• Breaking News

    Monday, September 23, 2019

    Clash Royale Nadoskill

    Clash Royale Nadoskill


    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 02:48 PM PDT

    Best predict I've ever done!

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 05:57 PM PDT

    My first digital drawing, hope you guys like it! PANCAKES

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 08:34 AM PDT

    I am finally able to make a Legendary emote deck!

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 02:37 PM PDT

    (Idea) Change Deck Fast while playing 2v2

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 05:58 AM PDT

    Skelly barrel blocks out balloon from getting to cannon

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 05:47 PM PDT

    [Subreddit] Can we got more moderators for this subreddit

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 10:40 AM PDT

    Out of 21 moderators, 17 have permision to remove posts(16 when you exclude scresponsebot). Over the last year 10712 posts have been removed(there might be more removed posts if some mods removed them without leaving a comment), but one mod did majority of the work. Here is the breakdown of posts removed by a moderator during the last 365 days:

    Prangarang - 0

    Harmiox - 4

    Edihau - 0 NP

    1998CR - 8

    Deep_cr - 668

    Trikshot360 - 469

    Supyonamesjosh - 43

    Balancegenerally - 190

    Killerkrew - 241

    _7R33 - 0

    Shreddercr - 1488

    Millhouse2880 - 0 NP

    BarbarianBot - 0

    Jmanguy - 7593

    Halmont - 0

    Bovvy - 0

    Jarret_cr - 0 NP

    Mungoflago - 8

    Wwoody123 - 0 NP

    Darkstar123 - 0

    NP means no permission to remove posts. Millhouse2880 has no permissions at all, i dont know what that means

    As we can see jmanguy does almost all the work(he removed 70.88% of posts), so props to him for doing so much.

    Getting more mods would help both moderators(mainly jmanguy) and us as they could remove posts more swiftly. It would be helpful if people intrested in moderating would reply and if mods could reply if they are intrested in recruting more mods in the first place.

    Slightly off topic, but i have noticed that deck tips/advice get downvoted quickly, which is sadly the closest thing to discussion we have on this sub om regular basis. I suggest that those types of posts require a write up of what they struggle with, their general game plan and alternatives that they have tried(if any). This way those posts wouldnt be a low effort post with just a picture and would hopefully incite a good discussion.

    Other ideas, input and criticism are welcome. Hopefully we can change this sub for the better

    submitted by /u/Sale07
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    If SuperCell really wants people to watch CRL maybe they should give out rewards to more than just the top 3 fantasy scores

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 06:51 PM PDT

    So I've been watching CRL for the past couple of seasons and I've actually really enjoyed it. Rich and Andrew are great casters and being able to watch the highest level of play is fun and informative. Also, the overall producution value is top notch.

    It occurred to me, though, that a lot more people would probably give it a shot if SuperCell gave them some reason to try it out. I figured there should be some sort of reward potential. I watched CS:GO for a long time, for example, and for official tournaments they give out thousands of chests per match to viewers that contain random gun skins. It gives people a reason to tune in and hopefully they'll like what they see and keep watching.

    Which brings me to the Fantasy league for CRL. In case you're unfamiliar with it, SC will reward the top 3 scores of participants who correctly pick which players will collect the most crowns. There are a few problems with guessing crowns, starting with the fact that you don't even know which players will be played and which will be benched, but I figured I'd give it a shot.

    As it turned out, I did surprisingly well. After the first week, my players scored 29 crowns: https://imgur.com/G0tZVBe I did so well I was honestly kind of shocked when I found out this was only good enough for 5th place. That puts me in the top 2000 out of however many hundreds of thousands participated, but it isn't enough to win me anything at all. Only the top 3 win a few measly gems, and there are only 96 people in that group after week one, a number that will shrink further and further as time goes on.

    I'm the first to admit it: I'm a sore loser. I wish I was in the top spot. But the fact that I did so well but I'll still be rewarded with nothing if I continue as well as I did in week one is really disheartening. It kills any motivation I had to continue trying, and even makes me enjoy watching a little less than before the stupid fantasy league even existed.

    Why not give out rewards to everyone that participates, on a sliding scale based on how well you do, with actual good prizes for the top 3? Why is it just a handful of gems for a handful of people? It's almost insulting how cheap SC is being here. Or maybe I'm way off base and just being salty.

    submitted by /u/-abM-p0sTpWnEd
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    Here's what I suggest to fix the oversaturation of Legendaries

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 10:00 AM PDT

    Mobile formatting. Clash Royale has gotten to the point that we are oversaturated with "legendary" cards, and we've gotten to the point that decks have multiple legendaries a lot of times. Legendary cards have lost the appeal that they used to have when there were only a few of them, and if you're like me (high lvl 12 nearing 13) anytime you get a legendary, you don't feel anything anymore. They're just another card at this point. Here is what I propose: add a new tier of card (we'll call it Mythic in this scenario) and have it have the following effects: Mythic cards only have 1 level, when you find one, it scales to your tower level. This will have a number of benefits to both players and Supercell. 1. This encourages players to level up more quickly so that the new tier of cards is more powerful in the ladder (encourages spending money = great for Supercell). 2. Makes players excited to get one of these cards, as they don't have to level it per se, once you get it, it's immediately useful in all activities. 3. Since they level to your tower level, they will scale perfectly with challenges, and clan wars. These cards will be more difficult to find than legendaries, and if something like this were to be implemented, legendaries can have their drop rate slightly boosted. What are your thoughts? I feel like legendaries are just glorified epics at this point, and have lost their luster.

    Tldr: we need a new tier of card (Mythic for example) that scales with your tower level.

    submitted by /u/slayersabre5
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    Ice Spirit leaps almost off the screen in pursuit of a hooked miner

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 09:34 PM PDT

    Honestly feel bad for this guy (need quick maths)

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 06:01 PM PDT

    How should i improve my deck? (Arena 4, started playing a few days ago :P)

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 06:15 PM PDT

    Alignment Chart Based on the Emotes I've Seen Most Used

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 07:22 PM PDT

    (Idea) Profile Update for everyone

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 06:43 AM PDT

    Thanks everyone for the criticism on my Eagle Artillery post yesterday. I changed it’s stats quite a bit. Are these new stats good?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 06:40 PM PDT

    Suggestion - Allow player to rearrange emotes

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 03:34 PM PDT


    My suggestion is that since pass royale and new trophy road players gather much more gems and money than before so they buy a lot of emotes etc. My proposal is allow player to rearrange which emotes are avaliable at first screen ( despite of course "default" 8 slots ) so you don't have to scroll all pages just to find it. What would you say about that?

    submitted by /u/Banialczele
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    2v2 Matchmaking is garbage (but here is how to fix it)

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 07:18 PM PDT

    I have been playing this game for years and it's been a lot of fun. Back in the day me and my friends would play against each other because the 2v2 battles hadn't been added yet. Eventually we got the ability to battle together in the 2v2 mode and things looked promising. But for a casual player like me, it quickly became apparent this new mode had a lot of issues. The most obvious is that it can match players with a considerable level gap with lower level players. I'm talking level 13 vs level 8 sometimes. It is more frustrating than can be put into words to lose 40 matches in a row for no other reason than the opponents have higher level cards. Like I said, I'm a casual player who doesn't care very much for things like tournaments. I mostly play with my clan mates and in single battles. But for a long time the landscape of the 2v2 matchmaking disparity has only gotten worse because more players are reaching level 13 and having level 13 cards(or significant advantages at the least). As a king level 10 I regularly get matched with a level 9 against a level 10 &13. There is basically no way to win a match like that because the gap in level is just too great. No matter your skill, if you get a match like that, I'd say the win rate is next to zero.

    Now for the solution it is surprisingly simple. Stop matching players with such a massive level disparity. It would not bother me a bit if I had to wait 2-3 minutes for a better match than to get a bad match instantly. I would also strongly recommend adding a feature to allow feedback on disruptive players. These simple fixes would make playing 2v2 matches much more enjoyable.

    submitted by /u/bdfunk88
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    The issue with 2 people needing tokens for trades

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 05:46 PM PDT

    Half hp spear goblin doing over 400 damage

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 06:53 PM PDT

    Trade token rework! Just one token for all!!!

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 08:08 AM PDT

    How about doing away with C/R/E/L tokens and just make it one trade token. Give each rarity a trade value. C=3 R=5 E=7 L=10 trade tokens. So you'd collect trade tokens through challenges or war bounty's and you could use them for whichever rarity you wanted. For instance instead of giving 1C, 1R, 1E, and 1L token in a challenge you'd give a total of 25 trade tokens and let the player decide how to spend them. Just a thought. Let me know what y'all think?

    submitted by /u/theplaneboss
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