• Breaking News

    Sunday, October 27, 2019

    Clash Royale Max star levels you may missed.

    Clash Royale Max star levels you may missed.

    Max star levels you may missed.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 08:32 AM PDT

    [Suggestion] Let's join this movement and make that a percentage of the next purchase of Pass Royale would be donated to #TeamTrees

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 02:19 AM PDT

    [CONCEPT] Wind Spirit, 1-elixir kamikaze unit with growing effects

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 08:53 PM PDT

    I love the ram rider, and I’m wondering when this emote will be in my shop. It’s been almost a year and it’s not exclusive.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 05:52 PM PDT

    [First post] My first Clash Royale sketch. Hope you will enjoy it, i spent a lot of time on this ;)

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 06:44 AM PDT

    The amount of "NeRf MeGa KnIgHt" posts on New is astonishing

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 03:08 PM PDT

    Never seen this way of getting Co Leader. Clans description

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 04:00 PM PDT

    Anything I could change to hit 6k? Stuck at 5,800. Been using this deck for 3 years now so it’s hard to switch

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 07:33 PM PDT

    "Sandbox" gamemode

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 02:01 PM PDT

    In this gamemode you can test everything or just see what would happen if something happened... I mean, you put cards and choose blue/red and than press play, now you can see the fight after you changed sparky to attack air&ground or skeleton army from 16 to 30, this gamemode will just allow you to test scenerios and you can also invite for a friendly battle/ make a tourment based on the changes you did... To reset just press the reset button which will make everything back to normal

    submitted by /u/omer_g
    [link] [comments]

    Why supercell

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 09:44 PM PDT

    You know, Clash Royale should really add the Crusher to the game to balance out the Witch/Elixir Golem meta

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 10:52 AM PDT

    Pretty unlucky... maybe next time :)

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 07:18 AM PDT

    Yeeted them so hard thanks 2 broken cards

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 09:06 AM PDT

    Let's make Witch OP and get some cash. Then let's nerf it. Disgusting.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 02:05 AM PDT

    Thank you Supercell, very cool!

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 02:47 PM PDT

    Finally, I’ve been waiting for this my whole life

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 04:17 PM PDT

    He deserved that prediction Rocket

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 08:55 PM PDT

    When you think you won, but then zap isn’t enough

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 06:20 PM PDT

    Accurate representation of my life

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 09:06 PM PDT

    What do you think about this "Unlimited Bomb Works" deck i have been using for a long time with good results?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 07:25 PM PDT

    How do I get clan members?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 09:55 PM PDT

    I've been playing clash royal for a while and recently wondered how to get clan members.

    I've always just joined clans the game has recommended me but recently I set up a new clan and cannot seem to get any members.

    Would appreciate tips & tricks/feedback.

    submitted by /u/Lorxis
    [link] [comments]

    New miner star level II.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 02:05 AM PDT

    The skeleton king has 2 X's on his sword, as the graveyard spell has on the tombstone. Those 2X's identify the skeletons. Let me know what tou think! :)

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 04:48 PM PDT

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