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    Wednesday, November 4, 2020

    Clash Royale why is my minion horde suddenly a valk

    Clash Royale why is my minion horde suddenly a valk

    why is my minion horde suddenly a valk

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 12:22 PM PST

    Quite a strange hobby but here is all Clash Royale loading screen

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 06:34 AM PST

    perfectly balanced

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 01:06 AM PST

    MegaKnight Fan Art that I made. Tell me if you like it

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 10:10 AM PST

    [Card Concept] - Skeleton Stack

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 03:00 PM PST

    What do you think?����

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 04:49 PM PST

    Petition for Supercell to add 2v2 ladder and 2v2 Global Tournaments into the game. Players will be able to select their ladder 2v2 partner from their clan or friends list. Global tournaments will now be hosted once every 2 weeks with the 1v1 and 2v2 modes alternating each time.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 05:17 PM PST

    Is this the picture of SuperCell? Made tons of money and are now abandoned by their followers?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 10:25 PM PST

    Butterfly Chase. ���� (Quick Drawing). [Art]

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 03:19 AM PST

    I’m a level 6 at ~3400 trophies. Every player I come against is level 8 with no clan and the exact same deck. Am I playing against bots?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 08:41 PM PST

    Suggestion: more than one person should be able to duel at once

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 09:17 PM PST

    This limitation is really bad for clan activity. A majority of players are casual player, this is known. Most of these people play to pass time. On the shitter, on the bus, eating brekkie. Stuff like that. If someone else is playing during the time they would usually play, people just don't play that day. Most casual players do not dedicate a large amount of time each day, so if you can't war when you get the chance, you are probably not going to log on for 20 minutes later in the day to use up your battles. This wasn't a problem with old war, since there were 3 different activities to choose from. And you didn't even have to play daily. The genuine that is war 2.0 is compounded by the fact that even if you log on to battle, you may have to wait 10 minutes just to get the chance.

    Let multiple people battle at once and activity among casual players will increase.

    submitted by /u/KarmaFuhrer
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    Clan Metrics Suck -- make your own

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 09:55 AM PST

    In CW1 my clan used to make demotion/kick decisions based on war misses. If you missed and didn't tell the leadership you'd get demoted, if you were a member and missed you'd get the boot.

    A tough stance for sure, but when you've got 40+ people making it a priority (as embarrassing as that is) you have to respect them and do the same, or go find a casual clan to clash with.

    CW2 made that impossible.

    It doesn't track fame split by the river win, it's an all or nothing deal for the week. What that means is you have to monitor people every night at midnight to see if they attacked or not, and keep track of their misses, etc. if you want to create any sort of accountability metric.

    Enter AWS and a bored engineer


    Here's a public repo I put together that you can quickly spin up (<15 minutes) and start collecting that sweet sweet data.

    There's one, pretty straight forward, step at the end of setting the cloudwatch trigger to run your code on whatever schedule you want (we run nightly at midnight EST, but you could run every second???).

    You'll need an AWS account & AWS CLI, then to install the serverless framework.https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-chap-install.htmlhttps://www.serverless.com/framework/docs/providers/aws/guide/installation/

    `sls deploy` will create the database, lambda (and layer) in python and deploy them -- after that head to the cloudwatch console and setup your schedule

    I'll create some stuff down the road to consume that data -- it'd be quick to create some scripts that give you some metrics and maybe interesting to create a dashboard off of it.

    Let me know if you need any help;Cheers,


    submitted by /u/ESchalton
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    I think my 7x elixer deck is too good...

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 06:35 AM PST

    Rate my deck. I’m a Level 8

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 08:15 PM PST

    New Meta

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 10:05 PM PST

    [EFFORT POST] Season 16 Archetype Analysis

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 03:04 AM PST

    No more basic chests, OGs will remember free chests

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 06:31 AM PST


    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 07:52 PM PST

    smh my head they introduce two new electric cards and then the balance team just decide "oh yeah sparky needs a nerf"

    submitted by /u/TheGreatOne7937
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    You killed sparky and the game for me.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 08:57 PM PST

    Leader of a clan, playing the game for like, 4 years. Only ever put money in from my Google opinion surveys that give me Google Play money. So not much and never out of my own pocket. But Sparky was my card. I'm just posting this here is that hopefully supercell can you get some feedback on how much the game sucks after this balance.

    Nonetheless I can't have my clan to play in the Clan wars because it's not enticing and it's boring and not that exciting and people hate committing to it. Game is becoming more and more less fun. I recently found more fun in a game called soul of eden. that's how much this game has sank for me after these past few months with clash. It's not fun, to see my sparky suck more then ever and she's a legendary getting stepped on by Commons. It sucks. The game has lost all taste towards what it means to have a legendary card in your deck.

    I really want to see something from supercell, it feels like they forgot about clash royal, when they release two new cards, switch one to coming soon then have it come out at the same time. Like this game is was worth my time at a point but not anymore. I have a clan that is atlest more then 75% active in the war and met some great people. After all the location is Canada, just great people everywhere. But I hate asking them to play in the war, and they don't want to but have been in my clan for ever. Then we have people that want everyone to participate and kick the ones that don't. It's just a big mess and drama in a dang mobile game i play when when I have a moment.

    I hope one day having a legendary in your deck has power compared to what it feels like it is now. Then they also nurfed my fire ball, I was so use to it doing like 295 then boom, only 250. Lost quite a few when that happened.

    If you don't pay to win and have 32 cards at 13 for the war while at level 13 you almost always lose. I Have like 10 cards at 13. While I'm at King tower 13 , I'll vs. an all gold deck clearly someone that's paid to win, and just get stepped on. That's what the war feels like and for friends I play that I know in real life, And people in my clan. That's what clash feels like to alot of people In my opinion too.

    submitted by /u/lightreaper52
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    Just had a draw, is this common?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 10:19 PM PST

    What Card Destroys Your Main Deck?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 06:01 PM PST

    What card can destroy your deck you play with most often, almost no matter what. This can be because of power that that card has, or simply because it is a counter to your cards (such as an opponent's inferno tower stopping your giant). The card that destroys mine personally is Mega Knight.

    submitted by /u/StellarRing
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    Queen Tower

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 09:44 PM PST

    I think it would be wonderful for female players to be allocated a Queen in a Queen's Tower in matches instead of a King in a King's Tower!?

    submitted by /u/Discarded_Sabot
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    Hero Forge Series, Comment Request: Royale Giant

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 10:08 AM PST

    I made a new account to see how much the on boarding and middle game felt as a new player again. It's not good.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 05:56 AM PST

    So, I have a near max account, I can easily push into the 6400-6700 range each season, but I'm by no means good. But like alot of you, I'm disappointed in the state of the game, especially CW2.

    I wanted to approach the game with a fresh mindset since i've been so jaded for a while, so I made a new account and played it for the month of October, pushing it to 4k on ladder with a f2p deck (mortar!) and as a new account, CW2 feels extremely punishing.

    First of all, on my main account, CW2 was simply an annoyance. I felt obligated to do it since missing it hurts the clan. CW1 you simply opt in by way of collection battles or you sit out and jump into the next one 2 days later. No stress. CW2 rosters the clan collectively no matter your active status.

    However on a new account, CW2 is BRUTAL.

    The game mode forces you to split you're already precious resources to level 32 cards instead of the 8 for ladder. The rewards you get don't make up for the loss of card levels you're not investing in for your main ladder deck. Leveling an ice spirit to 12 for 50k gold so I can simply use it in a CW deck doesn't net me back that 50k gold. Not even close.

    It diverges your resources (maybe on purpose) with not enough incentive, other than to not get bitched out by your GM.

    I feel really sorry for the newer players who hopped into the game in 2020 pre-CW2 only to have it flipped on them like this. :(

    It's not ALL bad though:

    as I mentioned, I only played for a month, casually, and pushed to 4k. 3 years ago that likely wouldn't be possible. The battle pass yields tremendous value - especially for newer players - and card rewards in general do feel much better than they used to be. I guess it's a partial makeup to counter the fact that the sheer volume of cards is significantly larger than what it was 3 years ago.

    Anyway, just my thoughts as I try to find a spark again with this game.

    submitted by /u/DrSuckenstein
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    Did you notice SC added some emotes to the shop???

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 10:39 PM PST

    I checked today and I was surprised to find the horse, hunter, 2 logs, 1 bandit and the golden hog rider emotes all there. So I guess supercell's "no more emotes in the shop" is now over. That's cool, but i really hope they add the inferno drag emote, it is my favourite emote but I haven't been able to get it.

    submitted by /u/Leon_Koldun
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