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    Sunday, August 8, 2021

    Clash Royale GolemPlayer.exe has stopped working

    Clash Royale GolemPlayer.exe has stopped working

    GolemPlayer.exe has stopped working

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 11:50 AM PDT

    They thought

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 08:07 AM PDT

    ClashRoyale's reporting feature is so hidden that i figure its easier just to post here and im sure someone will know how to, the reason is pretty obvious (the name), im pretty "new" to ClashRoyale, but reporting in all games should alway be easily accesible and understandable unlike this

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 08:49 AM PDT

    Lost Wall Breaker: GPS Rerouting

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 02:59 PM PDT

    Don’t know why people are complaining about practice 1v1 being unavailable their is a thing called’ private tournaments’

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 10:19 AM PDT

    Troll status: On

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 02:08 PM PDT

    What Do You Guys Think of my Battle Deck?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 04:56 PM PDT

    Clash Royale in landscape on an iPad

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 01:47 PM PDT

    Fireball on the Knight wins us the match.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 11:15 AM PDT

    For any of you mortar players I found this seasons sauce. Climbed 300 trophies since last night. Almost at 6000 trophies now.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 01:46 PM PDT

    What do you guys think about this deck? (I'm in arena 5)

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 06:02 AM PDT

    “Why do you lose 2v2 matches?”

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 07:02 PM PDT

    What do you guys think of my deck? Currently around 5200 trophies

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 07:17 PM PDT

    Is Supercell trying to push us away?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 11:16 AM PDT

    I've recently been wondering a lot about whether Supercell actually wants this game to succeed anymore. Lately it seems like they put no effort into it and are constantly changing the meta in ways that make more and more annoying cards strong. They never update the game and when they do they barely change anything, barely fix glitches, and don't nerf strong cards. It genuinely feels like they're going for a slow death.

    I've been playing this game for years and it has never gotten me as frustrated as it has right now. Every single game just feels cheap and unwarranted whether I win or lose. I'm pretty much only winning good matchups and losing bad ones, which makes sense but it's because they keep adding cards that are so matchup dependent that its almost impossible to beat them without direct counters in your deck. It really just makes for a really unfun game because it feels like I have no control over my trophy count.

    Earlier in this year, Supercell buffed their two most recent card additions, mother witch and electro-giant, as well as elite barbarians. All three of these cards were clearly too strong or at least too matchup dependent to stay in their current state. Every deck had to consist of fireball and a building as well as good distraction or tank units in order to succeed. After completely shifting the meta into fireball and mother witch spam, they decide to change their balance change schedule to every three months rather than every month. Since I was a fireball player, it wasn't the worst thing for me because I was able to stop mother witch before it got too much value, so I was still playing the game consistently. 3 months of cursed pigs go by and we all await the balance changes only to see that none of these three cards are nerfed (elite barbarians were barely nerfed and personally I thought they were too strong on defense so the nerf did nothing). After three months of one meta, they changed absolutely nothing about the game that everyone complained about. I really don't understand how they believe that's fan service. They also created more annoying cards like furnace by making fire spirits hit everything in a fireball radius.

    Now we get to the current meta. Goblin drill. Probably the most uninteresting card to ever be added to the game. Before its release, everyone was saying it's way too strong just by seeing slight footage of it, but that didn't stop the release. It just plops on your tower and drops goblins, and you're not allowed to play cards between the drill and your tower. Really good design choice. Not to mention that when it pops it spawns three goblins so your opponent can easily move your defending troops and get free towers. Lucky for us, they jumped on the nerf train about a week or two after release, but it wasn't enough. The card is still extremely strong and every deck is forced to bring in several cards to help counter it making the meta very stale. Last season was the least I have played ladder in a long time, maybe ever. I normally reach 6400-6500 before the updated trophy system and I was barely above 6000. The scary part is, I have no faith in them nerfing this card after this season. After seeing what happened with mother witch and electro-giant, I wouldn't be surprised if they make us wait another 3 months before seeing a nerf because they "need more data."

    If the game wasn't already frustrating enough, they're boosting one of the most annoying and matchup dependent cards in the game: Firecracker. Now it was a player vote in order to decide which card but with options of fire spirit, mortar, and royal recruits, its no surprise that over 50% of players picked firecracker. They could have easily went with hunter or even executioner if they wanted a range card in that spot, but firecracker? The only reason I can see them wanting the community to buff firecracker is if they plan on reworking it this balance change and would like everyone to try it out.

    I'm not sure if it's just me, but I personally have a lot of glitches while playing this game. I tend to have the game lag out very commonly and more commonly than any other game or app I play. It doesn't just stutter, it completely freezes until I force-close and reopen the app. Now this is likely my own connection problem so I won't blame the game, but like I said, it really only happens with this app. A problem that definitely isn't my fault is drop glitch. Now if you don't know what drop glitch is, it's a glitch that happens where you play one card, and you try to play the next card that is going to fill that card slot too fast and the game just pauses and plays nothing. This glitch happens to me over 50% of my games. Now I understand that it is definitely preventable by just playing slower, but I'm not thinking about that when defending a 20 elixir push. I need that next card, and I need it now. It's even more frustrating because it doesn't happen to slower higher cost decks like golem or lavahound because they don't need to play cards as fast. Normally, when this glitch happens the elixir will just go back into your bar as if you never tried to play the card, but sometimes this is not the case. A few days ago I got completely screwed over by this. I was very close to winning a match (his tower 1000 my tower 3000+) and I tried to play a 6 elixir card. This glitch happened, except it didn't give me my elixir back. Instead, it only allowed me to generate 4 elixir instead of the normal 10. Imagine having to defend a push with a max of 4 elixir. It's pretty much impossible. I go back into the replay and it shows me having 6-10 elixir during this time. This glitch has been in the game for years and I haven't seen them even mention that they're aware of it. If you guys experience this glitch, take a clip and post it on this reddit so it gains some traction because I can't keep losing games to this. I went 9-5 in the tournament, and I lost 4 great matchups solely due to this glitch.

    I can't even remember the last update that changed anything about ladder other than new cards. the two updates we've gotten this year have done absolutely nothing to the actual game. Magic Items are cool but what al it does is help you level up. Once you've maxed your deck, what does it change? Next they added... wait, what did they add? They changed ladder by basically just increasing everyone's trophies by 100 and giving a few more one time rewards, they added gold crates which is a nice boost but 3000 gold every 50 wins isn't gonna help me spend 750k to upgrade my deck. They added a new card which is dominating the game, and they did something to clan wars that I can't be bothered to care about because it looks like nothing. The only reason this update was significant was deck slots and the replay updates. Other than that, this quarter was a wash.

    They've got a lot of work to do for the end of August. After removing monthly balance changes because it will help focus development on new updates, the past 8 months have been the worst this game has ever seen and it's seemed like Supercell hasn't noticed. Or they haven't cared. Maybe they've put too much development towards clash of clans or their 3 new games coming out soon, but Clash Royale is in many ways more interesting than Clash of Clans (personally) and they're leaving it out to dry.

    Sorry for the wall(s) of text lol

    TLDR; The meta sucks and hasn't changed in 6 months, except for the addition of goblin drill that is absurdly overpowered and everyone hates. They don't fix glitches, don't update the game, and it seems like they try to make it as annoying as possible.

    submitted by /u/Alexspacito
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    New Idea: 2021 Autumn Balance Changes Full !!!

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 01:15 AM PDT

    Why were quests removed?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 12:59 PM PDT

    I don't see a reason for quest to be removed. Quests were niece, very casual and f2p friendly. When supercell removed them the comunity has asked for quests back because many people love doing them. Why did Supercell remove them?

    submitted by /u/eden_hazard_burger
    [link] [comments]

    My Past 9 Matchups contained Wizard

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 07:43 AM PDT

    deck rate my cancerous deck pls

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 06:30 PM PDT

    Y’all say wizard is so terrible, so then what should I use in its place? Further details in comments

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 05:19 PM PDT

    After the next update

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 09:12 PM PDT

    I used to love this game...

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 03:53 PM PDT

    I remember when I got my first legendary card, Miner, and how I thought "now that I have miner I'll be in the top 100 of the world in no time!" (lmfaooo). Although wishful thinking it was, it was an amazing feeling, I finally had a legendary card!

    I remember when the 2v2 battles first came out and how me and my friends stayed up for hours playing, it was a blast! I downloaded the game when my friend was already in legendary arena so it was always my goal to pass him up in trophies despite such a late start. And I remember how awesome it felt once I finally did.

    I even remember after a messy highschool breakup, going to my friends place and just playing clash royale til I felt better.

    It was the first game I ever spent my own money on. The first game that I could beat my friends in. I have so many good memories with this game.

    But the game is not the same anymore :/

    The diversity of different play-styles and archetypes is what makes a strategy game good. Clash royale used to have that... Used to.

    It took skill to pull through and win. There was control, tank push (aggro), chip cycle, bridge spam that actually took skill to execute. There were even decks that included properties of more than just one of these archetypes and found a way to make it work.(midrange)

    A lot has changed since then. Now the game caters only towards cancer bridge spam braindead tank push decks. They can be stopped, but it literally takes everything to defend against their push. While I'm using every last drop of elixir to defend, my opponent can sit back with Cheeto dusted fingers and save up elixir to just do the same shit again.

    I'm no pro, but I'm not bad at this game. I've been playing for over 4.5 years just like many of you and Ive definitely learned a thing or two. I've watched lots of YouTube, play-tested new decks with friends countless times, and done my best to improve at this game.

    But it feels like it was all for nothing, because the game is not balanced anymore. It's not.

    Every card that supercell has come out with or buffed recently just pushes players to build some no-skill tank deck.

    Like seriously... Giant was a fine win condition. It's weaknesses were swarms, buildings, and hard hitting troops like inferno dragon/tower and P.E.K.K.A. They even made Mother Witch which makes using swarms to defend a real hard time. But I guess that wasn't enough. Now there's a giant that has practically 1 weakness. P.E.K.K.A.

    Yes EGiant can be stopped in other ways, Tesla works alright especially for 4 elixir, but you need other troops to take it out without taking any tower damage. When someone throws down something cringe behind the EGiant it really becomes a struggle.

    I've exclusively played chip cycle decks ever since I got miner. It feels impossible to deal with these expensive pushes with a bunch of cheaper troops - even if the same amount of elixir has been spent to defend. Chip cycle rarely has enough steam to push the opposite lane when an opponent drops a tank in the back so we have no choice but to try and defend.

    Obviously 8 elixir is a big investment, adding stuff behind is an even bigger investment. It makes sense that it forces the opponent to use just as much elixir to defend. But it seems lopsided or... UNBALANCED.


    This 8 elixir card is still hard to stop even with 8 elixir worth of smaller troops. It doesn't feel like these cheaper cards are worth the same elixir that is put into an EGiant. Spear goblins are not worth 1/4 of an EGiant at all.

    If the power level to elixir cost ratio is this exponential (to the point where four sets of 2 elixir spear goblins can't stop an 8 elixir EGiant) then it really just forces everyone to play more expensive cards. It practically makes cheaper troops not worth using. At that point why tf are they even in the game if they're not worth the elixir they cost, or rather, why are there cards that are worth MORE than the elixir they cost.

    I believe this is why the meta is so trash. They're coming out with cards that force players to use certain cards. Its created an environment just like rock paper scissors where you cannot hope to win in some matchups. Where in others your opponents will not be able to stop you.

    "Well in rock paper scissors, no choice is worse than the other. It's even. All 3 have the same number of strengths and weaknesses therefore it's balanced"

    True. However that means it's a game of luck and not skill or strategy. Clash is not supposed to be a game of gambling. I want to play and win because of my skills and strategy, not because I got lucky with my matchups.

    Which then brings up the issue of card levels. The game forces players to use certain cards if they want to be able to hold their own. Well what happens when you get a player like me. Most of my max level cards are not really good right now in the meta.

    Ive spent all this time upgrading these few cards that I enjoy playing with. Not only do I feel forced to use these cards I don't like playing with, if I were to give in and use them, I'd be playing with under-leveled cards. Which lowers my chances of winning once more.

    TL/DR: the game right now is nothing like when I was younger and enjoyed it so much. The meta is trash. There are too many unbalanced cards that create a game similar to rock paper scissors where you winning is almost completely dependant on getting a good matchup. It forces one to choose between having fun with the cards they like or being able to win consistently. And for some players like myself, neither of those options is actually fun. We like winning with the cards we like.

    Whether it means nerfing strong cards or buffing weak cards, something needs to change.

    Please fix the game supercell.

    submitted by /u/running_puma
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 03:28 AM PDT

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