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    Friday, April 3, 2020

    Clash Royale Renaming cards

    Clash Royale Renaming cards

    Renaming cards

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 12:52 PM PDT

    "Sparky's Day Off" Fanart by me

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 12:34 PM PDT

    Me and my friends made an arena in Minecraft!

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 03:25 PM PDT

    what gives people feelings of power

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 07:27 PM PDT

    I've been playing the game since beta and finally I reached 7000 trophies! I know this season was easier but I'm still proud of myself

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 05:40 AM PDT

    Season 10 Balances in Action!

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 09:57 AM PDT

    Proud to have finally reached 7k after playing since global launch :)

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 03:16 PM PDT

    Supercell's advice

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 07:36 AM PDT

    After 3 years of playing I have finally cracked the local leaderboard!

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 11:05 AM PDT

    I've been playing the game almost since beta and finally I reached 7000 trophies! I know this season was easier but I'm still proud of myself

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 10:06 PM PDT

    Heal spirit saves the day!

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 01:45 PM PDT

    Petition for a “battle lock”

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 10:06 PM PDT

    So basically I just pushed to the highest I've ever gotten (a new league too) and now I'm SUPER scared of pressing the battle button and having to do it all over again. I know this seems dumb asf but I would LOVE a little setting that would just not allow you to press the battle button.

    • a trophy pusher
    submitted by /u/luca_t16
    [link] [comments]

    Need some ideas to improve my deck. Any?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 05:46 PM PDT

    Just got top 50 in trophies for lvl 8s!

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 07:26 PM PDT

    I lost my connection, so I had to clutch that

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 08:37 PM PDT

    That was lucky

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 09:39 PM PDT

    Spark Spirit :D (Electro Valley for arena)

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 03:07 PM PDT

    The Deck that got me into 5300. Gotta say the heal spirit is an awesome card and he's also really cute :3

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 04:49 AM PDT

    This is a deck i made because I was bored. It looks like it could work. Only problem is that it has no building, which makes it harder to defend pushes. Rate the deck and I'll see if it can be better. (I'll post the role of each card in the comments)

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 07:43 PM PDT

    Watch me catch all the miners my clanmate deploys. XD. Press F.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 05:00 PM PDT

    Clutch lightning block against a BM'er to win

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 12:33 AM PDT

    Current Problems of Clash Royale

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 07:20 AM PDT

    IMPORTANT: I don't want this post to be mistaken for hate, so please note that this post is not aiming to hate on any of the developers or Supercell. It is just an opinion on how this game should be. Please take this with a grain of salt.

    Clash Royale is a wonderful game. It is the combined effort of all the hard work the developers put in and it's a game we've all come to enjoy and to love. But there are a couple problems that I believe is the pressing issue on why players are leaving Clash Royale. Here's my opinion.


    • This is not hating on the developers. It is just what's happening from my perspective.
    • Clash Royale's game mechanics is fundamentally frustrating. There's nothing wrong with this, but it's a big reason why people are leaving, and it's also a problem that has been around for a lot of time.
    • Matchmaking is a bit ignorant. Although it's confirmed that card and King Levels will not be taken into consideration in the future, it's still an issue that many people face every day.
    • Ladder is full of low-skill cards. Currently, the Magic Archer is one of the exceptions, since it is still very strong. A lot of cards are, as said above, frustrating. They are all mediocre to extremely unplayable in top ladder, but when overlevelled, is frustrating to a very unbearable point; especially if you face them match after match.
    • Party modes aren't really compelling. Party mode is a great addition to the game! But, when playing party mode, there isn't really a motivation to continue playing. Sure, you get chests, but I think it needs a bit more of a goal added to Party mode.
    • Clan Wars aren't really motivating either. This is not too big of a problem, and from community speculation, a Clan War update will be coming soon, so I will not touch on this too much.
    • Challenges aren't balanced. Grand Challenges cost a lot more than Classic Challenges, so people usually flock to Classic Challenges, creating an unbalanced cycles.

    Overview: Game Mechanics

    When I say the nature of the game is frustrating, I do not mean that this game is bad nor that it needs to change. It just works that way, and we all have to live with it. But I thought I would point out some issues that these bring.

    Hard Counters Hard counters are fundamental to the game. Some cards are meant to counter others. It is alright to keep it that way, but this game mechanic is partially responsible, in my opinion, to the frustrating nature of the game.

    Spawner Buildings There's nothing wrong with running a spawner deck: it is sometimes a viable archetype. It's not hating on the deck, it's the cards. I am aware that they reduced the lifetime of the Goblin Hut, and the earlier rework to the Barbarian Hut, and I think this is a step in the right direction. A building that gets damage progressively over time is not a bad idea, but long-living buildings tend to slow the game's pace and make the match quite boring, and the nature of them forcing you to respond so they can control the speed of the game, namely Furnace decks, is sometimes quite exasperating to go against. This is a thread on why spawner decks are widely hated.

    Tiebreakers Tiebreakers are meant to reduce draws and increase the speed of the game. But, I really think tiebreakers have created a race of damage between the two players as they continue using spells and spam troops at the bridge to try to take the lead (mostly seen in mid-ladder around mid-ladder, from 4-6.5k, which I am at), in sharp contrast to the actual structured pushes, mostly seen in high ladder, from 6.5k onwards. This is a thread targeting the tiebreaker system. Most of the comments are quite one-sided, so here is a separate thread aiming to know whether this system will create a spell cycle archetype.

    Spell Cycling Spells are a fundamental part of Clash Royale. They are there because they are a way to respond to incoming threats and ensuring interactions. But when they are used repeatedly on your tower, they get really, really frustrating. The fact that you know you're going to lose not because you made a mistake, but literally only because they carry a spell, like Fireball, Poison and Rocket. You can block a Lightning, but never a Fireball/Poison/Rocket. This is why it is such a frustrating game mechanic.Personally, I have noticed some more Spell Cycle decks actually working from popular creators recently. These are three from the past week:


    B-Rad: I apologize in ADVANCE for using 3 Spell Cycle


    Overview: Matchmaking

    The Clash Royale matchmaking is based on two things:

    • your current trophy count, and
    • your loss count.

    Top ladder has a different matchmaking system to prevent win trading.The following is not taken into account:

    • card levels.
    • personal bests.
    • King Level.

    These cause a lot of players to believe that matchmaking is rigged at some point.

    This post does not prove whether matchmaking is rigged, nor if it's not.

    Players have reportedly found evidence on matchmaking being rigged or that the algorithm purposely puts you against hard counters. Popular creators have made videos in the past talking about this issue in particular.The point is, matchmaking is frustrating for more people than not. I believe it's slightly ignorant. The fact that matchmaking:

    1. Matchmaking puts you in a loser's pool.
    2. Matchmaking does not take into account card levels and King Levels.

    Matchmaking puts you in a loser's pool. When a player loses 3 or more matches in a row, the matchmaking automatically sends you to a loser's pool. This is meant to stop huge losing streaks, but this post suggests otherwise. I'm not saying the loser's pool is completely useless, but sometimes it might cause some backfires.

    Matchmaking does not take into account card levels and King Levels. Quote CWA in his matchmaking video linked above, "if you're always going up against players who are higher level than you [are], odds are, you're a pretty good player". This is because you play people who have higher level, but lower skill. But this is an issue, because card levels, most of the time, at least partially influence the outcome of the match. On the player's side, it's frustrating, but on the other hand, it's not that big of an issue since players will probably be stuck in the range of their trophies, which prevents the problem to worsen.

    It has been confirmed that Ladder does not, and will not take into consideration card and King Levels, seen in this post.


    Card Levels and Skill This is obviously out there. The community has constantly complained about this issue. This post provides an explanation to why Ladder isn't really fair. In mid-ladder, decks that completely rely on levelled-up cards are common.Hate is out there for the Wizard and Elite Barbarians, as well as some other "low-skill-cap" cards that are constantly talked about.

    Meta The meta is always subject to change. The meta of spell cycling and Magic Archer is mentioned in this post. While mid-ladder overleveling and, sometimes, bullying is common, this post touches on competitive ladder. The meta is a way to reflect card strength and whether they need balance, but a stale meta and/or a meta where a card is pretty much everywhere: say, Elixir Golem. And when a support card is strong, it's everywhere: say, Magic Archer. If you don't have the right answers, you're in for trouble. This post suggests the game has fallen into a Rock, Paper, Scissors meta.


    Since 2v2 has been made permanent, different challenges have been added to Clash Royale in an attempt to keep the playerbase entertained. For the most part, this has been a sideline to regular Ladder, but only a sideline it has been. A couple ideas like this and also this have suggested Classic Decks in party mode to boost motivation. Clash Royale needs a bit more playing in Party Mode like what this post suggests. I understand that the developers are busy, but having more Party Modes certainly wouldn't hurt!

    Clan Wars

    The pressing issue is mainly that Collection Day battles aren't all bad, but some modes that stick to your own card levels are also just filled with max decks. I understand according to official material and community speculation, a clan wars update should be on the way, so I will not go too deep on this.


    The new challenges are awesome, the Infinite Elixir Challenge, the Elite Barbarian Rush... the fact that Supercell allowed these challenges into the game is great. What I want to touch on are the regular challenges.

    Grand Challenges Grand Challenges appear in featured videos where more or less only top players appear. This post highlights the lengthy wait times in Grand Challenges and suggests that the pricing is way too high for normal and casual players. An idea to fix grand challenges have also been proposed. It's a way to shuffle players between the two challenges and make it more rewarding.

    Classic Challenges Players more than likely go for Classic Challenges since they cannot afford to lose a Grand Challenge. This is why Classic Challenges tend to have more varied decks. I believe the aim here is to balance out the two. Grand for the ones that really want to challenge others; and Classic for the ones who just want to have fun and try out decks. Although this is already the case, it is much more amplified and most people aren't willing to pay the price for a Grand Challenge.

    Again, I want to mention that this is not hating on anyone, but just my opinion.What do you think could be improved in Clash Royale?

    Note: I am aware some of the videos and posts that I linked are from one or two years ago. Please let me know if the information is outdated. Thanks!

    Edit 1: Wordings.

    Edit 2: Formatting.

    submitted by /u/MattChoy_2
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    Any ideas/game plans on how to defeat this bullshit meta deck?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 09:50 PM PDT

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