him. Kind of like three Flying Machines but on land.

    Other noteworthy things: Placed in front of a building, the War Machine won't be able to go backwards due to recoil.

    Card Description (for in game): After his critically acclaimed Flying Machine, the Master Builder decided to go big or go home for his next design. After 2 years spent tinkering in the Builder's Workshop, he finally created something he was proud of. The machine's name is Becky.

    1. Dragon Rider

    Cost: 5 Elixir

    How she attacks: The very social Frost Dragon breaths icy puffs from a close range while the Rider throws javelins from a further distance. They can attack separate enemies at once. Targets any type of troop

    Special: Dragonfly Dance-Attack speed increase for 10 seconds for both the Frost Dragon and the Rider.

    Other noteworthy things: When the Dragon dies, the Rider drops down and starts attacking ground troops with her spear. She is was quick in movement and attack speed, but has the health of a Knight. She can't throw it when on the ground.

    Card Description (for in game): If you thought Hogs and Rams don't mix well in a party, imagine all four dragons showing up to spice things up. On the other hand, no one knows who the Rider is. Some say she was a Valkyrie who abandoned her ways, while others say she came from a different dimension. Regardless, the Frost Dragon and the Rider really bonded over tacos, and now they kick butt in the Arena.

    1. Eternal Marksmen

    Cost: 5 Elixir

    How he attacks: Shoots super fast bolts of frost from his special bow (0.4 second attack speed). Slows down troops but doesn't do much damage. Takes 5 shots to take down Minions. The bolts will go 13 tiles, and each one can hit multiple units, like the Magic Archer. Targets any type of troop.

    Special: Archer's Eye-Will become invisible for 8 seconds. Troops that where targeting him will not be able to kill him. Spells will still affect him.

    Other noteworthy things: He can't be affected by his own arrows, so two Eternal Marksmen fighting each other will not slow each other down.

    Card Description (for in game): The Magic Archer's cooler brother. He opened up his side business Spells R Us with his cousin, the Ethereal Warrior (Who also uses a bow as well), but it's going slow, so he got a side gig to fight in the Arena after they found that he was extremely talented. Some think that his cousin is jealous, but only time will tell....

    1. The Duke

    Cost: 6 Elixir

    How he attacks: Spawns with two Knights in front of him. The Duke himself has the health of about 2 1/2 Knights, and his scepter does splash damage. He does a pretty hefty amount of damage, able to one shot Princess, Dart Goblin, Archers, etc. Slow attack like a Mini Pekka. Targets ground troops.

    Special: Royal Flank-Spawns two more knights while trumpets blare.

    Other noteworthy things: You can place the Duke behind your King tower in order to split the Knights so one Knight goes in one lane and the other Knight and the Duke goes in the other lane to create a strong dual lane push.

    Card Description (for in game): He was the bigshot back in his day, but he retired after the King took over King Tower duties. Fortunately for you (but not you opponent), he has agreed to come out of retirement, but he needs some bodyguards to help him to a bench if he pulls something.

    1. Mountaineer

    Cost: 6 Elixir

    How he attacks: Spawns and freezes all units in a radius of 3 tiles (in between the radius of a Zap Spell and a Freeze Spell) for the duration of a normal Freeze Spell. Somewhat tanky, with health similar to a Goblin Giant. His icy pickax does the damage of about an uncharged Prince strike, and will slow down the enemy similar to an Ice Wizard. Targets ground troops.

    Special: Frozen Blizzard-Drops a Freeze Spell beneath him.

    Other noteworthy things: When the Mountaineer dies, he will drop another Freeze Spell. But because he has a short range melee attack the Freeze Spell will often not connect with much. He cannot be slowed or frozen in anyway.

    Card Description (for in game): For the past 25 years he has hikes every inch of Frozen Peak with his trusty backpack and his durable ice pickax. Because he was up on Frozen Peak for so long (and because his parka is super warm and comfortable), he isn't affected by cold things at all. It fact, he jokes about waking up to a fresh cup of Freeze Spell Coffee every morning.

    1. Graverobber

    Cost: 7 Elixir

    How he attacks: The Graverobber spawns a Graveyard Spell when he is placed. He also has the health of a Goblin Giant. He walks slowly, attacking with a shovel. He has the same damage as a Miner, but 1.7 seconds slower. With each hit, he spawns a single Skeleton. Targets buildings.

    Special: Rise of the Undead-Spawns 13 Guards over the course of 13 seconds (One Guard per second) randomly in a Arrow sized radius around him.

    Other noteworthy things: When he dies, the Coffin on his back drops, dealing the damage of arrows in a Zap radius, and spawning 9 Skeletons. When fighting against the Graverobber, he can tank and pile up Skeletons quickly, so use a Valkyrie to quickly take him down. Air also works well with him.

    Card Description (for in game): Sure, he looks like a hulking brute, and that Coffin he carries around is really getting on his nerves, but if you actully get to know him, you'll realize that all of that is literally spot on. Drools so much, he once put out an Inferno Tower with just his saliva alone.

    1. Trapper

    Costs: 5 Elixir

    How she attacks: Years of hunting for food in the Jungle Arena has led her to perfect the Snare that she uses. Sort of like the Ram Rider's snare, but will slow down units by 90%. Attacks at the same rate as a Musketeer with the same range but can one shot Minions and the Princess. Health is the same as a Knight. Targets any type of troop.

    Special: Super Snare-Will snare up to 4 units (not building or Crown Towers) and halt their movement completely for 10 seconds.

    Other noteworthy things: The Trapper will only slow down buildings by 45%, but her high health, speed, and damage will surely deal a ton of damage to a Crown Tower if left ignored. A Skeleton Army or Goblin Gang will make quick work of her for a positive Elixir trade.

    Card Description (for in game): Older sister of the Ram Rider. She's actully quite scared of Rams, so she spends her free time hunting in the Jungle Arena. Over the years, she's perfected her snare so much it now outshines her sister. Now, if only she overcame her fears, she'd be unstoppable.

    1. Royal Engineer

    Cost: 6 Elixir

    How she attacks: The Royal Engineer has perfected the deployment of her patented Mini Cannons. Similar to the Engineer in Bloons TD games, these Mini Cannons will be deployed near her. They have half the health and damage of a regular Cannon. They function the same as regular Cannons, so Giants, Hog Riders, and Golems will have difficulty getting to the Crown Tower as the Royal Engineer keeps spawing more and more of them. Up to eight Mini Cannons can be spawned on the map. Spawn timer is for the Mini Cannons are maybe 3 or 4 seconds. The Royal Engineer attacks with her own Monkey Wrench she customized herself, which she claims is better the her mentor's version. The Royal Enginner has the health of an Witch, so protect her! She does single target damage. Damage is about the same as a Knight. Targets ground troops.

    Special: Hyperdrive-In a Freeze sized radius around her, all Buildings (Including her own Mini Cannons) will attack at 3x speed, have a 25% damage increase, and halt losing health unless directly attacked. Lasts 6 seconds.

    Other noteworthy things: The Royal Engineer works best with X-Bow or Mortar Decks, but can also really screw up a Hog Rider Deck. While she doesn't have much health, if she gets to your King Tower, she will tank while the Mini Cannons incinerate your tower.

    Card Description (for in game): After a very successful apprenticeship with the Master Builder, the Royal Engineer is finally ready to make her grand debut to the world. She's currently working on the first ever Rocket strap, which would allow for a troop to fly anywhere using a Rocket, but it's not been going that good, and frankly, she's running out of Goblins to test her prototypes.

    1. Bard

    Cost: 2 Elixir

    How he attacks: Very similar to the Rascal Boy in health and movement speed, but he attacks faster (Same speed as a Bandit) and does more damage. His wooden sword isn't all that special. Targets ground troops.

    Special: Song of Protection-In an Arrow radius around him, all units (including him) receive a magical shield that protects them from 1 hit point, just like a Clone Spell. This Ability can be used to protect troops from an incoming spell, Sparky blast, or Prince charge.

    Other noteworthy things: When the Bard dies, he drops his magical Lute which acts like the anti rage. For 8 seconds (same radius as Rage), the Lute will slow all enemy units by 45%. The Bard is sort of the reverse of the Lumberjack. Tanky, cheap, and slows down troops. He also will play a quick melody on his spare harmonica when he is deployed.

    Card Description (for in game): The Bard is nothing more the a humble traveling performer, traveling from Arena to Arena playing on a magical lute that his grandfather gave to him. He is trying to learn how to put troops to sleep using his harmonica, but he is having no luck. Maybe someday!

    1. Steampunk Shack

    Cost: 8 Elixir

    How it attacks: The Steampunk Shack is the first Hero rarity building. Even more sought out then the mysical Legendary rarity building, it is the strongest building in the game. The Steampunk Shack consists of two parts. The first part is the miniture modified X-bow on it's roof that can hit air units but has a smaller range (can't hit opponent's Princess tower if placed on the bridge). The Steampunk Shack won't be able to attack if it hasn't been attacked itself (just like the King Tower). The Steampunk Shack is just like any other building as it degrades over time. The second part is the spawner. The Steampunk Shack lasts 110 second, spawns troops every ten seconds only if there are no others on the board. If there is, it won't spawn until the last one had been killed. The Steampunk Shack will spawn six brand new units, the Steampunk Scientist. The machine looks like the Battle Machine that the Master Builder uses in the Builder Base in Clash of Clans, except that the Scientist has slightly modified the design, removing the Lightning ability and adding more gears and pipes to give it a more authentic Steampunk look. Is as tanky as two Valkyries combined, and hits as hard and as tough as a Giant. Building targets any type of troops. Steampunk Scientist targets ground troops.

    Special: Mega Furnace-Gears up into a Mega Furnace as well. For 25 seconds, the Steampunk Shack will spawn three Fire Spirits every 5 seconds. The Xbow on top will also get a medium damage boost due to the arrows being lit of fire. The timer will run no matter what, so Freezing the Shack will get rid of a few waves of Fire Spirits, because the timer will go down while the Shack is frozen and can't actually spawn any Fire Spirits. It addition, if the Shack gets damaged for at least 30% of it's total maximum health while this special is activated, it will have to shut down the Mega Furnace in order to speed up production of the Steampunk Scientist's robot. The spawning rate of the Steampunk Scientist not br effected by this ability.

    Other noteworthy things: When the robot that the Steampunk Scientist is controlling gets destroyed, the Scientist drops down and attacks nearby troops with his futuristic weapon. He has the attack speed and damage of a Knight, but the health of a Electric Wizard. Both he and his robot don't do splash damage, so swarmy units works very well against them.

    Card Description (For in game): The impressive amount of iron ore found within the depths of P.E.K.K.A's Playhouse has made it possible for the Steampunk Scientist to create the ultimate building: part Xbow, part spawner. Nothing will get past it! It's like a Barbarian Hit gone wild!

    1. Mercenary

    Cost: 5 Elixir

    How he attacks: The Mercenary is an alien from another planet or another dimension. Nobody knows, because he suddenly appeared in without warning. His skills are unmatched among his more human competitors. His crossbow made from an alien metal that's super strong and durable. He can inflict 5 times the damage on flying troops, has the range of a Dart Goblin, and the attack speed of an Elite Barbarian, with more health then a Knight. He can kill a Balloon in 4 hits. Some say that the day he entered the Arena, Lava Hounds everywhere felt a shiver of fear. He hids his face behind a gas mask, but you can still see his blue head tentacles coming out of the bottom of the mask and the murderous eyes glaring down on everyone.

    Special: Super Clone-Will clone all units around him in a Arrow radius twice at the same time, meaning he will make two clones of every troop. The original troop will stay in the middle and not move, while one clone will go to the right and one will go to the left of the troop. This also effects him, meaning that if you do nothing, those three Mercenaries will go to town on everything. The most dangerous use of this would be the Skeleton Army. If you played the Skeleton Army, mirrored it, and then Super Cloned it, you would get over 90 Skeletons...which Poison would completely annihilate.

    Other noteworthy things-The Mercenary is pretty tanky, so he works really well in beatdown decks. He puts a halt to an Lavaloon decks, but since he shoots kinda slow, you need to make sure he hits the Balloon.

    1. Divine Sorceress

    Cost: 5 Elixir

    How she attacks: The Divine Sorceress shoots very long range (smaller than a Princess) bolts of healing magic. These bolts will hit only one enemy, and will deal little damage, however, they would create a Freeze radius heal aura around an enemy troop or building that will heal allied units. This is helpful behind a tank, as the Divine Sorceress can hit small swarm untils while healing the tank. She can also hit buildings in the middle to heal any tanks drawn to that building.

    Special: Angelic Mercy-The Divine Sorceress stops moving and produces around her a Arrow radius aura where no troops can die for three seconds. They can still take damage, but can't go below 1 hp. This is useful for preventing spell damage. The Divine Sorceress isn't effected by the aura, so if she dies in the middle of the ability, the aura disappears immediately.

    Other noteworthy things: The Divine Sorceress, being an angel, can float over the River (like the Battle Healer and Royal Ghost).

    Card Description (For in game): The mastery of useful healing magic has made the most useful Battle Healers even more useful, now able to heal from a far. This also means they have to keep borrowing the staffs and books from a certain Grand Warden...

    submitted by /u/MrGummyDeathTryant
    [link] [comments]

    All around me are familiar faces

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 07:06 PM PDT

    Notifications this Morning

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 07:23 AM PDT

    I'm sorry, little one

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 01:08 AM PDT

    The Log would like to have a chat with you

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 09:30 PM PDT

    everybody uses these cards and it is so annoying

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 07:42 AM PDT

    Some skins need work

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 08:05 PM PDT

    I used my first star points on bomb tower and was expecting some sweet upgrade from wood planks to steel with spikes or something sick looking like the cannon cart, but realized the only thing that changed was when spawned it gets a golden stinkwave. WHY DO HALF THE SKINS SUCK BALLS. So many are just the cards releasing golden fart clouds with nothing else. Some cards are understandable, but for others there should be no excuses. My fault for not remembering they don't give a shit about some cards, so I guess I'll end with a question. Do they ever update card skins?

    (Don't know if this is common discussion here because it's my first time here)

    submitted by /u/Banana-Feller
    [link] [comments]

    For the life of me I need someone to explain how the chest key, which is supposed to unlock chests with cool down of at least 12 hours, is worth 100 gold.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 04:06 AM PDT

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