• Breaking News

    Monday, December 9, 2019

    Clash Royale Petition to use one of your emotes to express how your currently feeling next to your name ;)

    Clash Royale Petition to use one of your emotes to express how your currently feeling next to your name ;)

    Petition to use one of your emotes to express how your currently feeling next to your name ;)

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 07:22 AM PST

    When you are one win away from getting the badge and then you get matched with #1 player...

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 12:50 PM PST

    20 Win Triple Draft - Fun or Fail

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 02:51 PM PST

    With the most recent 20 win challenge nearing an end let's discuss.

    1) Format - Triple Draft: FUN

    You can argue if you want that draft has no place in a 20 win challenge but the triple draft for me is a fun format regardless.

    2) Rewards: FAIL

    Sure if you went 20 wins you can't complain about the rewards. But for the rest of the player base? They were awful. Lets say you got a respectable 12 wins. All that gave you was a few gems, a puny amount of gold, and 3 trade tokens (no legendary token). The rewards for this challenge should have been stacked to help hype and celebrate CRL. 10 gems every other win? WTF...

    3) Unlimited Re-Tries: FAIL

    Unlimited re tries is ok for normal challenges and it's great for the challenges where you can continue but it has no place in these big CRL challenges. Why you ask?

    Because under the old format these challenges were treated like a classic challenge. Three losses and your out - BUT - you get a little chest as a goodbye present and thanks for playing.

    This motivated everyone to try hard each match (because each win increased your chest reward) and compensated you for your time/gems spent re entering.

    Obviously with free re entries supercell can't give everyone a thanks for trying chest. But this means that people who are spending gems to re-try get nothing for their gems unless they beat their previous best. And no players get anything for their time (again unless they beat their previous best).

    And even if you do beat your previous best by a win or two the rewards were hardly worth it unless you hit 20 wins.

    4) Challenge Length (4 days) : Fun

    This is the right amount of time for a big challenge like this I think.

    Overall: Overall I think this was a fail. Supercell had a great chance to re engage the community, build some hype and inject a ton of fun back into this game. I LOVE clash royale and I LOVE these big challenges even though I am unable to complete them. What I don't love is getting to 15 wins, re trying and getting to 15 wins again and then getting absolutely nothing for the effort. I tried this challenge a bunch of times and in the end it just wasn't fun when you would take a loss or two early and think well, might as well start over since I get nothing for my next 10 wins.

    Suggestions for the future

    1) Obviously up the rewards supercell. Do you think we forgot that last year during the challenge slotted in to hype the CRL finals it was a 15 win 2v2 challenge where we could earn over 200k? This year it's an extremely difficult 1v1 challenge where we can win a mega lightning chest but only if your one of the best of the best... every other reward we get all the time in regular challenges. There was nothing special about this.

    2) Scrap the free re-buys and give us back a chest on exit. You give tons of value to pass royale players they don't need AND THEY DON'T WANT unlimited re entries for a 10 gem challenge at the expense of a chest when you lose. Most players with the pass royale would rather fork out 10 gems and get a chest that improves with each win like a classic challenge instead of just unlimited re tries but unless you beat your best attempt you get nothing.

    Don't forget under the old system we got BOTH a chest when you fail AND rewards for certain wins along the way. So don't be fooled and think you'll lose your trade tokens or mega lightning chest if they switch it back to the old way we used to get both and still should.

    submitted by /u/ReddittUser123
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    Dam this emote is sick

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 06:45 AM PST

    Is this emote waaaaay to quiet or is it just me?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 05:09 PM PST

    What do you think of having a random button for tower skins?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 11:38 AM PST

    I had clan chest on my mini account for almost 2 years and when I logged in this morning it wasn't there...

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 01:22 PM PST

    After several attempts, all it took was 3 bottles of vodka and 21 slices of pizza.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 01:54 PM PST

    [ART] Some Shitty Barbarian I made in Art class today. Sorry for the mess up in the helmet and mouth.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 03:28 PM PST

    Reduce the price of the legendary chest! Since legendary cards are more common, they have to be cheaper. And a legendary chest isn't worth 400 quest points to.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 04:52 AM PST

    Healer doesn't need a nerf, so stop screaming for one

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 07:24 AM PST

    I'm sure this will get downvoted because noobs can't handle having to adapt or change their play style, but healer is balanced, and, since you all love citing RoyaleAPI, here are the stats(sorted by 7 days)

    As you can see, Healer took a massive 23% hit to its use rate, along with a roughly 5% hit to its use rate.

    If you sort by a day, which you can see here you'll see Healer has plummeted all the way down to a 16% use rate, and a 47% win rate.

    This is an inaccurate way to sort, yes, but you know what the general trend is, among all forms of sorting this data? Healer's use/win rates are dropping dramatically, and currently, it is balanced, according to the data.

    All of the use it was seeing before was nothing but new card hype, and because people didn't know how to counter it. But if you actually look at the data now, it proves Healer is a balanced card. Strong, but balanced, it's used quite a bit but it has a nice, balanced win rate.

    Not to mention it has a plethora of counters, most notably Mega Knight

    And no, I don't care that your deck you upgraded for 3 years "doesn't work" anymore, because it was probably a bad deck anyways. And before you hit me with the "also I'm F2P" nonsense, I'm F2P myself and can confirm it is possible to switch decks, you're just bad and need the all max 3 year old deck to compete at your 5k PB. And no, you don't need to change your deck to counter one card. I've been using the same deck for almost a year now, no issues. The problem's that most of you refuse to get good at the game and learn to counter shit, so you instead scream for nerfs to deflect from the fact that you simply cannot get it through your thick skull that you don't know how to play against it.

    If you watch OJ's Healer tech video, you'll see just how many counters it has, and no, it's not just using a Healer deck yourself and no, it's not just using a deck specifically designed to counter Healer, either.

    And finally, no, this isn't Supercell "Adding a new OP card just to make money then nerf it when everyone's max" also because that's not true at all, take those tinfoil hats off, will ya?

    I'm sure this'll get downvoted by salty noobs just by reading the title cuz they're unwilling to accept data, but if you actually check the data, Healer doesn't need a nerf.

    Get good

    Edit: Let's play a little game, someone give me a legitimate reason proving why healer somehow "needs a nerf" despite all available sources of data showing it doesn't. Go on, I'll wait

    "bUt, BuT iT'S UnStOpPaBLe WiTH MIrRoR AnD iT mAkES PuShEs InViNCiBLe. It SuRvIVEs A RoCkEt!!!!11111111!1!!!"

    submitted by /u/_glazmain_
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    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 12:07 PM PST

    Dear Supercell, we need a tokens exchange!

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 07:58 AM PST

    For the love of God, please stop backing up your teammates hog rider with a wizard right at the river.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 12:03 PM PST

    It does nothing but, waste 5 elixir and helps their counter attack. If i drop a hog i am- - trying to catch them off guard -cycling my deck - setting them up to over defend so we have a better counter attack.

    Just relax and get ready for their push ok. Thank you. This has been a PSA

    submitted by /u/stereonmymind
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    We made a better way to watch replays, just in time for CRL finals! Would love your feedback.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 07:34 AM PST

    Hi all,

    I helped create a new site called MetaReplay, which we're launching today. In short, we use AI to improve your replay watching experience, and Clash Royale is our first game we support. For starters, you can fire-up a video from your favorite streamer and automatically skip downtime. Just show matches. To see why this is so handy, here's a link directly to the CRL world finals from this weekend.

    You can go directly to the Clash Royale page if you want to see other content, too. You'll see a couple of streamers and a video or two added for each. Click a video you want to watch, and you'll notice you have an extra set of controls: Skip between matches or watch "Matches Only" under Playback.

    But Why?

    The idea came to me while attempting to watch the WCG 2019 Finals this summer. If you watched, you know what I mean. The CR matches were buried in hours of brutal non-sense, so I spent more time hunting around with the seek bar that I did actually watching the matches. With MetaReplay, you can skip right to the matches--even skip between matches for those of you that don't love a certain CRL set (*cough* tooveetoo *cough*).

    What's Next?

    We're nearly done with a machine learning model that will literally pull the decks out of the video in real-time, for both players, meaning you can watch a replay and import the deck to your game with a simple click. We're also working on centralized pages for streamers/creators. Typically they're on so many different channels it's hard to keep track, so we hope a unified platform for their content/channels will help them build an audience.

    But please, take a look and tell us what YOU want to see. While we plan to expand beyond Clash Royale, we'll be sticking with the game singularly for sometime while we work out all the kinks and can safely scale beyond it. We would love your honest feedback, either in this thread, by PM, or through our feedback form. Keep in mind this is an Alpha, so there is likely to be a bug or two. That said, give it a shot!

    submitted by /u/BlindingLT
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    Question for 2.9 Xbow Players

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 06:56 PM PST

    I run 2.9 most of the time, I usually finish seasons at around 5.4k. I really want to put all my focus into the deck and I am wondering which cards I should level before others. I have Log 12 Ice Spirit 12 Archers 12 Ice Golem 12 Skeletons 12 Xbow 13 Fireball 11(almost 12) and Tesla 12. Any answers would be helpful, thanks

    submitted by /u/Emir_Wat_Tambor
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    SUGGESTION: CRL 2019 emote should be louder

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 03:04 PM PST

    That emote feels too quiet compared to other ones. Without a battle raging, I could barely hear the emote, much less with the battle sounds!

    submitted by /u/thebaliguns
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    Wouldn't be nice to see when the event ends? (I'm bad at editing so pls no hate, and I don't know if it was made before, so let me know)

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 11:30 AM PST

    A bug? I did not unlocked it in the challenge. I still had 28days left for release day.. Not complaining.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 09:51 AM PST

    Qwerty could no longer live with himself after kicking my friend unjustly...

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 11:43 AM PST

    Can’t say I’ve seen this before

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 07:04 AM PST

    When moving, flying machine's hitbox changes it's position in relation to the shadow

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 04:38 PM PST

    Played a really heartwarming ramp up challenge where instead of playing we just had a good time emoting

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 12:02 PM PST

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