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    Tuesday, June 1, 2021

    Clash Royale Royal Hogs vs 17-elixir defense: Who will win??

    Clash Royale Royal Hogs vs 17-elixir defense: Who will win??

    Royal Hogs vs 17-elixir defense: Who will win??

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 07:39 AM PDT

    Tie breaker, surely I should have won?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 02:22 PM PDT

    Brawl Stars responds Surge to f3. I am currently being affected by the automoderator, so if you like the series, please support the future posts by checking my newest posts. Let the games continue!

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 04:56 PM PDT

    Chess! r/BrawlStars vs r/ClashRoyale! The first move was 1.e4. Clash Royale to move, the most popular move in the replies will be chosen.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 11:14 AM PDT

    I was scrolling trough top post ever and saw this sad post, I decided to check out 4 years later and found some amazing news if true.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 02:20 PM PDT

    I present to you the most useless offer in cr

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 03:17 AM PDT

    Hey! It might not seem very impressive but I finally reached 6300 for the first time I’m so happy

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 05:19 PM PDT


    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 06:42 AM PDT

    Hog Rider takes a u-turn at the last possible moment

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 11:29 AM PDT

    MVP Princess ��

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 04:45 PM PDT

    I just beat double royal hogs in touchdown and I am very proud, I don’t know how it happened but it was a huge clutch

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 01:51 PM PDT

    Brawl Stars has responded with Kingside Castle! Clash Royales turn. You guys keep up the pace!

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 06:51 PM PDT

    The Iceberg of the Supercell universe

    Posted: 31 May 2021 11:36 PM PDT

    He knows something we don’t

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 09:16 AM PDT

    Risking massive downvote here but i genuinely dont care that a deck require skill or not, you're not going to be a rocket science in the future if you play a deck that require a bit skill

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 12:28 AM PDT

    Like is it an issue that i dont want to sacrifice my fun time in the game for playing decks that i dont enjoy or im not comfort with?

    Since i started the game there was always one thing that i never understood why ppls complain about, every day i see ppls spread hates toward players who play decks like golem, balloon etc.

    Their logic is that your deck dosent require skill so either you should not play it or you're a dumb ass noob..

    i mean is it really that matter and its an unwritten rule that everyone must not play easy decks?

    i havent been in reddit and havent played the game long enough to understand this logic so it would be nice if someone explain to me that why this whole toxicity toward playing easy decks happen.. thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/hosseinhx77
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    Idea: allow to request more than one card in a trade if you offered to give less than 4 cards

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 08:43 AM PDT

    Predictive fireball for magic archer

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 05:38 PM PDT

    Tv Royale soon!

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 08:34 AM PDT

    I made a CR-based Team Deathmatch game in Minecraft! (full showcase w/ new classes: Witch and Fisherman)

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 03:47 PM PDT

    Golem Clone = Fair

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 03:38 PM PDT

    If Common Books are worth 500 gems, then why do we only get 100?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 10:26 AM PDT

    Bubble gum does more damage than spears in clash royale. Logic.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 01:39 PM PDT

    The REAL complaint that all the "no-skill" accusations are coming from

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 07:59 AM PDT

    The biggest thing that's causing all of these accusations about decks being no skill is actually about matchups being no skill, not the decks themselves.

    Take, for example, 3.0 X-Bow vs 2.6 Hog EQ. There is literally nothing the X-Bow player can do to outplay the Knight-EQ-Log defense that the Hog EQ player can spam mindlessly into the X-Bow player, and so this matchup makes Hog EQ seem like it is no skill due to the spell cycle nature of this matchup, with it being 100 times easier for Hog EQ.

    Or take 3.5 Icebow vs Recruits Bait. There is literally nothing the icebow player can do to take out the flying machine, so all the recruits player has to do is spam into the icebow player, making the matchup seem low skill to the icebow player because all the recruits player has to do (and which is indeed the correct way to play the matchup from the perspective of the recruits player) is just mindlessly spam recruits pigs fm into the icebow player.

    I'm beating a dead horse here, but again take 3.0 X-Bow vs Golem Clone. X-Bow, missing the Ice Golem and having no splash to counterbalance for that, only has the Ice Spirit, Log, and Fireball to deal with those massive swarms, because Golem Clone always runs arrows. Unless X-Bow takes a tower in single, the X-Bow player will lose, and even full turtling from the X-Bow player will not stop 700 damage or so from getting on their towers after each Golem Clone push. It is literally just mindless spam from the golem clone player to win the matchup.

    The greatest problem with the game is not any of the decks and such inside it. It is more of the RPS nature of the game, where some totally unbalanced matchups require 0 skill for the advantaged player to win.

    submitted by /u/Cognizar_The_Dragon
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