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    Friday, August 28, 2020

    Clash Royale 3 crown draw 😮🕺🏻

    Clash Royale 3 crown draw ������

    3 crown draw ������

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 09:35 AM PDT

    Two sets of F2P friendly decks for Clan Wars II.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 08:51 AM PDT

    The things I can get away with in this gamemode

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 11:53 PM PDT

    props to this guy for helping me get as many troops into the arena

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 11:43 AM PDT

    Thrown in desperation, ended up landing on exactly the right spot. Proceeded to win the match 2-1.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 08:58 PM PDT

    What happened to this guy?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 05:24 PM PDT

    Airsurfer's making of clan descriptions is..interesting

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 08:10 PM PDT

    A quick strategy to beating one of the most oppressive decks in the 7x elixir challenge. Using freeze with other splash cards will allow you to quickly gain the advantage. And since you can cycle it rather frequently, it can even stop egolem with ease!

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 07:20 AM PDT

    Didn’t think they would fall for it twice so started messing around, but they did lol. WARNING: (E Barbs Rage extremely toxic)

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 08:33 AM PDT

    I will do it

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 02:42 AM PDT

    Gotta love bad wifi

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 08:50 AM PDT

    New challenge idea

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 07:12 PM PDT

    How about a challenge in which the cards will have the highest stats they had in CR history, and will have their functions and elixir cost at it´s peak? Examples:

    Current Royal Recruits costs 7 elixir. The lowest elixir cost they had was 6. Therefore, in the challenge, they will cost 6 elixir.

    Current Night Witch has 7 seconds bat spawn speed, 3.5 seconds initial bat spawn speed and 1.6 tile range. Highest spawn speed and first spawn speed she had was 5 seconds and 1.3 seconds, respectively, and highest range was 1.85 tiles. Therefore, in this challenge, Night Witch will have the 5 seconds spawn speed, 1.3 seconds initial spawn speed and 1.85 tile range.

    Current Lumberjack has 0.8 hit speed. The highest hit speed he had was 0.7. Therefore in this challenge, Lumberjack will have 0.7 hit speed.

    Current Mega Minion has 1.6 hitspeed. The highest hit speed he had was 1.3. Therefore, in this challenge, Mega Minion will have 1.3 hitspeed.

    Current Electro Wizard dies to mini pekka in one hit and has 1.8 hitspeed. Once, Electro wizard used to survive a mini pekka hit, and had 1.7 hit speed. Therefore, in this challenge, Electro Wizard will survive a mini pekka hit and will have 1.7 hitspeed.

    Current Prince and Dark Prince takes 3.5 tiles to charge. Once, they used to take 2.5 tiles to charge. Therefore, in this challenge, the princes will take 2.5 tiles to charge.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/maxcamargo111
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    Wall breaker explodes but bomb does no damage. Didn’t know you could do this with a tornado.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 05:52 PM PDT

    Bug or intended?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 06:33 PM PDT

    P.E.W. Lightning Rod: a defensive building to counter direct damage spells

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 10:04 AM PDT

    [supercell please read] Why heal spirit needs a nerf

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 06:34 PM PDT

    While participating in a discussion post on How to fix heal spirit, someone told me to make a post centered around my comment, so here it is (with a few tweaks and additions)

    TL;DR: While heal spirit and battle healer are unique cards that add more spice to the game, they are just a bit too strong, as of right now. Healing should be able to support pushes for a few more seconds. Allowing entire pushes to just shrug off loads of damage, is not healthy for the meta.

    The Problem with the Heal Mechanism (September 2020)

    The idea of a heal mechanism was a good idea. I think most players will agree with me on that. It is a very creative addition to the game, and allows players to keep their pushes alive for just a bit longer.


    I believe that the major problem with the heal spirit lies within the current meta, not the card itself. Most meta decks (with the exceptions of OG meta like golem and hog 2.6) have started using the heal spirit, because it gives so much value.

    Take royal hogs, for example. The reason royal hogs benefit so much from heal spirit is that nothing hard counters the piggies. In other words, no card will instantly destroy royal hogs for a relatively similar elixir cost (You could argue that rocket does, but I'm pretty sure players don't save their rocket for killing royal hogs).

    This isn't, in itself, a bad thing. However, in conjunction with heal spirit, royal hogs become significantly harder to kill. The heal spirit is guaranteed to generate value, simply because the royal hogs will always be alive when it jumps. Even if a defensive log is used, that becomes a positive elixir trade for the heal spirit user. Simply put, royal hogs almost always reach the tower, chipping away 50~100 health each time (taking defense into account). The heal spirit doubles, or even triples this number for just 1 elixir. That's ~200 tower damage every single push, for just 6 elixir (it's actually more like 1 or 2 if you take into account the elixir the other player spends on defense)


    Another example of a deck that relies on the heal mechanism is the well known elixir golem + battle healer combo. However, the problem with these decks is that it revolves around a single card, the battle healer. Every elixir golem + battle healer deck revolves around the battle healer. Take out the battle healer, and everything loses its devastating damage output.

    Personally, I am a poison user (seriously reconsidering my life choices right now). Without the battle healer constantly healing them, poison + an air unit is enough to completely shred electro dragons, baby dragons, etc.

    Add the battle healer back into the mix? The tables completely turn, and my poison becomes useless (I know poison is not supposed to be a defensive spell, but level 13 poison vs battle healer does a meager 240 net damage, which is basically nothing at max level).

    Every single match I play against an elixir golem deck, I end up having to deal with 3 or 4 dragons at once. And no, don't tell me "change your deck". I don't have any other maxed out decks. (But that's a complaint for another time.) The point is, battle healer allows a inconspicuous mix of cards to suddenly become one of the (if not the) top meta decks. This should not be the case. One single card should not be the difference between a low-tier and a high-tier deck.


    Recently, elixir golem + battle healer decks have shifted to include heal spirit as well. Battle healers are already frustrating to play against. Now imagine that you are this close to killing it.... and your opponent just drops a heal spell (the heal spirit). On top on that, the heal spirit allows players to cycle to another battle healer even faster. Two battle healers together are near impossible to kill (at least to a player using a normal deck, not a deck made just to counter battle healer).

    The heal spirit offers two obvious high-value uses: heal spirit works as an emergency heal spell (on a side note, I'm pretty sure heal spirit heals more than the actual heal spell before the rework) as well as allowing the player to cycle back to another battle healer. Remember that "tip" about sparky? "Overkill isn't in sparky's dictionary." Yeah, that applies to the battle healer + heal spirit combo. In a deck where healing is the backbone of the entire push, adding a 1 elixir card that almost completely restores "fireball" health and at the same time allows the player to quickly cycle back to the one card the entire deck revolves around, is, in short, broken.


    Rework healing so that battle healer/heal spirit adds a boost to decks, instead of carrying them:

    Funny post that is sadly true

    Lower the hps (healing per second) so that defensive spells actually mean something. However, don't kill the heal-related cards. Just find a good balance (I estimate a 20~25% healing nerf would do the trick).

    One of the main reasons people play Clash Royale is the creative potential it gives people. The problem with the current meta is that a few cards are much stronger than the rest. So even though billions of decks are possible, most of them (like 99.99%) are impractical, especially on high ladder.

    Supercell, if you truly care about the entire clash royale community, and not just about the pro players, please consider nerfing, or at least reworking the heal mechanism. I guarantee that the meta will change dramatically, in a good way. And who else do we average players look up to, if not the pros?There's no point in having 99 cards when only 10~15 of them are any good.

    Note: I understand that there are elixir golem + battle healer players in this sub. I don't have anything against you guys personally. Again, this is not a diss post about toxic players. However, if you want to argue that elixir golem is not op, and that it is perfectly fair; ask yourself: Have I played against elixir golem + battle healer before, while using another deck? Do I even have a life? (jk) Do I really cherish the meager enjoyment I get out of beating good players with a deck that doesn't require any special effort? (also jk, but not really)

    Also, before you start accusing me of being a noob, I would like to inform everyone that I have reached a PB of 6600, using a deck that's been dead for years (golem double prince). If any Karens would like to challenge me to a 1v1, please take it up with my manager.

    submitted by /u/TheMagycian
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    I have devised a NEW strategy to counter mega knight. (UNSTOPPABLE)

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 07:29 PM PDT

    Here is the strategy:

    First off, if you see that your opponent is using the mega knight tower skin, alarm bells should be going off in your head immediately. Don't panic, not all is lost yet. Tentatively play your cards while keeping your elixir count high in case they drop a mega knight at the bridge. Maybe a Valkyrie here, a goblin barrel there. The next part is crucial, if a mega knight is played, immediately close Clash Royale and continue on with your day. This will ensure three things: 1) your sanity will stay in check, 2) You will have a better day than if you had played that match, and 3) your opponent will be left feeling hollow and empty, like they should be.

    Hopefully this advice helps you crush those ugly mega knight decks clashers!

    submitted by /u/drfrankie_
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    Me: Okay log, go here. Log: You meant here, right?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 05:53 AM PDT

    Idea : Make this button functional for those who want to redo the challenge

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 09:28 AM PDT

    This is going to be longest weekend waiting for the update to drop on Monday

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 11:19 AM PDT

    I'm little excited for the update coming on Monday to finally see after all these months what's finally being added/changed!

    Also are they still dropping another video for the final promo?

    submitted by /u/MagicArcher101
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    Heal Spirit

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 05:50 PM PDT

    The best two reworks for the heal spirit without killing the card:

    Make the card 2 elixir. It seems like the value of this card comes from it being so cheap, and it's stats are too strong for it's elixir. However, if it is 2 elixir, log counters it for equal trade and the heal value would make more sense.

    The second possibility is keeping it at 1 elixir cost, but make larger groups of troops that are in the heal radius affect how much each unit will be healed overall. If it's a huge elixir golem push, the heal spirit will still heal everything, but no where near how much it heals just 1 or two troops. Might have to make this so it doesn't count bats or skeletons, but hopefully someone at supercell sees this and considers it.

    I think most other direct nerfs like lowering how much it heals or how big the radius is will lowkey ruin the card, which we don't want because heal is finally making it into skill/meta/fun to use.

    submitted by /u/flushedmytoothbrush
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    I did some math and thought of more troop interactions witch lead me to redesign my idea. What are your thoughts and concerns? I'm always looking for ways to improve my ideas.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 06:45 PM PDT

    Is this a good deck for arena 11?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 07:56 PM PDT

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