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    Clash Royale 2muchspoopy4me

    Clash Royale 2muchspoopy4me


    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 07:32 AM PST


    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 04:49 AM PST

    Wow, what a clutch cannon cart!

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 05:23 PM PST

    Finally! After 4 long years... I'm done! All max! Yes!!!

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 05:43 AM PST

    R N G - what makes games F U N

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 01:45 PM PST

    Double kiting a prince

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 05:03 PM PST

    Matching emotes!

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 03:19 PM PST

    Star Skins - It has been almost 2 years since they were released but there are now 23/101 cards which still don't have a skin besides either a minuscule "enter the arena" effect and a gold level number. Hopefully more on the way in the upcoming update?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 11:46 AM PST

    Electro spirit, Fire Spirits, Firecracker, Skeleton Dragons, Battle Healer, Bomb Tower, Elixir Golem, Furnace, Flying Machine,Heal Spirit, Ice Golem, Dark Prince, Electro Dragon, Electro Giant, Prince, Bandit, Fisherman, Electro Wizard, Ice Wizard, Lumberjack, Princess, Ram Rider & Royal Ghost.

    I know it isn't a huge priority, but it really would be nice to have even some small changes to these cards that have been in the game for years, including the two Royal cards; the Princess and the Prince! And that also goes for cards that have two star levels at the moment...whatever happened to the all-gold Mega Knight (https://i.redd.it/t7uw7d0j2n841.jpg) that was in the original trailer?

    To be honest all I'm after is a Star Level Princess skin that shoots with the animation of the Level 3 Arrows!

    Praying for some form of statement in the upcoming update announcement...


    submitted by /u/feral_waz
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    Hog riderrrrr ,an old art :) my favourite

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 10:55 AM PST

    Imagine.... this would be cool

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 01:04 PM PST

    New Clash Royale Update!

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 04:29 PM PST

    That would be better than Clan Wars 2. But, now that you are here, let's talk.

    Part of the reason Clash Royale is declining is because it is not as exciting and fun to play as it was in the beginning, circa 2016-17. What makes Clash Royale so fun and exciting is immediate and intense PvP gameplay, mostly from ladder. Here are ten things Supercell should implement right now as a comprehensive update to refresh the game and make it more fun for both F2P and paying players:

    1. Allow set starting hands: When you order your deck in your deck slot, the order 1-8 is the order in which you receive cards to start each match. Do you hate getting starting-handed by skill-less golem players? Not anymore, baby! Golem players, don't you just hate when you can't plop down a golem first play? Have I got something for you!
    2. Instant ladder rematch: Similar to the "Play Again" button in 2v2, if both players press this button after a ladder match, you rematch with the same decks. Rematches are worth triple trophies (so, if you were the initial loser, you gain ~60 over initial; if you were the initial winner, you gain ~90 over initial). Only reason you lost was bad matchup? Try "Rematch Bo3," which would take you into a separate Bo3 rematch where you could pick three decks from your deck slots. Again, triple trophies. "Accepted Ladder Rematches" and "Declined Ladder Rematches" become stats on your profile, so everyone knows quien es mas macho.
    3. Ladder Gold Battles: Somewhere in your profile you can enable "Ladder Gold Battles" and set the amount to risk for each Ladder Gold Battle. If both players in a ladder match have this enabled, the winner receives from the other player the amount of gold risked by whichever player between the two risked less gold, up to a cap of 500 gold. Loading screen tells you if the battle is a "Ladder Gold Battle" or not right as the match begins.
    4. Clan Wars Heroes Battle: Your clan nominates five players as heroes to battle against the other clans' five heroes in the boat race. Your five heroes have to complete these four battles within a reasonable amount of time or you forfeit. If you must have ten members to compete in clan wars, you should be able to find five people dedicated enough to be your heroes. This would make Clan Wars less remote (asynchronous battles against clans not in your boat race) and more in keeping with what makes Clash Royale fun - immediate battle against an opponent who is right in front of you. Clash Royale already has a sort of ping system for top ladder ("Another top player is looking for a match"), so it could do something similar for Heroes Battle ("Another Hero is looking for a match").
    5. Paid ladder bans: Are you a sissy like me, and just swipe out of the game when you see archers split behind the king tower? Let's stop wasting everyone's time and allow players to pay gems to ban certain matchups for limited periods of time during the season. So, if I pay X gems1, I don't have to play against Hog 2.6 for a period of 24 hours. There is a lot of room for modification - can you ban one card or a whole deck? Maybe you can ban 1-8 cards and you have to pay more (or less) to ban fewer (or more) cards. Bottom line is this idea is fire and gets us closer to a world where X-Bow players are partitioned off from the rest of the fine, upstanding people of Clash Royale, and who can argue with that?
    6. Paid card boosts: When I played Clash of Clans, you could pay to boost troop production, and I was able to do it every once in a while with free gems. Why shouldn't Clash Royale players be able to pay 25, 50, or 100 gems to boost certain cards for limited periods of time? With paid card boosts, you reinvigorate F2P players who are only losing because their fireball is level 12 (sure, buddy). One hidden benefit of paid card boosts and paid ladder bans: you artificially inflate trophy counts of certain players throughout the whole season, reintroducing into late-season (+4000 trophy) ladder some of the random chaos that occurs in early season (+4000 trophy) ladder. This makes it more possible you will be able to hit a new trophy high in a given season. Wouldn't you like to enjoy playing late-season ladder again? (This feature should probably be disabled for top-1000 players, at least for the last 5 days of the season, if you are as concerned with the ABSOLUTE INTEGRITY of top-ladder battles like Supercell is (rolls eyes)).
    7. New party mode - no direct-damage spells: Wasn't it more fun when you couldn't just rocket cycle and you had to get a prince connection on the tower like back in 2016? Well kids, lemme tell ya - it was. In this party mode, you are going to have to get troops to the tower because there are no damaging spells allowed. Also, I would make party modes rotate every 24 hours and offer two unique party modes at all times (instead of just one). They don't offer two now, I suspect, because waiting times would be too long. But once you get a bajillion people back into the game from implementing all of these suggestions, that won't be an issue.
    8. Challenge revamp - Novice Challenge: Henceforth there shall be three types of challenges, no more, no less. Three shall be the number of challenges, and the number of the challenges shall be three. Four shalt thou not have, neither thou have two, excepting that thou then add one to have three. Five is right out.

      1. Novice/Gold 12-Win Challenge: Free to enter if <1000 (<5000?) wins in profile, rewards gold primarily - only (very small number of) common and rare cards rewarded if any cards at all. 10 gems to enter if >1000 wins in profile. A win (12 wins) earns a Classic 12-Win Challenge entry ticket. Not sure whether to call it "Novice" or "Gold" as the goal is to make it both a place to farm gold and a place where less experienced players can improve their skills with meta decks at tourney standard.
      2. Classic 12-Win Challenge: 10 gems to enter, rewards 50% of current Grand Challenge rewards. A win (12 wins) earns a Grand 12-Win Challenge entry ticket.
      3. Grand 12-Win Challenge: 50 gems to enter, otherwise the same (not gonna argue if you want to increase the rewards here).
    9. Top 10 Decks: Instead of TV Royale, replace that tab with "Top 10 Decks" tab. You get to see the top 10 decks by popularity for your arena (<4000 trophies) or your 500-trophy band (>4000 trophies). When you click on the decks it takes you to your partners like statsroyale or royaleapi. Take the battles from TV Royale and package them out to your content creators to make highlight videos like "BM'ers get DESTROYED! SAD!", "Top 10 Worst Beats", and "Two Ice-Bow Players Rocket Each Other for FIVE WHOLE MINUTES!"2

    10. Beat the Pros PvE: This is the most far out-there idea, so bear with me and understand this may not work or may need significant reworking.3 Boat battles was a poor attempt to introduce PvE because boat battles are kind of divorced from what makes Clash Royale fun (again - immediate and intense PvP gameplay). So, how do you make PvE like PvP? When you enter Beat the Pros, you are shown a specific situation from a CRL match in the past. You are then given the opportunity to do your best in that specific situation and your result is compared to how the pro did. So, for instance, you start the game where the Javi14-Airsurfer match begins with 26 seconds left at :42 in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RybZfMOEqz0. You succeed / fail based on how well you attack/defend relative to how the pro did in that same situation. Maybe this is a party mode you can play for free, maybe it is a separate mode you can pay for to get rewards (that is NOT a challenge, as the number of challenges shall be three). As a bonus, you can offer a link at the end the player can click to watch the CRL match to compare.

    You may say, "They'll never do that," or raise pretty good reasons why some of this may be unworkable. But, like Clash with Ash has been saying, what do you have to lose, Supercell? It is time to try something. And you cannot deny, if I gave you two buttons on your device, one to enter Clash Royale with the Clan Wars 2 update and the other to enter Clash Royale with my update, you would click into mine 100% of the time.

    Some of these things are not entirely new ideas, too. That is true, but the point is that Clash Royale needs a BIG update that is fun and appeals to new and old players, and any recycled ideas here have been modified and paired with fresh ones to create a game plan for the type of comprehensive, big update Clash Royale needs.

    I welcome your input.

    1For paid ladder bans, you could also make them payable in a lot of gold, like 1M gold. That would give max players something on which to spend their useless excess gold.

    2This probably is not how Ice-Bow mirror matches work. But only probably.

    3I understand the most unworkable part of this is that it requires some sort of AI/bot to play the part of the other pro, but I am attempting to minimize that issue by making the task limited to attacking/defending for one push.

    submitted by /u/Hi-ya_Buddy
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    What do you guys think?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 04:44 PM PST

    How many of you enjoy the game right now?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 08:32 PM PST

    I always see people complain about the game on the sub lately. I haven't played the game in 4 years and I reinstalled it this year and had a blast. I get that the game isn't in its prime right now but that doesn't make it a bad game IMO, what are your thoughts on the game and the community?

    submitted by /u/A_Wild_Tree
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    Triple draft, same cards for both players.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 11:23 PM PST

    Scattershot - Legendary Building

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 06:04 PM PST

    Worst kind of opponent, best kind of win

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 07:19 AM PST

    Quick Musketeer sketch

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 08:26 PM PST

    Ranged attack new for mega knight

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 02:47 AM PST

    Perfect synergy doesn't exi....

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 12:37 PM PST

    Witch and Larry artwork

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 12:24 AM PST

    [Strategy] Mega Knight: Use, synergy, countering, and relative card breakdown

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 06:29 AM PST

    Hello Everyone! It's HR here. Today, we have the Mega Knight. The mega Knight is a 7 elixir splash damage tank, that does really well against a lot of squishy swarm troops. If it can die to fireball, or fireball + log, chances are a Mega Knight can quickly take it out. As always, if you like this single card strategy post, please comment down below!


    Stats level 9
    Elixir 7
    Rarity Legendary
    Arena Royal Arena
    Damage 222
    Jump damage 444
    Spawn Damage 444
    Hit points 3600
    Hit Speed 1.7 sec
    DPS 130
    Targets Ground
    Range Melee Medium
    Speed Medium


    • Cheaper Tank Killers: (Inferno Dragon, Mini PEKKA) The Mega Knight is like a PEKKA, but deals slightly less damage over an area. Because of this, you can use him a lot like a PEKKA, but in reverse. Have the mega Knight splash the supporting troops and keep a tank killer nearby who can finish off the beefier units.

    • Tank-requiring win conditions: The Mega Knight has quite a bit of beef to it. If you can get down a Mega Knight on defense, then have him tank for a card such as a Graveyard or Goblin barrel in the counter push, it can be really effective especially since their elixir is probably really low so they can't defend properly.

    Various effective decks this card is featured in:

    • 3.3 Miner SB bait The mega Knight is a nice tank splasher and a nice tank on top of that. There are a lot of zapable and loggable troops in this deck which the mega Knight can tank supporting splashers for, demanding a spell for response. The inferno dragon then meets the defense while Skeleton barrel + Miner is cycled repeatedly to take the tower.

    • Mega Knight Ram Rider This deck looks very similar to the PEKKA Ram Rider control deck, but with a Mega Knight in for PEKKA and an inferno dragon in for Baby Dragon. The idea here is a control deck a lot like PEKKA BS with a Ram Rider, and once again, the Mega Knight takes defense with the inferno dragon.

    How to use:

    The Mega Knight will be used mostly on defense. He is quite expensive, so most of the time, you want to use him in double elixir where he can both get more value and play more troops with him easier.

    Even in double elixir and into triple, your going to want to not waste any of his effects. So the best time to use him will be as the support troops from a big beatdown push comes across the river. That way, you can easily slam down the mega Knight on top of them and even give yourself a potential positive elixir trade.

    If your going up against more control, chip based decks, the mega Knight is also not bad at stopping Hog Rider's and Ram Riders from connecting to your tower. If you time if so that the Hog is about 1 /4ths the way to your tower, and the Mega Knight is in the way of the unit, he will knock him back, stop the charge, and then assist in having the tower take out the threat. You now can counter attack with the Mega Knight if you wish.

    The X-bow can easily be distracted by the Mega Knight. Play him into the same lane and he will be able to jump onto the X-bow, dealing plenty of damage to it and the support troops. Just be sure to play him into the same lane, because otherwise, he can be logged out of range and even in general, you're better off utilizing his splash capabilities against the closely grouped together support.

    You should not use him on only offense. He is to distractible and will get taken out quite easily. You can, however, use him on defense, then counter attack, using him + a high DPS troop, most likely one that helped you out on defense. This is very effective most of the time since when a deck goes on offense, it usually needs to take a minute to regain the elixir needed to take out a push like this, and to put it simply, the mega Knight's slightly faster speed and his jump rarely lets them have that minute, especially compared to counter attacks with a PEKKA.

    Use/Win Rates: thoughts on how popular Mega Knight is in the current meta game.

    Mega Knight right now is almost at the reference point for most cards. A 9% use rate and a 42% win rate. Just a little bit low in his Win rate, but with PEKKA bridgespam being a fairly big meta impacter, no surprise. With newer versions of bridgespam starting to surface, he'll most likely get a perfect win rate as time goes on in the season.

    What are your thoughts on Mega Knight in the current meta?


    On paper, Mega Knight may seem tough to counter, but don't worry, there are a whole load of ways to take out this big fella, including:

    Both the inferno tower and the bomb tower shuts him down with no damage. I don't recommend this since unless your playing against a mid ladder player, chances are they will have a building targeting win condition and you may want the IT/BT for that instead. Just know if needed, it is reliable.

    You can simply kite away the Mega Knight with an ice golem, and any high DPS ranged or areal troop will have ample time to take him out.

    You can also use a ground tank killer/mini tank such as mini PEKKA, Knight, fisherman or valk, pull him to the middle, and distract him long enough for the towers to take him out. Fisherman is especially good at this since you can disrupt his charge and pull him to the middle no matter what.

    Air troops can do whatever they want to him. So any air attacking High DPS troop will get the Job done, no sweat.


    The Mega Knight is a 7 Elixir Ground tank that targets all units and deals splash damage. He synergizes really well with lighter tank killers because he specializes in wiping support troops from the board. He does have a weakness in most non swarm tank killers since he doesn't deal the most damage and can't hit air.

    As always, if you liked this single card breakdown post, feel free to comment down below other cards, and I'll be happy to add it to the list! Thank you for reading!


    submitted by /u/Huffelpuff__rainbow
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    Why every time?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 10:21 PM PST

    Super cell be like “It’s not a bug it’s a feature” (u/Xosek also showed this bug)

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 04:21 PM PST

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