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    Thursday, October 17, 2019

    Clash Royale trick or treat? Would you give candy to this baby dragon dressed as a mummy?

    Clash Royale trick or treat? Would you give candy to this baby dragon dressed as a mummy?

    trick or treat? Would you give candy to this baby dragon dressed as a mummy?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 09:39 AM PDT

    Big Brain Defense

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 05:58 PM PDT

    New Cards to counter the nerfed Witch spawning mini-Giant Skeletons. I personally think sparky spawning mini-Zappies will be OP. The Giant EWiz spawning Mini-EDrag could be strong. The Royal Giant spawning EBarbs will be things nightmares are made of...

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 02:05 PM PDT


    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 01:39 PM PDT

    Quality Content Episode 1: A Guide to Knight

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 02:20 PM PDT


    Hey, y'all! I've noticed a definite lack of true quality content on this sub lately, and so I just decided to go ahead and make some. The best thing I could think of to do was make strategy guides, because they're pretty much always relevant and useful. Plus maybe I could get a Bandit flair. The first card that I decided to do is the basic beater, the mustachioed man, second-best boy and everyone's favorite mini-tank- the Knight.

    Now, some of you may be thinking "What? The Knight? Why not do a guide on cards with abilities?" I'll tell you why. Despite the Knight's total lack of anything special, he has still proven himself to be one of the best choices for most things, with a comfortable spot in the meta since the launch of the game. Read on further, and it won't be hard to see why.

    The Knight was one of the very first cards to be added to the game, being present ever since beta. He is extremely iconic, having been featured on all three loading screens, most media, and the Clash Royale figure collection. With his stylish mustache, sparkling armor, well-designed sword, excellent mustache, smooth armor, and brilliant mustache, he has one of my personal favorite designs in the entire game. And did I mention his mustache?


    (Why this section, you might ask? Because the flavor of Clash Royale is actually very rich and interesting once you think about it)

    The very first Knight, Jonathan, was once a humble Barbarian, living out his drab, uninteresting life all the way over in the Continent of the Clans, where Clash of Clans takes place. But one day, the gods (Se'th, Dr'ew, and T'im, among others) decided that a new continent was to be created. A land of fast paced battles, a land of duels and Kings- the land of Royale. After coming up with an innovative new battle system, they decided to mostly populate this new land with Troops they had already created for the Continent of the Clans. They had taken a lot of time working on the system for the realm, and wanted to get their project done in time in order to show the other gods. So they searched the entire landmass for volunteers- nothing but the finest, best, and most worthy Troops. The first one they happened to find was Jonathan.

    Now, Jonathan was not an ordinary Barbarian. He was revered among all the people of his Village as a true gentleman. He helped the Builders with their gardening, kept a careful eye out for any invaders at all times, and even helped the older Villagers get home safe at night. The Gods were pleased by his strong moral character, and decided that he would be their first Troop. Of course, he couldn't be just a Barbarian- no, he had to be better. He had to be stronger, and faster, and harder. Something that would truly fit him. So after a brief period of thought, the gods decided to turn Jonathan into- the Knight.

    He was given a suit of fine armor and a sword, both honed to the perfect edge. His mustache was elevated to a point far beyond all others, to become a symbol of his Knighthood. In fact, to this very day, the worst thing you can do to a Knight is shave it off. With his ascension to Primalhood, Knights were now a new Troop type, able to be unlocked by fledgling Kings through Chests. And ever since, the Knight has been a staple of the game- never on top, but always meta.

    Fun facts:

    1. Knight is second-best boy.
    2. Every Knight, deep down, believes that their mustache is the best.
    3. The typical favorite food of the Knight is sirloin steak.
    4. Some normal Knight names include Dan, Dave, Trevor, and John. The name Jonathan is forbidden for any Knight but him.
    5. Knights can speak Clash, just like most other Troops, but they can learn to speak Spirit surprisingly quickly.
    6. Knights have a natural aversion of Elite Barbarians, as they are both evolutions of the same Troop.


    The Knight is a single-target melee Troop, available as soon as you start the game. He costs 3 Elixir to deploy, and his stats are as follows. (All stats are, of course, at tournament standard)

    HP: 1382

    Damage per Hit: 167

    Damage per second: 134

    Speed: Medium

    Range: Melee- Medium

    Rarity: Common

    Count: 1


    For such a simple card, mister mustache can do a LOT. He can take out small swarms, deal great damage to approaching tanks, hit towers for a surprising amount of damage if ignored, take hits from a blaster like Wizard or Musketeer, break glass cannons in half, kite a Troop like a Pekka or Giant Skeleton, or just provide support for your ranged Troops. This simplicity gives him a rock-bottom skill floor (how easy it is to use the card at its basic level) and a sky-high skill ceiling (how well you can use a card at its fullest potential). He can be played to bait out your opponent's swarm, tank, or even tank killer, or maybe even their building, or a spell. He can slot neatly into practically any deck archetype- Graveyard, Beatdown, Bait, Bridge Spam- you name it. His high HP enables him to block cards that could otherwise deal high damage to your tower, like Goblin Gang or Elite Barbarians. He can be played at a choke point to tank damage swarms, or cards like Graveyard and Skeleton Barrel. He can be played at the bridge to deal with Troops like Princess, or just as a quick play to deal some chip damage. He can take out squishy support troops like Magic Archer or Bomber with his surprisingly high DPS, leaving safe room for your swarms. There's almost no end to what the Knight can do, as long as you play him right.

    FRIENDS (Best synergies)

    The Knight, being such a charismatic dude, has many friends. The most well known of these is of course that rambunctious bundle of aether-filled snow and fluff, the Ice Spirit, but there are others. They include:

    Spear Goblins. The famous green trio of stick throwers are usually very weak by themselves. But behind a Knight's bulky body, they can deal quite a bit of damage to anything in front of them. With the Knight's own power, this cheap combo can actually deal a very threatening amount of damage to enemy towers. It usually will force a response from the opponent- and if it doesn't? Hey, free tower damage.

    Archers. The even more famous duo of pink haired partners can deal even more damage than the Spear Goblins, for just one more Elixir. In fact, this combo is so good that it probably led to the design of Rascals later on down the road. And unlike Spear Goblins, Archers aren't Zappable- meaning that your opponent can't just small spell and be done with it. They'll be forced to use something else, making way for your true attack. And after the battle, the Archers and the Knight can go home and film a newscast together.

    Goblin Gang. The synergy between the green quintuplet and our armored awesome is basically what I already mentioned above, but with an added bonus. The Stab Goblins push the Knight forward with their higher speed, thereby getting him to the tower even faster. Not only that, but the two Spear Goblins support him from behind, taking out airborne threats and helping against swarms. And for a third bonus, the additional DPS from the Stab Goblins, protected by Sir Mustahce's formidable HP, gives the push the boost it needs in order to completely take the tower. That's right- a simple Knight + Goblin Gang combo can do enough damage to take entire towers, making sure that your opponent cannot possibly ignore it. Well, not if they want to win.

    Mortar. Although the Knight and the rock lobber can't technically be "friends", they still play very well together. The most important part of playing Mortar, as I'm sure all of its users do, is to protect it. You can't just slap it down on the bridge and hope for the best- not when most win conditions target buildings. You have to protect it- and that's where the Knight comes in. He can deal high amounts of damage to anything that isn't attacking him- such as a Hog Rider, Elixir Golem, or even a Giant. Even if he doesn't kill the attacker in time to keep the mortar alive, it will prevent it from getting to your own tower. And if he does? That's a waste of Elixir for your opponent, and some oh-so-satisfying hits from the clobber cannon.

    Musketeer. It would make sense, from nearly any standpoint, for the Knight and the purple-haired markswomen to be friends. And not just from a flavor standpoint, either- they work very well together both on and off the battlefield. The Knight's HP allows him to stall threats long enough for the Musketeer to take them down- or the Knight charges forward while the Musketeer supports him from behind. Even the Knight's biggest weakness, air Troops, will more often than not be blown to Elixir by the noble sharpshooter's boomstick. Together, their fairly fast hit speed renders most swarms moot, and they can deal threatening amounts of damage to towers if left alone.

    Three Musketeers. What's better than one sassy sharpshooters behind a damage soak? Three, of course! Even though Three Musketeers are notoriously temperamental, they can put their differences aside long enough to follow their Knight in shining armor into battle. The main weakness of Three Musketeers is their tendency to die from splashers, like Wizard or Executioner. But with a big, bulky, steak-fed Knight blocking the way? The shot is absorbed- and its launcher sent back to the bench, still hurting from all the bullet holes. On defense, the sheer DPS of the battlefield quartet can defeat almost anything, whether its a Balloon, a pair of Elite Barbarians (which Knight can counter even on his own), or even a Golem. The one problem with this strategy? At 12 Elixir, it's a very expensive combo. Be careful with it.

    Goblin Barrel. By now, you should know the drill. The high Hitpoints of the Knight tank for the fragile Goblins, they can game-changing amounts of damage to a tower if ignored, etc, etc. But there's one more synergy that comes from playing these two cards together. And that is-

    The first instinct of a player, when they see that big old barrel of laughs flying through the sky, is to Log it. Or Zap it, or Snowball it, or whatever they may have. Most players typically won't take the time to see what else is coming down that lane- and by the time they noticed the Knight smacking their tower, they will have already taken damage. Or, if you play the Knight first, they'll automatically play a card to counter it- not even suspecting that they'll have to counter a Goblin Barrel as well. For this combo, it's all about timing.

    Graveyard. Normally, Skeletons won't invite anyone that's not a bag of bones to their parties. But for a handful of Troops- including Baby Dragon, Bowler, and our very own Sir Minitank, they'll make an exception. Why? Because although Skeletons love it when they pop out randomly on the other side of the Arena, only sort of knowing where they are, they love being shredded by a Goblin Gang, Valkyrie, or Princess Tower a whole lot less. And that's where the Knight comes in. As we all know by now, he has high HP. As he strides forward in his walk that kind of reminds me of a duck, the Princess in the tower will, of course, target him. She thinks she did well- but then starts to regret that decision as soon as the ground turns purple, piano plays from beyond, and bony hands break the surface of the Arena floor. Within seconds, every Skeleton is unearthed, and wreaking havoc- all thanks to the Knight's sheer tanking talent.

    Ice Spirit. Alright. Here we go. This dynamic duo, this perfect partnership, this friendship of nearly Jobro proportions. Long has it been spoken of in Knight threads, dating back to all the way when my littlest snowball was released. And for good reason. This combo is only 4 Elixir, and shuts down basically any ground Troop that isn't a huge tank. Swarms? They're no match for the Ice Spirit and his giggly freeze. Minitanks? Good luck to them, taking on a Knight while being frozen by snowboi. Elite Barbarians…. Yeah, I think we all know how that turns out. Ice Spirit freezes, while taking out their supporting Troops (Fire Spirits), then the Knight destroys them in single combat. But he can only really do this with the help of the Princess Towers- so be sure to play the pair in the center.

    As we've seen, the Knight and his friends can work superbly on both offense and defense, being able to counter almost any card in the game. But what counters him? For that, we'll have to take a look at his-

    ENEMIES (Best counters)

    Knight. Yes, I get the joke. Trust no one, not even yourself. But as it goes, the best counter to most cards are themselves- and Knight is no different. If both players play a Knight at the bridge, they'll come out in a perfect tie, every single time. There's not much else to say about it- when two Knights meet in an honorable duel, they'll defeat each other, every single time. Provided, of course, that they're both the same level.

    Minions. The Knight's biggest weakness- and it should be obvious by now, for all the times I've mentioned it- is air. He has absolutely no defense against it whatsoever, and the Minions deal enough damage to take him out if unsupported before he ever reaches the tower. After that, they can turn the defense into a light counterpush, making them probably the single best counter to Knight in the entire game. They get in his hair, steal his stuff, and he generally hates them.

    Mega Minion. The exact same reasoning as Minions, as seen above. The Mega Minion's damage is high enough to make sure that the Knight will never reach the tower. And unlike his smaller, more fragile cousins, the armored reptile of the skies is immune to small spells, so the Knight player can't just arrow blockers away. The Mega Minion probably won't deal as much damage on the offense as regular Minions though, so the boys in blue are a better counter about 50% of the time. Your choice.

    Mini Pekka. The Knight may be a strong troop, taking down Goblins, Barbarians, and even Hog Riders without breaking a sweat. But in single combat, he's just no match for the Mini Pekka. This 4-foot tank slicer has one of the highest DPS for Elixir cost out of any Troop in the game, being able to slice open pancakes and opposing troops in seconds. And Knight is no exception- even his thick armor and manly muscles are no match for the Mini Pekka's spatula of doom.

    Skeleton Army. Although Knights are allowed to go to the Raveya- I mean, Graveyard, they aren't so welcome once the party's over. When the Skeletons are all out of the ground, they put their dancing on hold and form up into a strict, no nonsense Skeleton Army, ready to swarm any single target troop into a puddle. And even though Knight fares well against small swarms, he just can't hit fast enough to stand a chance.

    Bowler. Even though the Knight works out and drinks his protein shakes every day, he still just can't ever seem to get heavy enough. The big blue boulder blaster will knock him back as soon as he gets close enough to strike, before he has a chance to actually do so. Off the battlefield, Bowlers get along well with pretty much everyone- but in the Arena, the Knight stands no chance against big boy.

    Lumberjack. The insane axeman is well known as the Knight's faster, stronger counterpart. He speeds ahead, hits far quicker, and his axe somehow deals more damage than the Knight's blade. Although he doesn't have as much HP- due to the fact that he runs around in a tunic all the time, leaving his toned physique open for the world to stare at and Princesses to fawn over- he can still easily defeat the Knight in a 1v1, going on to slash the tower for some quick damage.

    Ability in Depth

    Here is where I would normally put a detailed explanation of a card's ability, and how to use it in specific situations. But, as we all know, the Knight has no abilities. At all. So we'll leave this section blank this time, but I will use it in further posts on different cards.


    To wrap up, the Knight is a cheap minitank, bridge threat, glass cannon killer, and many other things besides. On the field, he'll hack, slash, and rock a mustache. Off the field, he'll work out, eat steak, and help little old Villagers across the street. He may not have any siblings or special powers, but that he doesn't mean he isn't awesome, He's a solid B+ tier all around. Join us next time as we take a look at… Rascals.

    submitted by /u/MissStealYoTrophies
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    Don't you clashers like how COC and CR trailers only show how insignificant skeletons are? They are the only ones that actually die.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 04:52 AM PDT

    Looking forward to taking a break from ladder...oh nevermind

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 05:51 AM PDT

    Look at the lips, the timing is all wrong

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 07:27 PM PDT

    I Recently Surpassed 200 War Wins Recently. Thought it was a Pretty Cool Accomplishment!

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 06:59 PM PDT

    never say never, my best lightning block ever!

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 09:11 AM PDT

    Showing card stacks on one, and not the other. Why Supercell?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 10:40 AM PDT

    Now I have truly seen everything: Bomb Tower is the card with highest win rate in GC

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 04:47 PM PDT

    Bandit creates a mini-supernova in the 0.13 of a second before the damage registers

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 09:14 AM PDT

    He got baited

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 03:22 PM PDT


    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 06:46 PM PDT

    Two Barrels One Log...That was a first for me!

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 02:00 PM PDT

    *All you hear is the rattling of bones*

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 07:42 PM PDT

    Why is Clash Royale’s letters like this

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 06:44 PM PDT

    Seriously though.. why are deals like this in the game?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 10:33 AM PDT

    A visual bug

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 05:39 AM PDT

    I can still hear the sound

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 04:49 PM PDT

    Leaders should have rewards to give

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 05:31 AM PDT

    As a long-time Leader, I always wished I had SOME form of gifts or rewards to give around.

    Something more personal than simply promoting people. Could be Gold, Gems, Chests and/or some type of Badge.

    "Player of the Month" or "War Hero"...that sort of thing. These could be given to highlight accomplishments, commitment, loyalty, etc.

    submitted by /u/RallyAl85
    [link] [comments]

    sparky action

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 12:57 PM PDT

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