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    Sunday, March 7, 2021

    Clash Royale Ice Wiz Drip 🥶

    Clash Royale Ice Wiz Drip ��

    Ice Wiz Drip ��

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 02:11 PM PST

    Moustache Brigade. [Art]

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 03:48 PM PST

    Valkyrie will be the next boosted card starting from tomorrow!

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 02:34 AM PST

    Nothing here except Meme

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 09:31 PM PST

    This is why Valkyrie is getting BOOSTED

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 08:08 PM PST

    Definitely love watching win trades during global tourney zzzz

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 04:31 PM PST

    What can I change to make it to 6k

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 02:15 PM PST

    Could the Royale hog originally have headbutt the king tower?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 02:47 AM PST

    Thanks, Clash Royale Devs

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 09:13 AM PST

    I've seen a lot of negativity towards the dev team and their recent decisions lately on this forum. While I am not 100% on board with all the developers' recent updates, I truly thank them for making this game so fun and sticking with it.

    I remember the first time I ever played Clash Royale. My friend had told me about this "fun new game" when sledding near my house. When we finished, we went inside and sat around the woodstove in my basement playing Clash Royale for the first time and drinking hot chocolate. It was such a fun experience and one I'll never forget. And I think it echoes why I still play the game. Through all the clan wars controversy and broken cards, this game's core concept is still fun.

    Hopping on with some friends and playing 2v2s or 1v1s together is still the reason I think this is the best mobile game I've ever played. Like I said, the core card types and mechanics of this game is such a great concept, one that's just plain fun. And there's so much potential to expand on the great cards and mechanics you have in the game by keeping in mind what makes this game shine. This game shines when you have a community you can play with, and when the purpose of the game is simply to have a good time and get better.

    So Clash Royale devs, thanks for making a game that's given me such great memories and please don't lose sight of the potential this game has.

    Sincerely, a fan since day one

    submitted by /u/HOGWR42
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    I wonder how their phone is doing

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 10:29 PM PST

    I've always wondered why this isn't in the game. (Tell me your thoughts.)

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 07:38 PM PST


    Quick play is just like ladder, but no risk or reward.

    Still card levels and basic play, but you can't gain or lose trophies.

    This way people can try out new decks and get better at decks that they want to play without ruining their ladder status.

    People can try out hard and challenging decks like Xbow and Log Bait and hog cycle.

    I would love it if this game included this and I feel like it would make the game a lot more enjoyable.

    submitted by /u/OwenDictionary
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    My tower skin ranking ( yes how do u know I’m a season 3 enjoyer?)

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 10:57 AM PST

    Do you agree with the statement "Cards aren't good or bad, meta makes them so"?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 02:10 PM PST

    Before 2021, never have I seen balloon be so popular. I have been playing Lavaloon for four years now and I have never considered balloon to be strong, even though this card has not recieved any balance changes for the longest time.

    When hunter came out (and after a bug rework), I heard a lot of opinions that it was the most balanced card Supercell has introduced. Now I hear opinions that this card is quite broken.

    Furnace has been a headache for me until this meta arrived.

    You see where I am going already. Why cards that don't recieve any balance changes and that are considered "balanced" or even "weak" sometimes rise all of a sudden to the top?

    Do you agree with the statement "Cards aren't good or bad, meta makes them so"? Of course, if a card had 500000 HP and 400000 damage it would be OP no matter what, but I don't really know what to believe so I thought it was best to let Reddit debate.

    submitted by /u/Dogesmash18
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    I forgot to update Clash Royale on my iPad, so it still has the old icon and the loading screen.

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 05:04 AM PST

    [ART] Wait for us!!!!

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 09:27 AM PST

    The hardest choices require the strongest will. -Thanos

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 09:17 PM PST

    The origin story of Mother Witch's balance

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 09:09 AM PST

    A bunch of people got together to brainstorm "How to keep MW from being overpowered." Everyone wrote their ideas on a whiteboard. An employee then took a picture of ideas, sent it to the engineers with the title "MW Balance" and forgot to include the word "brainstorm." The engineers then implemented every single one.

    Here is a summary of the whiteboard notes:

    • Make her shoot really slowly.
    • Maker her first shot really slow.
    • Make her bullets fly really slowly.
    • Make her die to fireball.
    • Make her pigs really weak.
    • Make her shots really weak.

    And in the middle of the night, a janitor wrote on the board:

    • Make her have really long range (he thought he was buffing her, but really it was a nerf.)

    And that's how MW came to be one of the worst pre-release nerfed cards in Clash Royale.

    submitted by /u/DoomGoober
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    [Card Idea] Archer Tower

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 11:31 PM PST

    Same Goes with Golem Players

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 11:14 PM PST

    Only deck where the mother witch is usefull

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 11:06 PM PST

    Any way I could improve? I normally get to around 5200 trophies and then I can’t seem to progress much more

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 08:18 AM PST

    [Idea] Team Clashes! Two teams battle in three different modes to determine which team is the best!

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 06:39 PM PST

    Any deck suggestions? At 5400 trophies currently, but I don’t push much.

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 10:22 PM PST

    My Balance Wishlist

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 09:58 PM PST

    We all know that a lot of cards need a nerf, buff or rework, so here I will write my suggestions for the next balance changes. I will also ask you if certain cards that I think it needs or doesn't need a nerf really deserves it or not. And finally, I will write the changes that are probably bad and/or unnecessary, but I would pay to make it happen. So, here we go:

    Cannon Cart - Option 1- Hitpoints -5% or less: Cannon Cart is a bit tanky, and can often reach the tower with 1 HP and they destroy it, so a slight HP nerf will solve the problem. Option 2- make it so that it retargets another troop/building when it transforms into a normal cannon: This one is also a great option if it doesn't need the HP nerf, because this option doesn't allow it to destroy your tower since you can easily distract it.

    Tesla - Damage -5% and/or hitspeed -0.1, lifetime -5 seconds: Tesla is too powerful because of its high damage output and its amazing synergy with X-Bow, Ice Wizard and Tornado. I think it also has a very high lifetime, so decreasing its damage, hitspeed and lifetime will make it so that it will be easier to defend xbow and penetrate the invincible wall of Icebow.

    Xbow- Revert the rework: Xbow was never the problem, Tesla was and is, so I believe the not so recent changes to it should be reverted.

    Earthquake - Decrease the damage to towers from 174 to 150 or something next to this number: Earthquake still deals very high damage to princess towers and can be used for spell cycle, so decreasing the damage should finally make it balanced. I don't know if the building damage should decrease too, since if you nerf both, I believe the card will become too weak.

    Balloon - Decrease first attack and/or Death damage -15% or maybe more: Balloon is very strong right now since it has a few efficient counters to it and even these ones can be easily countered with snowball, miner or barb barrel, and even if you manage to defend the push, its death damage is too high, so it's like you didn't stop the attack at all. But, if buffing the anti-air cards is a better idea, then only the death damage nerf is necessary.

    Lava Hound - Hitpoints -10%: Lava Hound basically has the same qualities as Balloon, but it's even worse, since it has a very high HP and can protect its supporting troops, including balloon, which results in a push that is almost unstoppable. The HP nerf is necessary to nerf the Lavaloon combo.

    Graveyard - Revert the last change, decrease the skeleton spawn speed from 0.5 to 0.6 seconds: Graveyard is very strong and very widely used, and the recent change didn't do anything, so revert the recent change and decrease the spawn speed, that way it won't spawn too many skeletons in such a short amount of time, so it will be easier to protect your tower.

    Royal Recruits - decrease their hitpoints: Royal Recruits is a very powerful card on offense and it's almost impossible to defend them without your princess tower taking damage(in a complete push of course), so decreasing their hitpoints will make it easier to kill them, and therefore it will nerf their offensive power.

    Miner: decrease its hitpoints, buff his crown tower damage back to 35%. Miner gives too much value for the player in two situations: the first one is when the opponent makes a push and then deploys miner directly onto your tower. Here, you have to choose what to defend, you either defend miner or the big push. You obviously will choose the big push, but while you kill it, the miner will have dealt very big damage to your tower, so you will be in trouble in whatever decision you make. The second one is in Lavahound decks, where he can tank for lava pups and kill your anti-air troop. Decreasing his hitpoints will keep him from giving this insane value for the player, since it will be easier to kill him, and buffing its crown tower damage will allow him to be used in other decks, including one where he can be the main win condition.

    Witch - Hitspeed +0.1: The initial spawn was a excellent buff, but I think she needs more, and this "more" is a damage increase; specifically a hitspeed increase, since the 2017/2018 witch was useful since she could attack many times with her lumberjack hitspeed. I believe this buff will finally make her balanced.

    Now, I will ask you if these following cards really deserves a nerf or not.

    Royal Giant: I think RG is a very strong card because of his high HP and its long range, so he can deal lots of damage easily, and things get only worse in the RG cycle deck, when the player can attack with 2 RGs in the same time. But the support is also very strong: Fisherman can pull any threat to RG, Hunter kills anything, Giant Skeleton protects him and Earthquake gets rid of any building, and there is also the two 1 elixir cards that makes possible the 2 RGs attack. So the question is, nerf RG or nerf the support?

    Royal Hogs: Of 102 cards in this game, only two counters it effectively: Fireball and Bombtower. The other cards either kills them after they dealt some damage in your princess tower or cost more elixir, like Mega Knight. So because of that, do they need a small HP nerf or not?

    Now I will list the changes that are probably bad and/or unnecessary or probably not gonna happen, but I would pay to make it happen. This changes are based on my personal feelings.

    Freeze, Rage and Mirror - delete them: Freeze is a no skill card that gives a very big advantage to the player, completely ruins the gameplay and there is no way to counter it other than positioning your cards correctly, it's pure trash. Rage is also a no skill card that can make any push have a chance to work, and forces you to spend more elixir to defend the extremely powerful enraged cards, and all that for 2 elixir, so deleting it is the best thing to do(lumberjack's rage is fine, though). Mirror's only purpose right now is to troll the opponent that wants to climb trophies or complete a challenge, so deleting it is the best option too.

    Tornado: decrease its pulling power when used in the opponent's side. It's very annoying when you deploy the cards to defend opponent's push, and then he pulls your troops to his troops, your troops die to them(especially if it's a Electro Giant push), and game over. The offensive tornado also gives insane value when paired with magic archer, by pulling them to your princess tower, magic archer kills both.

    So this is all my wishlists, what do you think?

    submitted by /u/maxcamargo111
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