• Breaking News

    Tuesday, March 9, 2021

    Clash Royale Level 1’s Have Officially Reached Top 10,000 (As Predicted)

    Clash Royale Level 1’s Have Officially Reached Top 10,000 (As Predicted)

    Level 1’s Have Officially Reached Top 10,000 (As Predicted)

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 11:57 AM PST

    [GAMEMODE IDEA] Mirror Draft!

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 01:12 AM PST

    Ice wizards disintegrating lava hounds

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 12:17 PM PST

    Hammer it until Supercell fixed it. FIX THE TIMEZONE ISSUES CW2. Your NA Clans are getting screwed

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 11:03 AM PST

    Why should I have to rally my clan to wake up at 0200-0500 in the morning just to compete to get THIRD while other clans get to finish mid day. A reasonable time.

    It's bonkers this still hasn't been updated and corrected yet

    To make matters worse ? When I contact SC support, I get told to stop contacting them about this issue, nothing they can do.

    As a player since day 1/ and a paying customer. I am insulted


    submitted by /u/Lord-GG
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    Removed Post Concerning Players

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 06:15 PM PST

    New Edit: This post was previously taken down for discussion problems. Contacted mod and mod was awesome about it.

    Edited post: For all the player base of supercell who are frustrated with the game. I encourage you to contact supercell and voice your concerns to them. You as players, are the driving force for this game! Such things as raising awareness in your clans to stop purchasing season passes and buying chests are the things that will raise awareness to issues ranging from matchmaking issues to CW2 issues.

    Regarding CW2, the UTC time problem is a major concern and you can tell by recent posts that there is a lot of awarenesses towards it. Keep spreading it In reddit and in your clans. Encourage everyone to be respectful and stop being TOXIC.

    It's important that you know that we should stop fighting with each other also, and start working together to make this a better game by sharing your frustrations in a positive discussion here and with supercell support. I love this game, as do many passionate players and it's difficult to see war especially in the state it is. We gotta get out of of this double trouble gum.

    submitted by /u/Kotarded
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    RIP level one

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 05:03 PM PST


    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 08:02 AM PST

    Please. I beg of you Supercell. I know you do not give a crap about the US, as Asia is the main source of your income. But for the love of season 5, fix the time zone in war please. 10 UTC is not a solution. Waking up at 4am EST is not fair at all in highly competitive ranks. Our wars last until Tuesday morning and European clans are finished by 5am EST. HOW DO WE COMPETE AGAINST THAT???

    Everyone who sees this please contact supercell customer support and raise awareness, this is not fixed and it's a huge game breaker!

    submitted by /u/Kotarded
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    The Saboteur

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 02:17 PM PST

    And finally, it happened

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 03:25 AM PST

    So up until this point, even though we despised (as everyone else) CWII, our clan had been pretty successful at it (top-100 global). Of course we have resorted to using every exploit available, like our competitors, but with better success.

    But the cutthroat nature of the design has finally caught up to us. We have come to a point where every opponent does the same as us. Right after reset it was litterally impossible to get a boat battle, the top two clans were getting all of them. Faster internet access, superhuman reflexes or some trick I don't know about. The fact was we could only watch them win as we were not even allowed to play.

    It has come to a point where we know we will not get 1st or 2nd place for the remainder of the month. The whole format seems designed to make you want to just give up playing. This toxic format needs to go. I am not saying this just because we started losing, I have been saying this for months, even as we were winning every race. But today the sheer absurdity of it all showed itself so evidently that I cannot ignore this any longer.

    CWII is a toxic feature that has been poisoning the game for months. The dev team sternly refuses to admit it, so they have become part of the problem. The only way the game stands any chance at redemption is by letting go of the current dev team and start afresh with a new one. Nothing else will do it. No more half-measures.

    submitted by /u/Grevencillo
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    Excuse me...WTF?!

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 09:15 AM PST

    Why Clash Royale player base so toxic?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 06:32 AM PST

    I recently came back to the game to help my old clan with the wars/races. After 8 battles, i lost 3 of them.. in all of those 3 my opponents bm the **** out of me. I just don't get it, why can't players said gg well played? I always try to start the game with a nice good luck and thumbs up. Anyways, i'm sure i'm not the only one who's playing with emotes off because of this toxicity.

    submitted by /u/Iceboster2
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    Am I wrong?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 08:48 PM PST

    Supercell punishing for upgrading cards

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 11:14 AM PST

    The recent matchmaking update is only benefitting those players who concentrate on only one deck and only upgrade that deck. Matchmaking really benefiting those players which are overlevel and have low king tower level on ladder. Is this really the way supercell intended us to play the game?

    submitted by /u/rogueone98
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    Is the demanding CW2 format discouraging busy clashers from playing?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 10:58 AM PST

    Being required to do 4 battles each day can make busy clashers feel like the race is a chore, and feel discouraged when they miss their battles. It seems to me Supercell would want to maintain the interest of people with demanding jobs (people with money), so perhaps they should reconsider the CW2 format.

    One possible solution, something that has been suggested by others on this sub, would be to give everyone 50 war battles each week, and the clan with the most fame at the end of the week wins; war decks could reset after each one is used; since it would no longer be a racing format and boat attacks are something many people enjoy, repairing a ship after it is destroyed could no longer earn fame, so that there is still incentive for boat attacks. This format would allow busy clan members to contribute at their convenience, rather than forcing 4 battles on them every weekday.

    This is just one possible solution. The bottom line is I feel CW2 currently discourages players who are most likely to pay, and I want Supercell to make money so they'll keep improving the game.

    submitted by /u/Relentless_Clasher
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    Clan leader starting to crash because of CW2

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 08:52 PM PST

    This new clan wars system is horrible. I am a leader of 2 clans that are currently top ranked 100 in clan wars 2. (United states). And this constant recruitment for new active war members is driving me nuts!

    We get placed against clans in asian or europe and we can't even compete! They are awake before us! It's not fair.

    I miss the old clan wars. I miss the fun in the game. I'm losing interest and i don't want to let my team down!

    Which I won't but I have had a lot of team members quit clash because of clan wars 2.

    It's tough being a clan leader. But I'll hold on as long as I can. But until then I'm slowly crashing and y'all need to fix it!

    I don't know if I'm the only one who feels this way. But I'm exhausted.

    submitted by /u/Ayo_its_jessy
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    Anyone want to help me make a deck/give some strategy tips? I’ve been in a stall recently with loosing

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 08:30 PM PST

    I thought party mode matchmaking matched based on card levels? Why am I being matched based on trophies?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 07:46 PM PST

    Global Tournament Accounts

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 03:35 PM PST

    Drew said that top 1,000 accounts on ladder would be manually checked for tos violations, but are top 1,000 accounts in the global tournament still checked for tos violations? Some say its top 1k and some say only top 100 in gt. Just wondering.

    submitted by /u/I_Like_Sparky
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    A short mega knight survey

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 10:27 PM PST


    feel free to fill it in, it takes less than 2 minutes

    ~this form was totally not made by someone with an unhealthy amount of hatred for the mega knight

    submitted by /u/jangoFEET42
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    this’s been my deck for but at the 4700-4800 band, i am constantly losing. am i just a sh*tty player or at a trophy limit for my deck and 10 lvl tower?? looking for new deck suggestions (esp because i am not familiar with the new cards)

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 10:20 PM PST

    Lets Talk about the new match making

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 08:54 AM PST

    I have 4 accounts. and two of those accounts are no longer fun because of the new matchmaking

    I have a level 6 account which is just as easy as before due to it not being in challenge levels

    I have a level 1 account up in arena 12 because i wanted the challenge and now i only go against level 1 and twos after a 10 minute wait

    I have my main account and a regular secondary up in the higher leagues.

    With the new matchmaking there is literally no motivation to become a higher level. there is no point of level up your cards if you are just going to gain a level and have to go against more difficult opponents.

    What is stopping me from grinding all the way up to masters on my level one account if there are only level ones im going against

    Just saying to look out for the little guys. feel free to explain to me if im misunderstanding the née matchmaking system

    submitted by /u/CrownKing19
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    Is it harder to get clan members?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 07:07 AM PST

    I have 2 clans, on both, it suddenly became harder to acquire any members. Has anything changed in the algorithm?

    submitted by /u/felipebsr
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    Matchmaking much worse now

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 10:30 AM PST

    So last update, in an attempt to "make matchmaking more fair" they changed the algorithm to match closer King Towers together.

    Right away I noticed problems with this system but was quickly censored from posting about it on these forums. 2 weeks later it's still a huge problem, and I hope the mods will be a little more open to us having a discussion about it.

    I'm a king tower 12, almost 13. But my highest level card is level 11. I upgrade all my cards evenly, and I have level 10 cards in my main ladder deck. Since this season has started, I have dropped about 500 trophies already, and I still face players who are playing a maxed deck quite frequently. It's like the game refuses to match me against KT10s and 9s anymore, even though I'd previously play them a lot since we'd have same level cards and it was mostly a fair match. Ya my towers are stronger a lot of the time, but that's pretty minor.

    And that's really the main issue, I very rarely have good matches anymore. With the old system I frequently played matches where the cards were close, until I hit a ceiling where I'd play maxed players commonly. Now I generally get maxed players, or I hit a level 11 who is playing the game the same way I am... and their cards are level 9 and I just stomp them. There is no middle ground anymore. The middle ground is the majority of the player base who levels up 1 deck, but I'm now excluded from playing with the group, so now I have my own special part of the ladder where we either are trash players with maxed out cards, or good players with underleveled cards, and it's an extremely frustrating experience.

    Please undo this change, it doesn't work for players like me, and I do buy the seasonal pass... but if this isn't reverted, then I think quitting is my only option. It just really took most the fun out of the game and the matches most definitely are not "more fair."

    submitted by /u/3irhead
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