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    Sunday, September 27, 2020

    Clash Royale Suggestion: Weekly free trade tokens

    Clash Royale Suggestion: Weekly free trade tokens

    Suggestion: Weekly free trade tokens

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 09:35 AM PDT

    I believe I can fly ...

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 02:00 AM PDT

    Did someone say crossover episode

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 04:15 AM PDT

    Very small thing: We should be able to see our clanmate's name when they attack, just like in Clan wars 1

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 08:52 AM PDT

    Double charged for Pass Royale and lost access.

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 11:01 AM PDT

    Like the title says. I checked my purchase history in my Apple ID and saw that I was charged twice for the Pass Royale this season. It's $6.99 and I had two charges for $6.99, both called "Pass Royale" and totalling $15.66. I contacted Apple and they refunded one of the charges, but then my access to the pass was revoked, even though I've still paid for it. Now they're refusing to refund the second charge, and I'm left without a pass that I've paid for with only 8 days left in the season.

    u/Supercell_Drew is there any way you can look into my account and make this right? Apple is not helping, and when I go through the in-game support chat through Clash Royale it's like they don't even read my messages before responding. I've paid for the pass, I just want access to what I've paid for. Please help! My player ID is #LLUPPQC9

    submitted by /u/TheZMoney
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    Mega Mega Lighting Chest?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 12:22 PM PDT

    **Gold Fix** Quick and Easy changes Supercell can implement when they fix a mess

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 01:55 PM PDT

    Not sure how many people are going to even bother reading this but I'm a numbers guy and figured some other people on the sub might enjoy seeing the numbers even if they aren't good numbers

    Supercell has quite a mess on their hands with CW2 being a bust and god knows enough posts have been submitted on this subreddit with negative feedback that has often already been said. A huge reason for them having such a mess on their hands is that the progression in the game is at a snails pace, namely the gold progression. If progression was better then the card level gap between players will definitely decrease. Full F2P players are standing no chance to compete with card levels and even ones that drop the causal five bucks every once in a while barely gain any ground on those who actually drop bank or who have been playing for 4 years religiously.

    *I'd be surprised if it hasn't been said before but why not just change the values for the gold rewarded. *

    Some number before we get started

    *Total gold needed currently in the game to upgrade every card to level 13 is 18,162,475

    Gold per Rarity

    A single common car requires 185,625 gold to get to max Rare = 185,600 gold per card Epic = 184,400 gold per card Legendary = 175,000 gold per card

    Me Myself

    I personally have 3,434,000 worth of gold in upgrades available but am barely at 200,000. Also not to mention the value is probably higher but a few donations make my cards technically no longer available for the upgrade but they're close enough

    If you're winning in clan wars 2 that is a decent way to get gold but besides the gold progression is awful. Also, I have no proof of this but I wouldn't be surprised if the ones winning the most in clan wars 2 are the ones who need the gold the least.

    Summary of daily gold progression

    *This is assuming you have reached legendary arena and your clan is in legendary league. *Math for each section is based off of gold only from that one way of earning gold. *Optimistically, if the gold reward can range I used the highest possible amount to translate to the fewest possible days. *Does not include Pass Royale

    Victory Gold


    • 44 gold is way too little to make a difference especially for a higher level player
    • 20 game cap a day is unnecessary. While 20 games to win a day is a lot why limit it at all especially with such little gold rewarded. (Also gives that annoying message before you go into games when you've reached the limit)


    • 44 x 20 is 880 gold a day
    • It would take over 113 days from only victory gold to get enough to level up a single card from level 12 -> 13
    • You need to win 2,273 games with that reward to get to 100,000 gold solely from victory gold (this would take over 4.5 days of straight dubbing assuming each game was averaging 3 minutes a pop)


    • Raise the victory gold (maybe even differ them for each arena above legendary)
    • Take away the cap on how much victory gold you can get a day (at least get rid of the warning message; It's annoying and hurtful because I know I've played too much already but just let me into another game)

    Silver Chests


    • Talk about useless. I can't remember the last time I was excited to open a silver chest. There are too many of them in the chest cycle and they just take up slots and waste my time with the small amount of gold and few cards


    • Optimistically assuming you get the max possible gold of 152 from each chest and open 8 silver chests a day, you'd earn 1,216 gold for the day.
    • It would take 658 silver chests times the 3 hour opening period each with 152 gold it would take over 82 days to get the 100,000 to upgrade a single card to from 12 -> 13.


    • Increase the gold inside
    • Make fewer silver chests in the chest cycle
    • Add the ability to delete chests from your chest slots. This way if you don't want so many silver chests you have to open you can fill them with other chests and continue your chest cycle and therefore get to the better chests quicker, all without wasting gems on useless rewards (Problems with this may be that it will take longer to implement than just changing the value of gold for rewards & supercell would need to add an are you sure you want to delete button or complaints will rise in the subreddit)

    Gold Chests


    • Similar to silver chests. Just not very helpful in progressing when you're a higher level


    • Max possible gold is 608 and you can open three a day totaling 1,824 gold
    • 165 gold chests, at 8 hours a piece, containing 608 gold are necessary to reach 100,000 gold so you can upgrade a single card from level 12 -> 13. That is over a 54 day wait time on gold chests opening to get to 100,000 gold


    (Similar to silver chests) * Increase the gold * Make other chests more common * Delete chest ability

    Crown Chest


    • I don't really have problems with the crown chests. They seems to give good value but you can always increase the golden further progression.


    • Assuming you finish all 35 tiers worth, if each chest contains the max possible 1200 that's 42,000 gold from crown chests for the season.


    • Increase gold inside

    Clan Wars (only including problems relating to gold)


    • Must participate in clan wars even though it may not be as fun for you since you're under-leveled and losing
    • Losing gives half the rewards (which is often a guarantee for under-leveled players)
    • Heavy reliance on clanmates: if your clan doesn't finish the boot reward is god awful
    • The higher leveled players with more max cards are most likely gaining the most gold out of this, seemingly increasing the wealth gap between players


    *Winning a duel in a clean sweep 2-0 and win the other 2 1v1 battles you'll get 5,500 that day * Do that 7 days a week and get 38,500 * Add the gold from the rewards (assuming first which is 4,410) which totals 42,910 for the week


    *Answers will vary (a lot of things can be done to tweak this) * Definitely have to change the boot



    I don't think there's a problem with the gold gained from donations. Messing with that will change other factors in the game like card value which will also change prices in the shop. You can get up to 1,800 in gold a day if you were to donate the max 36 rare cards to clanmates. The cap on donations is good because someone could just hog all of them while others aren't on often enough and can't donate immediately. I think the main point of donations is to just help your clanmates with card collection as well as gain the XP so I wouldn't mess with it.

    Gold a day/ a week

    In one 24 hour period with the best possible outcome it F2P Assumptions: No Pass Royale *Open 5 silver chests = 152 x 5 *Open 1 gold chest = 608 *Get 20 victory gold rewards = 880 *Donate 36 rares (which aren't maxed since you do get gold for a maxed card donation) = 1800 *Open 1 crown chest = 1200 * Flawless War Day = 3500 + 1000 x 2 *Total = 10,748 gold per day**

    For the week it'd reach 75,236 + 4,410 for the war week first place = 79,646 gold per week

    Take away war participation for any reason someone might have for not participating in it and those numbers drop to 5,248 gold per day and 36,736 gold per week

    Before anyone rips into me saying this doesn't include all ways to get gold like challenges or other chests I'd like to say I know that but challenges and other chests are less constant compared to the factors. I also made them as optimal as possible to make up a little for the missing gold which we both know is far from true.

    I chose to have reward increased as opposed to upgrades decreased because it will cause uproar on what is fair or not and for the people that have already spent the money.

    TL;DR: Slow progression has caused CW2 to be an even bigger problem for Supercell so I'm suggesting to just change the amount of how much gold a player gets from each reward to allow for more upgrades and therefore close the level gap (especially the card level gap).

    submitted by /u/rubbishness320
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    Electro Giant stats and icon

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 04:01 AM PDT

    I‘ve been searching for far longer without any result, plus this is usual. Either the Matchmaking sucks or there‘s nobody left playing this Game.

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 12:01 PM PDT

    Petition to add a scan button of “is my wifi reliable to start a match”

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 06:18 PM PDT

    How is this even possible? I hate players like this.

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 01:46 PM PDT

    The Merchant ...

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 03:21 PM PDT

    The Merchant ...

    Instead of exchanging cards using exchange coins (you already do this with your clanmates), the Merchant figure should serve to sell unused cards in exchange for gold, gems, tokens ... or chests.

    What is your opinion?


    submitted by /u/Annna_MiCasa
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    [Card Idea] A new heavy spell that could be interesting. Beam damage intended to be much weaker than inferno dragon, but I don’t know how/if it could be balanced.

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 04:55 PM PDT

    The Fisherman saved my Sparky’s charge from the lightning!

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 02:36 PM PDT

    Found a glitch in the clan game with my smurf account were I had 3 baby dragons in my deck

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 06:35 PM PDT

    Two conclusions about this update

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 12:30 PM PDT

    I'm a fan boy of supercell. I like this culture and spend money to be a part of it. Not ashamed, don't feel likes its pay to win, more pay to be a part of it. Ive come to two conclusions about this last update.

    1.) The emoji for pass royale this season perfectly mirrors the actual functionality that was introduced with this update.

    2.) I will not spend another dime on this game until I have a roadmap for new features and functions. Not buying into this culture sight-unseen again.

    submitted by /u/spire8901
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    How to get infinite amount of chests��

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 03:30 PM PDT

    [Idea] New Text Emotes

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 07:03 AM PDT

    Why aren't Global Tournaments hosted more often?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 02:41 PM PDT

    I was thinking of when Global Tournaments were first released and usually there were about 2 per week-ish (Not entirely sure of intervals). For me, I found them pretty fun, but suddenly, they were reduced to one per season.

    Is this just me or did they decrease the amount of Global Tournaments? If they did, why aren't they hosted more often?

    submitted by /u/WakkkaMole
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    Some say the Clan Wars river is made from the tears of casual players

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 09:40 PM PDT

    Balance Wishlist

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 09:32 AM PDT



    While statistically overpowered, Musketeer is one of the only viable ranged unit in the game, whereas cards like Witch, Wizard and Executioner remain unusable.

    Therefore, it is important not to kill the card but just to trim it down slightly

    • Damage -3%

    This should keep Musketeer under control, allowing time for alternatives to be buffed.


    As a main tank, Knight is supposed to act as a damage sponge while other cards deal damage, but it can often go 1v1 against units like Mega Knight and win.

    • Damage -5%

    This should enforce its role as a tank and make players to support it using dps units.

    Heal Spirit

    Even with a smaller radius, it doesn't change the massive heal it gives, the nerf didn't fix what made it overpowered.

    • Healing -10%

    As a 1 elixir card, Heal Spirit shouldn't change the tide of a game, this should stop the card from being so impactful in battles.


    Minions/Minion Horde/Mega Minion

    As aerial support units, none of the Minions can even come close to Skeleton Dragons in terms of use and win rates.

    Being power creeped, they are losing relevance as Skeleton Dragons win against them head on more often than not.

    • Range +20%(1.6->2)

    This allows the Minions to engage Skeleton Dragons and other units earlier than before.


    Bats are another alternative to Skeleton Dragons, but nowhere as viable.

    Also a strong counter to Musketeer, Knight and other overpowered cards, their presence should keep those cards in check.

    • Hitspeed +8.3%(1.3->1.2)

    Being the nerf that made them underpowered, returning half of the hitspeed should land them in a balanced spot.


    PEKKA has been underpowered ever since its hitpoints nerf.

    Even with so many Mega Knight in the meta, PEKKA couldn't fare against the high dps of the support units.

    • Hitpoints +6%

    • Damage +2%

    Slight reverting the massive nerf it got, Pekka should have slightly more hitpoints than Mega Knight.

    The damage buff will allow PEKKA to oneshot units like Royal Hogs.


    Skeleton Dragons

    Even after nerf, Skeleton Dragons still has a win rate much higher than any other ranged swarm.

    Clearly, the nerf is insufficient.

    • Damage -18%

    • Hitspeed +13%(1.7->1.5)

    This reduces their dps by 7%, while making their hitspeed consistent with Baby Dragon's


    One of the weakest ranged unit in the game, Executioner has been long due for a buff.

    However, it is careful not to repeat the same mistake that destroyed the meta.

    • Projectile Range +15%(6.5 -> 7.5)

    • Range -11%(4.5->4)

    • Hitpoints +8%

    Applying the same change Bowler had, this should let Executioner hit many more units per throw.

    The range reduction forces it to move closer to its targets, but the hitpoints increase should make up for its vulnerability.


    This would be it.

    There are much more I would like to add, but these are what I consider more significant than others.

    Hopefully some of them will be true.


    Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/Jake_Rowley
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    I finally made my perfect custom deck I just pushed 200 trophies with it

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 07:51 AM PDT

    It feels deep inside

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 08:52 PM PDT

    Clash Royale is a mobile game, not an esport. Worry about fun first.

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 11:01 PM PDT

    Disclaimer: I'm not a pro this game. I play it on my toilet because it's on my phone. It's not hardcore. I'm at 6,300 while throwing out deuces.

    The game is stale, boring, and a lot of other synonyms for suck. It used to be cool. It was fun. But then it got successful.

    I've been got of successful, like I go to work and people have to listen to me because of my position. That's so sketchy because now I have to think before I say things...and you know what? I say less now. Heaven forbid I do something wrong.

    Clash Royale has had this mindset for four years. They came out, they struck gold, and now they're scared to move.

    I'm not scared to move. CR has another month to move in the right direction before I move to something else. I feel bad because of sunken time cost but if the ships going down, I'm leaving.

    Step out of the box. Take risk. Do better or die slowly.

    submitted by /u/AloneWithFriends
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