• Breaking News

    Wednesday, March 31, 2021

    Clash Royale APRIL FOOLS DAY

    Clash Royale APRIL FOOLS DAY




    For April 1st only.... we will allow Memes today. Please be sure to follow the same rules on what is allowed.

    (All other rules will still apply, so don't think this is a free pass to recruit your clan >:( )

    Have fun! Try to keep it funny and positive.

    Those guidelines are as follows:

    • Memes may only be posted during Meme Mondays
    • Start: RIGHT NOW!
    • End: Friday, 2 AM EST/EDT
    • Any meme posted outside of these times will be removed.
    • Users are limited to two meme posts during Meme Mondays
    • Users must flair their posts with the "Meme" flair
    • Memes should be mostly original. If it is extremely similar to any others, it will be removed.
    • Reposts of any kind are not allowed
    • Memes may never target or attack anyone. Do not be toxic.


    As always, if you have any questions, send us a modmail here.

    submitted by /u/jmanguy
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    Clash Royale for Sega Genesis


    This is why they released it a few days earlier. Makes sense.


    If the developers continue with quarterly updates like this...


    Then I say let them! This last update has been pretty great so far and I'm excited for the next season. Admittedly, I hadn't been active for the past month and a half but I think I'll be coming back with these new changes.

    The development team had taken away monthly balance changes in order to focus on bigger quarterly updates. The community was less than happy about this but through the backlash, the team pressed on. The Clash Royale community has been very vocal and critical of the game lately, and all of that energy is focused on Drew who is just doing his best to balance what the developers are hoping to accomplish and what he can share with us. The amount of work he has put in after being able to focus on the game has been great and may revitalize the game if these types of updates continue in quarterly releases.

    From a long time fan of the game, thank you to the Clash Royale team for making me want to play the game again.

    submitted by /u/Capn-Zack
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    The giant skeleton bomb no longer kills barbarians :/


    Well... This is awkward����


    Drew's statement about the goal of this update on a post about a max player's thoughts, with a very basic look at future plans! ��


    The dashing Prince vs. Mega Knight


    Potentially Unpopular Opinion About Cheat Boosts in Trophy Road


    I think that the 1 day speed chest boosts that you get on trophy road for entering a new League every 300-400 trophies, should be replaced with getting 5 chest keys. That way you can actually manage when you want to use the "boost" rather then having to use the boost instantly once you reach the new league. Sometimes I find myself getting to 4600 trophies and then being busy the next day and not being able to take advantage of the full 24 hour chest boost.

    It would be better if instead they gave you chest keys, that you could use on chests whenever you have the time. Seems like a better and more useful reward to me.

    Edit: Also my bad, the title should say "Chest Boosts" not "Cheat Boosts"

    Edit 2: Thanks for the Silver!

    submitted by /u/Brian82027
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    Just can't remember to update the tips...


    New Magic Item Idea: MAGIC STAR


    This is what you get for being cocky


    Some additional points why clan wars are flawed


    I know the 'flawed clan war 2' topic has been beat to death. But here are some additional points on why the clan war format as it is doesn't work. We belong to a clan where we yo-yo between legendary and gold, so we obviously don't use well-covered tactics / flaws such as losing at maximum speed, etc.

    - Clans are playing the least they can get away with to maintain their race position. In an engaging game, you want people to want to play, not to play because its a chore. Here's the evidence. We have a clan with about 40 members. But really its a small core group of us having multiple accounts that make up the 40 accounts. One week many of us played all our accounts, and we and the fourth place clan were pretty much neck in neck. The next week, I and some clan mates took much of the week off (that's five very productive accounts right there from me). And we were still neck in neck with that other clan? Why? All the clans were looking at each other and see how much the other clans were pushing them. When there was no pressure, it seemed like everyone is happy to take a break.

    - Destination- what is it? What are we trying to accomplish? There is not a knockout bracket, there is not a championship on the line. What's the point of getting the clan trophy number to be 4000, 5000, 6000? None. The reward is pretty much the same as you get more clan trophies. Its not like you get into Champions League Football where you actually get rewarded handsomely for participating and potentially winning.

    - The law of averages. Assuming the matchmaking algorithm matches me with players with similar ability and card levels. And assume the same for everyone who participates in clan wars. Over the course of the season, I will most likely end up with a 50% win rate. Some days I will win 3. Other days I lose 3. Most days I win 2. On a rare day I will win or lose them all. So the river position has little to do with skill, since you can do the rough math on # participants times 600 trophies (50% win rate) and figure out when your clan is going to finish. Not very dramatic, isn't it? Its like running an super hyper ultra marathon where the race continues for a month. But you already know the result within the first 4 hours of the race. I am sure I will know very quickly Geoffrey Kamworor is going to beat me in a marathon. So what's the point?

    - Rewards. Supercell says rewards, especially gold are better in CW2. I haven't seen the evidence. in CW1, I play 4 battles every 2 days, and I get on average about 4000-5000 gold per war. so about 2500 gold per day. in CW2, I play 4 battles every 2 day. With my 50% win rate, I average about 2000 gold per day. So let's for the sake of the argument the gold rewards are similar in both CW1 and CW2, for me, an average player. But I have to double my effort to gain the same reward, which to me means the reward is halved.

    Solution? The clan wars need to bring back, and increase the drama, the stakes, and the rewards so players are more inclined to engage. If we have a clan war format where we have those win or go home battles (e.g. March Madness), it will make a world of difference.

    All of us in the clan have jobs. We play for fun. We have enough grind in our daily life as is. We got whales in our clan. These guys are five percenters. Guys who never hesitated to drop $99 for a pack of gems. They spent almost zero in the last half year and most of them are in semi-retirement when it comes to CR. They said, both the game and clan war 2 are getting boring. Give these guys a reason to spend money please. I am not a whale like them, but I too found the fun and excitement quite lacking from the game in recent months.

    submitted by /u/ckshen2
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    What if we had skins or color variations for these?


    A peaceful being


    "Thanks to new update i have 3 chest slots"


    [ART] Gave me all your magic items!����


    Any ideas on what this challenge could mean? It is on April fools after all.


    Thoughts on this meta?


    Not that impressive but I’m so happy. My first time hitting 6300 trophies. (My game for 6300 was against a 5.0 deck which was also very stressful)


    Accidental Pre-Lightning


    Pro tip: It is possible to hear the lightning being placed even if they hit nothing.


    Can someone tell me how to do this? There’s nothing here.


    Funniest. Deck. Ever.


    "Successful P.E.K.K.A. kite! Welp, nevermind.."


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