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    Friday, November 1, 2019

    Clash Royale [OFFICIAL] Season 5 Balance Changes, Coming November 4th

    Clash Royale [OFFICIAL] Season 5 Balance Changes, Coming November 4th

    [OFFICIAL] Season 5 Balance Changes, Coming November 4th

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 07:15 AM PDT

    Hey Reddit,

    Here are the Balance Changes that will be live in-game on November 4th.

    We focused the majority of the balancing on a specific subset of cards that had a large impact on the meta in Season 4. Read more about this decision here.

    Without further ado - here are the Season 5 balance changes!


    • Removed Area Damage
    • Hit Speed reduced: 1.4sec > 1.7sec
    • Slower first Skeleton spawn: 1sec -> 3.5sec
    • Mass increased: 100% (no longer pushed by Skeletons)

    Witch ended up being far too strong in a few different ways. When we discussed the role of Witch, she should grow in value & power the longer that she remains on the field. We felt then that she should start off rather vulnerable immediately after casting to allow a larger window for counterplay.

    Her Skeletons will not spawn for several seconds, giving opposing players time to hit her with Spells. She will also not be an immediate blocking solution to Bandit, Prince, and other melee attackers. The increased mass will make her less likely to be pushed by her own Skeletons.

    The goal of the reduced splash radius last month was to make Witch hit multiple Skeletons/Goblins/Minions but that would be about it. But this happens rarely enough that it seems unnatural or buggy when she does, so we are removing the Area Damage altogether. Also slowing down her DPS via Hit Speed accounts for her sturdy health and heavy damage output.


    Elixir Golem

    • Hitpoints: -10%
    • Affects all forms (Elixir Golem, Elixir Golemite, Elixir Blob)

    Elixir Golem's initial win rate has been exciting – its always great to see new deck archetypes emerge. The general consensus is that the Elixir Blobs are a bit too strong, dealing consistent damage even in the face of a strong defense. Elixir Blobs will be less likely to reach their target, mitigating this concern and bringing Elixir Golem into line with other cards.


    Wall Breakers

    • Damage: -19%
    • Area Damage Radius reduced: 2.0 > 1.5
    • Deploy slightly further apart (fixes true red/true blue issue)

    We are thrilled to see Wall Breakers enabling new decks, but they are providing slightly too much value for their cost, so we are reducing their Damage. We also spread out their Deploy range slightly, to fix some inconsistency in how they split lanes.



    • Hook Range reduced: 7 > 6
    • Hook Charge Time increased: 1sec > 1.1sec

    Fisherman has proven to be a bit too useful in too many deck archetypes, so we are reducing the effectiveness of his Anchor pull. With a shorter range, it will be more difficult for him to pull big troops to the King Tower (though still possible for Giant/Golems) and less likely to completely neutralize an enemy's defense.



    • Max Range: 4.5 > 5
    • Axe Radius: -20%
    • Axe Hover Time increased: 1.0s -> 1.2

    Executioner's axe becomes narrower and slightly longer. Overall an 11% reduction to his hit box area. This should further separate him from large-circle splashers like Wizard or Princess and give decks like Lava Hound room to out-position him, while still allowing him to hit support troops behind his main target.

    Hit Speed has been reduced 0.2sec to account for the axe hover time. This means that Executioner still has the same overall Hit Speed, but the Axe will stay in the air for a slightly longer period.


    Barbarian Barrel

    • Damage: +8%

    We are happy with Barbarian Barrel's interactions with most Troops, but felt that a small ground-only Spell should at least knock off the Shields of Troops like Guards. This Damage increase will allow +1 level Barb Barrels to destroy Princesses, but not at equal level – you'll need the Barbarian to finish off fragile ranged attackers.


    Baby Dragon

    • Hitpoints: -4.5%

    A few months ago we stated that we felt Baby Dragon was benefiting from a lack of competition in the area/splash damage role. After buffs that brought Magic Archer and Executioner into the meta, Baby Dragon remains extremely popular and holds a strong win rate so we are giving it a slight health nerf to even the playing field slightly.


    Let us know what you think about these changes below and get ready for Season 5 starting on November 4th!

    The Clash Royale Team

    submitted by /u/Supercell_Drew
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    In Mexico, we honor the death.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 08:54 AM PDT

    Balance Changes November 2019 Season 5

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 07:03 AM PDT

    Next Rush Event Preview

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 11:34 AM PDT

    [Discussion] Ask:what's a reason why crown rush is worse than gold rush

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 12:43 AM PDT

    "Once you've hit rock bottom, the only direction is up"

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 10:48 AM PDT

    Probably my least deserved win ever

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 07:44 PM PDT

    [HUMOR] A closer look at season 5 balance changes! (In case you won't be able to read something, hit me up)

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 02:00 PM PDT

    When activating king tower goes wrong

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 02:09 PM PDT

    Season 5 has something to do with GREEN.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 09:04 AM PDT

    One of the most boring seasons ever... and this would effect the game popularity, you can feel already people arent interactive enough.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 03:28 AM PDT

    1- Crown chest stacking made it boring, there is no challenge to do for the day, I reached tier 35 while I was only tier 6.

    2- Fun events made it easier to win crowns (3 crown win) , so all the crown quests are useless.

    3-Saying its elixir golem season and card not released yet.

    4- Awards in trophy road are so weak, you give a guy in 6075 trophy 5k gold ? Seriously you are making pro players so mad with this!

    submitted by /u/OmarSherif96
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    First attempt of drawing my fav. emote in the game! What do you think?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 12:28 PM PDT

    Unpopular opinion : Freeze is definitively the lowest skill-cap card in the game

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 02:04 PM PDT

    Ok to clear this up, I'm not that kind of player who complains all the time and shits on Supercell for any little mistake they make. But there's one only thing that makes me really pissed sometimes and that is the Freeze spell. I don't know, there's just something that makes its concept so obnoxious (which shouldn't be in the strategy game that is CR by the way). Speaking of strategy, there's very exactly 0 skill in using this card, some may say that Ebarbs, Royal Recruits, Witch... are worse but they all still require a bit of skill since you have to use them at the right timing. But the Freeze, it's another story, you just throw a Hog or Balloon, wait for your opponent to use their counters, freeze them and here you go, atleast 500 free damage without using a single braincell while your opponent is just here, helpless, watching his tower getting destroyed in front of his frozen defenses.

    Well I might've went a bit too far at the end but I guess that's all I had to say, please share your toughts about the Freeze and why you agree/disagree with mine.

    submitted by /u/Abdelkachir
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    Supercell is drunk.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 02:30 PM PDT

    Thank you, Supercell! I really needed this event.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 12:05 AM PDT

    anyone else hyped for a new (finally) party mode?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 05:19 AM PDT

    Positive elixir trade!

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 05:32 AM PDT

    And that is how you get rid of randos you don't want in your clan ��

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 08:27 PM PDT

    Just fought a king level 1 in spooky

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 04:34 PM PDT

    [Long Post] Skill Caps & Skill Floors -- How much is too much, how little is too little? What is acceptable? Talk about X-Bow, Rocket, Miner, Wizard, Inferno Tower, etc.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 07:16 AM PDT

    Hello, billybobjoseph here again, and today I would like to discuss and bring light to cards with high skill caps and floors, and cards with low skill caps and floors, as well as talk about other cards and their position in the game. Let's jump right in.

    Cue generic intro, possible earrape for pleasure purposes

    Skill Caps -- What are they?

    Skill Caps are the highest limits for what a card can do when in the perfect hands and deck. In other words, it's the highest amount of difficult-yet-useful interactions a card and deck can have. Low Skill Cap cards are considered "easy to master," and High Skill Cap cards are considered "professionals only." (Note, this doesn't mean the card/deck is viable, strong, or weak. It simply shows how much you can learn when using the card/deck to perform better.)

    X-Bow has a plethora of difficult yet useful interactions that allow the best of the best players to consistently make it to top ladder. It is almost as if there is no Skill Cap for the card at all since it just gets more and more complex.

    Miner also has a ton of difficult yet useful interactions. Interactions like assassinating a Musketeer during a push or even using him to defend pushes successfully (which can be very difficult since the opponent can predict such actions and block the Miner) involves a lot of trickery and a lot of pre-planning for it to work, making it almost like a gambling game in the perfect hands -- Will he play a Miner on my Princess or my Tower? Will he play it on the left, or the right?

    Royal Giant is known to have a low Skill Cap. There isn't many difficult interactions outside knowing when to place him at the bridge or behind the tower, and when to counterpush. Other than that, he is a pretty basic and easy card to have success with on high Ladder.

    Spawners (more specifically, Spawner decks) have the lowest Skill Cap. All you need to do is stack all your Spawners at the right time, and boom, you are now a master of Spawner decks. Just learn how to defend while you rack up the Spawners and you're gold (well, fool's gold, the deck actually sucks ass since it was nerfed so much, but you're still a master nonetheless)

    Skill Floors -- What are they?

    Skill Floors aren't exactly the opposite of Skill Caps. Rather, Skill Floors are the lowest limits needed in order to have success with a card and/or a deck. Low Skill Floors are considered noob-friendly, being easy to get value whether on defense and/or offense, and high Skill Floors are considered noob-hostile, being more difficult to get value. (Note, this doesn't say that the card is OP or UP, it simply shows how simple or hard it is to pick up the card and have success with it)

    X-Bow doesn't have a very low Skill Floor. Players who blindly try out the card and/or deck and try to figure it out on their own will have a difficult time having success with it and getting value since you need to consider a lot more than the counterpush.

    Fisherman is a perfect example of being noob-hostile with a higher skill floor. If a player goes in blind with Fisherman without knowing all the interactions, he will soon find out that he pulled a Giant Skeleton right to his tower because he cycled Fisherman behind his King Tower. He will be literally punished for not using him properly.

    Wizard has a very low Skill Floor. Wizard pretty much does all the work for you, deleting pushes and wrecking havoc on towers when improperly dealt with, generating tons of value. Thus, he is the backbone of many, many noob decks since Wizard players heavily rely on the opponent not having counters to or not knowing how to properly counter the Wizard, which is fairly often when he is overleveled.

    Battle Ram also has a very low Skill Floor along with Wizard. In fact, most building-targeting win-conditions have the lowest Skill Floor since they are designed to take towers much more easily than, say, a Musketeer, and taking towers is what you are supposed to do. Battle Ram is an offensive win condition that can be used on defense. Because of the nature of the card, a failed offensive attempt can be much less punishing due to how the Barbarians can clean up for your mistakes or get extra chip, and using it on defense isn't bad either. There's not many wrong ways to play this card, making it extremely noob-friendly.

    Too high-skilled?

    Is there a point where a card can be too high-skilled? I think there is a good possibility. Here is my thoughts:

    The X-Bow Controversy. Yeah, X-Bow is impossible to beat when in the right hands, but at the same time, it's just so hard to win with due to its high skill floor. It's use rates are pretty low as well.

    X-Bow might just be too high-skill altogether, both with the Floor and the Cap being high. If you buff it so that it's use rates are pretty normal, it's just going to be even worse and more annoying to face at high Ladder. OP even. If you nerf it, you just kill the card.

    Miner is kind of the same, though more used and manageable. In the right hands you can beat any matchup due to its random, endless-trickery nature. In the wrong hands, there are simply better options for said people. The Skill Floor for Miner is about average, with cards like Hog Rider and Battle Ram being much lower and more preferable for those who don't want to gamble on a card they could never have success with.

    Rocket is also insane. Play it perfectly and you can shut down 20 elixir pushes with a single rocket, yet the skill needed to do it (or even luck) is balls high. Fireball grants only a fraction of the value, but it is much, much safer, having a bigger radius, faster travel, and being much cheaper. However, Rocket can still be extremely pesky like X-Bow, limiting counterplay greatly in the right hands.

    Too low-skilled?

    Is there a point where a card can be too low-skilled? Some more so than others. My thoughts:

    The Wizard Controversy. Wizard is a pretty shit card due to the better options out there that can get a lot more value if played properly. However, he infests Ladder due to how ridiculously easy he is to pick up and have success, and mastering Wizard is very simple -- if your opponent kills it right away, either replace it right away with Witch/Baby Dragon, or do nothing since it was part of an offensive bridge spam push. Either way, you are most likely making a positive elixir trade off the Wizard.

    He may just be too low-skill altogether, both with the Floor and the Cap. If you buff it to viability, a lot of low-ladder players will be pissed. If you nerf it... well you're stupid. The card already sucked and you made it worse.

    Royal Giant also has a low Skill Floor and Cap, only, he is viable. Anyone can learn and master a Royal Giant deck fairly quickly compared to other win-conditions like Hog Rider and Giant, which have a lot more to consider since they are melee units that need to actually reach the tower.

    Spawners again have a very low Skill Floor and Cap, worse than Royal Giant, only, they have been nerfed to be unviable. Buffing them would be a bad idea, nerfing them being even worse a choice.

    Freeze is the worst of them all. It can effectively counter any card in the game for minimal effort, being the ultimate noob card, and you can't learn anything past that, Capping the skill moves pretty quickly.

    Okay Cards -- All-Around Cards

    Some cards are a mix of low Skill Floor and high Skill Cap. These can be classified as "All-Around" cards, being designed to train beginners and make them pros without requiring swapping out the card when you get to high Ladder.

    Hog Rider is a classic example. It is very noob friendly, but also designed to be hard to stop when in the right hands and the right hands only, even in the Top 200. It seems to only be unbearable when overleveled (and may make the player hate the card no matter the level), and otherwise it's a typical card you wouldn't mind facing.

    Giant is also a classic example. Also noob friendly, it is designed to be hard to stop when in the right hands and the right hands only, even in the Top 200. Like Hog, it's only unbearable when overleveled and is otherwise a typical card you wouldn't mind facing.

    PEKKA and Mega Knight, though a little higher with the Skill Floor, follow suit, being punishable like Giant and Hog (more so) yet remaining deadly cards when in the right hands. These cards are a lot more meta-dependent than the former 2 cards mentioned, so it's not surprising to see either of them dominate one meta or die in the next, but they aren't niche, either, because when they are meta, they can fit in a variety of decks.

    Okay Cards -- Counter Cards

    Some cards are a mix of high Skill Floor and low Skill Cap. These can also be classified as "Counter" cards, being designed to counter what they are supposed to counter, but only what they are supposed to counter, being only so good at countering everything else. Basically, these are meta-specific cards to help keep certain cards from being too overpowered. A safety net for a bad balance change.

    Inferno Tower is a classic example of this. It is designed to stop tanks without issue, but not designed to take anything else out, being strictly demanding with what deck it is in and what the meta should look like. Though not very viable at times, it's use rates can spike intensely when a strong tank meta hits, being the one true counter to said meta deck, making sure that said decks don't dominate too harshly.

    Bomb Tower, though a bit underpowered, is a shining example in this meta. It is designed to stop swarmy metas, but not much else. With the rise of Elixir Golem and Witch, this card has spiked immensely in use rates lately, trying to keep these card from being absolutely game-breaking to the point of an emergency nerf. It's a safety net for a bad balance change, and one that really came in handy this meta.

    Earthquake is a great example as well. When a building meta rises, Earthquake is here to save the day.

    You might say that these classify as "Niche" cards, but they aren't. When a building meta or tank meta hits, you are going to expect to see those cards in nearly every deck, therefore not classifying them as "niche." So what are niche cards?

    Okay Cards -- Niche Cards

    Niche cards are designed more to help another specific card get past its biggest weaknesses, or to make that other specific card get past it's own weaknesses. Skill Floor and Cap vary. (Note, this does not determine the use rates of a card. A niche card can be meta, too.)

    Take Goblin Giant, for instance (ignoring this meta). Goblin Giant and Sparky are unlikely pairs, yet pairs that really help both Sparky and Goblin Giant thrive. Sparky pushes, being expensive, tend to lack air responses and immediate responses to E-Wiz + cards that barely survive a Sparky shot other than spells, and you can usually only have one or the other. With the Spear Goblins on the Goblin Giant's back, he automatically fills the role of being a response to air cards and cards that survive Sparky's blast, leaving the E-Wiz response to cards like Mini Pekka and Mega Minion, which now fit much more easily in pushes.

    Yet, Sparky is really the only pair to Goblin Giant. You hardly see a Goblin Giant without a Sparky. Giant does everything else better for 1 less elixir. This therefore classifies him as niche.

    Spell Bait is also a good examples, to the point where they aren't really niche anymore due to the variety. Cards like Royal Hogs cannot perform too well without another Fireball Bait card in the same deck, and Goblin Barrel just cannot get good tower damage without another Log Bait card to get that Log out of cycle. Thus, the Fireball/Log Bait card pairs, and thus they are niche cards that will have a much lower variety of viable decks.

    Night Witch is niche as well, despite the meta. She pairs well with multi-stage tanks like Golem, Elixir Golem, Battle Ram and Lava Hound due to how the second stage usually tanks for all the Bats for a long time, but outside that, she cannot seem to pair with other cards very well at all, making her niche.

    Tesla is quite niche, really only being paired with X-Bow since it is so average against everything, which is perfect for at-the-bridge responses, and it doesn't move at all. Elsewhere, Tesla seems to be nowhere.


    So what can be said about all this?

    High Skill Floor and Skill Cap cards are not too healthy for the game since a pro player can take full advantage of this and win every matchup no matter what cards are in the opponent's deck, even if the deck is purely made to counter it. This is simply very frustrating and quite unfair compared to many other decks at Top Ladder which all have nearly impossible matchups at some point.

    Low Skill Floor and Skill Cap cards are not too healthy for the game either since even a noob can have great success against better players simply because it is too easy to use. Card Levels amplify this sometimes.

    Low Skill Floor and High Skill Cap cards are healthy since they are pretty normal and basic cards you can find anywhere, and the players who play them vary greatly with their skill.

    High Skill Floor and Low Skill Cap cards are healthy since they serve to solidly counter 1-sided metas, such as tanks galore, buildings galore, etc.. Bomb Tower is doing this quite well against all the E-Golem and Witch with his splash damage, keeping them in check and from being game-breaking like the Royal Recruits were when they were 6 elixir. Bomb Tower MVP!

    Niche Cards are healthy since they help specific cards get past huge, glaring issues with them.

    What can be done?

    For High Skill Floor and Skill Cap cards and decks, lower the Skill Floor or Skill Cap, or even both. For example, lower X-Bow's Skill Cap by reducing Lifetime to 25-30sec (from 40sec), thereby making "X-Bow stacking" much less viable and making it faster to destroy with spells, and then lower X-Bow's Skill Floor by making it do more damage, say, 34 damage (from 26) to 2-shot skeletons and get better chip on the tower. A decent buff, but it makes it easier to counter as well at high ladder.

    For Low Skill Floor and Skill Cap cards and decks, raise the Skill Floor or Skill Cap, or both. For example, greatly raise the Skill Floor of the Freeze Spell by adding a long and visible deploy time (2.5sec, perhaps, from 0.0sec) so that you need to be able to very effectively predict that they will place a counter before it's too late to use the Freeze. Then, perhaps make the successful catch more rewarding by increasing damage and duration, perhaps to kill Goblins (maybe Minions) and back to 5.0sec.

    The rest of the meta should be balanced normally, through stat tweaks and such.

    Well, this is the end of my video post, so feel free to like and subscribe upvote and follow respect the post and be a good gentleman to support this channel random redditor. Thank you for your time, and as always never, peace out.

    submitted by /u/billybobjoseph
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    Its a PEKKA trap ^^

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 01:26 AM PDT

    Witch, the most absurd change I've ever seen in this game

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 10:26 AM PDT

    I've been playing this game for over a year, seen many cards go through changes, buffs and nerfs. Ive Witch in my deck since I first got it, Im more than familiar with the card to talk about it. For all this time I've been playing I have never seen something as absurd as the recent changes in this card. Supercell has pretty much made a new card out of Witch, the whole usability and concept of this card is wasted.

    Not long ago Supercell BUFFED Witch, made it spawn 3 skeletons when it was killed, I still remember their Quote: "Adding 3 skeletons spawn on defeat to this UNDERPERFORMING card". Honestly I always tought Witch being a great card, this buff only made me more confident Supercell team has absolute no knowledge over their own games; ex. Lightning, over a year ago Lightning was NERFED because they also said it was overpower and constantly used on pair with... but guess what?? GOLEM! Yes, I also still remember that, so they reduced its radius, reduced damage and killed the card. Time passed and buff after buff they restored Lightning to its former glory, and guess what?! Everytime you see a Golem user there is 90% change they have Lightning ready! WOW!! Great Job Supercell!

    Anyways, back on Witch and topic, I 100% disagree with all those Witch changes, the changes they are doing go way deeper than performance, its hurting its CORE MECHANICS, I never seen something like this before!! Its the same as grab Wizard and make it a single target unity, or make Hog Rider engage troops! Many players had this card for Crowd Control, Witch was a great card to stop zergs because it had weak (but fast) spash and the spawned skeletons could buy her a few extra seconds to stop zergs before getting to her. Several players only have a few, sometimes just one, slash damage troop card on their decks. You just cant take that away from them, changes like this RUIN the synergy on their decks. I dont care if Witch has a stronger attack, just like most Witch users I never placed it to nuke, the card was designed to control pushes, specially gangs, not to nuke! Thats why people had it!!

    The past nerf already made her much weaker at controlling pushes, it would not spawn skeletons at death and the spash was so tiny it would barely make a difference, but the skeleton spawn formation helped a lot, and the damage increase made her able to stop cards she couldnt, like Wizard and even the Executioner sometimes, but also made her much weaker against zergs, like Skeleton Army and Minon Horde, I hated the change but they took away some but gave some in return. But this next change will be the death of the card. 3.5 sec time on the first skeleton spaw will serve absolute no reason for defense, and they finally removed the last bit of slash on the card. Might as well rename the Witch into something else, its not even close to its original concept, fast spawner, weak spash damage. Now its no longer spash, its no longer zerg counter, its no longer even a spawner card, it will take a full 10.5 seconds after its deployment to spawn a second skeleton wave, I honestly would really like to know what can this card do after this change. Somebody tell me, because after over a year in my deck this card will be retired, there is just nothing worth it anymore after next nerf. Im pretty sure she wont be able to hold anything spawned close to the bridge, most melee cards will reach into her before the skeleton spawn and she doesnt have enough DPS to stop as most ranged, 5 wasted elixir.

    So Congratulations Supercell, you got what you wanted, keep the game simple, only tactic is worth is suicide tower seeker win condition followed by a fireball, 90% cards are just used to fill between that and defend cycle. This is the only tactic never changes.

    submitted by /u/ClashFailure
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    Did people stop playing 2v2? Have been waiting for minutes now. Canceling/Quitting app does nothing

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 12:58 PM PDT

    To all those who want ‘the old witch’

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 01:04 PM PDT

    This will probably either be downvoted or just not seen, so if you want to downvote read the post before downvoting. I want this to be seen by as many people as possible.

    The witch got a rework which made her beyond OP last month. There's no doubt about that. Now she will be nerfed to tone her down. People are saying that she will be much weaker and close to unusable after the nerf which I somewhat agree with.

    My main point is people saying:

    'Witch was better before the rework. She was not a weak card'.

    Mainly they want to revert the rework and change her back to her original state.

    I completely disagree with this:

    •1 Have you been at 5k before this season? About 70% of matches were against witch, all of which were overleveled and so didn't die to your spell combinations. Then she would be ranked for with a maxed giant/ MK/ golem/ RG and that'll be the end of your tower. When you had rocket/ lightning they would always play around that by baiting it out with the witch or a wizard/ E-Wiz and using the other cards to build a devastating push.

    •2 She was abysmal before the rework. She was only seen in that toxic giant skeleton furnace clone deck but other than that she had abysmal use/ win rates.

    I think the only people who want her before are people who play past 6k because they have never suffered against the witch and don't want her to be rampant as she ways this season and then dead the next. The others were the witch players- whether the people who played that toxic GS deck or ones who overleveled her on ladder and capitalised on the subsequent spell resistance.

    Just my two cents. I would like to hear opinions.

    submitted by /u/InfernoDragon203
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    Lightning block and predictions to clutch the comeback

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 11:45 AM PDT

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