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    Thursday, December 5, 2019

    Clash Royale Clash With Ash Appreciation Thread

    Clash Royale Clash With Ash Appreciation Thread

    Clash With Ash Appreciation Thread

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 06:43 AM PST

    Arrows secretly nerfed, now do 0 damage

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 03:51 PM PST

    Santa's Little Helpers-Emote

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 02:16 PM PST

    There were so many Battle Healers that the clones were immune to spells! (Skip to 0:40)

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 08:11 AM PST

    Hog rider made from Triton balloons . Rate !!

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 10:46 AM PST


    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 07:49 PM PST

    [Humor] Why can't I beat (Card)

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 05:53 PM PST

    Wow, (Card) is OP. Whenever it shows up, I just roll my eyes and eat some more tendies because I know it's gonna be one heck of a ride.

    Naturally, I play (Card that doesn't counter Card 1) but it doesn't do anything! Like, I pay (Card 2's Elixir cost) and it does absolutely nothing! How is that fair?

    Then when (Card) comes across the bridge to my side, I play (Card that Card 1 counters) to try and stop it, but it doesn't work at all! (Card) takes it out instantly then destroys my tower because I was forced to spend all my Elixir on (dumb strategy). It's not fair at all!

    So I'm open to suggestions (but I'll insult anyone that dares to disagree with me). And yes, my personal best is 4500, why do you ask? But I'm level 13, I know what I'm talking about.

    And for anyone who asks, my deck is (deck that resembles the "randomize deck" button but somehow less coherent). It's a good deck, it's just that (Card is way too OP and Supercell must nerf or else they'll lose my business.

    F2P by the way

    submitted by /u/MissStealYoTrophies
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    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 04:39 PM PST

    aims as good as i hit my rockets

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 04:54 PM PST

    Battle Healer complete card stats

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 11:48 AM PST

    Basic stats:

    • Elixir: 4
    • Type: Troop
    • Count: x1
    • Transport: Ground

    Troop stats:

    • Hitpoints: 1584
    • Damage: 123
    • Hit speed: 1.5sec
    • First attack: 0.5sec
    • Range: 1.6 (Long melee)
    • Speed: 1 tile/sec (Medium)
    • Deploy time: 1sec
    • Collision radius: 0.5 tiles
    • Sight range: 5.5 tiles

    Healing stats:

    • Time between pulses: 0.25sec
    • Passive healing cooldown: 5sec
    • Passive healing pulse: 19
    • Active healing pulse: 25 (weirdly enough, the base number at level 3 is 14.5)
    • Active healing duration: 1sec (four pulses: the first one at 0.25sec, the last one at 1sec)
    • Active healing radius: 4
    submitted by /u/Mew_Pur_Pur
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    When someone is BMing you after you lose on a challenge but you have the Pass Royale.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 07:45 PM PST

    Supercell HQ Right Now...

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 08:42 PM PST

    The new mirror animation shows you where a mirrored miner is going to be placed.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 09:53 AM PST

    My experience with in-app support

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 08:20 PM PST

    Me: Made an in-app purchase. It got into a "transaction is pending" status. Stayed that way for days. Contact iTunes support. They saw two pending transactions and cancelled them. When they did, it then charged me and then immediately refunded the charges. Now those transactions show in purchase history as refunded, but the Clash Royale status is still stuck with a "Transaction is Pending" notice and I am unable to make new purchases, aka send you more money! Apple says that they have now done all that they believe they can do and it's back to Supercell. Also, I tried a transaction in another app from another developer, then a transaction in Hay Day just to see if it was just CR and those transactions processed just fine. I've added two screenshots, one showing a grayed-out purchase button, one showing the message when that button is tapped. So, uh, help?

    Supercell: Hey there! Michael here. Nice to meet you.

    Since you are using iOS and since I also do, let me share with you some personal experience.

    Apple manages every payment case on their own. Due to that, some purchases may take longer than the usual to be finalized which leads to a "Transaction is pending" notification. Also, you might receive an invoice which contains previous purchases as well and might seem as a double charge.

    If you're still having problems making an order, please verify that all the following settings are in order:

    1. Make sure In-App Purchases are enabled on your device, at Settings > General > Restrictions
    2. Fully close the game, and reopen it.
    3. Make sure you have the correct time & date settings on your device.
    4. Make sure your Apple ID payment method is valid, and that your credit card's verification code has been entered correctly (if applicable)
    5. Use the same Apple ID to purchase that you used to download the game
    6. Make sure you've accepted iTunes Terms and Conditions. To do so, log out of iTunes and log back in (Settings > iTunes & App Store > Log out, then log back in)

    You can also contact your credit card company and check whether your card might have any restrictions on in-app purchases.

    Changing your payment method and then revert it back and logging out and in to your Game Center account are always helpful to these matters.

    In general, if you still have issues with that, you need to contact Apple support since they have the clear picture of your transactions: http://www.apple.com/support/itunes/contact/

    I hope I covered you!

    Of course, I remain at your disposal for anything else you need.

    Best Regards, Michael

    Me: Apparently you didn't read my message. I did all of these things. Apple cleared the transactions. It is now back on Supercell because it is Clash Royale and only Clash Royale that has the open problem.

    Supercell: Good morning Tachometric!

    Thank you for reaching out, I am Kostas, at your service!

    No worries, I got you covered!

    I use iOS too and I have got that message "transaction pending" before! All you need to do, is go to your device settings->Apple ID and logout from it and then login again. After you open the game, it should be fixed, otherwise, you need to contact Apple and ask them to check which purchase is still pending and refund it.

    In case you need anything else, feel free to send me a message, I will be more than happy to assist you!

    Have the best day ever!

    Me: Still not reading my message, did that stuff, IT IS NO LONGER APPLE!!!!!!!

    Supercell: We have already responded to you on this topic, and have nothing more to add. For this reason, we won't be replying anymore. After some time, you will be able to contact us again about a new topic.

    submitted by /u/tachometric
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    I love his reaction

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 07:54 PM PST

    Game mode suggestion "Hardcore Draft"

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 06:29 PM PST

    How would you guys feel about a ban mode?

    Essentially it would be like any other 1v1 ladder game, but when the game starts you go back and fourth with your enemy banning (maybe) 3 cards each. Then picking your deck 1 by one. There would not be duplicate cards, and you can ban win conditions, or WC counters etc.

    I think this would be a really cool way to REALLY test players card knowledge, and to force people out of the regular meta decks potentially showing us some new and powerful combinations.


    submitted by /u/MrCheif_117
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    Increase Deck Slots Please

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 02:17 PM PST

    Once you reach max level, there's all kinds of deck combinations one wishes to try, especially with new card releases. Game Developers, if you're listening, please add a few more deck slots if it's not too much trouble...so many combinations I'd like to try without rearranging decks. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/terces7
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    You can now pick Surgical Goblin for fantasy draft!

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 07:31 AM PST

    Draft picks need more balancing, I had lavaloon and all my opponent had were archers and minions for my push, and I had arrows for them as well

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 08:36 PM PST

    What happened to the whole “hover” ability for the healer? Is that concept just scrapped now?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 07:19 AM PST

    War tweak: Choosing collection day cards, after a win

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 08:20 PM PST

    So, a war idea I had. If this isn't a new idea, let me know, but I don't frequent r/clashroyale often.

    On collection day currently, after every collection battle random cards are added to the clan cards to eventually be used on war day. What if after winning a collection day battle, you could PICK which cards that are added to the clan war day cards from the deck you won with.

    Example: If I play classic mode, using the RG/furnace/lightning deck, and win, I then get to pick which cards from this deck are added to the clan war cards.

    I feel like the biggest problem with it would be everyone picking the win condition from the deck they won with. This could possibly be remedied with the current system SC used for groups of cards (eg there are always spells, win conditions, and all various rarities added to the war cards based on some algorithm I assume). That is, SC could possible make it where there could be cards not available to be picked through their current system. So maybe if the clan war cards already have 5 win conditions, but not RG, I wouldn't be able to choose RG after my winning battle.

    submitted by /u/Vottomat1c
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    They call him Jesus

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 11:02 AM PST

    [Bug] Landscape Clash Royale

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 10:50 AM PST

    Rarity of cards has no meaning now

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 10:58 PM PST

    In a video with CWA, Seth was saying how rarity depends on complexity of the card (Cards having simple mechanics are common and most complex cards should be legendary). He also told that he regrets making Pekka an epic card because it is not that complex.

    But, new cards do not even care about this pattern. Elixir golem is far more complex than regular Golem, but has a lower rarity. Barb Barrel is more complex than The Log, but has lower rarity than The Log. Battle Healer, which is a 'spawner' of heal spells is the same rarity as that of a heal spell.

    If you regret doing something before, why repeat it?

    I know not all of the old cards used to follow the 'more complex, higher rarity' rule, but at least most of them would. Now higher rarity just means more difficult to upgrade and nothing else.

    submitted by /u/RickSanchezJMK
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