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    Thursday, January 9, 2020

    Clash Royale Jealousy. (This was fun to draw). [Art]

    Clash Royale Jealousy. (This was fun to draw). [Art]

    Jealousy. (This was fun to draw). [Art]

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 05:45 AM PST

    ��PRO TIP��: Firecracker can fully counter Mega Knight, activate king tower, AND STILL SURVIVE

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 08:42 AM PST

    New Flash: Ladder isn't Fair

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 01:36 PM PST

    I can't believe I actually had to make this

    • Matchmaking is based on trophies,not card and tower levels. It sounds weird but this is games way of telling you "hey you are a "above average player". What most ppl don't understand is that ladder is a ranked mode, it supposed to be like this all along. A game mode when card levels actually matters, those that want a fair match without level restriction go play challenges. If we were to make a system where matchmaking is based on cards there would be no incentive to upgrade anything, a level 5 can make it to 7k if they are skilled enough, seriously no one is forcing to constantly push, idk why but it seems like most low level have this ldea that if they push hard enough they would make it to 7k, it's not going to happen. Ladder is designed to stop you from advancing too far, the whole point of the game is to slowly build up your decks and enjoy the journey, not trying to set some sort of world record. Lets say you somehow do get to 7k, congrats, now what? You just completed the game and you feel literally no joy from it and everything was pointless. If every low level was just matched with low level. The so called leader boards would be a complete lie. So what's going to happen to those ppl that spend time and effort grinding out card levels? They spend that much time maxing their deck only for SC to suddenly say "hey guys, card levels don't matter anymore,now you will be paired with a equal who has the exact same stats as you. It's stupid, what would be the point of chests? Or gold? You are essentially asking everyone to play the level 1 challenge. Ppl has spend money and time on this game, do you think they would happy for all of their hard work but over changed just cause some noobs with a bad deck can't beat level 12s, what do you want them to do? Refund all of their money?
    • It's got loopholes, the 2v2 matchmaking is based on card and king levels, well let me tell you it's literally not a single cent better. Have you thought that what if a level 11 with a maxed deck, dissolved a single level 1 card into his deck? What we than get is players that appear to be low level but is actually just cheating the matchmaking system.
    • Skill Ceiling, have you guys have considered that maybe you just aren't skillful enough? New flash: you aren't the only one that has faced level 13s before, literally everyone on this sub here has, they struggle and eventually they make it out of there, either through high skill or higher level cards, learn from them, yes some matches are impossible, but many aren't. Most level 12s and 13s in challenger 2 are likely noobs who spam the bridge and waste elixir like no tomorrow. if you play well it's not hard to beat them, you just need outplay them.
    • You know season resets are a thing right? At the beginning the season you are going to be running into maxed players left and right and that's completely normal. It takes a while but by mid season the coast should be completely clear.

    Seriously just chill for while and upgrade your cards, no need to rush, it's not like you get anything other than rage, PTSD and depression from reaching the end,that's not how this game is meant to played.

    submitted by /u/YellowJesusNeo
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    From behind the new Princess Tower skin makes it look like the princess has a massive bow

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 02:56 PM PST

    Call it 4th of July

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 02:43 PM PST

    Sparky needs to be removed from this group of cards in Triple Draft

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 05:14 AM PST

    Firecracker is the first new card in MONTHS AND MONTHS to come out of the gate balanced. It does NOT need a nerf.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 12:33 PM PST

    No, I don't use the card at all in any of my decks (other than draft challenges). I have faced it a lot though since it came out because people have been using it to complete the challenges. So I have faced it a ton and it is easy as hell to deal with.

    Does it get the upper hand every now and then? Yes. Is it OP? No.

    The magic archer needs a slight nerf so it can't hit the princess tower at an angle across the river. This card is fine.

    FOR ONCE, they make a new card that's not OP right out of the gate.

    submitted by /u/DMBCBCB
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    I tried. I really tried.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 05:55 AM PST

    I started playing the day after the global launch. Almost 4 years now. I've bought more special deals than is really responsible. I've defended supercell numerous times because most people who get on here and complain don't understand the effort it takes to generate the programming they do and that it does, in fact, require money to make those things happen. With so many millions of users, they can't possibly create a game that pleases everyone. And yes, sometimes things break. It doesn't mean they're idiots, it just means they're humans.

    But their customer service. I have always (internally) believed that this is perhaps their greatest weakness. Not because it's the most important or most difficult ... but rather because it's something that can be directly controlled.

    I finished tier 35 last night. I'm 17 total legends from having all of them maxed out. For the past month I've been tracking every legend I see in a shop, challenge, chest, etc because I wanted to project when I might actually get a 100% max deck. (it's currently at Jan 27 btw).

    My two tier 35 legend chests were ... BOTH fishermen, immediately upon opening. Giving me the last 2 I would need to max that card. So naturally I didn't use the strikes on either. But I only got credit for one. I asked the help desk what happened ... they told me the 2nd one was a lumberjack. This is not true. They told me I must be confused. I'm tracking each legend acquisition ad nauseum ... no ... I wasn't confused. I know what I saw. They knew I didn't use the lightning strikes. It wasn't confusion. It wasn't a misfire. I deliberately did not use them because it was already exactly the card I need.

    Their continued response was "the good thing is, you have a legend token so you can still get the fisherman you want." Yes, but I had plans for that to get a log or an inferno dragon. I was already counting on that going for something else.

    Supercell's default customer service response is "it's your fault." Always my fault. It's my internet connection. It's my phone. I'm confused. This is not good customer service. It's obvious, to them, how much I have insanely purchased over the years. And I'm OK with it. I'm a civil engineer, I have a really good job, I keep about $200/month in just "fun money" of which I've probably spent on average about 50 of that to keep pushing my account forward.

    I'm just saying all that to say ... I'm not some broke teenager playing free who criticizes everything that isn't to my liking. I'm fully invested in the game. I have reasonable expectations. I even verbally defend Supercell to others who complain.

    I replied stating what I've said above here and recommended that if they saw that having a legend token was the answer to my dilemma, then to provide me with a 1 simple free legend token and I'll consider the matter resolved. Their final response of "if there's nothing else to add to this conversation" was of bad taste. I'm not sure they realize that's the customer service equivalent of "giving me the finger."

    I don't expect this exhaustingly long rant to change a single thing ... but if anyone else at Supercell somehow ends up reading this, you need a better way to listen to your actual paying customers who provide so much and ask for so little and not just dismiss them like they're nothing. Losing me as a future paying customer isn't going to change your bottom line ... I get that. I'm expendable. But this repeated "it's always the customer's fault" reflex is eventually going to sour your reputation. When the masses begin to feel they aren't respected when they're paying for your game, they will then stop paying for your game. Perhaps there's something you can change so you don't lose more people in the future.

    Customer service is always the one, easy thing you can control. But to me, it looks like either nobody is really monitoring these responses ... or it's a corporate decision to not listen or trust anyone. Either way, if you don't change it ... it will bite you in the butt one day.

    submitted by /u/jaelson784
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    Throw back Thursday to when I built a bunch of Clash Royal pixel arts

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 04:27 PM PST

    The hunter is great a dealing splash damage, but this happens...

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 01:27 AM PST

    Playing Clash Royale with a broken gamer thumb

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 06:07 PM PST

    When will this Ram Rider emote be avaible in the shop, Supercell? It has been way over 3 months

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 05:04 PM PST

    Does anyone have a 4 year badge?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 07:05 PM PST

    If so what's it look like?

    submitted by /u/jiffyagin
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    I got to king level 10 but it just reset and instead it’s still 9 but now out of 10000 pls help

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 04:41 AM PST

    How’s my deck

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 08:55 PM PST

    Golem bugged for the entire duration of the bomb tower!!! Aha

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 05:16 AM PST

    [Bug] Annoying bug...

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 06:13 PM PST

    The only appropriate way to settle this tie: rap battle

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 12:56 PM PST

    [Glitch] (The first part is from viewing it through my clan) The arena changes during war collection when you view it from different places.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 06:25 PM PST

    Does anybody else feel this way?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 09:32 AM PST

    My clanmate is not very smart

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 11:20 AM PST

    It has come to my great attention and surprise that...

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 08:16 PM PST

    There are many people playing Clash Royale. It's amazing how strong and united this community is. Good job

    submitted by /u/PewPaw-Grams
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