• Breaking News

    Sunday, October 11, 2020

    Clash Royale Happy birthday to the most dedicated and hardworking clash royale content creator u/Clash_With_Ash

    Clash Royale Happy birthday to the most dedicated and hardworking clash royale content creator u/Clash_With_Ash

    Happy birthday to the most dedicated and hardworking clash royale content creator u/Clash_With_Ash

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 10:58 AM PDT

    Pleeeeease let us edit our decks on cooldown

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 03:49 AM PDT

    A message to all Free-To-Play players of Clash Royale.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 09:19 AM PDT

    You started Clash Royale two years ago. You were bored. Your friend tells you to download this game he finds fascinating - players put down cards that battle each other LIVE on a battlefield.

    You quickly become entranced by the animations, concept, user interface, and start your epic journey. You soon discover that you're decently good at this game, and advance reasonably quickly, breezing through Spell Valley, Builder's Workshop, and Frozen Peak.

    You start dreaming about what cards you want to unlock, continuously praying for a legendary that isn't garbage. You play whenever you can during these early stages, whether you're on your way to your job, on your way to school, or when you're taking 2-hour toilet breaks. You impatiently open chests like how you would check your phone for texts from your crush.

    This game is everything you ever dreamed of: the fluid animations of mega minion's attack, the deep, resonating sound Golem makes when you place him, and the euphoria of getting three crowns using one of the decks you made by playing so religiously.

    Then one day, your life changes. A guy comes along with the most meta deck ever. You think this guy is trolling you because his card positioning is so bad. He laughs and emotes "thanks" at whatever you do. You quickly discover this guy is not good. However, he is winning. He's "winning" because he has higher level cards and a higher level king tower that he easily obtained by PAYING for.

    Deep inside, he knows he's going to win. You, on the other hand, cannot believe you are going to lose. You fight fervently, knowing that you might have a sliver of hope, despite his excessive BM. You want to win this battle because you care deeply about this game.

    Trauma. Pain. What a travesty to Clash Royale.

    Two years go by; you're still grinding on that one deck. You've been playing this children's game for a long time now. You log on every day, trying to get your cards to level up. Your trophies plateau and frequently stay the same. You start hating yourself after wasting 30 minutes to an hour pushing an insignificant amount trophies and collecting a menial sum of cards when you could have been cuddling with your girlfriend, playing with your dog, or developing a new hobby.

    As a free to play player, you know you'll never win.

    Clash, I'm saying goodbye.



    submitted by /u/Wise_Tourist
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    Those are Rare !

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 03:01 AM PDT

    This is a comment from coc's channel, Thoughts?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 07:29 AM PDT

    A perfectly timed tornado can activate king off of a goblin barrel whilst mitigating all princess tower damage

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 08:18 PM PDT

    BMer gets a taste of his own medicine

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 03:38 PM PDT

    CW2 is so much fun! Very competitive.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    A rare 0/2 cards. They don’t let you trade 1/2 legendaries but they let you donate 1/2 epics cards?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 06:55 AM PDT

    Hmm �� So was it a visual bug by IG or he capping that they lost 200k in a day? Plus he confirms new starskins.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 03:24 PM PDT

    Fairly Accurate

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 09:28 PM PDT

    War is excruciatingly boring.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 07:28 AM PDT

    We went from wanting people to play war to now dreading our turn to play. This is an epic fail on a "Firefly" level. A "Halo 5" disaster. The only constructive feedback I have is scrap it completely and go back to the original war until you can hire some people with good ideas.

    submitted by /u/SpiderVenom420
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    Is there even a CR dev team anymore?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 07:36 AM PDT

    Clash Royale feels abandoned in terms of game development, in general, and even more so compared to other Supercell games such as Brawl Stars and Clash of Clans. Barely anything new is added to the game, and barely anything gets fixed (usually taking months to do so). So based on the following evidence, I wonder if there even is CR team anymore? Or is CR just a side project which devs from other games take a look at once a month or so?

    1. No updates for a year, besides some tower skins and emotes. Think how much time does it take to design 12 tower skins and some emotes? More than a month? I doubt it.
    2. CWII update, looked like a rushed update, full of issues which brought nothing new to the table. No new game mods or mechanics. Just small extensions of already existing modes. Again something which takes the bare minimum of time to be developed.
    3. Electro spirit has been in the dev files for over a year and they just decided to release it now.
    4. Electro giant, among the worst cards in game right now. It takes months till we have the next update which (hopefully) balances him out. Meanwhile, in Brawl Stars underperforming brawlers get balanced days after realease.
    5. Bugs and many features which take little to no effort to be added to the game, are not directly implemented (level cap, equal amount of fame/gold, 2v2 and other modes in CWII just to mention a few).
    6. Our community manager, makes 5 comments a week and a tweet here and there. I don't blame him much either, not much to say when there's nothing being done.
    7. As games slowly lose popularity, normally they are made more F2P, to gain some new players, and make ones engange with it longer but in CR the opposite is happening. It's more P2W than ever, which only suggests to me they are pulling the plug to the game while squeezing out fast whatever $ is left in it.

    submitted by /u/TrickyBarrel
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    Shouldn’t we get an extra month of the card boost since the card is apparently bugged and isn’t gonna get fixed until a client update comes?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 11:07 AM PDT

    Are boat battles as stupid as I think or am I missing something?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 09:37 PM PDT

    TL;DR: Our enemies stop earning 2,7k - 12 k fame to do enough boat attacks to sink us, while making us only stop gaining 3,9k

    I was thinking about the benefits of atacking other clans boats, and I can find none. If I attack a boat I get half the fame if I win, none if I loose. Those are the things I've observed:

    • When other's attack my defenses (level 10-11), they usually do 2-3 looses and 2-3 wins in order to destroy all the defenses. The peple of the clan who checked had similar results, even better
    • My average fame per battle is 180 or so. I know it depends on card levels, but I'm a 10-11 on average
    • My clan needs 3,9 K to repair the boat

    Using the numbers from my defensive battles, I get that the average enemy clan needs 30-45 looses and 30-45 wins in order to destroy all out defenses. That makes 60-90 battles to earn a total of 2,7k-4k (you only win if you kill at least one pump, so max win is 4k by only killing one pump per battle).

    However, which that must fights used in 1v1 battle, they wold have made AT LEAST 90 fame by not playing at all and just loose, or 180 if win, which means the fame the enemy would have earned goes from 5400 (60*90) (which is VERY STRANGE, I allways win at least half my matches and I'm not a very good player, it's just math: sometimes you get matchmaked with the deck you play best against the deck other plays worst xD) to 16,2k (90x180), depending on rival skill. So, let's take a clan that wins 30% of their matches.

    In any case, they just made us NOT GAIN 3,9 K fame, they basically lost their time. I know I've simplified things way too much, but best case scenario is 5400 - 2700 = 2,7 K fame points that the enemy DID NOT earn to make us NOT EARN 3,9 K (just 1,2 K diff) to the worst case for rival, which is 16,2k - 4k = 12,2 K fame points NOT EARNED by rival for us NOT TO EARN 3,9 K in repairs

    More formally:

    Gain=3900 + Wb * F/2 - Wc * F - Lc * F/2

    Wb <= T

    T = Wc + Lc

    Wb >= 15


    • Wb -> wins on boat battles. You need AT LEAST 15
    • Wc -> wins on classic 1v1 battles
    • Lc -> looses on classic 1v1 battles
    • F -> fame earned for winning a classic 1v1 battle (a loss on 1v1 gives half fame, a win in boat battle gives half fame)
    • T -> total matches

    So, my question is: Am I missing something? Did I find a master defense just by luck on first build?

    Is there a "3 crown guaranteed" deck to beat PVE boats, like having a ton of elixir pumps and some magical badass attacks with infernos protected by some tank though enough to stand for some seconds, or that just uses trash cards

    Or it is just that this part of clan wars 2 is as idiotic as the entire update?

    submitted by /u/dgoiko
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    Made it to 4k with my lvl 1 account

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 06:53 AM PDT

    The Office fans will understand

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 10:27 PM PDT

    How hard would it be for CR to implement a better friends system? In BS you can both friend ppl in your club and enter their player ID, but in CR you can only use 2v2 and friends links to get friends.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 10:31 AM PDT

    Just noticed this for the first time but there's someone inside the flying machine... Look at the legs

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 09:15 AM PDT

    I finally reached 4k+ trophies last night after raging at many mega knight decks

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 04:31 AM PDT

    I love midladder

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 10:56 PM PDT

    Was trying out a new deck. Did some risky moves bc I thought I had it under control. But then the most annoying thing happened.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 10:13 PM PDT

    Any deck tips? Trying to progress to 6k

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 08:28 PM PDT

    Closest game I've ever had this season so far (excuse the BMing)!

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 09:27 PM PDT

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