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    Tuesday, February 9, 2021

    Clash Royale Pure genius

    Clash Royale Pure genius

    Pure genius

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 06:17 AM PST

    COMIC: A bony joke

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 04:53 PM PST

    A letter of encouragement

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 10:14 PM PST

    Random jump of excitement

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 10:12 PM PST

    Hey guys, I caught a miner.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 02:22 PM PST

    Thing is remember from past Clash Royale that don't exist now.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 10:23 AM PST

    (I'm gonna miss a couple. This is only the things I remember.)

    Ice spirit had a different walking/running animation.

    Balloon had a way smaller health bar.

    The dev build sometimes had wonky graphics/colors.

    Mega minion was meta minion.

    Log didn't Knockback everything. Like prince and pekka.

    Zap could kill goblins

    Pekka had the same deploy time as golem.

    3 muskies cost 10 elixer

    Poison could slow down

    Sparky was a trash can on wheels.

    If you ever missed a rocket, you chief Pat'd it.

    Legendary arena was modern hog mountain (which I actually prefer to the modern legendary arena)

    Golem had a collar instead of crystals.

    RG had the same range as dart goblin.

    Ice golem had a way bigger death radius.

    Ice golem once didn't hit air troops in the dev build.

    Princess had the same splash radius as a fireball.

    Witch once shot once every like .5 seconds, but couldn't one shot Skeletons.

    Skeletons once deployed 4 troops.

    Skeleton army once cost 4 elixer and deployed 21 troops (in the region of that)

    Knight had shoulder plates instead of a ribbon across him.

    Pump once cost 5 elixer.

    Bomb tower once had no death bomb.

    Mega knight was once very op.

    Lumberjack moved fast, not very fast, and hit once every second I think instead of it's very fast attack speed now.

    Bowler cost 6 elixer.

    The death bomb of the balloon was very fast, but did very little damage. And then they buffed it to where it did the damage it did now, but with the same 1 second explosion time.

    Spear goblins could not 1 shot Skeletons.

    Inferno dragon was once at frozen peak, which didn't really make sense.

    Dark prince couldn't one shot goblins.

    Baby dragon stuttered alot

    Pekka double prince was once a viable deck

    Tombstone spawned 4 death Skeletons instead of 3.

    Miner poison was once viable.

    Exe could reset attacks, and attack behind him.

    Goblin gang had 3 spear goblins instead of 2.

    King tower did less damage than the princess towers.

    Barb Barrel could Knockback troops. And it could once kill archers.

    Skeleton barrel did not have death damage.

    Barbarians could only spawn 4 troops, but could survive a fireball.

    Cannon and mortar once cost 6 elixer.

    Tesla could not kill minions.

    Wizard was once viable. And attacked almost instantly.

    Kings cup was the biggest thing. (Which they should do again)

    Oh long johnson was the best.

    And last but not least, it won an award for best game of the year.

    (Edit: Just remembered another one. Lightning didn't stun.)

    submitted by /u/Asdfhuk
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    Just wondering, is it common for people to think the matchmaking is rigged?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 06:24 PM PST

    Just to feel the room here, does anyone think matchmaking is rigged? I'm super unsure, but I feel like it is. I feel like this is a super obvious yet polarised question. Either people think it definitely is or it definitely isn't. Matchmaking should be based solely on people at the same trophy level as you — Not giving you hard counters to your deck because you are on a win streak. I don't know. Not accusing anything of being bullshit or not, I'm simply asking who else thinks it's rigged in an unhealthy, illegitimate way

    submitted by /u/AlecB1202
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    Saw this gob barrel/dark knight interaction on this sub AGES ago, never thought it would ever come into play! And the counter off it won me the game ��

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 05:27 AM PST

    I don't what else to say , except thank you SK MORTEN !!!!!!!!!!!

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 10:23 AM PST

    "Let's play some more 2v2 tomorrow!" Last online 1+ months ago... I don't even blame them but miss how the game used to be

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 02:03 PM PST

    credits to og

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 10:19 PM PST

    What should I max out next???

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 07:31 PM PST

    Is anyone having horrible 2v2 team-mates 7/10 times?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 08:41 PM PST

    Ok, so I've had enough of this and I want to figure out if anyone is having the same problem. So, I'm a daily CR player and I really like 2v2. The problem is is that most of the time I get trash/coward team-mates and I don't exactly know why. I'm being serious. When I lose a tower, my team-mates don't believe in comebacks and just leave... why? Other times, they're either really slow or just make very bad decisions very often. I don't know why. It's based on card levels so how are players that are levels 12-13 this dumb/sensitive? I wish there was some kind of punishment for leaving a 2v2 game early, that'd at least solve the partners being babies problem. It'd at least give the incentive of actually trying before choosing to quit.

    TL;DR: Does anyone get cowardly/bad team-mates often and why isn't there a punishment system for those that leave?

    submitted by /u/GhostlyBlaze
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    The text for Crown Rush overlaps with the account swap button, which makes it difficult to tap. I can't be the only one annoyed by this

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 04:25 PM PST

    Any deck change ideas?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 10:18 PM PST

    I use my limited understanding of Science to figure out the realistic implications of cards. Part 3: Bone Pit

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 06:44 AM PST

    Clash Royale is a cartoony, unrealistic fast-paced battle game where massive magnifying glasses from hell do battle against pancake-making robot dwarf samurai. It's not realistic in the slightest, and I aim to remedy that. I'm no scientist, but I'm armed with Bill Nye, Wikipedia, and a Google search which confirms that nobody's done something like this before. All that said, let's get started.

    Before we start, a wild boar averages about 150 centimetres in length at adulthood. The Hog Rider has a length of about 2 tiles in game, meaning each tile is 75 centimetres in length and width.

    Skeletons: A cursory visual inspection reveals an utter lack of muscles. The Skeletons would just sit in a useless pile on the floor rather than actually do anything.

    Bomber: The Bomber's bombs are quite generic, but research shows that grenades, one of the smallest bombs, have a kill radius (instant death) of 5 metres. The Bomber has a range of 3.75 metres. The Bomber is guaranteed to die after its first bomb goes off regardless of what kind of bomb it's using. That doesn't make it useless, though. It does one-shot kill everything in a nearly 7 tile radius, and does heavy damage throughout the arena.

    Tombstone: Nothing's coming out of the Tombstone. That's the whole idea. Things aren't supposed to leave their graves.

    Valkyrie: Battle axes are indeed quite lightweight, maxing out at about 7 pounds (3 kg). It doesn't take an Olympic champion to swing that around. In fact, hammer throwers do a similar trick using a much heavier weight. The problem here is that the Valkyrie can swing through an entire Skeleton Army at once. The thing is, the axe would simply get stuck in the first troop/building it hits. Realistically, a battle axe would be used more akin to the Lumberjack's method: Quick, repeated hacking at a single target.

    Wall Breakers: A suicide bomb generally kills everything in a 5-metre radius, or 6.67 tiles. The Princess dies if a Wall Breaker connects to the tower, as does basically everything in that quadrant of the arena. A suicide bomb of that size should come with a serious injury area of about 30 metres, or 40 tiles. That encompasses the entire arena, as the arena's diagonal length, according to the Pythagorean theorem, is 36.7 tiles. Fortunately for everyone, the Wall Breakers are skeletons and thus cannot move.

    Giant Skeleton: The Giant Skeleton's explosives are comparable to two Wall Breakers. The Giant Skeleton, also, cannot move. That is fortunate, because if he were to use those bombs, everyone in the arena would most likely end up dead.

    That's the end of this part. I apologize for accidentally switching the places of Skeleton Army and Wall Breakers. This may happen sometimes, I sometimes forget which arenas certain cards come from.

    submitted by /u/Town_of_Tacos
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    Quick Math

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 10:46 PM PST


    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 01:31 PM PST

    For the love of god nerf lava hound and balloon

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 10:03 AM PST

    It's outrageous. Hound has been top 3 win rates in both GCs and ladder for 6 straight seasons. I don't care what the usage rate is - it's OP as hell. Hound and balloon both. They've nerfed nearly every single decent air and range in the past half year. There's no way to defend a hound + balloon + miner + spell. Nerf both cards finally. Lavaloon has been dominant way too long.

    submitted by /u/--Gingersnap--
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    Is Cw2 going to be changed?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 03:21 AM PST

    My clan is in the Top100 local and I feel like the way very active clans win can't be intended. Not because I don't like to play on a higher level but because it's not about winning in a normal, skillful way anymore. We are at 35-40k on Monday and on Tuesday we basically get 10k in the first hour after the reset and it's usually a win because of that. Everyone looses their fights as fast as possible and that's the best strategy, other top clans do the same to be on rank 1. That's a huge stress though and lots of people have to play while at work since 11am is Reset in Germany. So why is Cw2 like that? Monday is the only day fights are being done legit, Tuesday is Stress since it's no fun to have to play at a specific time and the rest of the week nothing happens.

    Edit: I forgot another flaw. Every Monday there is a time window. So between around 10:30 and 11:00 (Reset) people can do their attacks and then after 11:00 they can do more. So some people have 8 attacks on Mondays and that's why some clans finish higher then others...

    submitted by /u/mrmeeseeks1991
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    Two crown in OT, Ladder.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 03:54 AM PST

    I use my limited understanding of Science to figure out the realistic implications of cards. Part 4: Barbarian Bowl

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 08:13 AM PST

    Clash Royale is a cartoony, unrealistic fast-paced battle game where huge, bearded guys holding little cannons do battle against a group of new hires who can't even see. It's not realistic in the slightest, and I aim to remedy that. I'm no scientist, but I'm armed with Bill Nye, Wikipedia, and a Google search which confirms that nobody's done something like this before. All that said, let's get started.

    Before we start, a wild boar averages about 150 centimetres in length at adulthood. The Hog Rider has a length of about 2 tiles in game, meaning each tile is 75 centimetres in length and width.

    Barbarians: It's shocking that they don't kill most enemies right away, being that strong and having swords.

    Cannon: A real cannon would fire cannonballs at speeds of at least 360 kilometres per hour, going straight through any troop or building, right through the arena walls, and then for a few hundred more metres outside the battle. The Cannon only fires at speeds of 170 kph. That, however, is still certainly fast enough to brutally kill several people at once.

    Barbarian Hut: The Barbarian Hut can spawn up to 10 Barbarians. It should not be able to do this. It should also catch fire fairly easily, while in-game it can resist the Fireball.

    Battle Ram: It's simply illogical that Barbarians run significantly faster while holding a heavy log. Calculations show that an alder redwood log of Ram's dimensions would weigh 1191 pounds, or 540.2 kg. That's much, much, heavier than any normal person's maximum lift, but feasible for two Barbarians. However, the point still stands that they shouldn't be able to run at all, let alone run faster than usual.

    Barbarian Barrel: According to the Barbarian Barrel reveal trailer, the Barbarian is absolutely stuck in the barrel and should not be able to pop out of it. On that note, the Barbarian Barrel often plows through several troops. It would realistically stop after hitting one or two. The Barbarian inside would experience a sensation similar to a car accident and is likely to break bones, possibly including the spine.

    Golem: There's nothing holding all the rocks together. When deployed, the Golem would realistically fall apart instantly. Also, since someone asked, the Golem moves at about 1 tile per second. That's 2.7 kilometres per hour, or about a slow strolling speed.

    Well, that's it for this post. As always, feel free to correct anything here if you have better information.

    submitted by /u/Town_of_Tacos
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    It would be nice to see how many tokens you have when you click on a trade, because showing “-1” isn’t even useful because the cost never changes anyway

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 09:09 AM PST

    Ha,You Thought

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 10:36 PM PST

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