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    Sunday, January 19, 2020

    Clash Royale Ask The Moderators Anything!

    Clash Royale Ask The Moderators Anything!

    Ask The Moderators Anything!

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 05:07 AM PST

    It's been over a year since our last moderator AMA. 2019 was an exciting year for both the subreddit and the game itself. We saw a lot of significant changes to our moderation team and the way we interact with the community. We saw a lot of room for improvement, and we want to capitalize on that as much as we can.

    A few rules:

    1. Please don't ask about bans/removals of YOUR posts on /r/ClashRoyale.
    2. We don't work for Supercell, so we can't give you any information on the game that you can't find yourself.
    3. Our subreddit rules still stand
    4. For the sake of the AMA, please only allow moderators to respond to questions, for now, it helps us keep this thread efficient!

    We hope to run this AMA throughout the day and answer as many questions as we can. Thanks for being awesome, and we hope to keep r/ClashRoyale running as efficiently as possible!

    submitted by /u/Trikshot360
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    When bandit decides to take out all girls on the field

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 10:09 AM PST

    Petition to see your ranking at the bottom of the leaderboard if you are not on it.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 02:40 PM PST


    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 08:57 PM PST

    Top 5 tips and mistakes that ALL competitive players need to hear...

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 10:24 AM PST


    Heya bois, and welcome back to another Clash Royale strategy post! You probably haven't seen many of these posts, but I aim to cover a new topic every week or so and give tips on how to improve your game! This week, we get in-depth as I take you through the top 5 tips mistakes of experienced to pro players! This post is also available in video form over on YouTube, so if you'd prefer to watch this content with some visual examples then that's an option too! Apart from that, enjoy reading! :)


    5) Learning Every Meta Deck:

    This might seem like a big task to START the list off with, but this IS a higher level improvement list so... I guess everything on this list has to have SOME level of difficulty. For a newer player, learning EVERY meta deck may seem like a tedious challenge. Really, though, you just get them ingrained into your mind as you play Clash. For example, most players know the classic log bait list by heart. What about PEKKA bridge spam? And Hog 2.6 or Xbow 2.9? These decks are classic staples and really run throughout most metas. The hard part here comes with learning the new decks if there's a broken card or balance change released. Now you may be wondering, what's so important about this? Well, I'll connect it to my next tip in a short while, but my main point here is knowing what you should do at the start of a game. If your opponent plants a Princess in the back and you can know it's Log bait, then you know how to respond to situations from the start of the game. In this Princess example, you can commit a Miner and Minion Horde push to punish their obvious deck choice. If you don't know the current (or oldstanding) meta decks, you might be on the receiving end of this example... Your opponent might predict your deck and start making effective punish plays before you even know what their win condition is, so it's important to always be clued up on what the meta matchups are right now.


    4) Misjudging Your Own Win Condition:

    Here's one that people sometimes struggle to understand. I calling it figuring out your win condition. The obvious question here is: I know my win condition, I made my deck. so isn't my win condition always the same? Well, that isn't always the case. Take an Xbow deck with Rocket. It might just be something like regular ol' ice bow, right? So, what if I took it into a game and faced a Golem deck? The number one mistake I would make here would be running it into my opponent's Golem over and over and over again, hoping for them to misplay and allow me some damage. Against more experienced players, that's not gonna work. What I should be doing, as an Xbow player here, is waiting for my opponent to place a Golem. Using my cycle cards, I can make my opponent have to play supporting units. If there's ever a 3 elixir or higher support unit in the back, I'll be looking to hit it (and the tower) with a Rocket, and then defend my opponent's push so I can create a damage lead. This ties into my previous point, because knowing my opponent is Golem from the start allows us to Rocket their support from the beginning of the game - this extra time could prove crucial when it comes to Rocket cycling. The key to this tip is seeing your deck as a fluid set of cards. Don't go into every matchup thinking you're an Xbow deck and must win with Xbow, for example, but instead always judge what your opponent has and what they're doing to figure out your win condition.


    3) Counting Cards:

    Within higher level gameplay, counting is something you'll tend to do a LOT. The first example of this is counting cards. Now, you may be wondering, how do we... count... cards?... Aren't they just, characters and units?... Welllll, not entirely. What counting cards actually refers to is counting rotation. For this post, I'll give you an example. If you're playing a Giant deck and your opponent has Inferno Tower, you're just gonna keep running into a dead-end whenever your opponent has their Inferno Tower in hand. If you push with your Giant, make them play their Inferno, and start counting how many cards they play, we can know when that Inferno Tower is back in hand. If they've played four cards, it's back. Buttt, if they've only played three, we can punish this... Place a Giant at the river when they need one more placement to reach Inferno Tower, and now you force a choice. With a 5 elixir Giant incoming, what can your opponent do? A) They could just defend with their other units and take a ton of damage from your Giant, and then counter-attack afterward. B) They could place a cycling unit and THEN put down the Inferno Tower. However, this means you get a positive trade in elixir and can take control of the game from there. Or C) They could ignore your Giant and just rush into the other lane in an attempt to out-damage you. Each scenario changes depending on your opponent's deck and whatnot, and options A, B, or C will all be applicable in different situations. The mistakes for this come when you mess up this counting. For example, you could've thought your opponent's Inferno wasn't in hand and have pushed in ALL of your elixir, just for it all to be toasted by a 5 elixir building. Losing this much elixir here could cost you a match against a more experienced player, and so it's important to know when exactly your opponent does and does not have crucial cards...


    2) Counting Elixir:

    Aaand, of course, the other thing we so desperately need to count in Clash Royale is elixir. This one makes a bit more sense, right? Well, yes and no. On the one hand, it's actually a number that we can count. On the other hand... how on Earth do you count something that is permanently hidden to you? Essentially, you should be counting trades from the start of the game. If your opponent starts with a Hog Rider at the river, and you counter with Cannon, you know that you've spent 1 elixir less than your opponent and are 1 elixir up. Great, you're 1 elixir up in a game of Clash Royale - how is this important? These leads can actually play a vital role in a game, especially when they get bigger. If you're on 9 elixir and have a 4 elixir lead on your opponent, then playing all 9 of that elixir vs 5 elixir on defence means you're probably gonna be able to get a lot of damage. The best thing about this is when the elixir difference is high, but your elixir is actually low. Take that same 4 elixir lead we just exampled, and now imagine that you only actually have 4 elixir. 4 minus 4? That's right, your opponent is on NOTHING. Throwing a card like a Battle Ram now means a TON of damage guaranteed onto your opponent's tower. Knowing your opponent's elixir count is probably the single most effective way of transferring elixir into damage in Clash Royale. And, again, the mistakes here lies in miscounting the elixir. Imagine you are on 7 elixir, thinking you're 3 elixir ahead, but are actually 3 elixir down. You might try to desperately push in here, all to get countered for a negative trade and get pushed further down in elixir trades... this, again, could cost you a game, and therefore elixir counting is a skill that you should practice every time you play if you wish to improve in Clash Royale.


    1) Judging Risk:

    The final mistake on our list is sorta subjective and can float either way - risk. Taking too many, or not enough, will leave you falling flat in Clash Royale. Gambling that your opponent can't defend your 10 elixir push will sometimes pay off! You'll get a ton of damage onto your opponent's tower and be set for the game. However, if your opponent just so happens to have the right cards and enough elixir, this could prove catastrophic. A good example of this comes from prediction plays. If you play a LOT of Hog 2.6, you'll tend to know when and when not to use predictive Logs on your opponents as a risk to get a ton of damage. That's, of course, an example of taking too much risk and showing how it could go so right OR so wrong at any point. The other end of this spectrum is not taking enough risk. If you just play out every situation by putting troops in the back, never really committing to defences or wanting to attack, you'll find yourself in a lot of stalemate situations. Clash Royale is all about taking measured risks with your elixir, and learning how to judge these comes with time and experience. A lot of this is figured out when you practice over and over with a specific deck, but overall is my number 1 tip for players in Clash Royale.



    Soo there are my top 5 tips and mistakes for you more experienced players in Clash Royale. The large key areas of Clash Royale really revolve around gaining information about your opponent and using it to your advantage. Whether this is their decklist, their elixir count, or their card rotation, all information you know about them is useful. Other things like predictions and tricky placements were contenders for this list, but sorta felt like they went into the risk category anyway. Let me know down below what your top 5 tips and mistakes would be for Clash Royale. I definitely think there are a TON of things out there that a wider audience would capture better than I did, but it's all just opinion really. Apart from that, be sure to check out the video form of this post if you'd like to! I have a wide catalogue of other videos all about in-depth guides and strategies in Clash Royale on my channel and whatnot! Apart from that bois, thank you all for reading, and peace :)

    submitted by /u/EbolaBailey
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    I have 420 wins and losses, karma time

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 08:56 PM PST

    Got my king tower activated with Firecracker against Baby Dragon.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 12:08 PM PST

    you see this coming down right lane, wyd?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 06:46 PM PST

    Vulkan seems really pissed off.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 01:30 AM PST

    Well this didn’t go over well..

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 10:03 AM PST

    I played this a while ago, but it’s just so good.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 07:15 PM PST

    Everyone During the 'Mega Touchdown is Back' Challenge

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 10:50 AM PST

    Firecracker dodges fireball AND log, then survives to kill tower

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 01:23 PM PST

    I've done the opponent and I both get crown at the same time play but this is the first time I've done a get 2 crowns in overtime play.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 09:20 PM PST

    Petition to be able to keep playing in challenges even when you completed them.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 06:11 AM PST

    Might seem insignificant but this comes in handy all the time.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 04:19 PM PST

    February - my balance wishlist

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 03:32 PM PST

    I'm still not bored of doing these. I really like the fact the meta is shifting and becoming more diverse. New viable appeared, such as Wall Breakers cycle, and some underused cards (mainly Bomb Tower) finally found some use. I just want to share my suggestions on how to balance certain cards. As always, share your thoughts

    TL;DR Looking at Wall Breakers, Goblin Hut, Guards etc.


    Fire Spirits - troop count 3 -> 4, damage -3.5% (cards affected by the change: Furnace)

    I find this card very fun to use and think it'd be viable if it had a bit more diversity. This change would allow to split them 2:2, allowing to pressure both Princess Towers evenly or forcing the opponent to commit on them rushing at one tower for significant damage. In return, they lose a bit of damage (still enough to fully counter Flying Machine)

    Witch - initial attack speed 0.35s faster

    Not so long ago, we all played a game called Witch Royale (how good it's back to normal now). Since the nerfs, Witch remains at the bottom 5 cards in terms of win rates in GC's and top ladder. Her initial attack speed is an issue for a lot of players, just like with Zappies. Making her first attacks faster will pull her a bit closer to viability and her original form

    Guards - hitpoints +15% (90 -> 103)

    This change is smaller than it looks, and is only to change one thing - Arrows killing them. They used to be spell-proof, which made them a unique swarm card. Now it's limited due to Arrows being meta. As Arrows deal 101 damage per wave at Tournament Standard, this leaves them with a sliver of health to defend building-targetting units for example without nerfing Arrows directly


    Valkyrie - hitpoints -3% (1654 -> 1615)

    This card has been meta since October, even after the huge falls in use of Elixir Golem and Witch. This tiny HP reduction will make it equal with Prince, allowing to kill her a little quicker

    Wall Breakers - impact explosion speed 0.2s -> 0.4s

    The nerf Wall Breakers received in November was sizeable, yet they are second strongest win condition in the game. This small impact-explosion delay will make them a little less punishing, still allowing both to connect to the tower and helping offset Miner's usage


    Elite Barbarians - hitpoints +8% (970 -> 1055), damage +21% (301 -> 366), hit speed 1.7s -> 1.9s, initial attack speed 0.35s faster, sight range 5.5 tiles -> 7 tiles, mass +50% (4 -> 6), movement speed Very Fast -> Fast; overall change: positive

    That's a lot of changes to take in and something different than I proposed before. This set of changes changes a couple of things:

    • Turns Elite Barbarians to primarly defensive/counterpush units - giving them a specific role
    • Allows a single Elite Barbarian to 2-shot Hunter, Royal Hog and Witch (beneficial for the card as a whole, which would obliterate these units right after deploying); 3-shot Executioner, Lumberjack, Miner, Royal Ghost, Ice Golem or another Elite Barbarian
    • Makes them easier to kite and push other units with, allowing for more counterplay and neat tricks

    Goblin Hut - spawns two spear goblins and one goblin at a time, spawn speed 4.5s -> 10s; overall change: positive

    Though the card can be as annoying as Furnace if the buffs to it go overboard, it's been weak for a long time and is a buff candidate. Spawning both types of goblins at once would provide a good combination of melee & ranged units for defense and be more threatening on offense, especially if paired with another unit(s)

    submitted by /u/Namethatsnotoccupied
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    [Idea]Top Global Tourney Decks

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 08:13 PM PST

    Now that CR is making global tournaments more competitive why not kill 2 birds with one rock. Since many people don't like classic deck mode why not make the top 6 decks in the global tourney the 6 decks in the following season.

    submitted by /u/PlatinumBeast1
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    2's war prep football really needs the mega-touchdown bans.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 10:42 AM PST

    Why can kicked players immediately rejoin a clan, supercell?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 09:26 PM PST

    Change gold in store based on level! I don't buy them cause 10k or 1k isn't of use to me and I wouldn't pay 4500 gems for only 100,000 gold.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 06:24 AM PST

    Anyone at the 6,000 mark with non meta decks this season

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 09:01 PM PST

    Really fun little deck I’ve been playing with. Is it or could it be any good at all?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 08:53 PM PST

    *1 Hail Mary later*

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 08:46 PM PST

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