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    Clash Royale Card Discussion: Mother Witch - Cursed Bacon!

    Clash Royale Card Discussion: Mother Witch - Cursed Bacon!

    Card Discussion: Mother Witch - Cursed Bacon!

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 07:12 PM PDT

    The Strength and Viability of Mother Witch in the Current Meta

    "Places a curse on enemy troops with each attack. When a cursed troop is destroyed, it turns into a building-targeting Hog that fights alongside the Mother Witch. She also bakes great cookies."


    Stats and History

    Mother Witch Attributes

    Cost Hit Speed First Attack Speed Curse Duration Range Targets Rarity
    4 1.1sec 0.4sec Medium 5sec 5.5 tiles Air & Ground Legendary

    Cursed Hog Attributes

    Hit Speed First Attack Speed Range Target
    1.2sec 0.2sec Very Fast Melee: Short Buildings

    Mother Witch Statistics

    Level Hitpoints Damage
    9 560 110
    10 616 121
    11 677 133
    12 744 146
    13 817 160

    Cursed Hog Statistics

    Level Hitpoints Damage
    9 520 44
    10 572 48
    11 629 53
    12 691 58
    13 759 64


    • The Mother Witch was first available before its general release as part of a Draft Challenge, which started on 7/12/20. Players who achieved at least 7 wins in the Challenge would receive a Mother Witch card as a one-time reward.
    • On 30/3/2021, a Balance Update decreased her hit speed to 1.1 sec (from 1.2 sec), decreased her first attack speed to 0.4 sec (from 0.5 sec) & increased her damage by 14%.


    Discussion Questions:

    • What do you like/dislike about Mother Witch
      • Do you think she makes a positive/negative contribution to the meta?
      • What qualities separate her from similar units in the game?
        • Card synergies? Playstyle?
      • Which cards work well with Mother Witch?
      • What Mother Witch decks have given you the most amount of success?
        • Off-Meta is encouraged!
    • Where would you rank her based on her trength and viability in the current meta?
      • From Worst to Best, label your rank as one of the following: F, D, C, B, A, S, SS
        • What is your reasoning behind this rank?
        • Do you think it would be an optimal course of action to buff/nerf this card? How would you change her?
    submitted by /u/Bo5sj0hnth1n3H4MM3R
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    Why replacing Crowns with Wins would instantly improve Clash Royale

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 09:23 AM PDT

    Edit: This blowed up! I didn't expect many would care about this topic. Here are a few points I want to address:

    This promotes defensive playstyles

    Very few of those who play offensive decks do so because of economic benefits, the crowns bias is something barely anyone talks about. I don't want to reward chip cycle, just give it an even playing ground.

    Game economy should not be concerned with this; balance should. Reworks to crazy-defensive cards and combos goes miles further than biasing the economy against it.

    This takes away precious development time.

    It's true, this might not be worth the effort when things like CW2 need work. But doing smaller quality-of-life things does not necessarily slow down the development of bigger things. I want this to be brought to the table, not ready next update.

    Often, devs are left without anything to work on and they take smaller priorities. Say, an artist finishes his chunk of assets and starts working on a new render or star level. If there are two programmers, one may take on the CW fix and the other may take on things like this. This does not slow down development.

    Getting crowns when you lose is nice

    Agreed. But considering all issues I outlined below, this is a bitter pill I'm willing to swallow. A suggestion is to turn all wins into 3-crowns, but this is only a 90% fix and it makes the crown system more complicated than it needs to be.

    Crowns are an issue that, surprisingly, I've never really seen expanded. Using them as a metric for progress impacts the game badly in subtle ways. Since the next update is in early development, I decided to point this out to be addressed sometime in the future, especially since Pass Royale is becoming more relevant to progress with its magic items.

    Favors certain playstyles

    RoyaleAPI doesn't show average crowns for a card/deck as far as I know, but it shows relative in the Matchup section of decks. Take the most popular Golem deck, it makes 0.3 more crowns than the opponents on average despite a below-average winrate. Then take Miner WB, which makes 0.05 less crowns than its opponents despite an above-average winrate. This is lousy, but it paints a clear picture.

    Let's be modest here and say that Miner WB gets 0.6 crowns on average and Golem gets 0.8 crowns on average. Let's also say that two players with the decks buy Pass Royale and get all tiers, but never fully finish it, and that both play 5k games over a long period of time. One will get 3000 crowns, the other 4000. This is a 1000-crown difference, making for 100 less tiers of the bonus bank, or 25k gold.

    The Miner WB player lost 25000 gold because of his choice of deck.

    Game economy being biased to your choice of deck is not a nice design. In reality, some crown differences are bigger, and some super casual players don't even finish Pass Royale. There are a lot of casual players who don't get all rewards, and can't recognize their deck is part of the reason why. In such situations, whether you paid doesn't even matter as you don't reach the bonus bank.

    Here's an anecdote: A few months ago, I was hooked into a new hobby and didn't play as much CR, so I barely finished the pass with X-Bow. I would've been frustrated if I didn't complete it and missed on a legendary, recognizing that playing a beatdown deck would have averted it.

    Favors certain gamemodes

    This is really mostly reflected in the inflated elixir gamemodes that usually end with a 3-crown. Many people just don't like Triple Elixir or Infinite Elixir and won't play them. Well, this kind of decision can make you miss on resources the same way playing Miner WB instead of Golem does.

    Which parts of the game you play is on you, so this isn't as much of an issue, but my view is that something is wrong if half of the reason people play Infinite Elixir is to farm crowns.

    Distracts from the objective

    Although things get pretty subjective here, this is the main point I'm trying to make. It's obvious that getting more crowns from of a battle is not the same as winning that battle. I asked in Deckshop the following:

    Does trying to get crowns affect how you play?

    • Yes: 30
    • No: 14

    Some people may be unaffected by it or just not notice it, but a lot of people acknowledge that trying to get crowns affects how they play. The most common ways are:

    • Losing a tower in a risky attempt to get two/three, like letting the opponent destroy your tower and extending a match into overtime to finish off a second tower.
    • Stagnating a game you are almost sure to lose, changing your focus to finishing off a tower with spells instead of trying to turn the tides.
    • Getting frustrated when opponents completely destroy you, but won't let you get even a crown.
    • Etc., for example, people have dropped trophies to get easier 3-crown wins.

    Since these behaviors get ingrained into your playstyle, using crowns as a metric distracts many players from trying to win, even when they actually prefer to win over getting more crowns.

    A fair solution for everyone

    Okay, so. I have a set of tweaks that make for a solution. My prediction is that they wouldn't be very intensive in development time. It's nothing flashy, but please understand that unlike a bigger feature, this is something to stay. It's not like implementing quests, clan chests, etc. and then scrapping them because they aren't good. Add a small economy buff to it and it would make players happy.

    Instead of every tower being a crown, the victor wins the opponent king's crown.

    Again, this is just because there's no reason to revamp how Crown Chests are called or anything like that. Just get one crown if you win, none if you lose.

    Adjustments to Pass Royale, gold and crown rush, etc. to accommodate this change. Here are ~my ideas~:

    • Pass Royale tiers now require 5 crowns, including the bonus bank.
    • Pass Royale now has 40 tiers. For f2p, instead of every day unlocking 1-2 new tiers, every week unlocks 10 new tiers.
    • Crown Rush now has a limit of 30 crowns, because crowns are more powerful.
    • Gold Rush now also distributes gold based on if you won and not on how many towers you destroyed.
    • Extra rewards are now every 5 tiers, here are my ideas for them:

    - The magic keys on tiers 7 and 22 replace the common wild cards on tier 30.

    - The rare wild cards on tiers 11 and 25 are doubled and moved to tiers 10 and 25.

    - The epic wild cards on tier 19 are moved to tier 20.

    - The legendary wild card on tier 34 is moved to tier 35.

    - The book of cards on tier 35 is moved to the new final tier, 40.

    Consequences of ~my ideas~:

    • 200 crowns to finish Pass Royale, instead of 350, which is 1.75x less. 2x less to go through the bonus bank, assuming its quantity is to stay.
    • Small economy buff: 20 more rare wild cards, 50 less common wild cards, 5 more crown chests.
    • If most of your Pass Royale progress is from crazy tournaments and gamemodes like Infinite Elixir where you always get 3 crowns, this is a sizable nerf to your farming strategy. But if you win faster than in normal battles, it's still somewhat effective.
    • If you are playing decks like Golem and Lava Hound, this is probably a minor buff to your speed of getting through Pass Royale.
    • If you are playing decks like Wall Breakers and X-Bow, this is a major buff to your speed of getting through Pass Royale.

    Side-tracking a bit: Nothing needs to change about animations or gameplay. Also, the crown counter on the side of the screen could disappear.

    There is no need to spend extra development time on new animations. Taking a look at crowns would also be a good opportunity to tweak the counter in the battles, as it is unnecessary and occasionally hides units or their hitpoints for people with tall phones.

    submitted by /u/Mew_Pur_Pur
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    This fake account's tweets get recommended every now and then in my notifications. One day I'm gonna have a panic attack.

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 09:56 AM PDT

    True story

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 05:06 PM PDT

    This prediction was so clean you have to watch it twice Top 1k Btw

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 01:02 PM PDT

    In a weird turn of events, the game made me watch my own battle live

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 09:02 AM PDT

    I put all cards in CR into categories. Changes/suggestions?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 03:55 PM PDT

    Made it last week but couldn't post it in time

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 08:07 PM PDT

    When your rocket hits right before his third wave of arrows ��. My heart rate was way too high. My tower was at 95 prior to two waves of his arrows hitting...

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 05:02 PM PDT

    Teacher: You can’t hear images, Me:

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 04:13 PM PDT

    Who else has had the same fate for their clan?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 07:06 AM PDT

    I always loved the quest system and I wish they would add it back in a way that progressed you through the pass and gave you magic items. I love this idea where when you finish a quest you get crowns or magic items! Comment what you think about my idea!

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 01:13 PM PDT

    mute, i must press

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 09:17 PM PDT

    I made some paper goblins from Clash Mini. I`m going to make more characters from Clash Mini in the future. Also I made tutorial on my YT channel and now everyone can make them!!! Art

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 10:33 AM PDT

    Fisherman not getting paid enough for this sh*t

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 04:47 PM PDT

    POV: your tower when playing bait against mother witch

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 10:12 PM PDT

    Ice golem as win condition is unbeatable

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 10:12 PM PDT

    Almost there

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 07:40 PM PDT

    I've been lvl 9 for a few days now and am at 4243 trophies and still don't have the last shop slot

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 10:20 AM PDT

    A meme i made that will cure your depression

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 09:54 PM PDT

    Death of the Giant Skeleton

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 08:54 PM PDT

    So is anyone gonna talk about how they BUTCHERED the giant skeleton in the last patch? Like BUTCHERED BUTCHERED. Look at its grand challenge statistics. At the time of this post its 1% use (probably rounded up) and 22% win rate. TWENTY TWO PERCENT. I don't recall what its #'s were pre patch, but i think they were around the middle of the pack/slightly below average. The big boy didn't deserve to be done like this.

    submitted by /u/ObiwanKenobi_66
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    My man could have won if he focused on the game instead of spamming emotes lol

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 04:56 PM PDT

    New players when they have a -6 elixir trade but get 87 tower damage in the process.

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 07:37 PM PDT

    my group of cards by usage

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 09:33 PM PDT

    Wait...... WHAT!?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 05:33 AM PDT

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