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    Wednesday, March 17, 2021

    Clash Royale Do you remember guest? Would you like them back?

    Clash Royale Do you remember guest? Would you like them back?

    Do you remember guest? Would you like them back?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 01:28 PM PDT

    Some good news maybe

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 09:31 AM PDT

    Still a legend

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 11:32 PM PDT

    Clash Dragons! What is your favorite?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 12:02 PM PDT

    The game doesn’t even need THAT much work to get people invested again. Publishers continue to suck the life out of their games for a quick buck when they can literally can double their income by taking player feedback and ideas into consideration.

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 04:00 PM PDT

    I've been on my fair share of rants over the years, but truthfully, I've lost my voice in doing so tbh.

    Doesn't matter how many times you come to the subs and voice your opinion, you're always going to have people who disagree and willingly act ignorant for the sake of entertainment.

    Even when people agree with you, guess what? A year goes by and everything that people wanted to be addressed never gets addressed. A year goes by and the same things players were upset about that prior year are still making the top posts on the sub weekly.

    There are plenty of issues in the game, and I'm not saying we NEED or ARE ENTITLED to get every single last thing fixed or addressed. However, it comes a point where some things DO need to be fixed or addressed to some capacity.

    Also, it really isn't that hard to just take player ideas and feedback into consideration to actually attempt to win the players over.

    I've seen so many unique ideas, and so many posts discussing real issues people would like to be changed or addressed, it's no excuses why the game is in a similar state it was 2 years ago.

    We don't get any new cards that often anymore. No genuinely new skins or arenas. No new challenges. No incentives to keep playing ladder. Everything is just stale.

    It really wouldn't take much to make the game more enjoyable and win the players back.

    Adding new challenges, adding new cards, and fixing clan wars would be a start. It really isn't that difficult.

    Challenges have become repetitive and boring. Some were fun and ARE fun when you have a goal in mind, but outside of that it's just the same few challenges being recycled every few days.

    There hasn't really been a card that has truly changed the game or A GROUP of cards that people have been excited about for a while. I'd have to say Mother Witch and Fisherman are probably the only cards that stuck out over all the others over the last few years. Firecracker is probably the most used card out of the bunch, and it's only because she's on par with the Princess.

    Seriously, look up the most used cards. None of the new cards are being used as much because the serve no purpose or don't really change the meta. Hence why some cards have been the main meta for years now.

    Clan Wars 2 is still a mess. Ladder is a mess as well. Those are very complex in itself, but it still makes no sense how we've gotten little progress in the last year. In my clan alone were the only clan that crossed the finish line. Every other team isn't playing. That's bad.

    Supercell is sitting on a gold mine, but they won't listen. I don't know whether it's because they are making money off the bare minimum and don't care. I don't know if it's because they want to use the algorithms and micro transactions to milk more money out of people. I don't know anymore.

    It's not the employees don't get me wrong, it's mainly the big players who are making all these decisions and fund the games in the first place.

    But jeez it's annoying to play the game and see how boring it gets sometimes compared to back then when we used to get 1 new card every two weeks for damn near two years straight.

    I still enjoy the game, but the problems it has can't go unnoticed.

    submitted by /u/VibeMeThere
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    CR needs to really change how draft works. Three giants and xbow in the same match, and this happens pretty frequently. It's not a huge issue, but it just doesn't make sense

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 12:12 AM PDT

    Goodbye, Level 1, 25th Feb to 17th March 2021 (Effort Post)

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 04:05 AM PDT

    On February the 25th, a new matchmaking system was introduced into Clash Royale. This matchmaking system for ladder adds another variable into matchmaking - not just trophies but also taking king levels into account. Players will be matched with others with a similar king level, plus or minus one. For example a level 10 player will face a level 9 or level 11, given they find a match in the first five seconds. The effectiveness of the approach is questionable, but it will not be the focus of this discussion.

    The update had an unintended side effect - it gave rise to the new level 1 vs level 1 ladder, basically a private ladder for all level 1 players.

    What is the purpose of this post?

    The new level one experience was one of my best days I've had in my Clash Royale career. I will remember this forever. I want to inform others who may not be a member of the level 1 community of our experiences. I want this post to be like a page in a history book.

    A bit of history:

    The level 1 challenge has always been a part of the game since 2016. Many players enjoyed the unique and challenging experience of being a level 1 king player, to see how sheer skill alone could overcome levels, like a David vs Goliath situation. GameOverTR (a.k.a. Va_xeylaV, Raennsoul, Furkan Yılmaz) reached 5369 trophies in April 2020. However, after many years of the same thing, the hype has died down a bit.

    So what was so special about this new level 1 vs level 1 ladder?

    Some players find that the new system isn't exciting and defeats the point of being disadvantaged. However, many beg to differ. We have had the same thing - facing higher levelled players with lesser skill, for almost five years, so it is time for a change. I personally found the game very exciting as we had never had the experience of fighting against another level 1. This changes everything. A fantastic new meta quickly emerges and is established, within days.

    Playing level 1 is a bit like heist and touchdown, as your tower is very weak and does no damage. Nothing can be ignored. Everything is a threat. This is what makes it a truely thrilling and intense experience. Even a level 6 skeleton will take two hits to kill. A bandit with a quarter of its health will take down your tower, which boasts an unimpressive 1400 health. Even a magic archer, which usually can be safely ignored, will destroy your princess tower. This makes every decision extremely important, and your plays must be 100% accurate. Down to the split second of the timing and the right tile. Even cycling a 3-4 elixir card in the back may lead to a quick loss for you. One tiny misplay will lead to disaster. On normal 1v1, if you make a mistake and the opponent has a small counterpush, you can simply choose to take the damage to not fall behind on elixir. But you cannot do that here. Everything is deadly, everything is a win condition.

    The new meta forced me to use cards that I am uncomfortable using. Level 1's love legendaries as they are the highest cards usable, without upgrade. I never use fisherman, magic archer for example. I consider those cards very high skill. Those cards are good in the new level 1 meta, so I had to learn how to use them. I do not have maxed legendaries, so I can't use them on ladder. But on level 1 account, I can use all of them.

    Also the mother witch is really good vs level 1 decks. Level 1 vs Level 1 is the only place where MW is viable.

    After all this rambling, the point is, the new level 1 exclusive ladder feels like a new gamemode. We have had no new gamemodes in the past two years, and so this feels very exciting in contrast. Many players came back from retirement after hearing about this new way to play Clash Royale.

    Being able to play against the best players:

    Once news spread that this matchmaking made a new ladder for level 1, many pro players made accounts, or resumed playing their abandoned level 1 accounts. For example, CRL players you all know like Saint Belikin, Bag, SandBox, Pompeyo and Anaban compete on the level 1 leaderboard. Many other top ladder players made new accounts and really enjoyed this. Even B-Rad is a part of this but sadly he is level 2.

    I consider myself to be a decent player. I really wanted to become a CRL player when I was younger but the competition is too great. I can't even get a 7k finish on ladder. GC's are too hard for me. The level 1 vs level 1 leaderboard is something that I can actually excel in. This is because it is a completely new meta and gameplay, where top players have less of an advantage as they also lack experience. I was able to beat every pro player at least once. This made me very happy and gave me hope. I was able to prove myself and I felt like a pro even though I am not, outside of level 1. Despite not being good at Clash Royale, in the level 1 scene, my PB is 6156, the 8th highest in the world. This is probably my best achievement in Clash Royale.

    Making new friends and a new community:

    The best thing about this experience was that the passion within the community was reignited. Previous level 1 players who quit came back. Many players made new level 1 accounts. The discord server was no longer collecting dust. New messages and strategy was being discussed, daily. Before the update, there were only a few messages per month. We became a tightly knit community within a week.

    I met so many new people that I would have never known if it wasn't for this update.

    People are very serious about the new gamemode:

    Even RoyaleAPI has made a new lvl 1 deck search system. There also is a website called BirdousRoyale, which is a custom 3rd party leaderboard for level 1 players.

    Supercell makes a lot of money for level 1:

    Contrary to popular belief, the new level 1 system must have gained tons of revenue. Almost all of the new players bought season passes. I know that Saint Belikin, myself and plenty of others have spent over $75 on special offers. By the way, it is very hard to obtain legendaries on a level 1 without spending money. You cannot trade, you cannot war, you cannot buy legendaries from shop, nor can you collect legendaries from challenges. I would never spend such money on my main account, as it has no impact.

    All that's well must come to an end:

    However, on the fateful day of March 17th, this came to an end. A maintenance break with no ingame notice reverted the changes - above 5k. Many players, including myself, eagerly hit the battle button. We were horrified when we had to fight lvl 13 players - with no warning, and was given a hefty fine of -30 trophies. We had all of these great ideas and visions for the future of this new system, but now it is sadly no more.

    A separate leaderboard system for level 1s:

    Even Boss_Clash Royale suggested that level 1s should have their own ladder officially, with their own leaderboard. The level 1 community is very big - and is growing ever since the ladder change. I agree that level 1 players should not be allowed to be ranked top 10,000, but at least they should still have an alternative ranking system and be able to play against each other.

    Just because it is not intended doesn't mean you should reject it.

    Many things in life are unintended. But good accidents happen too! Just like how this unintentional change actually helped Clash Royale. A few examples I know of are related to PUBG and Minecraft. In PUBG, the pan was not meant to be bulletproof, but due to a bug it was. However, the devs did not fix this and made it part of the game. The pan is the ultimate symbol of PUBG. PUBG wouldn't be the same without the pan. The creeper was not intentional. It was a messed up pig skin. Imagine if Notch deleted it. The creeper is the most well known symbol of Minecraft. Do you see where I'm headed with this?

    Goodbye, level 1, you will be missed. R.I.P. Feb 25-Mar 17, 2021. This is just my view and personal opinion!

    submitted by /u/Wusky-Husky
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    Friendly reminder NOT to upgrade your cards until we see the new balance changes in April

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 12:27 PM PDT

    For the majority of us who cannot afford to buy thousands of gems, this is just a reminder that in April several cards will be nerfed, and other cards that may be a decent substitute in your deck could get buffed. Remember, SuperCell will never give refunds for nerfed/killed cards, so be sure to spend your gold wisely!!

    submitted by /u/UltraHyperDuck_
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    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 06:14 AM PDT

    Am I the only one who wants touchdown back?

    submitted by /u/JTDragon4
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    [Effort] mockup I did on how card balances could be done (more info in comments)

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 08:38 PM PDT

    In-depth thoughts about the Matchmaking change revert [may change with feedback]

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 08:50 AM PDT

    Feel free to correct me, I know there are plenty of very smart people in this community who can break this down. I will edit and expand this post if given good reasoning.

    Should lvl 1s be able to get to top ladder?

    For many people this was a new way to play the game but let's face it: The game evolves around leveling your deck to get stronger. So naturally they had to change it. Whether this is good or bad is debatable. I don't know about you, but ever since the change I lost interest in the lvl 1 challenge. So did my friend in my clan who gave up on their lvl 1 account during this time.

    The challenge for lvl 1s was about beating overpowered opponents using your skill and after the change it lost that. Yes, there is a lot of skill involved in getting top ladder as a lvl 1, but it's no different from a lvl 13 reaching top ladder. It's just a way to get there without maxing cards and using a more simple meta (mainly legendaries and epics). I think if anything they should add leaderboards for King tower levels, otherwise it just takes away the whole point.

    Was King Tower based Matchmaking fair?

    Your King Tower represents your card collection as a whole and how long you've been playing/donating. However, King Tower and deck levels can be vastly different depending on how you chose to upgrade your collection (equally/per usage). For some people this change was very helpful, others didn't notice anything and some were badly affected.

    With this type of matching you could just upgrade 1 deck and 1 deck only. The lvl 1 friend in my clan recycled their account into a 1-trick account so they could destroy ladder with low King tower and maxed deck. This isn't really an "exploit" as you just get more skilled opponents instead of the average midladder player the more trophies you get. It's rather a "shortcut" in the game progression.

    How much should upgrading or donating affect your gameplay?

    The game as a whole evolves around upgrading cards and if you're against that, then your suggestion would be about moving the game away from levels as a whole, which I don't see happening.

    I felt this change the most hurtful on my lvl 11 alt, which already faced a lot of maxed opponents. I'm just 400 xp away from lvl 12 so I stopped upgrading my cards and donating as my deck wasn't even close to max. This is inherently bad game design as upgrading your collection should result in better chances in battle, not the opposite.

    Another example: maybe you realized that your deck doesn't work or you just don't have fun playing it so you change to a different one. Naturally your deck lvl would be way lower. Normally this wouldn't be an issue, just play with the new deck and you will be balanced on a trophy range fitting your deck and skill lvl. With this King tower matchmaking that wouldn't work and discourage you from changing deck at all.

    currently this post speaks mostly for the revert, but I will look for solid arguments and add them in the list. There are some interesting suggestions in the comments that I recommend you to read, but I won't be adding game suggestions in this post as they need a discussion on their own

    submitted by /u/Vendrinski
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    When anyone says "in the nick of time" , they're talking about this

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 12:48 AM PDT


    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 02:39 AM PDT

    Old insane matchmaking come back today. Any official info about this?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 05:23 PM PDT

    My previous post was deleted and I do not know why, so without any printscreen little question. After feb 25 matchmaking was +/- 1 king lvl. Today it looks that insane matchmaking come back with rules from before feb 25. I'm on king lvl 10 and since today I started receiving opponents from lvl 13.

    Is there any official information about cancel new rules from feb 25?

    submitted by /u/kafebiwa
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    Think that, we had achievement long time ago. ~35% players have come after achievement removed. Do you miss them?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 01:32 PM PDT

    Elixir Swapping Mode

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 09:27 AM PDT

    Each player starts with 5 elixir and when you spend any elixir the opponent gains the same amount of elixir. Natural elixir generation is disabled.

    submitted by /u/Legomonster33
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    My best achievement. #412 in canada. Here is the deck of you want to try it. Im not a pro so no hating.

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 05:35 AM PDT

    New update release predictions. TV Royale this weekend?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 10:48 AM PDT

    If you have not seen it Drew has posted a couple hours from this post that he was filming TV Royale for the next update.

    Drew also stated here on Reddit that they were not going to tease any new information about the update until it is very close to release.

    Regarding this information, when do you think the TV Royale is going to drop? Is it going to be this weekend or later in April? Is the update nearby?

    Any intel you have like "well the last time there was two weeks between Drew's tweet and TV Royale release" will help a lot to debate.

    submitted by /u/Dogesmash18
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    Can’t cut it any closer!!! Won in OT

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 06:11 AM PDT


    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 09:54 PM PDT

    I play at 6k. I looked through the top 50 decks and counted 5 that have either pekka or valk in them. Yet going through my last 20 ladder games there were 15 opponents that had one of those 2 cards.

    They say they don't do matchmaking based on decks then why do I see so much similar non meta?

    submitted by /u/Mapbot11
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    How should I counter hog cycle with this deck?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 11:02 AM PDT

    Does this deck just lose to hog? I keep dropping prince for hog rider but obviously that isn't the best. Got it off deckshop and love it other than against hog though.

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 03:10 PM PDT

    Is this even feasible? Especially at 2x elixir.

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 05:17 PM PDT

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