• Breaking News

    Wednesday, January 27, 2021

    Clash Royale P.E.K.K.A. Fan Art. This one goes without background, I didn't feel like to do it, but on the other side you can use it as sticker or make any background you want...XD. Also, with this one I finish the Clash Royale's series, all least for a while. Original's downloads links in the comments.

    Clash Royale P.E.K.K.A. Fan Art. This one goes without background, I didn't feel like to do it, but on the other side you can use it as sticker or make any background you want...XD. Also, with this one I finish the Clash Royale's series, all least for a while. Original's downloads links in the comments.

    P.E.K.K.A. Fan Art. This one goes without background, I didn't feel like to do it, but on the other side you can use it as sticker or make any background you want...XD. Also, with this one I finish the Clash Royale's series, all least for a while. Original's downloads links in the comments.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 12:08 PM PST

    The ultimate challenge deck. (Impossible to get tower damage, even against an absent opponent.)

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 08:49 AM PST

    Fisherman got a new extra long rope....

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 11:19 AM PST

    January (Quarter 1) Community Tier List Results

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 05:58 AM PST

    It only took 4 and half years�� I finally maxed pekka bridge spam as free to play��

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 06:27 PM PST

    G freaking g. My first classic challenge win.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 01:37 PM PST

    Bomb tower 3-crowning my opponent.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 07:31 PM PST

    Legend says the battle is still going on.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 06:03 PM PST

    Clan Wars Kindness

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 08:30 PM PST

    I will never understand hunters projectiles... supercell needs to fix this [BUG]

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 08:07 AM PST

    Global Tournament 15x value rewards explained

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 10:34 AM PST

    Global Tournament 15x value rewards explained

    Tournament banner

    With the introduction of CW2, Global Tournament (GT) rewards have stabilized. You'll probably have noticed that the GT banner announces 15x value rewards, so today we are going to take a look on them and explain why you should take the bonus rewards after 10 wins.

    In the table below we can see:

    • Bonus rewards per win
    • Conversion to their Gold Value (GV)
    • Cumulative GV/ gem, knowing that they will always cost 500 gems no matter how many wins you did
    • Cumulative net value, which is a proxy of the value you see in shop offers
    • The equivalent value you get from Grand Challenge (GC) wins

    For further explanation of these concepts (specially how is the Gold Value computed) please refer to the post Best use of gems (Updated 2020).

    GT wins Bonus reward Gold Value Cumulative GV Cumulative GV/ gem Cumulative net value Equivalent GC value
    1 Legendary chest 20,000 20,000 40 x2.0 3 wins
    2 10,000 Gold 10,000 30,000 60 x3.0 4 wins
    3 Legendary token 2,000 32,000 64 x3.2 4-5 wins
    4 Epic chest 10,000 42,000 84 x4.2 5-6 wins
    5 10,000 Gold 10,000 52,000 104 x5.2 6 wins
    6 Epic token 1,000 53,000 106 x5.3 6-7 wins
    7 Giant chest 7,740 60,740 121 x6.1 7 wins
    8 10,000 Gold 10,000 70,740 141 x7.1 7-8 wins
    9 Rare token 500 71,240 142 x7.1 7-8 wins
    10 Legendary King's chest 40,480 111,720 223 x11.2 9-10 wins
    11 10,000 Gold 10,000 121,720 243 x12.2 10 wins
    12 Common token 250 121,970 244 x12.2 10 wins
    14 10,000 Gold 10,000 131,970 264 x13.2 10-11 wins
    15 Magical chest 10,573 142,544 285 x14.3 11 wins

    We can see a big step from 9 to 10 wins due to the Legendary King's chest, which is the reward with highest value. Getting the bonus rewards at 10 wins is equivalent to finishing a GC with 9-10 wins, which is one of the best ways to spend gems.

    You can also see that all bonus rewards have almost the x15 value announced in the banner, the difference may be caused by the gold value assumptions taken. The equivalent of getting all the rewards are 11 GC wins (12 GC wins are worth x20 value).

    As a rule of thumb, I would say that you should get the bonus rewards form 10 wins onwards. However, this may change depending on your GC/ CC expectations.

    Hope this post is helpful and helps you make better decisions!

    submitted by /u/Heisenchad
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    Any tips to crack top 10k with this deck? I have been consistently at about 200 trophies behind the top players and I can never seem to push high enough.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 05:27 PM PST

    [IDEA] What If Legendary Cards Had Abilities? (PART 1)

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 04:15 PM PST

    We all know the legendary cards and we all love at least one of them.

    But the game is kinda becoming stale at this moment and it's not as good as it used to.

    Today I am having an Idea that will make the game more fun and better than releasing new cards every time. This thing is called: Abilities (Name under progression)

    Abilities are special techniques that every legendary card has and can be used 3 times per a match (Think of it like gadgets in brawl stars).

    How to use it: Basically if you want to use it click on the card 2 times, a Glowing Rainbow will appear meaning that they can use their ability. To cancel it, you could just basically tap the card and it's gone

    How does it work: It works when the troop is first landed on the battlefield, some will last for an amount of time, some will stay forever.

    So I am going to show you the abilities I thought of for 3 legendary cards. So let's begin.

    Night Witch: Black Magic

    Night Witch will throw a magic spell on the arena. The last 2 TROOPS will respawn with 216 maximum HP and 2× Damage. It will not affect staged troops like Golems, Elixir Golems, Cannon Cart (Cart Form) and Elixir Golemites, but it will effect Golemites and Elixir Blobs.

    This ability only works with Troops, meaning it will not work on buildings or spells.

    Bandit: Stopping Time

    The Bandit will stop time for 1.5 seconds, no one can do anything except the bandit, that includes the enemy cards and your cards. You can't deploy troops even if you used the bandit.

    This is a time stop mechanic not a stun mechanic, so any charging troop like the prince will stay on their charging format even after the time resumes. Troops will not retarget, infernos will stay at their form.

    E-Wiz: Direct Current

    E-wiz will now have a chain attack that decreases by 5% when travelling up to 3 times. That means if there was a minion horde, it will strike all of them.

    That's what I have, if you like it please share your feedback. Just don't be toxic.

    Have a beautiful day and I see you all soon.

    submitted by /u/alfatehalsaudi45
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    Leaving rant post

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 05:40 AM PST

    Yes this is another "I'm quitting the game here's a rant post" I'm not ashamed to admit it.

    I've been playing on and off since 2016. Been playing daily for about a year and a half now.

    Never gave I ever seen the game in such bad shape.

    Because mods will remove this if it's just complaints I will list a few possible improvements (IMO) at the end of paragraphs.

    On mobile, apologies for formatting.

    I stopped playing ladder months ago simply because it was boring and repetitive to me. Same decks I would see. Same mid-ladder bs. And as a f2p player I couldn't just switch up decks without getting pasted repeatedly and dropping an insane amount of trophies. The recent ladder trophy system changes have done nothing but make this a million times worse. Mid ladder is a mess (according to my clan mates). I haven't played in a while so I can't really give any suggestions to fix here but I feel I can't make a post without acknowledging this.

    CWII is killing this game

    The matchmaking is horrendous There's literally nothing I can do with level 10 cards against maxed out players and their maxed out decks. This happens to me almost daily and it makes the clan war experience frustrating and daily battles a chore. A fix to this would be to focus matchmaking on the level of your cards, I know there are plenty of players that have a higher king tower level than they do cards (f2p players especially)

    Time zones are still a problem. Why clan matchmaking isn't based on region I will never know. When you're neck and neck with a clan going for first place but they get their decks back at 10am while your clan gets theirs at 3 am, you're f*cked. Nothing you can do about that unless you want to wake up at 3am for a video game. Why matchmaking isn't region based for clans baffles me, especially if you have to deal with this for 5 weeks!

    Repetitiveness 5 weeks in the same situation is incredibly tiring and frustrating when time zones are a thing. Many clans just end up giving up which defeats the purpose of clan wars entirely. I feel a more regular turn around of opponent clans would keep things fresh

    Coliseum It's hyped up to be this big thing at the end of 5 weeks of battling against the same clans to get there. But it is nothing special whatsoever. To put it simply, coliseum is boring and unrewarding as an experience taking into consideration how long it takes to get there.

    Forced competitiveness of clans Casual clans cannot effectively exist anymore. One of the great things about CWI is that you could choose to participate or not, and not taking part would not hinder other players efforts. CWII has killed the possibility of being able to do this by forcing every player to play, else the entire clan would be punished. Why a "opt in/opt out" option, like in COC hasn't been introduced from day one is baffling. It tears apart clans by punishing active players and creating a resentment towards those who aren't playing daily. An opt in opt out, or leaders being able to choose who to put in NEEDS to be introduced.

    That being said, I do hope a fix comes to clan wars soon. I hate leaving my clan as I genuinely enjoy the people there but I don't enjoy the new system, as do most people it seems. I will be back if there's a fix, but I don't enjoy getting frustrated on a daily basis at myself/the game/other clan members. And by leaving an unhelpful account in the clan I punish them further with the matchmaking system.

    I'm open to a discussion in the comments, but if you're just going to post useless sh*t about me making this post, save your breath


    The complete lack of transparency and communication with players for a while now. It seemed a little after the infamous "update" that supercell seemed to be more transparent with players and would post updates as to what they were working on. I haven't seen one of those posts in weeks now. Please supercell tell us what you're doing. Now more than ever I would suggest taking into account actual players opinions on matters. Working in silence for months clearly hasn't worked. Why do it again?

    EDIT: I hadn't noticed it was my cake day before I posted this. I don't need any cake day comments I'm just ranting.

    EDIT 2: communication paragraph

    submitted by /u/4sfish4
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    Does anyone else have a problem getting fair match ups?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 09:11 AM PST

    Like I'm a lvl 10 with mostly lvl 10cards and I get put in matches were I'm up against people with lvl 12/13 cards. It's kinda pissing me off cuz there hard to win die to the fact that my cards don't do good against them and my towers just get annihilated instantly

    submitted by /u/dsXv3ct0r
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    when elite barbs have long range reach ��

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 01:32 AM PST

    Please rate my deck, I am having such bad luck getting out of the builders village arena, and I would like to have my redemption ark, I have almost everything from the past arenas, my main attackers are the miner and goblin barrel, along with the poison spell

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 05:35 PM PST

    Any suggestions on how to defend against this?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 08:23 AM PST

    Game mode: rematch

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 03:55 PM PST

    After a 1v1 or 2v2 battle there is a window of opportunity to battle again. Like the 'Play Again' button with your 2v2 partner. It would tell them they'd been invited to a rematch and they can accept or reject it.

    If a battle is particularly close and you want a rematch it could be a fun added game dynamic. If someone wins in the final moments or you just made a bad play, you can challenge them to a rematch.

    submitted by /u/samshape
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    Weird bug I encountered. Haven't been able to recreate it. Have you experienced it ? Good advantage

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 04:55 AM PST

    I slapped this together as a joke but it seems to work, any suggestions?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 08:16 AM PST

    This dude BM too early ��

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 08:03 AM PST

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