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    Saturday, February 15, 2020

    Clash Royale Daily Discussion 2/15/20: Heal-Replaced or Removed

    Clash Royale Daily Discussion 2/15/20: Heal-Replaced or Removed

    Daily Discussion 2/15/20: Heal-Replaced or Removed

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 02:00 PM PST

    Topic: Heal to be replaced or removed in March Balance Changes. What do you think it will be replaced with?

    As we move more towards the middle of February, it has come to attention that the February reworks have been rather successful for Barbarian Hut (7% usage, 52% win rate in Grand Challenges according to Royaleapi) and Zappies (3% usage, 54% win rate), seamlessly reviving the cards for now. So only time will tell for what the SuperCell team has in store for us in the next balance changes, specifically what card will be reworked next. The balance team has since been working on cards that have low statistics according to challenges, examples as seen with Witch, Executioner, and now Barbarian Hut and Zappies. Of course, this is not the end for potential reworks to cards in the future, or certain major changes to cards that will heavily affect how Clash Royale works as a whole.

    This was one of the many topics brought up approximately a week ago in the interview KFC had with Drew, to which upon asked the popular question "What is the team's stance on deleting cards from the game?", the conversation immediately turned towards the Heal Spell. This was an interesting topic because, as said in the interview, Supercell first said they were never going to release a Heal type card, then suddenly out of nowhere the Heal card was released, and has become "...so hard to balance, and therefore leading into an unhealthy meta". Drew went on to say, "We are changing Heal, we are actually going to change Heal into a new card, which is the first time we have ever done something like that in Clash Royale... not removing it, just replacing it, and you will get to keep all copies of that Heal, and will be transferred into this new card". This is massive news, since, as Drew said, this has never happened in the history of Clash Royale!


    Heal Spell Information

    "Heal your troops to keep them in the fight! Friendly troops are healed over time while in the target area. Doesn't affect buildings"

    • Rare Card Unlocked in Hog Mountain or Arena 10
    • Costs 1 elixir to deploy
    • 4 block Radius
    • 2 second duration

    Level Heal per second
    3 37
    4 40
    5 44
    6 49
    7 54
    8 59
    9 65
    10 72
    11 78
    12 86
    13 94


    History of Heal Spell

    • Heal Spell was added on 4/5/2017
    • Balance Update 6/12/17, multiple Heals can stack
    • Balance Update 8/11/17, duration decreased (3 sec-2.5 sec), pulses exactly 5 times, fixing its 6th/7th inconsistent pulse
    • Balance Update 6/20/18, increased Heal's radius (3-4), Arena unlock moved (Arena 7-Arena 10)
    • Balance Update 1/7/19, decreased Heal's Elixir cost (3-1), duration decreased (2.5-2), reduced healing/sec by 63% (106 HPS-65 HPS)
    • On 11/4/19, moved arena to unlock card (Arena 7-Arena 10)


    Current Statistics (According to RoyaleAPI)

    • Grand Challenges:
      • 0% Usage Rate
      • 30% Win Rate
    • Ladder:
      • 0% Usage Rate
      • 28% Win Rate

    Discussion Questions:

    • What are your thoughts on the current Heal spell?
      • What ways do you think can revive/rework the Heal spell if not removed or replaced?
    • What kind of card do you think Heal will be replaced with?
      • How do you think this type of card will contribute to the meta?
      • How does this card differ from the Heal card we have now?
    • How will cards that have been affected by Heal in the past (ex. 3 Muskateers, Minion Horde, Battle Healer, etc), be affected by the replacement of Heal?
      • How similar will this kind of card be compared to similar cards, like Freeze, or Battle Healer?
    submitted by /u/Sgt_Burns141
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    To that one skeleton... You are a true soldier R. I. P

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 01:15 PM PST

    Just realised the Electro Wizard does spiderman hands.

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 08:11 AM PST


    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 05:27 PM PST


    There's a common misconception amongst players in lower arenas who do not have a maxed deck,

    "When I max my deck, I will hit 7k easily"

    I hate to break it to you, but you probably won't. The number of players who hit 7k in this game is less than 0.1%. The truth is that many of these people are lucky to even hit 6k. I would estimate the grind required from starting the game to maxing a deck is now about 2 years. It has sped up with recent changes compared to how it was in the early days. Still, imagine spending all that time only to drown in the vast ocean of mediocrity CR has around 5500-6000 trophies. These people never took the time to utilise the tools available to help them improve.

    I used to be one. I maxed my no skill golem deck and then got stuck at 6k, season after season. This left me three choices:

    1. continue getting my 6k each season like a mindless factory worker making the same part 8 hours a day
    2. quit
    3. improve my skills to improve my trophies

    I chose option 3 because I love the game. My current pb is 6735 and my goal remains 7k, though I am hindered by my age. I'm almost 54 yrs old, part blind, slow reflexes, and I can't remember what I had for breakfast this morning, so remembering card cycles is tough. There are many tools out there to help you improve. I want to talk about two of them.

    TOOL ONE: Rich Slaton

    Those of you who watch CRL (the pro scene of Clash Royale) will be familiar with Rich. He's one of the casters alongside Andrew Ghai. Rich's position enables him to come in contact with the top players in the world, and he is utilising this position to produce some of the very best CR Youtube content at the moment. I strongly urge you to check out his "inside the play" series of videos which breaks down the choices pros make within the game, and the outcome of those choices. It is fascinating to observe the different outcomes in Rich's alternate universe. Nobody else is producing educational content at this level at the moment.


    TOOL TWO: RoyaleAPI

    There are many stats/deck orientated websites and apps out there, but RoyaleAPI is the big daddy of them all. It is the website all the pros I know turn to. I use it on a daily basis myself. One of the biggest mistakes new players make is not understanding the meta or deck building, and consequently wasting months and months of investing in bad decks that would struggle to go anywhere in even the most talented of hands. The features of RoyaleAPI are almost too numerous to list.

    For clans, there are many things you can check. I find the war analytics feature to be incredibly useful. It tells me everything about player participation and performance in war, and helped me build a strong war clan (around 25k trophies) out of just average players.

    On a personal level, for brevity it might just be easier if I listed some of the best features:

    1. Look up card and deck usage stats in a variety of areas. Eg., all ladder, top 1000 ladder, Grand Challenges and more.
    2. Your own analytics of cards you use, and how often you win with them. Learn your strengths and weaknesses, and choose the best archetype to give you success.
    3. Your battle log. This is an outstanding section. Here you can compare how your deck matches up against the decks you have battled. You can also break down a match completely and see card cycles, card usage, card placement, elixir spent, and so much more (see image)

    There's much more too. So if you seriously want to improve as a player and avoid becoming a mid ladder roadblock, use these tools to improve your skills. You just might reach 7k one day.



    submitted by /u/Grampa_66
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    Suggestion: Give us volume sliders instead of the option to toggle in game sfx and music on and off

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 07:24 AM PST

    PLEASE ADD A TOP 16! I would love to move my starter emotes into retirement. Scrolling is a nightmare when trying to find your 9th favorite emote.

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 02:32 PM PST

    EILI5: Can a pro explain to me why mirror isn't meta?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 11:50 AM PST

    For 1 elixir, you can play a (higher level even) of any card the opponent just played his counter to. That seems huge - even game breaking. I understand it isn't but can't figure out why.

    I've been trying to master the sparky-gob giant-mirror-MP-log-arrows-musky-bats deck that both CWA and SirTag shared recently and man is it fun. For so many matches, mirror seems like absolutely broken. Mirroring sparky after they zap or rocket, mirroring gob giant in double elixir after they use their building, mirror bats after they zap, mirror log for log bait decks. For so many matches it just seems like a puzzle - what card are they already thin on for defense (or expect you to be) and then mirror and abuse that card.

    To me, it feels like that strategy should be in every deck and, as a strategy, be a huge part of the meta. But that sparky/mirror deck is the only mirror deck that you'd even kinda call meta.

    Can someone explain to me why mirror is not only not meta, but so bad you almost never even see it in top decks at all?

    submitted by /u/Martialsage
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    Mega Knight Thiccness toss Electro Wiz across the river.

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 05:57 PM PST

    Does anyone else have this?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 12:50 PM PST

    When your maxed friend at 5k makes changes to your deck

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 07:12 AM PST

    Supercell... Can I have my emote please?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 02:28 AM PST

    I'm a next level player

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 11:23 AM PST

    The new one's a lot better tho

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 04:55 AM PST

    Started my take on a clash royale family tree. Tell me what you think so far!

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 01:38 PM PST

    This guy let me win in the capture elixir tournament to get my 8th win (I don’t have the pass, they do). If you see this, thank you!

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 09:36 PM PST

    The most toxic player you will see today

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 06:39 AM PST

    mega knight isn’t broken at low level at all...

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 07:02 PM PST

    I call it the 15 Musketeer strat.

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 03:02 PM PST

    The most clutch play in my entire career

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 07:14 PM PST

    He probably went to get some milk he will be back

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 11:19 AM PST

    xbow counters

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 06:57 PM PST

    Just redownload Clash a few weeks ago and am seeing a lot of xbow cycle decks (I'm around master 1) and was wondering what counters xbow cycle decks?

    submitted by /u/Smosh5
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    The community recently

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 05:03 PM PST

    season sucks, I boycott --> 4k upvotes every month

    the dev team sucks, Cash grab --> 3k upvotes everytime

    Dev team appreciation thread --> 5 upvotes every time

    any positive feedbacks --> 2 upvotes

    Idk man. This community is much much much better at being negative than positive, heck, Im doubtful these guy even know how to be positive

    As much as I want more big content in this game, you need to remember the game gotten a ton for first 3~4 year and not much is left. Also, Big contents takes time, from few months to year. Supercell playtest a lot and they never add something that won't be helpful to games future future, They need to make sure they make sense and good to everyone.

    Plus, What if they add war reworks and big BIG updates next month? 2 month from then, this sub would be back to being toxic and entitled

    Idc, downvote me all you want, Im speaking the truth.

    submitted by /u/Supercell_Fan
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    This is my 7th ram rider in a row....???

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 01:45 PM PST

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