Clash Royale Guys remember this glitch? |
- Guys remember this glitch?
- Potential Updates Discussion
- Any improvements I should make? I’m thinking about swapping the zap for the log.
- Tornado Wizard leaked in the latest Clash-A-Rama episode?! The Wizard also complains at "2:16" about the fact that only 3 of them exist in the game.
- [Discussion] Anyone else sick and tired of facing lumberjack + balloon?
- Why a Progression Buff will do Very Little to Boost the Game
- Matchmaking update! A step in the right direction. Overall Summary!
- When the trader doesn't want to trade
- Got the Night Witch, decided to make a witch-themed deck for funsies. Wanted to ask how well it would work before I try it out for real :)
- Elixir Dragon V2 rebalanced (Sorry for the repost)
- How can I make this deck better?
- Why is the matchmaking in this game so awful?
- A joke card but still. Tell me if there is something i need to improve to make is balanced
- Hardstuck at 4.5-5.2k trophies
- Any improvements I came make towards my deck?
- How’s my deck? (Challenger II) swapped out my musk for dart goblin too, did I make a good choice?
- Overleveled Cards Ruin the Game
- Can we please fix this interaction, fisherman is always hooking and it makes beatdown ft. nado matchups impossible to win against him, even paired with a zap. He can be knocked back with snowball mid-charge, why not nado.
- A6 Bridge Spam deck from the wiki. Thoughts?
- I guess this explains why I take so little tower damage during my matches
- Idk If this is a good deck what guys think
- Any Improvements for my Balloon + RG deck
Posted: 06 Mar 2021 03:21 AM PST
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Posted: 06 Mar 2021 02:24 PM PST Hi all! I wanted to take a moment to try to discuss the current state of some of the more recent updates, where updates are coming from, and my theory as to where potential plans are moving forward. As a note, my career is game development and I got into this industry around 8 years ago, so I'm hoping that I may be able to offer the community a different point of view from most. I also want to note that I'm not particularly defending the most recent updates, because they have been a bit disappointing. So, I believe that the developers and designers are well aware that the game is a little stale at this point. Clan Wars 2 was their first attempt at revitalizing that, and it didn't work (for reasons that have been discussed over and over, so I won't be getting into it here). On top of that, it didn't help that there was the recent issue with Drew's comment about update information: "after the negative community reception to early clan wars 2 teasers & videos, we will be reverting back to the tried and tested formula of no update info until it is very close to coming." - this drew a lot of ire because of the way it was worded, but I get the point behind it. The idea is not "the community was angry because we released information too early". The idea is more "releasing information early builds hype and anticipation about when things will release and the quality of the released product: more waiting time means more hype. We don't want to release something that doesn't live up to the hype and anticipation that we generate". Don't get me wrong, Clan Wars 2 had a LOT of flaws in it, but I'm not certain it would have been as badly received had it not been hyped up for so long as a thing that was going to revolutionize the way the game way played. That last point is a little off-topic, I understand, although it does go some way to explaining why there's been a bit of silence on the matter. I don't fully agree with silence being the best option, personally. So: what are they working on? Well, balance updates are coming in April, which will be nice and get a bit of a needed change into the game. But what about the big things? The things that will prevent the game from being stale anymore? The things that will do for the game what Clan Wars 2 was supposed to do? Well, a bit of explanation is probably needed first (I'll make this next point quickly for two reasons: one, I've already rambled a bit. Two, this is mostly speculation on my end) To my knowledge, Clash Royale was Supercell's first game made that included two players competing directly in real-time. Therefore, I believe they made certain decisions in the code base that are limiting them now that they want to change up the way the game works. It wouldn't surprise me if most of Clan Wars 2's development time went into the boat battles: I imagine they've got 4-5 years of code built up, and all of that code is expecting certain things to always be in place: there will always be a river in the middle, there will always be two bridges, there will always be princess towers and king towers in those positions, there will always be two opposing players, the princess towers will always act in this exact way. Changing the code to remove all these assumptions from a 4-5 year old codebase is a long, boring process. Not only do they have to change the code, but they have to change it in a way that the players won't notice, because changing the way the troops move unannounced accidentally is a recipe for disaster. So my theory is that's what they're doing. Changing the code-base to allow for an update that will be able to change things up: maybe a map editor, or maybe two rows of princess towers, only one bridge, or princess tower abilities, or things of that nature. But making that change takes a long time, and generally, players aren't eager to hear "This will take us a year to do and you will notice nothing that entire time!" I do genuinely believe that the Clash Royale teams has the player's best interests at heart. Obviously they're trying to make some money: they're a business after all, but I don't believe they're trying to screw their players into just giving more money. And the point of this post was not to try to defend some of the recent decisions or messaging (clan wars 2 was bad, electro giant and mother witch had bad releases, etc.). This also isn't trying to come across as condescending and saying things you may already know (apologies if it came across that way). I would just like to try to offer up an optimistic view of the future for the game, when a lot of posts I see are very negative (for very understandable reasons). Thank you all for reading this very long post. I hope you stay safe, and keep enjoying the game! [link] [comments] | ||
Any improvements I should make? I’m thinking about swapping the zap for the log. Posted: 06 Mar 2021 11:00 AM PST
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Posted: 06 Mar 2021 06:18 AM PST | ||
[Discussion] Anyone else sick and tired of facing lumberjack + balloon? Posted: 06 Mar 2021 10:05 AM PST I swear this is the most no-skill meta we've had in such a long time. They keep nerfing range cards for months... what do you expect [link] [comments] | ||
Why a Progression Buff will do Very Little to Boost the Game Posted: 06 Mar 2021 03:45 PM PST Before someone goes, "grrr, another SuPerCeLL bAD pOst", I'm not here to insult or bully the dev team or the subreddit. This is what I think would happen if Supercell added the expected progression update in April or late March. First, the key to an addictive game you can play for hours and hours is a feature that allows players to have a different experience every time. Let's take a look at Brawl Stars and Among Us for example. Although Among Us has only a few maps, each game is very different and you can play different roles, have different tasks, and can use different strategies. In Brawl Stars, the Map Competition feature allows players to have a stream of unique maps (there are more than just troll maps) and play risk-free while having fun. These games have a much more active community and players have an overall better experience when compared to Clash Royale by tending to play for a longer duration and giving more positive reviews and feedback. However, it is not only due to progression. Although Brawl Stars is a relatively F2P game, it's progression system is not drastically better than Clash Royale's. You can gain around 1000 Tokens from Quests per day and around 200-400 Tokens from Battles (not an avid BS player, stats could be slightly off). This results in around 2-5 Tiers on the Brawl Pass per day as you gain around 1300 Tokens. In Clash Royale, you can gain around 800-1600 Gold from Clan Wars 2, 1500 Gold from Crown Chests, 1000 from Daily Gifts, 750 Gold from occasional Challenges and Global Tournaments and 3500/7=500 Gold from CW2 Chests. This results in around 4050 Gold per day, and a little more when accounting cards. As we can see, Brawl Stars and Clash Royale have relatively similar rates of progression (currently, not accounting upcoming Power Leagues). However, Brawl Stars has something Clash Royale doesn't. The ability to change the player's gameplay easily. Brawl Stars is able to get players to try new Brawlers very easily. First, you face easier opponents when using a new Brawler instead of the harder opponents at your trophy range. This makes a safety bubble where you can begin to learn the Brawler's mechanics and playstyle before you go against harder opponents. Second, Brawlers generally do not need to be upgraded as much as Clash Royale cards. You can reach high Ranks with a Power 1 Brawler and most players can reach a decent rank with a low-level Brawler.
This isn't really a progression feature, just a design feature where levels do not matter as much and doesn't have a large impact on the amount of rewards you receive. You will still be at a disadvantage, but just a smaller one compared to CR. Third, Brawl Stars has a feature that can allow for infinite possibilities: Map Maker. Players can make their own maps, or play troll maps that have never been implemented before in the game. These "troll maps" allow players to completely change the style of the game without losing any trophies. Now let's see where Clash Royale is lacking in terms of these gameplay-changing features. First, it is difficult and not engaging enough to try new decks. Say you are feeling bored of playing a single deck, 2.6 Hog Cycle for example. You choose a new deck to play and try to play with it. Your main options for battling are Ladder, Clan Wars 2, and Tournaments. But there are flaws in each of them.
Second, Clash Royale cards need to be upgraded in order to use them on Ladder. It is very difficult to use a low-level card in Ladder especially when you are using a maxed deck and at a high trophy range. You will often be at a disadvantage when your opponent has higher level cards due to your choice to experiment with a new card. Third, Clash Royale battles are repetitive. Every game comes down to a 1v1 Tower Defense game. You may say that this is the genre of Clash Royale and it shouldn't be changed, but each battle is basically the same. You bring a deck and play against another opponent with the exact same playstyle and strategy each time. 2.6 Hog Cycle? Play Hog Riders and defend cheaply. Golem Beatdown? Ignore and build a big push. Log Bait? Pressure the opponent until they use a spell at a wrong time. The game's strategy has stayed the exact same. In fact, you could go back in time two years, battle a player, and you probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the present and past. All in all, my point is this: No matter how much free stuff you give away or how hard it is to progress, a good game comes down to its ability to provide a unique experience every time. Even if you give every CR player 14,000 Gems, players will still not care if the game itself is unappealing. [link] [comments] | ||
Matchmaking update! A step in the right direction. Overall Summary! Posted: 06 Mar 2021 01:36 PM PST This is definitely a welcome change of matching according to king tower levels. Instead if it was according to card levels, although card levels matter a lot, it could be abused. For eg. by using level 1 skeletons etc. I have a main account with maxed out lava deck with which I reached my PB of 6361 trophies last season. I know I should reach higher trophies of 7k but I am no pro. I am a casual loyal player who has been playing this game for 5 years. It took a good few years to max out even one deck that is my main lava deck as an f2p. Lavahound was my first legendary and have been using it since I unlocked it. Now I am P2W player as I bought every pass that came and almost maxing out 4 decks for war. Only few legendaries remaining. Now let's talk about my mini account. It is king tower level 10 right now. I made this account after a very long time when I wasn't making any progress of reaching new PB on main account.I am f2p on this account. I tried to see how fast I could progress and played a lot on it. I reached almost 5k within 5 days of playing on it with level 7, 8, 9 cards. Journey to 4000 was easy. 4000-5000 was the tough part. Then I played another month on my mini and reached 5k finally with log bait with level 9 cards. Then I stopped playing on my mini because it was exhausting facing king tower level 13 players and overlevel players and pushing to 5k with low level cards. I used think if you kept level caps for each arena it would be good like arena -3 - level 3 arena -13 level 13 and it would be skill based rather than level based. Then I saw that it's very easy to reach 4k and it doesn't make a difference as after arena 13 you would face max players. Now I knew I had to max out only one deck from experience on main account but the progression was really slow. Now I came back playing on my mini last month. Although I knew I had to upgrade only one deck I switched deck to giant skele clone because I was bored of log bait and again reached 5k. I again changed and I am playing golem this month. I heard about the matchmaking update and was excited but I face overlevel king tower 11 with maxed out deck. Now I think the way supercell wants us to play is upgrading only 4 decks for war and that's what I have been doing. I like clan wars 2 personally. I have faced opponents overlevel but they are not balanced all over when playing duel and it feels so good to beat overlevel cause they don't have all decks overlevel. I like that for clan wars you have to upgrade only 4 decks instead of in clan wars 1 where you had to upgrade all cards. I wasted so much gold upgrading so many cards on my main account because of clan wars 1 and I am mad about it. I am only king tower level 10 on my mini and progression seems really slow. I heard there was a rumour about progression revamp, hope that will fix things. Now about the matchmaking. It's definitely a step in the right direction cause I am not facing king tower level 13 on my mini at 4.9k. Instead level 11 with overlevel cards. This is the highest I have been this early in season on my mini. As Ash says supercell could have taken a further step to match king tower level exact for first 5 seconds instead of +1/-1. Exploitation This could be exploited as a low level maxes out only one deck. A king tower level 8 can max out one deck. So he is bullying as a an overlevel. I believe Pompeyo max out only one deck on his mini and made a record. Although matchmaking could be longer and at high trophy you may face higher level. I have seen level 1s are now matching up with level 1s at 5000 trophy range and it has gotten better for them. Matchmaking is not too slow for them than expected. But they may face tougher opponents at high trophy. This update is rewarding players who have been grinding hard and leveling up their cards as long term player and are overlevel. It's still tough for new players. A good advice by Redditor leetokuda "One of the biggest problems with SC is that even when they have good intentions, they don't seem to think things through very much. Instead, they try to get away with doing an simple minded fix, which creates other problems as a side effect. Better match making is a good goal. But basing it on the king tower level is a mediocre way of doing that. If SC had spent some time refining the idea, they could have come up with a much better solution. For example, one problem with their solution is that level 1 accounts will have some really weird match making. SC could help to fix this by using the king tower level and card levels in their match making algorithm. A potential exploit with card levels is that players could use 7 level 13 cards and 1 level 1 card in order lower their overall deck level. But SC could combat this by ignoring card level differences if it's more than, say, 2 for example. So if the player's highest card in the deck is 13, any card less than level 11 will be counted as level 11 for match match making purposes. So player with 7 level 13's and 1 level 1 cards in their deck will be match based on having 7 level 13's and 1 level 11. I'm glad to hear that SC is taking a step in the right direction. I just worry that without some refinement, this change might backfire and lead to them giving up instead." Now I will be testing the matchmaking on my mini as I like playing on it and see how high I will get in trophies this season and post update. [link] [comments] | ||
When the trader doesn't want to trade Posted: 06 Mar 2021 02:45 AM PST
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Posted: 06 Mar 2021 05:17 AM PST
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Elixir Dragon V2 rebalanced (Sorry for the repost) Posted: 06 Mar 2021 08:25 AM PST
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How can I make this deck better? Posted: 06 Mar 2021 08:00 AM PST
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Why is the matchmaking in this game so awful? Posted: 06 Mar 2021 08:43 PM PST Hello everyone! I had played Clash Royale non-stop for about a year and a half, got almost up to Master. I never spent a penny on the game, but still had decently leveled cards (mostly 10 and 11, no 13 or stars). I did pretty alright when it came to ladder matches. Won some, lost some. Occasionally I would have a 5 game win streak, or a 10 game loss streak. Seemingly out of the blue, however, I start getting matched with level 13's (I'm level 11-12) with maxed out cards and get endlessly slaughtered. I end up losing 900 trophies over the course of like a week. My question is this; how do I face people that are actually my level of skill and/or card levels? It's terrible to see how pay-to-win this game is, and I want to have competitive matches during which I don't get completely decimated within 15 seconds. This post probably won't stay up for long, but if anyone with some information can let me know why this happens, please do. [link] [comments] | ||
A joke card but still. Tell me if there is something i need to improve to make is balanced Posted: 06 Mar 2021 07:12 PM PST
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Hardstuck at 4.5-5.2k trophies Posted: 06 Mar 2021 06:39 PM PST How do I get past the paywall of all these garbage players using maxed decks around this tier? The majority of my cards are level 10 and generally the decks I run are level 10. Every time I face one of these players using maxed cards then it's an absolute faceroll. They don't even try to do anything except spam the bridge. Positive or even trades that are possible against similarly leveled decks become negative trades against overleveled decks. Best example is how a level 10 log won't one-hit a level 13 princess. Another example is a level 10 valk not being able to 1 shot level 13 goblins. It all adds up. Inevitably these perpetually negative trades lead to a natural snowball that I can't compensate for. I've tried various strategies and multiple different decks. Even """level independent""" decks can't compensate. At this point, as soon as I find out that I'm out leveled then I just close the app and try again in one or two minutes. I no longer see the point in playing them out. What's the point in hanging around except to provide entertainment? That's SCs job. If they can't provide it by providing fair matches then they're the ones failing their objective, not me. I'm learning nothing by being sandbagged anyway. I'd even go as far as to say that by sticking around and actually trying to play these matches then I'll be learning bad habits (gotta zap + log that level 13 princess!). The benefits of the special offers/bonuses for being at this tier aren't even worth it either. The way it currently is, I just feel like dropping trophies to farm easy wins at 2.5-3.5k trophies. Once I get a few max level decks then I'll climb the ladder again. In the meantime I'll just play classic challenge for fair and balanced matches. It just feels like it'd be a scummy thing to do so I have yet to do that; but the thought is always there. Not sure what else there is to do anyway. Is this it? Have I just peaked for where level 10s can take me? Is there no solution? Is this really the best way to balance this game? I'd happily wait longer then 3 or 5 seconds for the system to find players using decks 1 level under or over my deck. Is this not possible? I know that some people might be inclined to just downvote or give me what aboutisms regarding their ideal scenarios/match ups. I know how popular comtrarianism is on reddit and frankly, I welcome it under one pretense : provide proof. Give me solid evidence that players using under leveled decks can climb the ladder. Don't just give me a player code of some lad high on the ladder with an under leveled meme-deck set on their profile. Guides, videos, etc, are all welcome however. tl;dr : level 10 decks hardstuck against level 13 decks. Getting facerolled. Got any guides or links to help me out? [link] [comments] | ||
Any improvements I came make towards my deck? Posted: 06 Mar 2021 05:57 PM PST
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How’s my deck? (Challenger II) swapped out my musk for dart goblin too, did I make a good choice? Posted: 06 Mar 2021 05:53 PM PST
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Overleveled Cards Ruin the Game Posted: 06 Mar 2021 05:46 PM PST Going to get downvoted but I'm at around 4.9k trophies and it's very difficult for me to get to 5k consistently when my deck is all level 11s with 2 12s versus maxed out wizards and giants. To all those players, if you aren't well over 5k trophies with maxed out wizards and giants, you aren't playing the game correctly to climb, you're just abusing lower leveled opponents until you get matched against better skilled opposition who don't just put down one card to kill a 20 Elixr push. There needs to be a system where you can actually play against your own level and there's well over 100 million people who play this game so there shouldn't be a problem regarding that at all. There's a difference between someone like me climbing because I've learned how to play my Pekka bridge spam deck into most matchups or someone who does hog cycle instead of just throwing together a deck of random commons whose stats are just unbeatable. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 06 Mar 2021 05:41 AM PST
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A6 Bridge Spam deck from the wiki. Thoughts? Posted: 06 Mar 2021 05:07 PM PST
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I guess this explains why I take so little tower damage during my matches Posted: 06 Mar 2021 04:20 PM PST
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Idk If this is a good deck what guys think Posted: 06 Mar 2021 03:10 AM PST
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Any Improvements for my Balloon + RG deck Posted: 06 Mar 2021 04:26 PM PST
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