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    Wednesday, December 4, 2019

    Clash Royale [idea] Petition to add amount of cards u have

    Clash Royale [idea] Petition to add amount of cards u have

    [idea] Petition to add amount of cards u have

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 04:32 PM PST

    All Loading Screen

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 04:58 AM PST

    Perfectly timed magic fireball.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 05:32 PM PST

    [Humor] wE DeCiDeD ThAt hAvInG NeW CaRdS CoMe oUt vErY StRoNg iS An oVeRaLl nEgAtIvE

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 05:43 AM PST

    Why we need more GOLD

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 08:17 AM PST

    How much did Arrows change with the latest balance update, and are they are a viable small spell? // Analysis

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 02:24 PM PST


    This post is gonna be an analysis and full judgement of the newly buffed Arrows card! I aim to outline the best interactional changes that you can now pull off with the card, along with adding some insight to their best synergies and usage cases. This post is actually a script of a video version I made of this post over on YouTube, so if you want to support me making more of these guides (or just prefer some nice visuals), it'd mean a lot for you to check it out! Other than that, I hope you enjoy the post :)

    What Changed:

    SO, Arrows FINALLY got their much deserved buff after being possibly the worst damage spell in the game. They now attack in 3 waves, with each wave taking a VERY short amount of time to land. These waves do 101 damage each, but rarely will you only hit with 1 or 2 waves, so just call it 303 damage total. Their old damage used to be 243, meaning they'd cap out at killing Princesses, Dart Goblins, or Rascals. Now, they have the added ability of countering Archers AND Wall Breakers, giving us much needed counters to the most meta win condition AND Xbow 2.9. This change also enables them to take out Guards, seeing as the damage waves will take off the shield within the first 2 and finish the Guards off with the last. This effect also works with Royal Recruits and Night Witches that are on low health, giving you a spell that works similarly to Poison in how it can tick down and finish these units - Arrows just move quicker with a lot less damage, and don't really offer you any area of denial.

    Wave Interactions:

    This mechanic of popping and then killing a unit carries over into a lot more than just Guards and Night Witches. Tombstone also experiences this. If you let a tombstone run down its life timer below 50% HP, you can use Arrows to kill the Tombstone, kill the Skeletons inside, AND get free damage onto the tower plus surrounding units. Against Goblin Cage this interaction works too, just throw your Arrows when the Cage is at 25% HP and you can get a free hit onto the Brawler - although this isn't too practical, it's nice to have in the back of your mind. Units that spawn other troops will suffer against the new triple wave of Arrows as well. Hitting a Battle Ram at 25% health means the Barbarians inside will suffer quite a bit of damage from your Arrows because of how squishy they are. My personal favourite troop this affects? The Goblin Giant. Hitting him at under 4% HP (I know that's specific, but he's a BEEFY BOI and has a LOT of health) will allow your final two Arrow waves to take down those Spear Goblins before they get a chance to attack. The same cannot be said, however, for Skeleton Barrel. This card annoyingly has a deployment delay on the Skeletons it spawns, so the Arrows are actually too fast to hit both the Barrel and the Skeletons. Of course, you can still just kill the Skeletons with Arrows and not hit the Barrel, so it's not a huge deal. Another card Arrows are now worse against is another Barrel - but this time the one filled with Goblins. The split damage means that Arrows need two waves to kill the Goblins, giving a slight opportunity for the Goblins to actually attack your tower. Just with the Skeleton Barrel, you can still deny all damage, but it's a slight nerf to this individual interaction. Interactions with other Goblin cards, such as Goblin Gang, have improved. Before, the Gang's deploy delay meant that prediction Arrows could sometimes hit only half of the Goblins. With the Arrows now coming in waves, it's almost a guarantee that the Goblin bois will die. The final slight improvement I have for you is against Graveyard, the multiple Arrow waves may just catch an extra Skeleton that it wouldn't have before.

    Arrows' Meta Effects:

    I wanna talk about spell synergies, starting with The Log. Together, these two have damage high enough to take out Magic Archers and Zappies, and bring Barbs within 9hp of death. Why do these few interactions matter? Well, Magic Archer is a card that thrives against decks that lack a big spell. Now, running Log and Arrows gives you a 5 elixir counter that can get you 192 tower damage in the process. Cycle decks FINALLY have an answer to this meta menace. The other spell synergy is, of course, Lightning. The versatility of these new Arrows especially provide Lightning players with a splash effect that the Lightning lacks. Lightning insta kills off any of those mid health attackers for a good trade, whilst Arrows can clear up most low health attackers for a good trade. My biggest winner from the Arrows buff overall is most definitely Lightning. With the huge radius of Arrows, it actually hits the second most tiles out of all spells - it only loses out to Tornado. When we factor in damage, it does the second most damage over its effect radius - losing out to just Poison. Aaand, when you factor in elixir, it is the third most efficient damage dealer per tile in the game - being behind Poison and The Log - so I think it's fair to say Arrows might just affect the meta this season! With the boring stats out of the way, Arrows are now a powerful, versatile, and extremely easy to use spell due to their damage, waves, and large radius respectively. I expect them to be a top tier spell for this coming month. I obviously expect all other small spells to fall off a little bit, but I also expect to see a fall in Wall Breakers, Magic Archer, and some 2.9 with these changes. Overall, I believe this buff to Arrows is overall positive - it revives this forever dead spell whilst giving us a great counter to a lot of the problem cards right now, so GG Supercell...

    submitted by /u/EbolaBailey
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    Let players choose when to use Chest Boost

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 05:37 PM PST

    Another season, another failure to recognize a way that could improve how players use Chest Speed Boost.

    Why is it FORCED on players? Between work and life I couldn't play for 24 hours, but my Chest Boost speed was still turned on, thus wasting it for 24 hours. Why can't SuperCell allow players to use it in like 8 hour bursts? Or even 12 hour bursts?

    I though of a way around this, but at the cost of trophies a the beginning of the season. At the end of this current season, drop to 4,000 trophies, which is the starting point. That way, a player can build up from there and get the boost WHEN he/she would like to have it. It'll suck for the first week, but the boost speed would be maximized.

    Anyone agree?

    submitted by /u/i__like__rice
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    You are not meant to rocket the battle healer...

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 05:20 PM PST

    I keep reading posts about rocketing a battle healer....


    submitted by /u/yukeiw
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    Well this is not supposed to happen (Fix Supercell).My enemy mirrored a miner and becouse mirror now emits that mirroring icon on a tile where a card is being cast on so i can see where my opponent plays a miner so its mega easy to counter.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 02:22 PM PST

    It would be great to get these Royal Ghost emotes!! (shop or challenge)

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 01:48 PM PST

    Battle Healer. Strange interaction I had with the BH on ladder! Final spear goblin and tower both change targets to the Hog Rider as if they assumed the BH was dead? Thoughts?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 12:24 PM PST

    R.I.P dart goblin 0:02.23-0:02.24

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 08:51 PM PST

    Petition to give us a Merry Christmas emote on the day of Christmas!!!

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 10:32 PM PST

    So I had a disconnect and wondered how I ended up winning

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 01:56 AM PST

    Clash royale please allow us to have unlimited tokens, what is the point of only 10 ?!

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 04:10 AM PST

    A TIE WIN??????????????(the game continued on btw the replay couldnt detect it or something)

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 07:42 PM PST

    Anyone else have the angry replay spam guy in their clan?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 10:52 AM PST

    Battle Healer just made this season unplayable for me.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 08:40 AM PST

    I run a miner poison deck without a hard counter to battle healer. It has no massive damage dealing card, which prior to battle healer didn't matter, I could use ice golem, musketeer, tesla, and skeletons to kite troops for days, but now my kiting strategy is dead, 90% of decks have battle healer and i'm just going to have to wait until next season's inevitable balance or an emergency rework. I get that upgrading mainly only these cards isn't a great idea but the whole point of choosing muskee, ice spirit, miner, tesla, ice golem, poison etc to upgrade mainly is that they have always been extremely versatile and able to cope with any meta imposed by supercell over-buffing cards.

    The poison card is useless against a battle healer deck. Once they have battle healer behind a tank its over for decks without a mini-pekka/hunter/I-drag. Not even rocket can one shot this 4 elixir card!!!! How did anyone think this card was ready to be implemented!

    Edit: Already getting some great discussion here! Thanks for all the feedback! Also I don't really think battle healer is OP, just that it is a too dominant force in this meta (which has barely started), it has plenty of counters, its just if you haven't leveled them up you're going to have a bad time playing this game until a rework.

    Edit to add some conclusions I've arrived to after reading all the comments: The healer being a mini-tank(and thus not dying to rocket) is just one aspect of its power. This card is a mini-tank that heals itself, other cards, and deals damage. I think a reasonable rework could be something like increasing the heal amount but having her die to heavy spells (lightning/rocket). Or giving her a spawn heal (like with e-wiz but the heal spell) and removing the damage she deals so cheap cards like skeletons and goblins can more efficively counter her. She doesn't need to be executed, I really just think she provides too much versatility and needs to have a more specific niche.

    Okay final edit, just watch the first battle and come to your own conclusion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1y_bQac5GlY

    submitted by /u/vontrances
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    I did it in a real game.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 05:27 AM PST

    Every season 1-6 emotes

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 12:47 PM PST

    It would be cool if CR adds a tab just for trading! Instead of spamming trades in chat, and chat can just be for chatting/emojis/replays

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 12:19 PM PST

    Here’s a card concept that I made. (I know it is from COC, but it sounded cool in my head)

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 09:07 AM PST

    Boosted healer allows you donate 1/2 cards (removed card from collection)

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 09:05 AM PST

    For those who chose Surgical Goblin at Fantasy Royale, I propose randomly selecting a member of Team Liquid to be fair to players.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 02:32 AM PST

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