• Breaking News

    Thursday, October 17, 2019

    Clash Royale My English teacher is in our clan and this happens every now and then

    Clash Royale My English teacher is in our clan and this happens every now and then

    My English teacher is in our clan and this happens every now and then

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 09:19 PM PDT

    After a year of using fire spirits, i’ve only just realised they actually have pupils.

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 05:45 PM PDT


    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 02:01 PM PDT

    Rider Rider

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 09:28 AM PDT

    Dear Supercell, Clash Royale is Dying (The Current State of the Game)

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 06:05 PM PDT

    A message to the Supercell Team, r/ClashRoyale and the Clash Royale Community,

    [TO DOWNVOTERS: Before you downvote me on the spot, please take the effort to at least read what I have to say, and then consider if this discussion post is downvote worthy.]

    [TO UPVOTERS: Please read my post and see if what I'm saying is agreeable. If it is, please upvote so the Supercell Team can see this, and so it won't get lost in new!]

    I'm going to talk about the state of the subreddit, and I'll be real honest here. Clash Royale is dying, and it took me such a long time to realize this until now. I've played the since the game's launch in 2016 (over 600 hours playing this game) and the game is apparently getting worse. And yes Supercell team, you don't care... about anything. nothing what the community says, until the damage is done, then you start to care, but the damage has been done, so what's the point?

    I understand that the developer team, you guys are doing all you can to keep the game running, but the way the team is doing it is NOT turning out well, and most of us are getting sick of it. I'm gonna be real honest here about why this game is dying.

    If you don't agree with me or say that I'm complaining too much, downvote me or post whatever hate comments you want to say about me, but I've seen quite enough discussion posts and complaints of new updates that have flooded the subreddit recently (or from before), to the extent that I too must speak up and declare a change, or quit the game as a whole as there is no point if the team doesn't even do anything about it.

    Below this discussion paragraph is a summary of what I'll be talking about. (SCROLL DOWN) For more in-depth information, please take this moment to read my post. Thanks!


    1. Card Reworks

    The state of the card rework system is so terrible right now. It feels like Supercell tries to rework cards (some cards that doesn't even NEED reworks) and makes them overpowered (or trash), without any testing from Community players (pro players). We've complain that it's overpowered (or trash), and they nerf the card into oblivion (which will happen to Witch, mark my words).

    Let's take an example, the Heal Spell - Heal DIDN'T even need a rework (or not even that big of a rework), and there was no discussion about what will happen to the card. If Supercell did a discussion post of a Heal Rework BEFORE it has been reworked, a much better outcome for the card would occur, but no, THAT'S NOT THE CASE. After the rework, the Heal Spell doesn't even belong in any decks or metas and has become a forgotten card (that nobody uses).

    The problem is that there is no discussion of the card rework BEFORE it's put into place, and the card ends up to be either so overpowered or so bad.

    A solution to the rework problem is for the Supercell team to make a discussion post here ON REDDIT, see what people think about the card reworks.


    2. Star Points

    Star points costs a fortune. Once you hit max level, you have access to Star points, but the fact that you need 10000 star points to make your unit toot yellow gas for a second when spawned, PER CARD is just utterly ridiculous. If you removed this star level 1 and replace it with 2, and add even better star levels (probably at 3), I would be actually be looking forward to getting star levels for my cards, but right now, making my units toot yellow gas for 10000 star points (FOR EACH CARD) is just not worth it. Seriously, the cosmetic system in the game is just so horrible right now.

    A solution for Star Level, remove Star Level 1 completely, or reduce the cost for Star level 1 to about 5000 points or less.


    3. New Cards and New Arenas

    These don't even consider as major content for an update. Arenas are kinda like fresh looks and the new card(s) are new ways to play, but after playing them, they just get stale. It would take months to even max out new cards (especially Epic or Legendary cards) for ladder, so what's the point even?

    You act like these new arenas (now Season based) are some type of major part of an update, but it's entirely cosmetic, it doesn't even affect gameplay, and these arenas aren't even that permenant (which will disappear in the next update). Cards aren't supposed to be that big of a change. If you have to wait 25 whole days for the card to be released (The Elixir Golem had a 21 day countdown), or if you unlocked it early, and then you grind for more cards for upgrading, it would be harder once it reaches level 10, so what's the point even if you're not gonna use the card?


    4. Major Updates

    Updates in Clash royale are getting worse and worse. Feels like the updates follow this pattern: New Arena (for Pass Royale), New card, Balance changes (some that we don't even want), New Tower Skin (for Pass Royale players), and new challenges (that will be there for a few days and then they'll vanish for a very very very long time).

    One of the biggest parts of the last update was the "party mode", making this concept look like such a big idea in TV Royale, but in reality, the team just changed where you can access challenges and added a casual mode; I'm not complaining. And collecting 500 gold for each person who bought pass royale? Would it hurt to collect 500 gold to ALL players who bought pass royale? Would that even make a big difference?

    Updates are getting stale, to the extent that when I press that "Update" button, I just don't feel like playing because I know what to expect and the fact that it won't be exciting. Nowadays, these updates hype you for a few days and then after, you realize that nothing has changed (There is another section on updates that I want to go over - See Pass Royale)


    5. Special Events/Challenges

    Remember those special events, like the Mega deck challenge and Dragon Egg Challenge? GONE. Feels like every new game mode that comes with the next update appears for 2 weeks, and then doesn't appear for a VERY LONG TIME, and I guess not anytime soon. And even if they did, the rewards will be a bunch of golden and silver chests, which is NO WHERE NEAR to doing anything significant to my account.

    Before, challenges used to be so fun; only the best of players would reach that 200 000 gold, or something great at the highest tier, but with the help of pass royale (and continuing with gems), anyone can get to the highest tier. Not so special anymore isn't it. Also challenges aren't fun if all your battling for is 5000 gold and a bunch of golden chests, and the fact that everyone has the power to continue for gems, so if you put really good rewards, EVERYONE can obtain it.

    Doesn't work that way anymore because by removing "continuing" for better rewards, everyone will complain. Like what I said, the damage has been done.


    6. Trade Tokens and Emotes

    No matter how high you increase the chance of getting a trade token in war, you only get 1 TRADE TOKEN per war, but that's not the problem. You say that you've doubled the chance to get trade tokens in war and other places, but realistically, we're getting 3 random tokens per week, and no tokens are ever offered at the shop for free. Just that 50 Bomb Towers for 250 gems.

    Trades are invading the chat and the community wants a separate page for Trade Tokens for a LONG LONG TIME. WHY WON'T YOU JUST LISTEN TO THE COMMUNITY FOR ONCE?

    For trade tokens, here is a solution: Merge the 2 token systems (including the old system where only 1 token is required from one player), but when you enter a clan, you have a 2 hour cooldown (or so) before you can trade. Keep the trade cooldown for players who have completed trades.

    For Emotes, 250 for one emote? That's a total ripoff. I need to open about a hundred crown chests and grind so hard JUST FOR ONE EMOTE that I'll stop using after spamming it in battle for 1 week, as a FTP player. So if I want to get 4 emotes that I wanted, that'll be 1000 gems? You gotta be kidding me Supercell.


    7. Trophy Road

    This is a concept that I was really disappointed on. Which reward would you rather get? One draft chest with a ton of cards, or a small segment of cards and a tiny amounts of gold throughout the trophy road? How is the trophy road gonna help me progress my account when I'm only getting rewarded 5000 gold and some random cards?

    Yes I know that I'm getting more gold in the trophy road than the draft chest, but the amount of cards I'm getting is so little, and it's not even the cards I want. To make matters worse, the free 100 gems at 5600 is gone, so now I have to work my ass off for the other half of the gems until I reach 6300, guarded by pro players with max star levels who won't let you pass.

    If I were Supercell, I would at least give one legendary (or several epic cards) of the PLAYERS CHOICE (kinda like in Brawl Stars where you can give powerpoints to any brawler). That would be much better than drafting and picking between one Royal Ghost and one Fisherman. Would that even hurt just a bit?


    8. How Rare to Unlock Legendaries

    You might as well make a new rarity, rarer than legendaries. Getting a legendary in this game doesn't even feel that special anymore, unlike Brawl Stars, and that's thank to the Supercell team. Before, legendaries were the rarest cards in the game. Now, people in Arena 4 can have access to Legendaries.

    The day that I've unlocked the Ice Wizard 3 years ago was one of the most memorable moments of my life. I just got an ice wizard last week and another fisherman. Don't have that legendary vibe no more. Everyone has Legendaries now, not that I'm complaining. Everyone can be super. And when everyone's super... no one will be.

    Again, I'm not complaining, you made the game like this. This is something not even Supercell can fix. You might as well add more legendaries and cards into the game that you'll have to wait 27 days to obtain, and that's pretty sad if you aren't a pass royale player.


    9. Pass Royale and Updates

    I would say that Pass Royale is somewhat worth it if I want that tower skin, some perks and an emote per season, but it now feels like every single update revolves around Pass Royale, you MUST have Pass Royale to even have a glimpse of change in Clash Royale. I understand that you, the Supercell Team need money, but it's utterly disgusting to pay in order to receive an update. Don't believe me?

    This Shocktober update: Pass Royale reworks, gifts from Pass Royale players, new Season Bank for Pass Royale players, crown quests for Pass Royale players.

    It seems that this game is getting more Pay-to-Play as new updates are released, and all this "Pass Royale" nonsense all over the game is begging you to open your wallet and spend real money in order to be "part" of the update, which the update is pretty stale itself. Just a bunch of challenges where random troops spawn in the corner, and the rewards are a bunch of silver/gold chests and an exclusive emote to annoy your opponents.

    In my opinion, the reason for Pass Royale's existence is Supercell's last resort to get their hands on some cash (and/or wallets) before the game sinks into oblivion; and even better: For Clash Royale to REVOLVE around Pass Royale, ALL UPDATE BASED ON PASS ROYALE, so even more players will be desperate enough to break open their wallets and pay a monthly fee. This is not how you treat your players.

    Christmas, the season of presents and emptying wallets, don't even get me started.


    10. The State of this Subreddit (Separate)

    Downvote me or skip this part if you find this section insulting, because I'm not gonna complain. There are some really good people on this subreddit that actually cares about the game, but I'll be very honest here.

    Some people have really good ideas that would perfectly benefit the game (and are worthy for evaluation of the Supercell Team), u/FlyingMachine33 and u/Goblin-Guru are perfect examples - They might as well be official concept creators, not gonna lie. But the fact is that NOBODY listens. Not even the Supercell Team listens.

    All these excellent concepts get lost and shadowed by "Low effort memes" that are currently dominating the toxic subreddit, run by these kids who upvote every single meme they see. This is the reason why all we see in hot/top are low effort memes (Yes, they can share important information about the state of the game, but you see my point.).

    Nothing is progressing, all (or most of) these good ideas are being forgotten because memes are hogging the top (not that I hate memes). I've seen quite a lot of people complain about this, to the extent that I don't have the feeling to post any ideas because of this problem. I have about 50 ideas for Clash Royale, but all of them were scrapped because (1) The state of the game and (2) The State of the Subreddit. Something needs to be done.


    11. The Supercell Team's Communication and their Post (Dear Community, We Care! - Remember this?)

    I'm pretty glad Supercell does this "what we've been up to", but nothing too big. I won't complain about this.

    For the "Dear Community, we Care post, here is a link in case you've missed it: https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/comments/a4y98z/dear_community_we_care/)

    Okay, let's state the most important stuff Supercell said, shall we?

    - "Supercell: First and foremost, we want to make an amazing game that players will love and play for years". \

    Please explain this to me why this isn't the case. People are quitting, players are complaining, I am complaining. Is there something you're not doing right. Think about it and discuss with the team, maybe there is a huge problem in Clash Royale.

    - "Supercell: The Global Tournament we added allows players to get free rewards from it. Simply by playing the Global Tournament you earn free rewards (the catch is, you gotta be good!".

    Alright, so giving me 1000 gold and a few random cards is gonna help me max my account? Not even close! And it only goes up to 12 tiers, with bad rewards (also you need to pay 500 whopping gems for better rewards). And I'm competing to be the top 50 in the world? Yes, I understand that you said Bonus rewards are a great deal, but still not enough to even make a dent on your account. Not even 50000 gold when reaching at least 20-25 wins, now that sucks.

    - "Supercell: We also boosted the rewards you get from Clan Wars by more than doubling the amount of Trade Tokens and adding the ability to get up to 50 Gems, as well as increasing the amount of Bonus Gold you get (as it is now less frequently awarded, due to the inclusion of Gems & Trade Tokens)"

    It may seem frequent, but in reality, you're only getting a CHANCE for 1 trade token PER WAR, and is increasing the bonus gold to about 2500-4000 total gold (assume you win) gonna be significant to my account? I'm not complaining, it's bonus rewards after all.

    - "Supercell: We were all talking about this post this morning… which is a good thing! We are the ones who can make the changes that you want to see. If we aren't making changes for whatever reason, we will let you know why."

    Did we want to see Witch become overpowered? Or see the Executioner rework? Or Clash Royale updates revolving around Pass Royale? We want to see a trade token tab (and it never happened), rework to Clan Wars (I understand you guys are working on this), but you get my point. I didn't want to see the entire update be based on Pass Royale.


    12. Overall Content in Updates

    The quality of content seems to be decreasing as each update passes. Ever since the "Giant Goblin" update, I've been losing that "update" vibe and getting more frustrated because there is nothing really new, unlike Brawl Stars where I'm super excited for 2 permanent new game modes. This game has a lot of potential, and I understand that you guys are running out of ideas; the Community can help give ideas! Just listen, don't procrastinate until it's too late, I beg you!

    A suggestion is to have an update for "ALL PLAYERS", something at least significant (an example is clan wars) that it feels like an update (you know what I mean). 1 new arena, some temporary game modes, and a new card is not significant at all. I understand you guys are working hard for creating content for us, but maybe get some more community ideas into the game!


    13. Final Words - Wish me a Happy Cake Day (or late cake day)

    Well, it's been a wonderful 3 year journey, Supercell. I'm not one of those players who quit right away; I'll be a good player and wait another month or two to see if you change. But if nothing really changes or gets worse, if there are dead cards after reworks and bad metas, and most importantly, if the game revolves FULLY on Pass Royale, then it may be time to hold down the Clash Royale icon and click "uninstall" to release all that grief.

    I've spent quite a bit of money on this game, bought 1 pass royale, got into a Nova Sports team, run a clan that is now in the legends league for 2 years, it was fun.

    If my post is messy, or I've missed information, feel free to correct me in that certain section because I'm too lazy to read it again.


    SHORT SUMMARY of what I've explained about (requested by many):

    1. Card Reworks - Either the card is killed or too overpowered
    2. Star Points - Very ridiculous amount of points to add star levels to your entire deck
    3. New Cards and Arenas - Doesn't even count as major content
    4. Major Updates - Getting stale
    5. Special Events and Challenges - These appear once and then vanishes for a long time
    6. Trade Tokens and Emotes - Please rework this system (and add a Trade token Tab)
    7. Trophy Road - Do you like the trophy road rewards (right now)?
    8. Legendaries - Not so legendary about these cards anymore
    9. Pass Royale - Updates revolve around this Pay-To-Play pass
    10. State of the Subreddit - It's in a very horrible state
    11. Supercell Team and their Communication - Good communication, but not enough
    12. Amount of Content in Updates - This decreases every update, nothing special anymore

    To people who DISAGREE, or say that this is my opinion or that I'm overreacting: I completely understand that Supercell is doing all they can to make the game better, and I know that Clash Royale is a business and the fact that they need money. If a lot of people are complaining about the state of the game, then this is a problem that Supercell must address. This is not my opinion, I'm stating the facts as it is. Please think about the facts on how the game is right now. If not many people are enjoying the game, then there will be less money for Supercell. If you still don't agree about what I'm saying, just have it your way and downvote my post.]

    PS: It's my Reddit Cake Day, so wish me a happy cake day, or late cake day if you are reading this post AFTER the 16th! (Posted October 16th)

    submitted by /u/Chief_Pekka
    [link] [comments]

    Just announced: new Witch Nerf / Rework - no longer so OP

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 02:35 PM PDT

    They said it was not possible..... I begged 'two' differ

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 02:44 PM PDT

    Supercell forget something...

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 11:55 PM PDT

    Organize Emotes Please!

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 08:08 AM PDT

    gotta catch ‘em all

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 03:37 AM PDT


    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 03:08 AM PDT

    Ram rider cosplay?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 10:40 PM PDT

    The Clash Royale Balance Team needs to REWORK their approach to balancing

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 08:45 PM PDT

    This statement is in no way supposed to offend any member of Supercell, as I am not hating on them personally but rather their ideas.

    I think it's safe to say that Supercell heavily misjudged this latest balance update. A lot of the cards were over-buffed which puts the game in an unhealthy state. The sub-redit is on fire, youtubers are outraged, and pros are lining up at the door to quit the game. This should not be happening! And, to add insult to injury, the community is stuck with the meta for another 2 weeks. What is going on is the equivalent of sitting in a diaper full of sh*t.

    How could this happen?

    I know that supercell has a talented group of designers but how could something like this meta slip past the team and think that this is acceptable? The reworks in this latest update showed that the team has lost touch with the players which is honestly quite sad. There has to be a better way to playtest the balance updates because the current system doesn't seem to involve enough different decks and other variables which leads to bad metas like this one. I'm not saying that anyone should be fired, but I'm trying to say that the approach to balance needs to be reworked because the current setup is terrible. No card should ever be that op, and I consider this a failure on the devs for not testing the balance out enough.

    submitted by /u/jakenimbo
    [link] [comments]

    [Discussion] Wall Breakers

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 01:58 AM PDT

    Let's just put it out there. A lot of people don't like the meta. I don't like Witch, and the Elixir Golem as a card concept bugs me (messes with the elixir economy, can be disastrously effective OR ineffective based on timing), but I actually don't really hate Wall Breakers.

    At first.

    I'm an X-Bow player but I really enjoyed playing Wall Breakers on a side deck. They were a dumb card that was fairly easy to counter, but if you managed to trick your opponent you could do 800+ damage and destroy whatever they placed to defend. Of course, for every time they got a major win they would lose 3 other times, but at 3 elixir cost it wasn't too bad. A cheaper deck and good tactics meant that I could succeed and not be undefeatable, playing with a card that had the major strength of "no one uses/expects it". A bit of a meme, but that's just my opinion.

    Now we have the elixir and health reduction. Jesus. I mean I was super happy when they got buffed (I mean, any buffed-card-user would be) but this is way, WAY too much. Sure, if they had Log/Zap/Ice Spirit/Barb-Barrel/etc they could get a 1+ positive elixir trade before the buff, but the skill came in catching them off-guard (sometimes even without elixir). Now almost NOTHING can gain even a neutral elixir trade if they're sent in with another unit. I've been forced (as an X-Bow user) to just straight up prediction-Fireball whenever I sense them coming (50% success rate on that).

    Like, sure, my deck isn't built to be effective against Wall Breakers. In fact they're actually really effective against X-Bow. But when you slap Miner, Lumberjack, Ice Golem or any other whacky tanking unit in front of these little monsters it becomes a near impossibility to stop without exactly the right card or a negative elixir trade for ANY deck. They're too cheap for the damage they deal, and their counters are negligable with "Miner" (gettit? Minor?) support/tanking troops. Heck, I don't think a damage reduction is what they needed. I was amazed that such a "slap on the wrist" nerf is what they went for.

    If I were to change it, it would be simple. For a two-elixir card, they should be more easily countered. Even if we had to reduce their health enough to be Loggable (but NOT zappable) I think it would be a fair trade. It would just join the ranks of Log/Zap Bait and be an interesting alternative to the other high-damage but easily-counterable cards (like Goblin Barrel). Heck, even in decks outside of that to force someone to waste a Log or other counter isn't unheard of, so I don't see why they can't fit into other decks.

    On the side topic of "don't mess with the meta until the professional stuff is over", that's just dumb. Look, we all can admit you shouldn't just shove in changes a few days before high level play, but by this point the Witch/Elixir Golem/Wall Breaker meta must have crossed the line. There is a point where even the high level stuff needs a rework. We have crossed that point. Stop sticking your head in the sand and ignoring it, because all it's gonna do is ruin the high level play. It's essentially going to be the GOATS meta from OW all over again.

    submitted by /u/Berdyie
    [link] [comments]

    Basically a win

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 01:14 AM PDT

    Current State Of The Game v2.0

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 12:44 PM PDT

    Heyo /r/ClashRoyale,

    a couple of months have passed since my last State of the Game post, and since we've gotten another Big Update, multiple Balance Changes, a new card as well as some changes to the Battle Pass and Trophy Road ever since, I've decided to write another one.

    Also for the people who are interested in these kind of topics, CWA discussed my last post in one of his videos and spoke about a couple of additional things, so feel free to check this out as well.

    Now let's get to this one. I'm gonna start the same way like I've started with my last one and will continue with comparing the points with each other as well as add a couple of additional topics, hope you don't mind that some things might overlap with my previous post.

    1. Update Content:

    The "Party-Button" Update / September Update has been the most recent Big Update of Clash Royale, so let's beginn with talking about its content.

    • Party-Button

    Personally I think that's one of the best features they've ever introduced. I guess everybody has those days in which he does not feel like playing Ladder but still wants to fill his chest slots, and the only way to do so until this Update has been 2vs2. But not only can 2vs2 be extremely frustrating to play due to trolling & leaving team mates, but you've often have to play for ages just to fill all of your chest slots since matchmaking seems to be heavily against you.

    With the introduction of the Party-Button you can not only fill your chest slots, but can also claim your victory gold, casually test out new game modes as well as participate in the season end Crown / Gold Rush Event without tilting 500 trophies 3 days before the end of the season.

    However, it currently works in a way in which the normal 2vs2 Mode is always active, while at the same time 1 additional Game Mode like "1vs1 Draft - 2vs2 Double Elixir - etc." rotates in.

    So my suggestion would be to always have 3 Game Modes active, the first being the standard 2vs2 Mode, second being any additional Game Mode, and the third being a 1vs1 Tournament Level capped Game Mode. Personally I've played the hell out of 1vs1 Draft Battles while it was in rotation, I could always fill my chest slots quite quick and never had to worry about teammates ragequitting all the time. I guess everybody has a different preference, but this way it would be secured that there would always be a Game Mode in rotation any player feels comfortable with.

    That's pretty much the only thing I would change on the Party-Button currently, as said above it's a great new feature, especially to secure your Season Record while still being able to play casual 1vs1 battles and claiming all of the rewards.

    • 2vs2 Matchmaking Changes

    I honestly didn't play that much 2vs2 ever since the Party-Button has been introduced so I can't speak from personal experience, but here is what I think / heared of it.

    The idea that you get matched against opponents around the same King Tower and Card levels seems really great, and judging by the couple of games I've played so far it seems like it's working. When playing 2vs2 with my new Account (Level 11 KT) I didn't play against any opponents with a level 13 KT so far, and most of the time their card levels are also the same as ours.

    However, I've seen a couple of posts here in this Sub in which people claim that if you fuck around with the system (e.G. including 1-2 low leveled cards in your deck while all others being maxed) you have chances of getting matched against way lower opponents. I'm not sure whether this is true or not, or whether this has already been fixed or not, so take this with a grain of salt.

    Otherwise this change is awesome for all the people who are sitting at the higher trophy range while being underleveled themselves.

    • New Game Mode: Tripple Draft

    Due to the Game Mode currently only being active in Friendly Battles I haven't tried it yet myself, but judging from how it works I'd say it simply fixed some issues of the old system while bringing up new ones on its own.

    Please check out the New Draft Mode Analysis Post made by /u/edihau who mentions the new systems flaws for more details and insight

    • Tiebreakers

    Tiebreaker is one of the bigger features which have been introduced in the last Update, and while I first was pretty sure it is definitely going to shift the Grand Challenge meta to the worse (pure defensive decks) it really didn't turn out that bad after all.

    While it's quite annoying not being capable of drawing out matches against counters anymore, it's also cool to win the matches you would have drawn otherwise. And to be honest, unless you're playing X-Bow Tiebreakers will most likely barely effect you anyway.

    That being said, I've been playing Grand Challenges very frequently until this terrible Meta, and I've noticed that X-Bow players heavily try to abuse this new System once they realize you can't break through their defense, and simply start spell cycling.

    But since Seth is definitely aware of this issue and made this Tweet, I'm not really worried about X-Bow becoming too much of an issue.

    • Conclusion September Update

    While I have to admit that the Update was not as Big as I've expected it was still a very decent QoL Update, and I can understand that they can't come up with new features every 3 months. They've fixed many of the issues people have been complaining for ages now, and with many of the often requested QoL improvements being done now, I hope we can expect something new in the December / January Update ( ͡° ͜Ê– ͡°)

    2. Season Four: Shocktober

    For me Season 4 is definitely the best we've had so far in terms of "Seasonal Themes". The Tower skin looks absolutely amazing, the Map looks cool and also the new Loading Wallpaper as well as the new color on the Battle Page fits perfectly. Also once again huge shout out to Supercells Artwork / Designer team for the great Season 4 Animation Reveal. Definitely would love to see more of those, but I guess it takes way too much time to come up with a new one for every season, but I fully expect another one this Christmas \o/.

    • Bonus Bank & Clan Gifts

    I really like the addition of both of those features, even though it's not that much additional gold it's still better than nothing. However, I wished that the Bonus Bank would also be available for Free 2 Play players, 10.000 Gold per Season for 400 Crowns is really not that easy to achieve, especially considering you'd need to fill almost 1 year worth of Bonus Banks to level up 1 of your cards from 12 to 13. F2Ps already have a hard enough time maxing out their decks, so I highly doubt that giving them an additional small Gold Boost per Season is gonna destroy the games economy.

    In general I feel like there is room for more and better rewards for everybody who completes the Battle Pass early every Season, but since Bonus Bank only has been added recently I'm pretty sure it will be improved in the future.

    3. Weekly Communication Topics

    In my last post I've complained about the sudden lack of Weekly Communication Topics, to which /u/Supercell_Drew replied:

    I disagree that making a post for the sake of making a post is really adding anything to discussion, and when we used to make 'small' weekly updates, we received negative feedback due to not giving too much info. I would much rather make more informative, meaningful posts than be stuck into a mandatory weekly thread that potentially didn't really give anything to players (which is why we stopped making them weekly).

    Since he's been downvoted for this comment I assume that most people have the same opinion as me, which is that creating these Weekly Topics at least shows that Supercell is trying to step up their Communication Game, and even if there's not much to talk about they could still use it as a Weekly Place to gather questions and reply to the 5 most upvoted ones.

    And to be fair, with Balance Changes being done on a monthly Basis, a new Seasonal Theme every month, a big content Update every 3 months, new cards every few months and tons of more stuff they have to think about I am pretty sure that they always have something to talk about at least on a bi-weekly basis.

    Here is an almost 1 year old post of me wondering why there's not much communication from Supercells side, to which Drew replied:

    one of our goals in 2019 will be to up our reddit game.

    Please everybody feel free to correct me if I should be wrong with this one, but 2019 is almost over and I can't really spot big differences in their communication between last year and this year. The only huge improvement has been their weekly communication posts, which only have been a thing for a pretty short period before being abandoned. Otherwise things are pretty much the same. They will make a Patch-Note post after every Update / Balance Change, Drew and Seth will occasionally reply to some posts and comments, and if I recall correctly we only had 1 AMA this year which was done quite spontaneous rather than have the /r/ClashRoyale Moderators create a post and gather questions for about a week and preparing long & more detailed answers.

    I hope I'm not sounding too negative, of course there is always a room for improvement in terms of active community communcation, but it definitely could be worse and I'm thankful for every reply we get.

    Speaking of active community communication, what happened to your Weekly Streams /w devs you've been posting on Twitter around 2 months ago? This definitely seems very interesting and I'd really like to know whether this is still being planed and just takes some time, or if this idea has been thrown away.

    Also it would be cool to have Seth do more of his Design Blogs. With the exception of the Executioner Rework 1 month ago his last Blog has been Earthquake over half a year ago.

    Another thing Seth could do would be to create posts about cards which are currently being reworked, give small hints on what their currently planed Rework is, how the players would rework the card and in general which cards are in need of a Rework.

    As you can see there are tons of possibilities for Supercell to create interesting topics to talk about, and I really hope we will see at least 1 of these in the near future.

    4. Current Meta & Play Testing Philosophy

    Uff, I don't even know where I should start with this whole mess of a "Meta".

    But lets beginn with the October Balance Changes which kinda started this extremely 1 sided Meta. Since I'm not a Balancing Expert nor Card Analyst I'm gonna try to give some insight on what makes these cards so strong while staying pretty casual at the same time. (All Win & Usage percentages taken from RoyalAPI.com)

    • Witch Rework

    Witch being extremely annoying in the lower ladder section (often overleveled and hard to stop even with Poison if not equally leveled), but barely being used high ladder is one of the cards which really deserved her Rework. Her rework kinda resulted in a Musketeer like card with high DPS with an additonal spawning mechanic, making her currently one of the most used cards in Grand Challenges with an Usage Rate of 41% the past 7 days. Often being paired with Night Witch currently she found her place as a strong Poison bait support card this season.

    • Wall Breaker Buff

    One of the cards which barely got played at any Trophy Section also in heavy need of a Buff. As most of you should know one of the biggest buffs a card can get is reducing its Elixir costs, which has been the case for Wall Breakers bringing them down to only 2 Elixir, boosting up their Win & Usage Rate by a high amount (usage rate past 7 days in GCs currently at around 30% - before Elixir Golem got released it's even been more than 10% higher). For only 2 Elixir you can freely spam them at the bridge without even having to worry about a negative Elixir trade. Usually in the worst case scenario you make a neutral Elixir trade, in the best case both of them connect and you bring down your opponents tower by almost 30% for only 2 Elixir.

    • Fisherman nerf

    One of the reason for the 1 sided Meta has been Fisherman, and despite the card receiving an Emergency Nerf as well as an additional nerf in the October Balance Changes, it is still sitting at an usage rate above 30% and win rate around 55% within the last 7 Days in Grand Challenges. To be honest, I don't really know what Supercell expected with nerfing the cards DPS & HP. The card is not strong because it has insanely OP stats, but because it provides an absolutely broken mechanic for only 3 Elixir, and unless the cards costs gets increased back to 4 Elixir or its hook range gets a nerf, it will keep dominating the Meta and being used in every single Archetype.

    Conclusion Meta pre Elixir Golem

    Already before the Elixir Golem got released the Meta heavily shifted towards either use one of the few Meta decks including at least 2 of the 3 above mentioned cards or get rekt / at least be at a disadvantage. Witch & Wall Breakers both have been sitting at a nearly 60% win rate the first couple of days post Balance Changes, and one of the reason why it's going down is the high usage rate of these cards. Of course if a card keeps getting Mirror Match Ups the Win Rate is eventually going to settle at 50%.

    Release of Elixir Golem

    While many of the pro players already complained about the card being too strong before it even got released, many people in this Subreddit created posts about how this card is extremely bad and why they should give their opponent 4 free Elixir. But by now I suppose even the last guy who underestimated the card realized it's potential if played in the correct decks. Right now the card is sitting at a 25% usage rate and 57% win rate in Grand Challenges the past 7 days, almost always being paired with either the Double Witch combination or Sparky version. People literally place the card at the bridge, put a Night Witch and Mega Minion behind and often destroy a tower within the first 30 seconds. It doesn't really matter if you give your opponent 4 free Elixir if you are at a Tower advantage that early into a game, have tons of time to regenerate Elixir for his Counter Push, and most likely already killed some of your opponents unit with your own push already, giving him even less counter push potential.

    Here are some expressions on the current Meta from Pro / High Ladder Players on Twitter:

    I could continue with this for ages, but I think my point is clear. And the fact that despite literally any person above 5k trophies being aware of the Meta being in the worst state it probably has ever been, Seth still insisting on not doing Mid-Season Balance Changes just makes me speechless. Here is his Tweet regarding this issue.

    Also when being asked whether there will be an emergency nerf this season or not, drew replied with "nope" yesterday on the Clash Royales Discord Server, see here.

    I don't blame Supercell for creating broken Metas, since obviously its very hard to rework / come up with new cards and know the full effect of them on the Meta, but I totally blame them for not taking responsibilities and react accordingly if it's extremely clear that this Meta is not going to settle itself. Now we have to wait a whole month before the cards get nerfed, only to probably have them get nerfed not enough so the Meta is still getting dominated by the same cards, and we will have to wait a second month.

    In one of CWAs most recent released videos he had an Interview with Seth, in which Seth explained how Card play testing works, and he stated that basically they hire a company which is specialized in this field, and the company continues with providing players who do the testing. You can re-watch this yourself here.

    What I'd really like to know is how exactly this system works. Like, is this company actually hiring Clash Royale players at a decent level to make sure they have the necessary game knowledge to know whether a card is weak / strong / broken or balanced, or if they simply hire a bunch of gamers they assume will have enough knowledge to know the difference.

    Like many other People, SirTag suggested a Public Beta Testing Environment, in which all players can test a new card / card rework and provide enough data & feedback to most likely balance the card accordingly before making it to the actual game. If I recall correctly it was also stated by Seth in CWAs video that he does not want something like this because he wants new cards to be a surprise and have a "wow effect" on the players, which I really don't understand since everybody who wants to be surprised simply can not volunteer to play test. And personally for me it wouldn't really make a difference whether I'd be surprised with a new card in the actual game, or be surprised with a new card on a testing version of the game.

    Judging by how strong Wall Breakers, Fisherman, Witch and Elixir Golem currently are, it should be clear that the current way of their play testing is definitely not optimal and can be improved.

    5. Trophy Road & Global Tournaments

    • Trophy Road

    That's just a small thing to adress, but since Seths comment received over 100 Downvotes I'd still like to mention it. As most of you are probably aware, Supercell split the 100 Gems at 5.450 Trophies between 40 Gems at 5.225 Trophies and another 60 Gems at 6.150 trophies. This is a huge change for many F2Ps who heavily rely on those Gems for their Emotes / Global Tournaments / Challenge entries etc., and since the smaller amount only got moved down 200 trophies, while the bigger part got moved up by 700 trophies I am pretty sure the amount of players getting that additional 40 Gems per season is not compensating for the amount of players missing out on those 60 Gems. Players who are capable of achieving 5.225 Trophies and really, really want those Gems can probably almost always push up that additional 225 Trophies to claim their Gems, but nobody who usually reached ~5.450 trophies at the end of a season is going to achieve 6.150. Therefore I really hope that this will get changed again in the next season, Gems are way more valuable to F2Ps than those additional few thousand gold which got shifted downwards.

    • Global Tournaments

    As mentioned in my last post already I'm still the opinion that Global Tournaments could be done more frequently and that the rewards could be slightly improved again. F2Ps used to receive a Legendary Token at 12 Wins in previous Global Tournaments, but in the most recent ones this Token has been replaced with Lightning Chests. I can understand that some people have difference reward priorities, but I don't think that a Lightning Chest can be compared to the same value a Legendary Token can provide.

    Also it would be cool to have a 250 Gem Reward Global Tournaments again every now and then, would definitely be way easier to afford for most F2Ps who want to get the highest amount of value for their Gems.

    Another thing would could be improved is the Matchmaking, in my last Global Tournament I've got matched against the same opponent 3 times in a row, despite still being a couple of wins away from Top 50, so there definitely should have been enough other players around to match me with. I don't mind waiting a few additional seconds, or playing against somebody twice if there really shouldn't be anybody else around, but 3 times should not happen at this point.

    6. Grand Challenges

    I'm not sure if this is just my personal impression, but within the last couple of months it definitly got way harder to find an opponent when playing Grand Challenges, especially 6 wins+ it sometimes takes ages to find a match. It has been suggested around thousand times before, but it would be great if we could somehow introduce and integrate Challenge Tickets in the Trophy Road, Battlepass and / or Global Tournament Rewards. This way not only the search time would decrease, but it would also be worth participating in for an average player, since right now you almost always play against Top Tier players past 6 wins.

    7. Shop

    Ever since the Shop exists people have been complaining about this ridiculous Gem Offers (e.G. 5 Epics for 250 Gems - 40 Rares for 200 Gems - 60 Commons for 30 Gems). How many players actually buy those deals? All of these bad offers simply take 1 spot away each time they appear, and I really think that should be one of the QoL priorities to get rid of these.

    I'd also complain about the very, very overpriced Gold for Gems in the Shop, or the lack of good Special / Holiday Offers including Gems, but I've pretty much given up at that point and don't really expect to ever see those things improved.

    8. TV Royale

    Another feature which has been suggested for ages now is to include 12-win Grand Challenge wins and maybe even Top 50 Global Tournament Replays in TV Royale, as well as seperate Arena 13 between its single divisions. It's quite obvious by the replay views that nobody really cares about anything else than Top-Tier Gameplay, so most of the lower Arenas could be removed anyway to make some space for others.

    9. Star Level Skins

    Last thing I'd like to talk about are Star Levels.

    It's been nearly a year since Star Levels have been introduced, and we only got a bunch of new Skins ever since. Around 3 months have passed between the last Big July and September Update, and only 3 new Star Skins have made their way into the game. I mean, Miner literally only got his helmet colour changed to Gold and that's it. It can't really take that much time to change the color of an already existing character model. I can understand that Skins like that Goblin riding the Rocket take longer, but Star Level 2 Skins should really be a thing for every card right now.

    Of course that's crying on a high level, but for all the maxed players out there Star Levels are really the only thing they can look forward to grind.


    There are so much more things I could write and want to discuss about, but I guess if I would include every thought I have in this post, I'd still be typing in a month.

    Thanks to everybody who took his time to read through all of this, and feel free to let me know if I've messed up with something / got something wrong!

    submitted by /u/iDetroy
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    So...does this mean that golems are... aliens?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 04:18 AM PDT

    I think you can relate to this as well

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 04:45 AM PDT

    Petition to have a statistic on war days missed in player's profile

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 03:29 AM PDT

    In our clan we are constantly suffering from new players that join, participate to wars and then fail to play war day... we usually have between 1 and 5 misses every war on an average participation of 25 on avg. We have a kick policy if you miss several wars, but this is reactive after dmg is done.

    It would really be good to have a statistic in a players profile telling how many wars he participated to in last 6 months and how many collection day and war days he missed.

    This should hopefully have players pay more attention to their war participation.

    Comments and feedback welcome !!

    submitted by /u/Milamber-Puc
    [link] [comments]

    Good thing I play valk

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 04:44 AM PDT

    Was watching bufarates old videos and came across this deck. Have any of you guys used it and was it good? It looks like it counters the current meta pretty hard. Is it worth leveling up?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 02:09 AM PDT

    Can’t play after the update

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 03:37 AM PDT

    I just updated the game yet when I launch it asks me to update and I can't get into the game. I'm on iPhone X.

    Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/LordGreenburger
    [link] [comments]

    Witch, Elixir Golem and Wall Breakers are creating the worst meta ever and it's not even fun to play

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 10:32 AM PDT

    I really hope SC will release a mid season nerf for those cards that are creating probably the most rock paper scissors meta I've ever seen. Even CRL pros are saying that they don't want to play the playoffs in this meta. I believe that when 3 cards absolutely dominate the game, there are some pretty major issues that have to be solved. Challenges are close to unplayable if you don't rock a elixir golem, witch or wall breakers deck. It's sad

    submitted by /u/FabulousStomach
    [link] [comments]

    [Idea] Clan wars rework from a 2 stage war to 3 stages.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 04:14 AM PDT

    3 stages instead of 2!

    First stage keeps the collection day concept basically the same, but it will show the 40 card pool from the beginning letting you know what cards you can get and give people a chance to draft cards from chests so a clan can coordinate and level up cards more. Then once collection days are complete (after your third battle) you will be given the chance to vote to ban a card. (This can be any card in the game) Your clan will be able to ban 3 cards for that war, so communicate and align your votes that counter your best win conditions. A tie in votes for a card will be broken by the amount of cards collected by the voters. (If pekka and golem each have 5 votes then if the 5 voters for pekka collected 5000 cards and the golem voters collected 4600 then pekka would get the ban)

    War day would get tweaked to being 2 days. The first day you collect points by winning, but if you win you get another battle up to 3. So each participant can earn up to 3 wins on day one.

    Then after 24 hours the 3 losing clans can start a new war, and the top 2 clans move on to the final battle day, where each person gets 1 battle like now, but only against other players also in the final battle day. Then clan with most wins between the 2 top clans wins the war.

    The winning clan then would then get a win counter added to their clan page, and wins from then on would unlock new clan badges, clan outlines, etc.

    Let me know what you guys think. I just want clan wars to feel more epic and strategic. Like a real war would.

    submitted by /u/DJ-Fein
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