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    Sunday, July 11, 2021

    Clash Royale What a Flight.

    Clash Royale What a Flight.

    What a Flight.

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 07:26 AM PDT

    Actual pain

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 04:22 PM PDT

    I completely agree, don’t get me wrong, the magic items update was incredible and then June update was ok, but we need more gold

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 05:42 PM PDT

    Celebration a bit too early

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 05:35 AM PDT

    The princess was out of arrows.

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 09:26 AM PDT

    I wrote a 46-page long story mode for Clash Royale: Part 1

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 09:17 AM PDT

    This will be uploaded in 20 or so snippets because, being honest, nobody wants to read several pages at once. The whole thing is complete, though. The bracket with a number in front of a card denotes its level.


    0-1: The First One

    Deck: Knight, Musketeer

    Enemy Deck(1): Skeletons(1), Baby Dragon(6)

    Master Builder: Welcome to the new Training Simulation! For training.

    UI: Place a Knight here.

    Master Builder: OK, great job. Those cost Elixir. It's the purple stuff in the bar at the bottom. If you look down there, there should be 7 now. 'Cause you just used 3 of them. I think.

    Master Builder: The simulation is going to send some skeletons. 3 or 4. Depends on which patch we're in.

    UI: The Knight will move and attack on his own to defeat the Skeletons.

    Master Builder: The troops move on their own. You don't have to tell them what to do. Not that you can.

    Master Builder: Look, that guy's blue line is shorter than before.

    UI: Red and blue lines above cards act as health bars, telling you how damaged something is.

    Master Builder: Hey, it's a Baby Dragon. Course, it's gonna kill you or something if you don't do something about it. Why don't you put down a Musketeer?

    UI: Put down a Musketeer here.

    Master Builder: Baby Dragons are air troops. Not everything can target air troops. Keep that in mind.

    Master Builder: OK, we're done here.

    0-2: Buildings

    Deck: Cannon, Giant

    Enemy Deck(1): Hog Rider(3), Goblin Hut(3)

    Master Builder: I didn't tell you about this last time, but there's a thing called a building. They don't move, and they lose health on their own.

    UI: Place a Cannon here.

    Master Builder: If you're paying attention, you'll see that a Hog Rider is heading for your tower. They only target buildings. They can also jump over the river in the middle, which isn't as amazing as it sounds.

    UI: Place a Giant here.

    Master Builder: Hey, so your Giant is lumbering toward the enemy tower now.

    Master Builder: Never mind, there's a Goblin Hut there now. It's distracting your Giant.

    Master Builder: Use buildings wisely to defend against building-targeters.

    0-3: Spells

    Deck: Zap, Musketeer, Giant

    Enemy Deck(1): Skeleton Army(6), Fireball(3), Freeze(6), Mini-PEKKA(3)

    Master Builder: I don't think I explained spells yet, either. Hold on, I'll send down a Skeleton Army.

    UI: That's a Skeleton Army. Drag your Zap on top of it.

    Master Builder: Well, it's not there anymore. Hey, you should place a Musketeer. You know, like in the first level.

    UI: Place a Musketeer. You know, like in the first level.

    Master Builder: Looks like your opponent took it out with a Fireball. You can use spells to quickly take out enemy threats.

    UI: Place another Giant, like that time in the second level.

    Master Builder: There's no spell strong enough to knock down a Giant. But wait, there are spells that do more than just damage.

    UI: Your Giant is under the effect of Freeze, immobilizing it for several seconds.

    Master Builder: Aw, that's sad. Your enemy froze your Giant to give their Mini-PEKKA time to take it down.

    0-4: Exam

    Deck: Giant, Musketeer, Cannon, Freeze, Zap, Knight

    Enemy Deck(1): Skeleton Army(6), Fireball(3), Hog Rider(3), Goblin Hut(3), Baby Dragon(6)

    Special: Enemy elixir builds up at a 0.75x rate.

    Master Builder: Hold on, you do your thing, I've gotta go grab some groceries.

    UI: Hold your own in an actual battle. For once.

    When either 1:25 on the clock is reached or 5 seconds after any enemy towers are taken, whichever comes first: The Red King's ship bursts through the simulation wall, disabling the simulation to reveal a panelled white room. Elite Barbarians and Guards rush out in a cutscene, destroy all the Blue towers, then pillage tons of Gold, Gems, Cards, and Magic Items.

    Master Builder: Hey, I'm ba- oh. Huh. Well, guess we have to go after them now.

    submitted by /u/Town_of_Tacos
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    Do you remember this OG loading screen? This gives me old memories and I think this one the best loading screens

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 08:08 AM PDT

    Me and my opponents goblin drills overlapped in the same spot

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 08:28 AM PDT

    Meme i made from a replay from u/Infin1ty_Hazard

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 04:22 PM PDT

    This X-bow player is busy bm-ing instead of defending...

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 06:46 AM PDT

    I wrote a 46-page long story mode for Clash Royale: The Whole Thing

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 02:09 PM PDT

    I was asked by moderators to just dump the entire doc on one post, so here it is.





    That's all. Have fun reading! Tell me in the comments if you have feedback, it is much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Town_of_Tacos
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    It had me in the first half not gonna lie

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 09:44 PM PDT

    Positive Elixir Trade (def not broken)

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 06:48 AM PDT

    Current deck, win rate doesn’t lie��

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 06:34 AM PDT

    Tips for using this LavaLoon variation (5700 trophy range) or this except minions instead of skele drags. If opponent cycles wizard witch or musketeer should I play lava in same lane

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 09:30 PM PDT

    How do players have cards from higher arenas

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 11:17 PM PDT

    I keep playing against people with characters that you don't unlock until arena 6 or 7 and I'm in arena 5

    submitted by /u/itachishisui1999
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    Card Idea, the bridges are underestimated...

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 03:10 PM PDT

    havent played in 2 years, these decks still good?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 03:09 PM PDT

    Discussion : A new expression of “No problem/ You’re welcome “

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 04:42 PM PDT

    Open to discuss- This is just something I think should be added in the game.

    For example, since this is a competitive game, when some players shows the emote of white flag..meaning that they gave up on the match, the normal response would be the "Thanks" expression/emote in the game. So the "No problem/You're Welcome" expression can be expressed by that player who had given up on the match to confirm that yes He/she gave up, you may three crown or etc. It adds onto the confirmation that this match will be over quick and easy without any issues so both players can move on to the next match. But some players might abuse the "white flag" emote into tricking you that they gave up, so you proceed to drop down all your cards to finish the match ASAP. In reality they might just counter push you and make you lose this current match. What do you think? Does everyone feels that the "No problem/You're welcome" expression should be added in the game?

    submitted by /u/WheniTChanged
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    Closest Game Ever?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 07:54 AM PDT

    Am I down the right track on what cards I should be maxing? I’m focusing on win conditions and versatile cards.

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 03:42 PM PDT

    new mechanic: Card variants

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 05:35 PM PDT

    starting at level 9, cards could gain different variants which have slightly different properties, these variants could be toggled between outside of matches, but can't be changed mid match
    the variants would have clear visual and audio differences, so they could never be mistaken for other variants
    this could be like star points, where some cards have more variants than others, some would only have 1 variant, some 2, and a few could even have 3, no cards would have none however

    I haven't thought of a variant for every card in the game obv, but here are a few examples of some of the ones I thought of

    Knight 1: the default knigh
    tKnight 2: a slightly larger knight with a slow move speed, costs one more elixir, has less health (1330 instead of 1380), but attacks faster (1 sec instead of 1.2), has more range (similar to guards or royal recruits) and does slightly more damage (180 per hit instead of 167) (it'd have black armor, a glorious beard, and a longer sword, it'd also have a slightly deeper voice)
    Knight 3: a slightly smaller knight with a fast move speed, costs 3 elixir, has less health (1180) and attacks faster (0.8 sec) has less range (like a stab goblin) does less damage (90 per hit) (this knight would have light blue armor, 2 smaller swords, 1 in each hand, no mustache, and would have a higher pitched voice than a regular knight)

    wizard 1: default wizard
    wizard 2: a wizard without a hood, he costs 4 elixir, has a floating mechanic like the battle healer or royal ghost, does less damage (205 per hit) has more splash (same range as the new fire spirit) has the same hit speed, more range (6.5 tiles) but has way less health (430 hp) (this wizard would not be wearing a hood, it would instead have a flaming cape that lets it float in the air, it would also have longer, more flowing hair

    Royal Giant 1: default RG
    RG 2: this royal giant would be holding a mini inferno tower instead of it's normal cannon, it would cost 7 elixir, have slightly lower hp (2350) and instead of shooting out bullets, it would instead shoot a beam of fire at a building, like an inferno tower or inferno dragon (this RG would have tan skin, a dark red beard and armor instead of yellow, it would laugh when deployed instead of it's normal sound
    RG 3: this RG would be holding a gatling gun instead of it's normal cannon, it would cost 5 elixir, have slightly more hp (2600) he would have a range of 4 tiles, and his gatling gun would have a similar hit speed and damage to an x bow (slightly slower fire rate, but slightly more damage, it'd be the same dps regardless) (this royal giant would have brown hair and armor, no beard, and it would hold a gatling gun instead of a cannon, it would also be wearing dark sunglasses, and the noise when he enters the arena would be slightly sped up)

    those are just some of my ideas, what do you think of this idea? it would allow for many more deck possibilities and uniqueness, but if they're balanced correctly, they would make the game a lot more interesting, what ideas do you have for potential card variants?

    submitted by /u/JJPikaPikaJJ
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    Is matchmaking based off king lvl in challenger 3?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 03:19 PM PDT

    When I was lvl 11 at the same trophy range I would very rarely see lvl 13s, however as soon as I upgraded to lvl 12 I started seeing lvl 13s in over half of my matches.

    submitted by /u/Toxic1006
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