• Breaking News

    Saturday, March 14, 2020

    Clash Royale The Royal Ghost - process video III (still no real decks for him though)

    Clash Royale The Royal Ghost - process video III (still no real decks for him though)

    The Royal Ghost - process video III (still no real decks for him though)

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 07:37 AM PDT

    Similar to the 7x elixir challenge

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 08:09 AM PDT

    Petition to make all of these challenges friendly battle options

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 02:47 PM PDT

    Petition to increase rare donations to 8 cards

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 02:10 PM PDT

    As many of you may know, currently you can receive 40 Commons, 4 Rares, and 4 Epics (Sundays) per donation request. Now, I am currently a king level 9 in the Challenger 2 - Challenger 3 range, and I'm finding it incredibly difficult to level up my Rare cards due to needing so many cards to upgrade- yet only being able to receive 4 per request.

    I did the math for the amount of cards you need to max a Rare from level 3 to level 13, and the number is 2586 cards. Let's see how long you would be requesting this card twice a day, to go from level 3 to 13, assuming you don't get it from any chests.

    2586/8 ≈ 323 days of requesting.

    And that's just for one card. I understand Supercell is doing this on purpose to make it harder for players to max out, but levelling up Rares becomes so difficult for people who don't pay money and progression becomes difficult in turn.

    So, I'm trying to make this as short as possible, may we be able to receive 8 Rare cards per donation? And if 8 is too much, maybe 6? This would help free to play's massively, and make progression less tedious.

    If you took the time to read this, thank you, and I hope you have a great day.


    submitted by /u/MysticPeanuts3
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    Our english teacher forced us to make restaurant menu and this was the first thing I had in mind

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    The last spike on the fence doesn't have it's own shadow, literally unplayable.

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 08:18 AM PDT

    My Balloon really wanted to take that tower.

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 02:23 PM PDT

    Uhm... DeckShop?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 03:41 PM PDT

    The Infinite Elixir Challenge has premade decks...

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 09:27 AM PDT

    the PEKKA kills the skarmy when showing its weakness lol

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 04:08 PM PDT

    x7 elixir decks will be premade. Petition to give us deck building x7 friendlies to have fun with!

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 09:38 AM PDT

    In case you don't know, there is the "Classic Decks" icon in the new challenge, so it's likely it will feature pre-made decks. It probably makes sense, spell cycling and possibly other combos could be quite broken.

    However, making friendlies with our decks could be quite fun, since we can just agree to not using such combos and have fun with all the weird decks we could make.

    It would be amazing considering plenty of people are locked in their houses with nothing to do. Let's make a petition to u/supercell

    submitted by /u/Handsome_Claptrap
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    Anyone else’s game crash immediately after watching this replay?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 07:00 PM PDT

    You shall not pass!

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 07:32 AM PDT

    [Effort] Deck building: From 101 to how the best come about.

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 09:01 AM PDT

    Hey everyone! It's H__R here and in this post we are going to be going over deck building, what you should and shouldn't be playing in battle, what is required in a deck, what isn't required in a deck, but a useful addition, and what you should avoid or at least try to abstain from doing when creating the deck you will battle with, especially on ladder.

    Before I start this post, I would like to mention that although we have had healthier meta, this meta isn't the worst and far from bad. It's somewhat healthy actually. However, this post will basically be a persuasive post on why you should say "screw the meta." It actually can be very beneficial to you in the long run. But please don't think I'm ragging on the balance team, the players, or the current state of the game. Thank you.

    So, before I get real anti-meta philosophy on you guys and probably get this post crapped on, let's go over some basics on how to build a working deck, and how you can tell when it works. A working deck is required to have these things at least:

    • Win condition: Anything at all that can be helpful in taking out a tower. Often times, it will be either a building targeting troop, (ex: Hog, Giant, Ram, Golem, etc) something that can be placed right next to the tower, requiring a quick response, (ex. Miner, Graveyard) or a building that can reach the tower.(X-bow or Mortar are your two options) However, when you think of a win condition, be sure that you are able to get it onto the tower. An ice golem is not a win condition because it is too slow for its health to reach the tower in a realistic situation.

    • Ground troop: Now, think of a unit, at least able to survive a fireball, that classifies as a ground unit. It can be a knight, mini PEKKA, fisherman, Valkyrie, or even ice golem. As long as it is somewhat sturdy and can distract ground units, it should be fine. Also keep in mind the synergy of the ground troop with your win condition.

    • Air attacking unit: This is any unit that can hit both air and ground, and should also have a medium/high DPS, especially when using an ice golem or slightly lower DPS ground unit. Some examples are Musketeer, mega minion, hunter, executioner, etc. Again, try your best to make decent synergies between this card and the other two cards that have been picked.

    • Stun card: This is a bit more general, but it is recommended to get a card, wether a troop or spell, that can reset the attack of a unit. There are times where you will make a mistake. There are times where stuff attacks something you don't want it to. Have a card that can just force those threats away from your tower or other cards and get them looking at something else.

    • Low damage spell: A card such as Log, Zap or Snowball that is cheap and can get small amounts of damage onto a certain area guaranteed. You can either take out a low health tower, or remove swarms or low health troops.

    • Medium/High damage spell: Now, while a zap is nice for small troops, it only does 56 damage to the tower and 168 to troops. Not a lot of damage. Your going to need a spell that deals more like 200-400 damage to the tower. Fireball, poison, and rocket are nice picks.

    • Cheap utility cards: Along with the fact that these cards are really nice in making positive elixir trades, they are required in the deck because there will be that one millions of times over games where all you need is that Inferno tower one more cycle spot forward so that it can catch that hog rider in time. You will have that one dozens of time where your poison or fireball will be one cycle spot away from a victory and you will loose. Avoid a lot of these with some still useable cards, but also 3 or less elixir so that you can get that deck slot freed up.

    Really, apart from these, a functional, viable deck must have cards that synergies well with each other. They all must compliment each other and work well when used strategically and thoughtfully.

    This is literally one step up from make deck with cards, place cards, take towers and win.

    When you put that method of a repeated thought train every game that gets better as time goes by, you unlock more cards, you play test better methods and strategies, that is how you get better and, well, win.

    Which brings us to the second half of this post: Making your own strategies, play testing them, and allowing yourself to pull away from the meta.

    The "Meta." What is it? How does it affect my gameplay or how much should it? How do I use cards outside the current meta?

    Let's start with nearly a textbook definition of what is the meta.

    If a card is in the meta, it simply means it is viable in a variant of a popular deck.

    Boom. That's it. It simply means it is able to be in a popular deck and succeed.

    If a deck is meta, that means that it is a popular deck that is slightly stronger then other decks, so more people are compelled to use it

    Naturally, having a meta is great. It forces people to mix things up. One day, beatdown could be popular, requiring siege players to rethink their strategies. The next month, that beatdown deck is nerfed and the siege deck comes into play. That required control and cycle players to rethink parts of their strategy. This loop goes on with more decks and I could write a whole post just explaining this.

    However, one thing that we have to remember is that the meta always changes, but we can't always just take a meta deck someone created, slap it into our deck slot, and just use it naturally even if we end up keeping that deck.


    Because we never created that deck, therefore we never thought of the strategy and method that went with it. Even if the creator tells us what to do, with 8 cards, and all the cards being able to be placed on a 14 • 18 tile area subtracting on the tower or the upper corners where the pillars are, 14 • 18= 252, 252-9-2= 252-11= 241, there are a total of 8 cards times 7 more 8 • 7= 56, so we have a total of 56 card combos that can be placed on any of the 241 playable tiles. In theory, if you played all card combos in your deck at one time on every tile, there would be about 13,496 card combos on your half of the board.

    And you seriously think that a thirty minute video is going to cover all card combos, when to use them and where for that deck?

    Spoiler: The answer to that question is no.

    And even if it is a very high quality post or a great detailed video, it probably definitely wouldn't properly bend to your play style. Everyone plays this game with a difference, though can seem small at times. There will always be slight difference because everyone's brain has different ways of thinking, reaction times, etc.

    That is why self built decks become more effective in the long run. With a deck based off of your familiar cards and synergies, it will allow you to use what strategies and styles work for you, even if it may be hard to execute them with a traditional deck.

    This is also a beneficial skill in the long run with certain challenges, especially with the new Youtuber challenges. You can make up decks and game methods that allow you to get an even better advantage on your opponent.

    And at the end of the day, isn't making up a strategy, playing with it, and winning like, half the point of the game?

    So, why not? What's the risks of making up your own strategy and deck?

    Well, I might loose a lot trying to get the deck just right. That would be a waste of time and trophies!!

    First off, if you know how you play the game, and what your favorite cards are, you should not need to loose more then 2-5, maybe 7-8 matches your first time around in a row. Then, you'll just get them all back 3-5 matches later at most. And then once you really master the deck, which is possible, you can really get higher in trophies by the end of the season. And all of the sudden, those 90-120 trophies you spent getting the perfect deck for you, seem like no big deal.

    Second off, testing a deck, playing around, and having fun in a game seems like the opposite of a waste of time. In fact, opening up Clash Royale and just using the same boring deck, going on a stressful swing between mass trophy gains and loses, and feeling like your time spent on the game is going nearly nowhere, is not the goal. At least, I hope is isn't, because if it is, your not using your time properly and might as well leave the game and go to something more enjoyable for yourself.

    Oh, well, I am not sure where to start.

    Well, now you for sure know how to build a deck, half the post here is how to build one from nothing.

    How do I know when the deck clicks? Will I be able to tell?

    Certainly! It is a bit easier then thought to find when you hit the sweet spot. Naturally, the way you use your deck will flow throughout most if not all of your games. You can use the strategy that fits you and you will rarely see yourself making mistakes or finding improper card usage and improper elixir usage. You won't find yourself having almost no-hope defeats that the opponent decides in the first match. You can use elixir so effectively that it almost feels like your barely using any. You will certainly feel the deck "click" once you found it.

    Well, what if I make a mistake in my deck building? Am I genuinely bad at the game? What should I do if I don't turn to a deck made by someone else?

    If you make a mistake worth fixing, you will naturally see it by the end of the battle, if not as soon as your first cycle finishes and you see what role your cards play and how they will affect the match. No, you making one deck mistake doesn't mean you are bad at the game. You just need to fix the mistake and see what else there is. That's the whole point of play testing with so many different cards in the deck. Keep trying and you will eventually get a good deck that fits you.

    I found a nice unique deck that fits my play style, but now I want to use a specific card that I think is cool that isn't in my deck, what do I do now?

    If you want to specifically use a certain card that is not in your deck, wether that's because you just unlocked it, or you found a YouTube video with someone playing it and though it was a decent card, or just because why not, you can put it into a different deck using a different different slot or you can use a notes app to save your past decks and keep your masterpieces. Then use a deck slot to make another deck that has the card or cards you want. Just be sure to make it have a method and has the card roles mentioned earlier in the post, as all viable decks should have.

    Conclusion and TLDR

    And it looks like this post has finally come to a close. Let's take a second to review what we've learned:

    • Decks always need a win condition, ground and air decent health troops, a way to deal with tanks and win conditions, a unit/spell that stuns, and some small troops that can lower the average elixir cost and allow you to cycle through the cards you need most.

    • You must be sure all cards work together as well.

    • Be creative with your decks and strategies. The bigger you think, the better.

    • Don't be overly caught up or influenced by the current meta. Win with what allows you to win.

    • The more you play test, the better you will be.

    And as always, tell me what cards I should breakdown or what topic you would like to see written about. I will always take suggestions.


    submitted by /u/Huffelpuff__rainbow
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    Protecting my punish play troops against golem from mini pekka with prediction miner! Forced out so much elixir that I could easily defend

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 03:16 PM PDT

    Dear God that poor megaknight

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    Tryhards heading into 2v2 triple elixir be like

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 12:04 PM PDT

    I've been playing this game for over a year and I just found out you can skip the arena and teammate intro screens that appear right before the battle starts by tapping on the screen.

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 07:35 PM PDT

    I always wondered why my opponents (and/or teammates) were always dropping troops before I even got into the battle.

    submitted by /u/glirg
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    I’m not sure why these requests still exist if they are already filled.

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 10:33 AM PDT

    It reminds me this

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 11:28 PM PDT

    What emote should I use to express "Sorry I'm two levels above you, I haven't laddered in a while"?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 01:26 PM PDT

    I feel bad sometimes.

    submitted by /u/InvisibIeMountain
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    When you can spectate yourself

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 08:55 AM PDT

    Scummy, But Still A Really Good Deck To Farm Crowns In 2v2 Triple Elixir. You Give Them False Hope With Their Huge Push, Then You UNLEASH.

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 10:23 PM PDT

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