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    Sunday, February 23, 2020

    Clash Royale [EFFORT POST] Reworking the Problematic and Inconsistent Cards of Clash Royale

    Clash Royale [EFFORT POST] Reworking the Problematic and Inconsistent Cards of Clash Royale

    [EFFORT POST] Reworking the Problematic and Inconsistent Cards of Clash Royale

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 08:40 AM PST


    • Hey everyone, u/JCorby17 here. Happy new decade; I hope everyone is taking this new start of the new decade to really make a great change for themselves in your lives; I know I am. And before I get started with this post, I need to do something I should of done a long time ago: Apologize. I am sorry for the spam of copy and paste post that I have been doing for the past couple of months; most of them were filled by my personal opinions on Balancing the game and not actually looking at the stats (most of the time), and I literally just copy and pasted most of my stuff for next season's changes. I took a break last month from the Balance Post to really think about how I want make these post better; and I now realize that I need to focus more on Quality of the Changes instead of just Quantity of Changes. And this change in focus for my Balance Post stats today with this new post on Cards that Really need some Reworking, a Big Fix to the Issues with Effect Spells, and some Consistency Fixes/Reworks for some Connected Cards. Please, tell me what you think of the changes down below in the comments. Note: This Post will be using Tournament Standard Stats when Balancing Cards and use Grand Challenge Use and Win Rates from RoyaleAPI (over the past 7 Days) for Each Card. Let's get to it then, shall we?!


    ~Elixir Golem~:

    ~Use Rates~: 5%

    ~Win Rates~: 53%

    ~Suggested Change(s)~: Rework HP of Golem and Blobs to 1596 and 252 (from 1196 and 299), Buff Damage of All Forms to 300, 150, and 75 (from 211, 105, and 52. DPS is increasing drastically), and Rework to When You get the Elixir to reviving 2 When you destroy the Golem and 1 Each when you destroy the Golemites (from 1 Each when you destroy each Blob)

    ~Explanation~: Oh how the Mighty have fallen mostly that is. The Elixir Golem has had a great impact on the Meta of the Game ever since its Release a couple of months ago. With his most recent nerf to the HP of all forms (Now Elixir Golemites dying to a Mini Pekka Hit and Blobs dying to Arrows), the Elixir Golem really drooped in Use Rates (thought still has a high-ish Win Rate and still fairly Meta with that one Elixir Golem Battle Healer Deck).

    The main issue I see with Elixir Golem is that you get the Elixir WAY too late to actually make a strong counter push off it; since the opponent will most likely have more Elixir Built up over the defender's Defense to then defended their counter push and it just keeps going and going like that. Thought the less HP on the Elixir Golem makes it easier to get the Elixir, there is also the issue with the Elixir Blobs getting a crazy amount of Damage off before getting the Elixir to counter push.

    What I am suggesting is that we make the Elixir easier to get (2 Elixir given when the Elixir Golem Dies and 1 Elixir Each when a Elixir Golemite Dies) so 1) The opponent can make a proper Counter Push, and 2) We can make the Golem itself stronger while weakening the Blobs (The Golemites have the Perfect HP for what they are IMO). This may interfere with the stats doubling for each form, but the Elixir Golem gets a massive HP boost (now survives a Rocket) to make him the real threat that he should be while the Blobs get an HP nerf to make them less likely to get lots of damage. All forms got a Big DPS Buff, and is just double the Damage so we can keep the "double the stats trait" consistent.


    ~Use Rates~: 5%

    ~Win Rates~: 42%

    ~Suggested Change(s)~: Buff HP of Golem to 5500 (from 4256) and Golemites to 1100 (from 864), Nerf Damage and Death Damage of Golem to 133 (from 259) and Golemites to 37 (from 53)

    ~Explanation~: And speaking about Mighty Cards, the Golem has been rocking and rolling in the Meta (mind the pun) since the beginning of the Game! But even he; is crumbing under the weight of all the new Beatdown compilation, with even worse Win Rates than his floppy cousin, just being average!

    A concern that I and even the Balance Team sees with Golem is how strong he is, even just by himself. He can deal so much damage and even kill weak Troops with his Death Damage by himself, and that does not include the strong and versatile Support Troops behind him. To roughly quote Seth from a past Reddit Post: "We want the Support Troops to be dealing all the big damage, not Golem." And In that Reddit Post they suggested Nerfing his Death Damage.

    So; I suggest that change and even more. When you think of the Golem, you think "the Tankiest Card in the Game", so; let's focus on that trait he has by making he even more of a Tank; buffing his base HP and the HP of his Golemite children. But at the cost of making his Death Damage AND Damage much weaker (his Death Damage won't even Destroy Shields but will just barely kill Spear Goblins 1 Level Higher than him) And the Golemite's Death Damage Combined won't Kill Skeletons/Bats 2 Levels Higher than them)! As the King of the Beatdown Archetype, I think that this change will show everyone why he has that Majestic Title.

    ~Elite Barbarians~:

    ~Use Rates~: 0%

    ~Win Rates~: 8%

    ~Suggested Change(s)~: Option 1 (Preferred): Buff Elixir Cost to 5 (from 6), Nerf Range to 0.7 Tiles (from Melee Medium/1.2 Tiles), "Buff" Sight Range to 9.5 Tiles (to match Hog Rider's Sight Range), Nerf Movement Speed to Fast (from Very Fast), and Nerf Hp to 877 (from 970). Option 2: Buff Elixir Cost to 5 (from 6), Nerf Range to 0.7 Tiles (from Melee Medium/1.2 Tiles), "Buff" Sight Range to 9.5 Tiles (to match Hog Rider's Sight Range), and Nerf HP to 750 (from 970)

    ~Explanation~: "Run and cower fear, for the Ladder Player's worst nightmare is here!" Ignoring the funny sentence, the Elite Barbarians are truly a Ladder Player's worst nightmare. Stat wise they are meh, but hindered greatly by their massive Elixir Cost and the only reason they are used in the first place is 1) They are a Common "Win Condition", making them extremely easy to level up and thus making matchmaking unfair and not fun for players who don't have max Cards, and 2) They are Very Fast; and this allows them to just be spammed at the Bridge to take advantage of lower skilled players.

    But when the Elite Barb Player is going against a more experienced Player or at least has a Deck that hard counters Elite Barbarians and any other "Ladder Deck" Cards, they feel like they are not progressing. The first thought that comes to mind in reworking Elite Barbarians is to "make them slower so people don't caught off guard", but there is something complicating a simple rework. Seth said something akin to this in a more recent interview, that "When talking to our play testers that are testing the slower Elite Barbarians, they say that 'I like that Elite Barbarians are super fast and catch my opponent off guard'.

    So it's hard to find a balance that will make all the players happy." First off, I don't think that's a good excuse because what the play testers are basically saying is that "we like taking advantage of lower skilled/newer players", and second; even if they still moved Very Fast, it does not mean they are good. Their stats are meh for their massive Elixir Cost. So, I have 2 possible suggestions to change this Card from Ladder's nightmare to everyone's new win condition on the block.

    For the first Rework, I made their Movement Speed Fast, which is Mini Pekka's Movement Speed, but only Nerfed their HP a little bit to make up for the Elixir buff. I also Nerfed their Range and made their Sight Radius bigger (they get distracted more Easily, but once they lock on, it's hard for them to be pushed away) to make them easier to Kite.

    The second Rework is the same thing; but instead of a Movement Speed nerf and a HP nerf, I just gave them a Massive HP Nerf: To the HP of a Bandit! So, which do you prefer; More Speed or More HP? No matter what you choose; this Card will definitely be better with one of these changes, but still might make players Rage (more on that Card later though).


    ~Use Rates~: 4%

    ~Win Rates~: 45%

    ~Suggested Change(s)~: Nerf Hitspeed to 0.7 Seconds (from 0.25 Seconds, that needed a Rounding Fix anyways), Buff Damage to 100 (from 26), Nerf Lifetime to 35 Seconds (from 40 Seconds), Nerf First Hitspeed (to Match Zappies)

    ~Explanation~: BREAKING NEWS: As of February 2020, X-Bow is considered the 2nd most Rage inducing Card in the entire Game for a majority of Players (statistics from the Legendary CWA), only topped to the fireball blasting, crazy haired man himself; The Wizard! What could possibly be causing this much saltiness in the playerbase, find out now on Clash News! cool transition into a guy in a suit Hello fellow Clashers, I'm Cayros Thyme and today we are taking about X-Bow why it's just a really Rage inducing Card and how to Fix it.

    When looking at the... opinions of X-Bow, we see a theme they pretty much encompasses all the issues with X-Bow: the Versatility and the Speed. X-Bow, for 6 Elixir, can be used defensively to easily pull Troops to the center of the Arena while chipping away at support troops as well while also being able to decimate a Tower with just one Lock On if you accidentally place a Troop/Building a tiny bit too late. This does not include how X-Bow has a long Lifetime, making it fairly easy to have 2+ X-Bows on the field at a time, making the opponent feel like the can't do anything to push through the defense. As for Hitspeed, X-Bow has the fastest Hitspeed in the game (even Faster than Dart Goblin) which in turn makes it's First Hitspeed even faster (since most First Hitspeeds are faster than the Base Hitspeed), which is crazy!

    When you use a... Battle Ram to tank the X-Bow and then the Barbarians pop out, the X-Bow locks onto the Tower or the next Troop because of its Crazy Hitspeed (well it's technically the case for all Troops/Buildings, but it's very hard to Block an X-Bow because the fast Hitspeed dose make it hard to reactively block)! So, if it's so versatile and fast, what can we do to make it less versatile and fast but still Balanced (since the Use and Win Rates indicate that it's a High Skill Cap Card, which it is even with these features)?

    I suggest that we make the Hitspeed MUCH slower (but still the fastest in the Game tied with Dart Goblin), make the First Hitspeed match the Zappies (1 Second), and Make the Lifetime Match most of the other non-Spawner Buildings (all thats left is Tesla and Inferno Tower). What this does is make much more of an Offensive Threat: being able to kill Skeletons, Fire Spirits and even Shieldless Guards in one Hit and overall getting more Consistent Damage on the Tower even when being blocked for a bit or just getting attacked.

    But, it does make it much harder to stack multiple X-Bows at a time and that First Hitspeed Nerf makes it slightly easier to block again after it's done taking out a Troop/Building. Overall, we are trading Defense for a Higher Offense to make it more reliable at getting Damage off overtime instead of just 1 lock on; it will still remain the supreme Siege Building (unless a certain predatorial themed building that can lock on to things gets in the game)!

    ~Fire Spirits~:

    ~Use Rates~: 1%

    ~Win Rates~: 33%

    ~Suggested Change(s)~: Nerf Damage to 175 (from 178), Buff Troop Count to 4 (from 3, now in a Box Formation with a little space in between so they can surround Troops easier)

    ~Explanation~: It must be really hard being a Fire Spirit, always put on Ice by your cooler cousin, it must make you shiver in shame ~(accept the puns)~. In all seriousness, Fire Spirits are over shadowed by Ice Spirit in many ways: Ice Spirit is Cheaper, has more HP, can Stun/Freeze Troop/Buildings, and has much more Synergies unlike Fire Spirits.

    Yes technically you can get the value of a Fireball for 2 Elixir if played correctly, but it usually only works on one Target and Many ideas like adding a "Burn" effect to Fire Spirits would definitely make them unique, but they are a Common Card in the lower Arenas so they should not really get any any crazy new Mechanics that might confuse players in low Arenas.

    What I suggest is a Simple Change: Just add another Fire Spirit to the group (and Nerf the damage very slightly)! What this Change Does is allow the Fire Spirits to Deal Much more Damage and Tank More Hits overall because of the extra Fire Spirit. With 4 of them Now, they will completely destroy a Witch/Hunter and Troops with less HP if all 4 of them Hit and will overall be able to take out more Troops because of the extra Splash that comes with the extra Spirit.

    They will also be allowed to be Split, providing Split Lane Pressure for an offensive push on both sides (like with Royal Hogs)! They would have a much better High Risk-High Reward factor when using them and that will make them unique over their cousin: that they have the ability to Wipe Troops clean more easily than before without combining other Cards with it! I bet the Ice Spirt won't be able to handle the heat of his Hotter cousins if they got this buff.


    ~Use Rates~: 2%

    ~Win Rates~: 41%

    ~Suggested Change(s)~: Nerf Lifetime to 40 Seconds (from 50 Seconds), Buff Spawn Time to 8 Seconds (from 10 Seconds), give it a Death Spawn of 2 Fire Spirits at the end of the duration (acting as the "last wave". Like what just recently happened to the Barbarian Hut)

    ~Explanation~: The Problem with the Fire Spirit's happy home (and the Mini Pekka's favorite place to be) is the the Fire Spirits themselves, it's when they come out of their home to fight in the Arena. They come out at just the right time to make them a Hassle to deal with. They come out to fast for any cheap non tanky Card to take only 1 Wave of them wile they come out too slow for most Spells/Troops to take care of them all; They can just Punish you for using the Spell or use their own Spell on the defending Troop for even more Value!

    Like the newly changed Barbarian Hut, I propose a change that makes the Furnace have more Utility than just being a constant annoyance. The overall Lifetime of the Furnace is going to be Lower, so the Furnace is going to be less of any annoyance overall. But the Fire Spirits will be able to kill/damage any Troops that destroy the Furnace since they will be so close to it when it's destroyed. Let the Fire Spirit's home be less annoying and have more utility!

    ~Goblin Hut~:

    ~Use Rates~: 1%

    ~Win Rates~: 40%

    ~Suggested Change(s)~: Nerf Lifetime to 40 Seconds (from 50 Seconds), Buff Spawn Time to 4 Seconds (from 4.5 Seconds) , Give them a Death Spawn of 3 Regular/Stab Goblins at the end of the duration (acting as the "last wave". Like what just recently happened to the Barbarian Hut)

    ~Explanation~: It looks like the "worse Furnace (and now Barbarian Hut)" can never get a break, can it? It has almost never been Meta except for that one Mega Knight Goblin Hut Deck a couple of Years ago when it got an decent HP Buff. But now it's the worst Spawner Card in the Game with no niches to fill: Even Barbarian Hut now has a solid niche to fill in the game! What this Card needs is what Barbarian Hut got: Better Versatility on offense or defense.

    This set of suggested changes will allow the Goblin Hut to 1) Provide more pressure on offense and defense with the Spear Goblins coming out more Frequently and 2) Make the User have a better Defensive Card in their Deck (the Stab Goblins that come out are great at distracting units), thus gaining even more value from the Goblin Hut than before. It would also better defend against anything trying to ruin Karaoke Night! No one messes with Karaoke Night... or else!


    ~The Problem(s)~: The Spells that are considered "Effect Spells" (Rage, Heal, Freeze, and Clone) are all Cards that are either niche to the point they are worthless or just straight up busted when they are strong. The reasons for this is mainly because of 1) Putting too much stats into the Effect itself, and 2) Only getting value from the "Surprise Factor" of the Card itself and then being deadweight afterwards. We want these cards to be usable but not be busted, so I came up with this:

    ~The Solution(s)~: I Propose a simple yet effective change that will Allow the Effect Spells to be buffed to be better but rely less on the "Surprise Factor" and more on the Card Itself: ~Delayed Deploy Time~ (Staggered Deploy Time but for Spells)! What I mean by this is that we basically turn these Spells (Clone, Freeze, Rage, And Heal) into "Prediction Spells", like Fireball, Rocket, The Log, Arrows, Barbarian Barrel, And Giant Snowball with their own Delayed Deployment Time (would match other Cards) with a Delay of around 2.0 Seconds (around the same as Fireball, can be faster or slower to make the Cards feel right). By making them have a Delayed Deployment, it makes them a higher Skill Cap Card to use since it requires Prediction to get major value from the Cards now; it also makes it less reliant on the "Surprise Factor" that all these Cards Share. To make up for this change, however, we have to Buff their actual stats. I'll go into detail on what I would change for the Cards right now:


    ~Use Rates~: 0%

    ~Win Rates~: 21%

    ~Suggested Change(s)~: (Yes, I know that Heal is getting replaced by a New Card, which is a first for Clash Royale History, in April. Supercell might have come up with a solution to not just fix Heal, but to fix the other Effect Spells. If it works for Heal, I'll find a way to possibly implement it into the other Effect Spells next season. Check our KFC's Interview on YouTube with u/Supercell_Drew to find out some new info for the March Update if you haven't already; Now back to the Suggested Changes!) Option 1: Change "Travel Distance" to 2.0 Seconds (from Instant), Buff Healing to 120 Per Second (from 65 Per Second , New Total of 240 HP Healed), Add Healing to Buildings (Crown Towers at 35% of HP Healed like all Spells with Crown Tower "Damage", so 84 HP Healed), Nerf Radius to 3.0 Tiles (from 4.0 Tiles), Nerf Elixir Cost to 2 (from 1 Elixir). Option 2 (Preferred): Change "Travel Distance" to 2.0 Seconds (from Instant), Buff Healing to 80 Per Second (from 65 Per Second, New Total Of 160 HP Healed from 130)

    ~Explanation~: DeLeTe HeAl FrOm ThE gAmE, sUpErCeLl! Remember last time when I said they would never delete a Card.... looks like I was only partially wrong! Hahaha.... Anyways, besides Heal being replaced with a new Card, I wanted to try and come up with a way to keep Heal in the game (in a different timeline perhaps).

    The main issue with heal is that you have too little HP healed, even for the Elixir Cost. So, I came up with 2 options on how to buff it: Make it just completely negate a Zap for 1 Elixir, or completely negate a Log and Heal Buildings for 2 Elixir. While also changing how the Troops/Buildings get Healed (Two 1 Second Tics instead of Four 0.5 Second Tics) and adding the Deployment Delay for both changes.

    What both of these Changes do is allow you to Counter Small Spells, which are not as detrimental to matches when compared to Big Spells, which is what made Heal OP back when it was first released. It will also increase the Skill Cap of the Card, with the Delayed Deployment acting as a Way yo predict you opponent's actions and get value from an accurate prediction. Yes, this change specifically is kinda pointless to suggest, but still, makes you wonder on how Heal could work if it was still in the game.


    ~Use Rates~: 2%

    ~Win Rates~: 46%

    ~Suggested Change(s)~: Nerf Radius to 3.0 Tiles (from 5.0 Tiles), Make Rage Duration Consistently last 5.0 Seconds (from 7.5 Seconds at Tournament Standards), Give it Impact Damage at 100 (does not effect Buildings and/or Crown Towers), and Change "Travel Distance" to 2.0 Seconds (from Instant) (All changes apply to Lumberjack's Death Rage)

    ~Explanation~: Okay, I'm just going to say it: Rage is fundamentally broken. What I mean by this is that It does not have a balanced set of level scaling in game.

    I'll give an example: Let's say you are in a Challenge at Tournament Standards, and Giant is coming down your lane and all you have is Archers and Rage to defend plus the Princess Tower. Let's say the Giant only gets 3-4 hits on the Tower, big deal right. WRONG! Let's Take this example and apply it to Max Level standards: where all Cards are Level 13. Now, the Giant only gets 1-2 punches on the Tower! Interactions like that do not happen with other Cards.

    Since Rage is scaled up based on Duration, and not Damage or HP, the Duration last longer the higher the level is. This, at higher levels, Troops/Buildings will hit and move faster than at lower levels! It was like this with Freeze (leveling up based on Duration), and it was busted at top level play and useless at Tournament Standards. Yes, Rage is not as detrimental as Freeze, but it's still a fundamentally broken issue that needs to be fixed! And, as many content creators say "Rage is Card you use to win harder", so it does not have any use besides when you are already winning; no defensive or offensive value when just using it.

    So, what I did was make the Duration Consistent at 5 Seconds, it's Radius at 3.0 Tiles, and Gave it Spawn Damage at 100! What this does is allow Rage to be used on defense to help your defending Troops/Buildings defend more efficiently while also getting rid of any Very frail Troops to try and take out your Offensive push. The Deployment Delay is to make more of a Prediction Spell and can allow you to get lots of value if predicted correctly. I bet this new Rage might not make you Rage as before.


    ~Use Rates~: 2%

    ~Win Rates~*: 48%

    ~Suggested Change(s)~: ** (Credit to u/ArcticFox58 for helping me come up with this interesting rework!) Change "Travel Distance" to 2.0 Seconds (from Instant), Buff Elixir Cost to 3 (from 4), Buff Damage to 110 (from 95, Crown Tower Damage is 39 from 34), Nerf TOTAL Duration to 3 Seconds (from 4 Seconds), Nerf Freeze Duration to 1.0 Seconds (from 4.0 Seconds), Add Snare AND Slowness Effect for the rest of the 2.0 Seconds to any Troops that enter or are already in the Radius!**

    ~Explanation~: From Busted to OP to very niche, Freeze has its own set off issue as an Effect Spell. The thing with Freeze is that it relys even more on the Surprise Factor than the other Effect Spell since it's Stats are actually decent. Since this Card can completely stop a perfect Counter to a push, it effectively allows lower skill players able to beat higher skill players. It should never be okay for a lower skill player to beat a higher skill player, it just feels wrong. So, what can we do to fix it?

    Well, the Buffed Elixir cost allows it to be used in a wider variety of Decks. The Duration Rework makes it easier to defend overall, and the Delayed Deployment will let defending players prepare for it effectively. These changes together make Freeze better as a Prediction Spell and could be used multiple times effectively now. Cool changes!


    ~Use Rates~: 1%

    ~Win Rates~: 34%

    ~Suggested Change(s)~: Option 1: Change "Travel Distance" to 2.0 Seconds (from Instant) and make it's Radius 3.5 Tiles (from 3.0 Tiles). Option 2 (Preferred): Change "Travel Distance" to 2.0 Seconds (from Instant), Give it a Duration of 4 Seconds (from Instant), and make Cloned Troops Spawn at half of their previous speed.

    ~Explanation~: I'm going to be honest: Clone is probably the most balanced of the Effect Spells. It's just very niche in the Meta now and also the most gimmick-y of the Effect Spells, making it hard to actually use seriously and succeed with. I would even say it does not even necessarily need the Deployment Delay (since the Clones are extremely easy to take out when prepared for), but it does make the Card easier to handle.

    To make up for this nerf, I'm thinking of either just a slight radius Buff to make it more likely to clone stuff after the delay OR making it more like its Clash of Clans counter part; I think it would be interesting if it stayed in the Arena for a little bit and any Troops that walks in the area will spawn a Clone (but slower for Balance Sake). This will make it more of prediction Spell to use, and allow the opponent have a little bit of time to prepare before any extra Troops are cloned. Like it?


    ~Archers and Firecracker~:


    ~Use Rates~: 4%

    ~Win Rates~: 42%

    ~Suggested Change(s)~: Buff Movement Speed to Fast (from Medium), Buff Range to 5.5 Tiles (from 5.0 Tiles), Nerf Hitspeed to 1.4 Seconds (from 1.2 Seconds), Nerf HP to 240 (from 252), Buff Damage to 90 (from 89, it's a Rounding Fix) and Nerf First Hitspeed (to match Magic Archer)

    ~Explanation~: The First Lady of the Clash Universe is not really doing so well in game right now. With Multiple other kinds of Ranged Support Troops to pick from (including the Firecracker) which are overall better, Archers are really only good in X-Bow Decks (and very rarely Hog Cycle Decks, but Princess, Firecraker, Musketeer, etc.is more common depending on the Deck).

    When comparing the Archer and Firecracker, the Firecraker has some traits that the Archers could benefit from; Those Benefits is a Range and Moment Speed Buff! So, that's what I did: I Buffed the Movement Speed to Match Firecraker and slightly buffed Range (now same as the Wizard or Ram Rider). I also buffed the damage slightly because it was a rounding issue the card had.

    To make up for these massive Buffs, I Nerfed the Hitspeed a decent amount (exactly in between Spear Goblins and Musketeer) and Nerfed their HP to die to a Log. Along with a tiny First Hitspeed Nerf, this Rework makes the Archers much better at engaging on Troops/Buildings and make them more of a threat on their own and a Similar DPS. The only true downside is how they now die The Log, but this allows them to be used in different kinds of Decks now! The First Ladies will finally be getting the recognition they deserve!


    ~Use Rates~: 5%

    ~Win Rates~: 49%

    ~Suggested Change(s)~: Rework her Damage to 67 Per Bullet with 4 Bullets (instead of 53 Damage Per Bullet with 5 Bullets, Interactions remain the same except that She will One Shot Skeletons/Bats with 1 Bullet and no longer activate the King Tower in 2v2 when normally hitting the Princess Tower since the spread is slightly narrower), Buff Projectile Speed (to match Princess), Buff Hitspeed to 2.8 Seconds (from 3.0 Seconds), Nerf HP to 240 (from 252), Nerf Knockback to 1.5 Tiles (from 2.0 Tiles)

    ~Explanation~: The newest Card in the Arena has definitely been a welcome addition to the game: Being fairly balanced and offering a new niche for itself as a Ranged Support Troop. However, there are some problems with this Card that should be addressed: The Self-Knockback is definitely interesting, but it effects interactions and can be hard to stop at times (A Bowler can't even Hit her, that's how far it is).

    Her Damage is great up close, but in some cases, her shots don't fully take out Skeletons/Bats, Which all Troops have to do (and also it makes her either do meh or bad against stuff like Graveyard or big Swarm Cards. Also, the splash area makes her automatically activate the King Tower in 2v2 Battles which is fundamentally broken in a bad way). And, her Hitspeed and Projectile Speed (the speed of the firecraker/rocket) is very slow, missing some Troops entirely!

    When comparing Firecracker to Archers, Archers have some traits that the Archers could benefit from; Those Benefits are Faster Hitspeed and Projectile Speeds and more Reliable Damage Output. So, that's what I did: I made her Hitspeed and Projectile speed a little Faster, making her much more likely to hit Troops she previously missed before. I also Reworked her Damage to 67 Damage per Bullet with 4 Bullets instead of 53 Damage per Bullet with 5 Bullets so she can 1) One Shot Skeletons/Bats no matter what, and 2) Make her just barely miss out in activating the King Tower in 2v2 (since there are now only 4 Bullets, the area spread is slightly narrower. She will still activate the King Tower when using a Troop to make her aim her shot to splash onto the King Tower)!

    To make up for these big Buffs, She will also die to the Log like her non-rebellious counter parts. And, I Nerfed her Self-Knockback by a good amount so she overall stays in the same area more often so she can get hit more often by other Troops(especially Bowler), Buildings, and Spells. Supercell honestly did a good Job of Balancing Firecracker, but she just needs this small Rework to make her the best she could be!

    ~Bomber and Bomb Tower~:


    ~Use Rates~: 2%

    ~Win Rates~: 37%

    ~Suggested Change(s)~: Buff Damage to 278 (from 271), Buff Range to 5.5 Tiles (from 5.0 Tiles), Nerf HP to 318 (from 398), Nerf Hitspeed to 2.0 Seconds (from 1.9 Seconds), Nerf First Hitspeed (to be slightly slower than Night Witch's )

    ~Explanation~: Oh Bomber, you grown so much... but not in a good Way. You used to be a terrible pick in any Deck, only being good at the beginning of the game. But now, People realize that you are honestly a decent Card with his own niche, finding a spot in Golem Decks of all things! But, there's a massive issue with Bomber that has gone unchecked for Years now: the Deceptiveness of his HP. This guy is surprisingly Tough for being a Skeleton with Goggles and a Hat, being able to tank an Arrows to the face and a Tower Hit while also getting a Hit on the Tower. In a heated battle where you are focusing on other things, he will get a lot of Damage in the Tower with his Deceptive HP.

    I honestly think it's the only reason he is used: Because he can't Die to any Small Spell Combo and tanks more than he should. So, I propose a change where he becomes more of a utility Card than just a Card used for a Niche. I Nerfed his HP so that any Small Spell Combo will Take him out (not Freeze or Rage, but they aren't used for Damage so...) and he overall dies in 1 less hit by some Troops. I slightly buffed his Damage so he can 2 Shot equal Level Barbarians, I Buffed his Range so he can Interact with Troops/Building sooner (thus making he have a bit more utility), and Slightly Nerfed his Hitspeed and First Hitspeed to make sure the extra Range is not too much to Handle.

    Overall, These Changes will make a bomber easier to take out on defense, but he is going to be a bigger threat on offense. Not as much as his Giant Cousin, but a threat nonetheless.

    ~Bomb Tower~:

    ~Use Rates~: 19%

    ~Win Rates~: 56%

    ~Suggested Change(s)~: Buff Damage to 278 (from 184), Nerf Hitspeed to 2.0 Seconds (from 1.6 Seconds), Nerf Death Bomb Damage to 278 (from 369), Nerf First Hitspeed (to be slightly slower than Night Witch's), and Nerf HP to 1036 (from 1127)

    ~Explanation~: In a Similar sense you Cannon Cart and Cannon, it has always felt odd that Bomber and Bomb Tower don't have similar Stats. This is my main reason for reworking it, but Since Bomb Tower has had such a High Use and Win Rate over the months Now, I though I could come up with a good Overall nerf to the Card.

    Keeping the new Bomber Changes, Bomb Tower Will now Also 2 Shot equal Level Barbarians at the cost of a much slower Hitspeed. He will also be getting a decent nerf to his Death Bomb and his HP to make sure the massive Damage Buff is kept in check. This robust Building will now be slightly more on the offensive side but still be a great defensive Card!

    ~Cannon and Cannon Cart~:


    ~Use Rates~: 2%

    ~Win Rates~: 35%

    ~Suggested Change(s)~: Buff Hitspeed to 0.9 Seconds (from 1.0 Seconds), Nerf HP to 696 (from 744)

    ~Explanation~: With all of the Bomb Towers everywhere and Tesla still being an obviously better Choice over Cannon, Cannon is only used in fast Cycle Decks but is just kinda weak in its own. What Cannon (and it's rolling cousin) need is a niche to fill for buildings. With this in mind, I just thought of a simple Hitspeed Buff to make their DPS more than Bomb Tower and Tesla to make it have its own niche at the cost of Slightly less HP. Overall, Cannon will be worth its cost and be a viable option when compared to Tesla or Bomb Tower (Inferno Tower though, maybe).

    ~Cannon Cart~:

    ~Use Rates~: 1%

    ~Win Rates~: 49%

    ~Suggested Change(s)~: Buff Hitspeed to 0.9 Seconds (from 1.0 Seconds), Nerf HP and Shield HP to 696 (from 744)

    ~Explanation~: Oh poor Cannon Cart, you are a really cool concept, but you just fall flat on your wheels because of how most of the Cards in the meta now are just Better. Though you have found a very small niche in Graveyard Decks, it's still not enough to get you to where you are. Like Cannon, I propose a Hitspeed buff to make it more of an Offensive threat at the cost of a slight HP Nerf in Base HP and Shield HP (for consistency sake), making it die to a Fireball + Zap/Snowball like the Witch. This small change will make Cannon Cart overall way more versatile in the Decks it is already in!


    So, there we have it. A bunch of recommended Reworks for Cards that could really use the fix, a change to fix the fundamental issues with Effect Spells, and some changes for Consistency sake between related cards. I hope you all like this new format of Post because I think I like this more too. I'm still going to do the monthly Change post, but now it's only 3 Parts with less quantity and more quantity in the changes. I hope you all have a great day, Clash On!

    submitted by /u/JCorby17
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    Wallbreakers Mirror Clone

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 03:36 PM PST

    Log-endary skin royal hog (concept art)

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 03:04 AM PST

    olympics-ready ice spirit

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 12:33 PM PST

    I’ve played this game for two years and I’ve never had a game be this close.

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 04:35 PM PST

    We need way better rewards for these quests

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 01:01 PM PST

    Thought you guys would enjoy this

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 11:25 AM PST

    It all comes down to arrows vs zap

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 01:13 PM PST

    Juicy 16 Elixir Rocket.

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 04:06 PM PST

    When 5 ladies kill abt 16 dead warriors within a sec..

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 04:36 AM PST

    Does Name Changes need be this expensive?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 07:39 AM PST

    Some people really don’t get it in 2v2

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 09:27 PM PST

    Stick to one deck. It’s not worth it

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 04:06 PM PST

    I've been playing clash for 3 years since global release and it was amazing. All the cards were cool and I enjoyed using every card i could for friendly battles with my friends (back in the day, your card levels were used). But during that time I couldn't find a single deck that has resonated in me that I actually enjoy.

    Pekka bridge spam , hog, 3m , giant , golem , and every other win condition I have used, but I can't find a deck that I can enjoy while winning ladder games.

    "Why don't you practise the deck?"

    I do. But it gets boring really quickly. I can win CC without a single loss, but use the deck in ladder or a GC and I lose all the time. "Practise makes possible" if I enjoy practicing those new decks. But I just don't enjoy trying something new, while getting slammed in the face because I'm trying to become versatile at the game.

    To be honest, I just envy all the players out there that can enjoy one single deck, because they can enjoy their deck while getting better at the game.

    Just be a One trick. It's not worth it being flexible. Every YouTuber says the exact same thing, and it's true.

    Thank you for reading❤️😔

    submitted by /u/Lukeossy
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    [EFFORT POST] Clan War Is Frustrating & Not Interactive, and My Suggestion Before I Uninstall It

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 08:38 PM PST

    Some people play Clash Royale because of ladder pushing, but some people play because it is fun and do not want to play super competitively, and that is how I started Clash Royale.

    Clan Interaction used to be very fun, and it was also the reason I started playing Clash Royale.

    1. Back in the days, there is no 2v2 and the only way to play 2v2 is during the clan chest event on Sunday (2v2 and collect crowns in order to unlock the clan chest)! I can play Clash Royale whole day long solely because of the unique 2v2 interaction, and I made a lot of friends because of this.
    2. 2v2 was super fun back then because people work on it together, but not that fun anymore nowadays because it lost its significant contribution to the part of "people working together", many people still play it because it is not competitive and we can chillax to collect the chest despite it lost the joy already.

    Then they introduced Clan War. At first the Clan War seemed fun, but it is not fun anymore

    1. Unlike ladder which you're matched according to trophy count, we all can agree that the clan war matchmaking sucks especially in legendary league.
    2. Smaller clan are highly discouraged unless they chillax and exclude themselves from clan war, imagine if you have only 24 members but you are facing a 48-men clan? Back then I was forced to leave my friend's clan and join a more competitive one because of the introduction of Clan War.
    3. The random deck pool from collection is too luck dependent. Combined the above with this the whole clan war is so RNG.
    4. Not to mention as it progresses, the weaker stats players are always being "abandoned", back then for 2v2 Clan Chest everything is calibrated to level 9, even weaker players can contribute to the clan by working hard on collecting the crowns for the Clan Chest.

    The only thing i love about clan war now, is 2v2 collection, despite sometimes we are forced to play the stupid the Touchdown that Supercell refuses to admit that it is a failed product. Yet if you lose in clan war due to the luck issue or imbalance matchmaking issue, the rage level is at least 100 times the rage from ladder matchmaking because you only get the UNREPEATABLE chance ONCE per two days but lost because of the annoying reasons above.

    It ends up leaving you a frustrating feeling like "What a waste of time".

    For the problems above, it lost the core interactions and synergies between members! The clan war is just like another ladder but a more frustrating one that marginalizing weaker players. Imagine a weaker player in the clan, he could only play the calibrated collection (the rock scissors & paper Classic Deck Mode or the luck base Draft Mode) instead of 2v2, and also the imbalanced matchmaking on the War Day.

    I sincerely hope that Supercell you can look into this and revamp it as soon as possible, I would personally wish that the following features are considered:

    1. Smaller gap between strong and weak players.
    2. Small or Big Clan can both work just fine without a huge handicap issue, this will encourage newer clans and newer players.
    3. Everyone can contribute more EQUALLY, let level handicap etc. be a less distinctive issue.
    4. More interaction & synergy between members.
    5. You can actually invent some silly mini games that is not related to Clash Royale like Heist Mode! For instance, you can also consider Arcade Mode, Horde Defense, Tower Defense, 4v4 with distinctive & unique role, etc., I believe there are many ideas in Reddit, but definitely not Touchdown, isn't that obvious?

    I understand there are many posts talking about Clan War, but nothing has changed! Thus I highly doubted if this can be conveyed to Supercell. But I love Clash Royale, I have never played any other mobile game that last for a month. I made so many friends in this game, it is heart broken to see the game getting more and more frustrating and not fun anymore.

    submitted by /u/lance1otz
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    Why you shouldn’t use the Royal Giant!

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 08:40 PM PST

    Mini Pekka has 3 tile range now?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 02:26 PM PST

    My Guide for Free-to-play Players in Clash Royale

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 05:56 PM PST

    To whomever it may concern, may this info help you manage your very limited resources of gold, trade tokens, and gems:

    1. The higher your arena, the (significantly) higher your rewards in gold and cards, but most importantly: higher arenas allow for much more cards you can request them from your clan, the single best method of getting max level cards.
    2. To push into higher arenas, you must focus on leveling a very select few cards, as a single high level card will push you're Trophy rank up way farther than a balanced team ever could.
    3. Specifically, pick a single favorite Common, Rare, Epic and Legendary card that you like. One of each only!!! Each rarity has a best method of getting it to max level, which is broken down below:

    Commons: These are gained by requesting them from your clan for free, and by using trade tokens when applicable. DO NOT BUY THEM FROM SHOP. Your chosen common should be something that will not die to a low cost spell like zap. I picked the Knight, but would also approve of Rascals, Royal Giant, Bomber, or Elite Barbs. At 4K+ trophies, you get 40 per request, so only 50 requests to go from LvL 11 to 12, and 125 requests to then hit 13.

    Rares: Trade tokens and buying from the shop. Although you can requests these from your clan it is advised to do so very sparingly if at all. If you have 3+ commons at LvL 13 than you may start requesting these, otherwise its a waste. At 4K+ trophies you only get 4 per request, which is 200 requests (four times more than common) to get from LvL11 to 12, then only 250 requests to get to 13.

    Epic: These are leveled mainly through trade tokens, but can get some big help from purchasing through shop and requesting from clan on Sundays, when possible. Only 10 trade tokens to get from 11 to 12, and 20 tokens to then get to lvl 13. Actually pretty reasonable.

    Lengendary: Trade Tokens. Can't be requested and the Shop charges far too much gold to be worth it.

    Gems: Save these for a the 500-750 gem deals that include loads of gold (like 40K+) along with other goodies in the shop. Once in a blue moon a special event will be giving out ridiculously good/high amounts of gold that will be worth paying 25 gems to reset your losses in order to snatch 5K+ more gold if you did well enough on your first run.

    Lastly, make sure you are looking ahead to see that you'll have enough gold to level up your cards, its 50K gold to hit lvl 12 and 100K to hit 13. If you are focusing on leveling your commons as I advised, you will often hit this amount of gold WELL before you get enough cards.

    Questions? Comments? Complaints? Or even wanna add your own advice? Post below and be heard

    submitted by /u/StarFireAlchemist
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    Why I goddam love the fisherman in 3X Elixir

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 03:59 AM PST

    V A L U E

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 01:07 PM PST

    Have the Easter Season Be Some Sort of Butterfly Migration and PEKKA themed(Petition Sort Of/Concept)

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 10:49 PM PST

    Any ideas for a fair system to discourage 2v2 players who never drop a card?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 12:45 PM PST

    Sometimes I'll get a 2v2 partner who doesn't leave the game but never drops a card, some of them even rock emotes throughout the entire match without playing. I was interested to see what Supercell was doing about it, so I conducted a shamefull experiment with a mini by entering 40 2v2 games without dropping any cards (seriously sorry to anyone who happened to be in those matches). Nothing ever happened as far as I can tell, except that I couldn't lose 2v2 for a while after I started actually playing again. So I'm asking the community to see if anyone can come up with a fair solution to an issue that doesn't seem to have been addressed.

    submitted by /u/Relentless_Clasher
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    12 card choices for war day... should I leave my clan?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 10:32 PM PST

    Atleast I didn't emote

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 07:57 AM PST

    this is a game from a long while ago, I've never even seen anything like it

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 08:06 PM PST

    What would happen if I were to pay the 25 gems? Will the challenge reset?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 01:17 PM PST

    Mods get your shit together

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 05:59 PM PST

    1) Stop arbitrarily removing "low quality" posts.

    2) Stop being hypocrites- reposts are a huge problem here, and nothing is lower quality than reposts. They don't even care when memes are reposts with stolen credit.

    3) We have to dig now for quality content here- that's obviously bad (see the countless posts complaining about nonstop "I got this card from this chest" posts, reposts about replay bugs, etc).

    This isn't a bye Felicia post, this is a get your shit together and realize what people want to see post. Clash Royale is amazing- and it deserves an amazing sub.

    Based on the moderating we have been seeing, I'm sure this will get deleted as LoW qUaLiTy quick, people don't like constructive criticism 🤷‍♂️

    submitted by /u/SixtyNeinLOL
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