Clash Royale Emote- Goblin Hut |
- Emote- Goblin Hut
- ( IDEA ) Show Active Clan members in the clan screen - the same way you see your active friends.
- Use minions to make balloon bypass well placed buildings.
- (Idea) Change the chat button at the end of every 2v2 game to a deck select - so you can change your deck fast and Keep playing 2v2 games.
- "Meta? I've never heard about troop like this".
- 11 balance changes confirmed in the next update
- Supercell, why don’t you release an other air splasher ?
- The Meta Right Now (2)
- [Updated] April Balance Teir list. Based on the Community.
- Yooo what drugs are my guards on?
- Ever been this lucky?
- Clash Royale school research project survey
- I didn’t know you can kite a magic archer
- How could that be more disappointing
- Rare king activation without tornado
- [EFFORT POST] Fixing the Problematic and Inconsistent Cards of Clash Royale V2
- Card Idea:Thoughts and criticism ?
- The betrayal and redemption of the Ice Golem
- Here's my card concept. Tell me your thoughts
- May Balance Wishlist
- The Prince was afraid of the Valkyrie.
- Looks like you wished your balloon was lvl 13 sir…
Posted: 23 Apr 2020 10:48 AM PDT
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( IDEA ) Show Active Clan members in the clan screen - the same way you see your active friends. Posted: 23 Apr 2020 09:39 AM PDT
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Use minions to make balloon bypass well placed buildings. Posted: 23 Apr 2020 01:50 PM PDT
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Posted: 23 Apr 2020 10:54 AM PDT
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"Meta? I've never heard about troop like this". Posted: 23 Apr 2020 04:15 AM PDT
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11 balance changes confirmed in the next update Posted: 23 Apr 2020 06:52 AM PDT
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Supercell, why don’t you release an other air splasher ? Posted: 23 Apr 2020 12:14 PM PDT
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Posted: 23 Apr 2020 11:51 AM PDT
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[Updated] April Balance Teir list. Based on the Community. Posted: 23 Apr 2020 10:08 AM PDT
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Yooo what drugs are my guards on? Posted: 23 Apr 2020 10:57 AM PDT
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Posted: 23 Apr 2020 11:59 AM PDT
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Clash Royale school research project survey Posted: 23 Apr 2020 01:55 PM PDT Hello Reddit! As the title says, i'm doing a project about the current state of Clash Royale. With Supercell's lack of interaction with the community (hopefully this changes in the future) i decided to dedicate my project to Clash Royale. The survey contains 14 questions all related to Clash Royale (in order to publish your answers all questions must be answered). Why would I participate in the survey? Surveys are a great way to freely express your experience with the game and they offer you the possibility to describe the features you would like to see in-game (and of course, you would really help me with my project). Should i put in my personal data? Your data is not being used anywhere except in my project, but please refrain from putting your personal information in the survey. How do i participate in the survey? To participate in the survey just click the following link: Thank you for reading my post and especially thank you if you chose to participate in the survey. Stay safe and healthy! [link] [comments] | ||
I didn’t know you can kite a magic archer Posted: 23 Apr 2020 01:39 PM PDT
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How could that be more disappointing Posted: 23 Apr 2020 03:35 PM PDT
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Rare king activation without tornado Posted: 23 Apr 2020 06:05 PM PDT
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[EFFORT POST] Fixing the Problematic and Inconsistent Cards of Clash Royale V2 Posted: 23 Apr 2020 10:34 AM PDT INTRODUCTION• Hey Everyone, J.Corby here. How are you all? Staying safe and having fun with the game from home? Anything good happen in the game for you recently? I'm curious how everyone is doing. Quick Note on the Tornado Rework (coming in the May Update, confirmed by Seth's Twitter): Honestly, I understand the reasoning. It has a high skill cap and stops almost any push with the help of Splash Cards. I hope they don't accidentally kill it, though you technically can't kill wind so... let's see what happens! Anyways, you all know what your here for: Card Changes. And boy do I have some good ones! Rules from last time remain: This Post will be using Tournament Standard Stats when Balancing Cards and use Grand Challenge Use and Win Rates from RoyaleAPI (over the past 7 Days) for Each Card I talk about. I will be mentioning some Cards the were in Last version's post because I still feel they need fixes, but I did change the Use and Win Rates, what I would do to fix them, and the explanations of these Cards, but there are more new ones than old (separated by sections). Let's get to it then, shall we?! NEW CARD CHANGES• ~Battle Healer~ • ~Use Rates~: 12% • ~Win Rates~: 47% • ~Suggested Change(s)~: Ditch Passive Healing (will still Heal herself and ally Troops when attacking enemy Troops/Buildings) and Nerf HP to 1452 (from 1582) • ~Explanation~: The Battle Healer, honestly, has pretty bad Use and Win Rates. Yet she is also one of, if not, the most annoying and frustrating Cards to face inside the game. This holy woman causes lots of issues because she is very hard to take out; not even a Rocket and Royal Delivery can take her out, and then she just Heals all the damage back Up! One push with her supporting lots of Troops, it's almost impossible to stop! So what I suggest is to make her easier to be taken out by getting rid of the main factor that goes into getting her HP back: the Passive Healing. This, along with a slight HP nerf to match the Knight, means that she has to really fight for her friends to heal them and herself and the player has to earn the massive pushes by playing he more passively. She will still be a great Support Card in Beatdown and Bridge Spam Decks, especially since she is also getting the Hover mechanic added (where she flies across the river but is still hit by Grounded Troops), so that is a small buff to compensate for a decent nerf. • ~Magic Archer~ • ~Use Rates~: 1% • ~Win Rates~: 24% • ~Suggested Change(s)~: Option 1 (Preferred): Buff Range to 7.0 Tiles (from 6.0 tiles), Give Crown Tower Damage at 35% (From none, consistent with Spells and the Miner, Now deal 39 Crown Tower Damage from 111). Option 2: Buff Range to 6.5 Tiles (from 6.0 Tiles) • ~Explanation~: Oh how the mighty Leader of the Forest Heist Gang has fallen. The Magic Archer has had a rough history in the Arena, but even he did not deserve this nerf. The long Range is what made him Legendary (along with his ability to Tower Snipe), and after the devastating Range nerf, now he is just a Musketeer with less HP and a long laser beam. What I suggest is either: giving back his Range, but making his Tower Sniping less effective (still lots of damage if left alone, but not 1000+, that's just ridiculous!), OR, buffing his Range a little bit. Each change will fix most of the devastating impact left by the nerf, but it won't make him as strong as he was before. Overall, Magic Archer is a fun Card to use at casual and competitive play, but the nerf he got NEEDS to be changed! I wonder how he feels about the big nerf, I bet his heart was pierced when he heard the need. • ~Earthquake~: • ~Use Rates~: 21% • ~Win Rates~: 56% • ~Suggested Change(s)~: Buff Base Damage to 67 per Second (from 61 per second, now deals 201 Base Damage from 183 Base Damage), Nerf Building Damage Multiplier to 3 1/3 (from 4, now deals 669 Building Damage from 732 Building Damage), Ditch dealing damage to a Tesla when it is underground, and Add Crown Tower Damage at 90% (From none. Now deals 181 Crown Tower Damage from 183 Crown Tower Damage) • ~Explanation~: Holy smokes this Spell has gone a long way, and it was not even really changed! This proves that Cards can shift into and out of the meta even when not directly changed, and Earthquake shifted into the meta in a big way. Earthquake is mainly on the rise due to the rise in the use of Bomb Tower and Goblin Hut, both cards that crumble under the magnitude of this Card. But there's the problem with it: it's TOO good against Buildings and not good enough against other things in the Arena. What I propose is making it less of a RPS (Rock-Paper/Scissors) kind of Card and make it a little more well rounded; giving it more Base Damage so it can now Take out Shields in 3 Ticks of Damage and Skeletons in only 1 Tick, while also making the Building Damage multiplier weaker (and Giving Crown Tower Damage so it does not Change much since that's balanced. Fun Fact: It would take exactly 14 Earthquake Spells to take out a Princess Tower at equal levels). This, in turn, will make the Earthquake be use more as a small Spell than a big Spell, diversifying Deck Synergy even more and making Buildings stand more of a chance against this mighty threat. Talk about a big impact to the game if you ask me. • ~Wizard~: • ~Use Rates~: 2% • ~Win Rates ~: 22% • ~Suggested Change(s)~: Buff Elixir Cost to 4 Elixir (from 5 Elixir), Buff Radius to 2 Tiles (from 1.6), Nerf Damage to 200 (from 234, same damage as Barb Barrel), Nerf Hitspeed to 1.6 Seconds (from 1.4), Buff First Attack slightly (to match Archers) • ~Explanation~: There he is. The man, the myth, though sadly not the legend: The Wizard! Arguably the most popular and recognizable character in the Clash Universe after Bone-Head Barbarians of course. Sadly though, he has never gotten the spotlight he deserved since the beginning of the game, that's about to change. This is mainly due to other Troops doing his job (Ranged Splash Attacker/Support) better than him, even he can't handle the heat. In a previous video with CWA, Seth said that "Splash cards are a crutch for new players", and "should not be in the meta"; while I agree with the first part, I do think it's possible for Splash Cards to be in the meta without being OP or frustrating to face With the current Wizard we have, he is essentially a worse Musketeer for more Elixir. This change will fix his issues of being a crutch for new players while diversifying the Meta. As the Wizard would say it: "It's Showtime!" • ~Lumberjack~: • ~Use Rates~: 4% • ~Win Rates ~: 42% • ~Suggested Change(s)~: Option 1 (Prefered): Buff Hitspeed to 0.7 Seconds (from 0.8 Seconds), Nerf First Hitspeed (slightly slower than what it is now) AND Rework Rage to match 1 of Rage Change options! Option 2: Buff Damage to 220 (from 200, one shot Logable Troops) AND Rework Rage to match 1 of Rage Change options I suggest! • ~Explanation~: To think that a crazy woodsman that is constantly drinking "energy drinks" gets overshadowed by one robo Boi; feels bad man. The Lumberjack has been dropping down in the meta for a while now, and it's all because of 1 small change that defines a key difference between them. When comparing Lumberjack and Mini Pekka, we look at the most obvious thing that makes them different: Hitspeed. Lumberjack hits much faster but much weaker than Mini Pekka. while Mini Pekka hits much harder but also much slower than Lumberjack. However, the DPS they both deal is very different; Lumberjack only having 250 DPS compared to Mini Pekka's 332: That's over 1/3 of the DPS more for Mini a Pekka. Part of this is because Lumberjack has a Death Rage, but that does NOT provide enough value to make up for the Lost DPS. Mini Pekka seeming popped out of nowhere after this change, so it seems that Lumberjack's nerf is at fault for this. So, I propose we make Lumberjack have a higher DPS (wither in actual Hitspeed or a Damage Buff), to make him a viable alternative to the pancake loving robot as a Tank Killer, at the cost of a "Rage Nerf". This change will diversify Beatdown Decks slightly and also buff Ram Rider Bridge Spam Decks Overall, Lumberjack has been in a pretty rough spot since his nerf, and it would be better for the diversity of the meta if he got his DPS back. Mini Pekka could still use a little some to tone him down, but I believe this option is higher priority than that. • ~"Rage"~: • ~Use Rates~: 6% • ~Win Rates ~: 43% • ~Suggested Change(s)~: Option 1: Buff Elixir Cost to 1 Elixir (from 2 Elixir), Nerf Radius and Duration to 3.5 Tiles and 5.0 Seconds, Make it deal 70 Damage to enemy Troops/Buildings on Impact (Crown Tower Damage at 25), and make it have a visible Spawn Delay (1 Second, 2 Seconds faster than Royal Delivery). Option 2 (Preferred): Like turning the Heal Spell into the Heal Spirit, we turn Rage Spell into the Rage Spirit! Buff Elixir Cost to 1 Elixir (from 2), Give it HP, Damage, Range, Damage Radius, and Movement Speed of Ice Spirit (190 HP, 91 Damage, 2.5 Tiles, 1.6 Tiles, and Very Fast respectively) AND Rework Rage Duration and Radius to 3.5 Tiles and 5.0 Seconds at ALL levels of play! • ~Explanation~: This Card has been memed on ever since the beginning, and especially since the release of Elite Barbarians. But in all seriousness, this Card is one of the most problematic Cards in the game, and it's not for the reason you're thinking. Let me explain what I mean. Rage gets stronger based on Duration, not something typical like Damage, HP, or HP Healed. What this does is change Card interactions on offense and defense; even the simplest of interactions get complicated and confusing. Even worse, this affects interactions at ALL levels of play: Even if all Cards are at Max Level or Tournament Standards, interactions still change with Rage in play! And to top it all off: it's a bad Card in almost any Deck (except "Ladder Decks" and that new Goblin Giant Sparky Rage Deck), with no defensive value and only "makes you win even harder". So, I came up with 2 reworks to fix this issue (that also applies to Lumberjack's Death Rage); The first one makes Rage have some defensive capability with a tiny bit of Damage and a Consistent (but shorter) Duration at all Levels of play for 1 Elixir, the other turns Rage into a Spirit where it has even more offensive and defensive value, but can possibly not give any Rage Effect since it's not guaranteed anymore. Both Reworks fit the fundamental issues with Rage and will also make it a viable Card to use in Cycle Decks or maybe some Bridge Spam Decks • ~Elixir Collector~: • ~Use Rates~: 1% • ~Win Rates~: 44% • ~Suggested Change(s)~: Make it spawn 1 Elixir when destroyed (giving it a Death Spawn like Goblin Hut and Barbarian Hut) • ~Explanation~: For being the most important building in the Clash Universe and being the literal life force of all the characters in the game except for the King (or maybe not?!), this Card just straight up sucks Since it's Release, Elixir Collector was the unofficial "Wall" Card in CR, being placed to Tank stuff while giving you Elixir, was not a fun match. It was then reworked to 6 Elixir, but gave you more elixir, seemed to mostly fix the problem. But then they nerfed it's HP to be a "neutral Trade" against Lightning/Rocket, which killed the Card. And with Earthquake being meta, there's no chance for this essential building to prosper. And then, it hit me. Like an Executioner's axe, I was struck by an amazing Idea: "If the Elixir Pump is just a Spawner for Elixir, why does it not have a Death Spawn?!" So, I propose we it a Death Spawn like the other Spawners in the Game! This Will allow it to give some Elixir Back even against a Lightning and Rocket, and ideally keep similar interactions for the other Spells, making it stronger against Spell Bait This change will Brink Elixir Pump back unto Beatdown Decks and maybe even some Big Spell Bait Decks! Who's with me on this change?! OLD CARD CHANGES• ~Bomber~ • ~Use Rates~: % • ~Win Rates~: % • ~Suggested Change(s)~: Buff Elixir Cost to 2 (from 3), Buff Damage to 278 (from 271), Nerf Hitspeed to 2.0 Seconds (from 1.9 Seconds), and Nerf HP to 290 (from 398) • ~Explanation~: If I were to describe Bomber in one word: it's deceiving! Bomber, for being a little skeleton with a pilot hat, has a lot of HP, almost as much as other Cards that are used to bait out Big Spells. He dies to no Small Spell Combo (when using Zap as one of the spells), is expensive for the limited value he can get, and overall lacks a niche (except in Golem, which even that is because of how deceptive tanky he is). I propose a rework to make him easier to take out, but also able to deal more Damage and gain more Value when alive. The cheaper cost makes him easier to use, Damage Buff makes him take out overall more Troops in less hits (Takes our Barbarians at Equal Levels in 2 Hits), and the HP and Hitspeed Nerfs hold him back from being a super strong little pyromaniac on the field. For being a Skeleton with some Goggles, he sure does more than an average Skeleton. With this change, he will be able to do even more, in a better way. • ~Bomb Tower~: • ~Use Rates~: % • ~Win Rates ~: % • ~Suggested Change(s)~: Buff Damage to 278 (from 184), Nerf Hitspeed to 2.0 Seconds (from 1.6 Seconds), Nerf Range to 5.5 Tiles (from 6.0 Tiles), Nerf Death Bomb Damage to 278 (from 369), and Nerf HP to 1060 (from 1126) OR Nerf Lifetime to 30 Seconds (from 35 Seconds) • ~Explanation~: To think that some extra height is all that's needed to make a Skeleton with a Pilot hat and Goggles only very niche to being an absolute monster in the competitive scene. Yikes! Bomb Tower's issue lies mainly in how durable it is; tanking support from most Ground Pushes and even holding its Own in Air based Pushes, which is ridiculous since it can't hit air (except for the Death Bomb)!!! I Propose a rework to make it higher risk and higher reward: deal even better against Ground Pushes, but deal even worse against Air Pushes. The new DPS matches the New Bomber, making it take out most ground Troops in 1 less hit (though it hits much slower than before) but the less HP/Lifetime (which do you think is better?) and Death Bomb Damage make it even worse against Air Cards. This Building has been dominating for a while now, so it's best we tone it down a notch. Height should not matter on how good a Card is! • ~X-Bow~: • ~Use Rates~: 3% • ~Win Rates~: 44% • ~Suggested Change(s)~: Nerf Hitspeed to 0.7 Seconds (from 0.25 Seconds, that needed a Rounding Fix anyways), Buff Damage to 100 (from 26), Nerf Lifetime to 35 Seconds (from 40 Seconds), Nerf First Hitspeed (to Match Zappies) • ~Explanation~: Let me just say it: this Card is very controversial at best, and ridiculously frustrating at worst. As the only solo Card returning from the previous version of this series of post, X-Bow has been very strong for a while in the meta, especially after it's HP it got a couple of months ago. But how can it be so strong while having worse use and similar win rates than Rage of all things?! Part of it comes from the High Skill Cap that the Card has. It admittedly has one of (if not) the highest Skill Ceilings in the game, but the pay off for mastering it is a little much. It lives a very long time, allowing you to stack multiple ones at a time to get lots of DPS on offense and defense. It also hits and locks on very fast; something like the Barbarians spawning from a destroyed Barbarian Hut or the Ram of the Battle Ram is too slow to distract the X-Bow's lock on onto the tower, it's kinda ridiculous! So, I propose a change in focusing the X-Bow from getting one major lock on that wins you the game for getting a lot of damage off, to more lock ons in the long run that won't deal as much DPS In short burst. The Hitspeed and Damage change gives it the DPS of a Dart Goblin, which is already more than the X-Bow, but it takes longer to get that DPS. The lifetime nerf is to make it not as likely to stack multiple at a time, making it boost offensive actions instead of defensive ones. I know that a lot of you might not agree with me on this change, but this is all to make the game less frustrating when facing this high skill cap Card when it seeming gets one lock on and then plays defensive the whole rest of the match. How would you change X-Bow if you had to do? CONCLUSION• So, what do you all think? Do you like the changes I suggested? Do you think I missed some other Cards that need fixing? Let me know your thoughts, all feedback is appreciated! Have a nice day, Clash on, and stay safe everyone! [link] [comments] | ||
Card Idea:Thoughts and criticism ? Posted: 23 Apr 2020 05:42 PM PDT
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The betrayal and redemption of the Ice Golem Posted: 23 Apr 2020 05:54 PM PDT
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Here's my card concept. Tell me your thoughts Posted: 23 Apr 2020 04:16 AM PDT
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Posted: 23 Apr 2020 09:59 AM PDT Balance Wishlist for MayMany weak underperforming cards have been completely ignored by supercell. In my opinion, every card deserves to be at least usable and somewhat viable in skillful levels of play, and these changes will hopefully give these weak cards their time to shine. WizardWizard has been an underperforming card for a while, never seeing any kind of notable use in gcs and top ladder. This rework aims to fix it being such a defensive oppressive powerhouse in mid ladder and more viable higher up. -Reduce splash radius- Wizard is oppressive in mid ladder due to its massive splash area, its ability to punish bad placement and troop grouping make it frustrating in lower ladder, but in high ladder where players don't make such misplays, its splash area is not an issue. -Damage 234-185-This makes it unable to one shot minions -Elixir cost 5-4-This change makes it comparable to musketeer, having lower damage per second but a splash area, allowing it to replace musky in certain decks and compete with cards like ewiz and ice wizard. BowlerBowler is a niche card that is somewhat usable in graveyard decks, but still boasts very low use/win rates. Bowler being a very popular card is not good for gameplay, as it can shut down almost every non heavy unit. This buff improves its stats and makes it a more robust defensive option without making it oppressive. -Projectile speed increase -Projectile range increase to 7 WitchSupercell has attempted many times to balance witch, and it went from the strongest card in game in october, to being again one of the worst performing cards in the game. Buffing witch to make it able to stop fast charging units and be played creatively will make it a more versatile card and increase its viability. -Initial spawn speed reduced-This makes its first skeletons come out just a bit faster -Death spawn added(3 skeletons) EbarbsEbarbs are again one of the worst performing cards in the game, rocking terrible use and win rates in top ladder and gcs. They see almost no use in skillful play but are still plentiful in mid ladder as rush units. By decreasing their speed and making them lower in elixir, they can compete with mini pekka. -Speed:Very fast-Fast -Elixir cost:6-5 Feel free to discuss your own ideas for balancing in the comments [link] [comments] | ||
The Prince was afraid of the Valkyrie. Posted: 23 Apr 2020 01:37 PM PDT
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Looks like you wished your balloon was lvl 13 sir… Posted: 23 Apr 2020 04:44 PM PDT
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