• Breaking News

    Friday, May 28, 2021

    Clash Royale Today marks three years since I created my Reddit account, and by extension my first Reddit post sharing my new idea for Clash Royale. That idea was Wild Cards.

    Clash Royale Today marks three years since I created my Reddit account, and by extension my first Reddit post sharing my new idea for Clash Royale. That idea was Wild Cards.

    Today marks three years since I created my Reddit account, and by extension my first Reddit post sharing my new idea for Clash Royale. That idea was Wild Cards.

    Posted: 28 May 2021 05:16 PM PDT

    If you are having trouble defending egiant, I've got a pro tip for you.

    Posted: 28 May 2021 02:30 AM PDT

    New card idea: Barrel of elixir

    Posted: 28 May 2021 02:34 PM PDT

    Cue Orange Juice saying ‘positive elixir trade’...

    Posted: 28 May 2021 06:19 AM PDT

    That's so annoying

    Posted: 28 May 2021 01:34 PM PDT

    Golem First Play is Genius, Actually

    Posted: 28 May 2021 09:26 AM PDT

    What is skill but doing whatever benefits you the most?

    While many love to rail at Golem first play and its equivalents, they fail to realise one thing...

    Unlike them, Golem first play wins.

    They win not just the match, but the game of Clash Royale itself.


    To understand this, we have to first understand how Ladder works.

    On Ladder, the only way to go up is to gain more trophies, the only way to gain more trophies is to win.

    So, the only way to climb up is to win as many matches as you can.

    So, you should try your best to outplay every opponent you face and try to win every match you join, right?

    This is where the genius stands apart from the fool...

    There are two important rules of Ladder:

    1. You can play as many matches as you can.

    2. You can lose as many matches as you can.

    Essentially, you can spend your entire life playing Ladder and still have one more match left to play.

    This will be important later...


    Now let us talk about RPS.

    RPS is a set of mechanics that form a circle of dominance where A counters B, B counters C, C counters A, and so on.

    Of course, with 100+ cards, Clash Royale has an RPS system way more complicated than Rock-Paper-Scissors, but the core remains the same.

    With 8 card slots, most decks can usually include most mechanics available.

    What we need to focus on are decks that go to the extreme, decks that lean so heavily on a single mechanic they end up playing an HD version of Rock-Paper-Scissors.

    Such decks have long existed, Golem Clone with swarm, LavaLoon with air, Elixir Golem Rage with bullshit etc.

    What these decks have in common is that they win hard and lose hard. Their matchups so extreme that skill has little significance in deciding the outcome.

    Therefore, it is objectively better for these extreme decks to end every match as soon as possible.


    Remember the two rules of Ladder?

    There are no limits to how much players can play or lose, you can always try again.

    For extreme decks, they more aggresive they play, the faster every match can end.

    The faster every match ends, the more matches they can play.

    The more matches they play, the more good matchups they can face.

    As long as they face more good matchups than bad ones, they will gain more trophies than they lose.

    As long as they win more than they lose, they will climb up higher than they fall.

    Golem first play is a skill, not micro, not macro, but on a meta level. They exploit not the mechanics of the arena, but the mechanics of the Ladder mode itself.

    While you are playing the match, they are playing the game.

    While you are busy battling one opponent, they have 3-crowned four and got 3-crowned by two other.

    Those who see the truth shall face the hatred of the ignorant, but they do not care, for they are three-crowning all of them.



    submitted by /u/Jake_Rowley
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    [EFFORT POST] Clash Royale's chest cycle needs an update. Here is how I would do it [Cake Day Special]

    Posted: 28 May 2021 06:55 PM PDT

    For the short version, read only the text in bold. TL;DR at the bottom.

    Clash Royale has been around for well over five years now. Over that time one thing has never changed: The 240-chest cycle provides you with a predetermined chest every time you win a ladder (or now party) battle. While this chest cycle has served its purpose well enough so far, I think it's high time it received an update. In this post, I will be going into detail on how I would overhaul the chest cycle and why I believe these changes would benefit the game as a whole.

    Over Clash Royale's 5 years of full release, very little has been done to the chest cycle. Beyond a few individual chest content buffs/reworks, the only major changes have been the Super Magical Chest changing from 1 in 1000 to 1 in 500 before being changed into the Mega Lightning Chest, as well as the addition of the 1 in 500 Epic Chest and the 1 in 500 Legendary Chest. While these were certainly welcome additions, their rarity ensured that their additions had minimal impact on the overall chest cycle, something that I want to remedy.

    This is how my suggestions will be presented: First, I will label a problem that I see with the way that the system is set up now and briefly explain why I view it as such. Then I will provide my solution and justify its inclusion in the game. Now with all of that said, Here is how I would update the chest cycle.

    Problem 1: The chest cycle is too demanding

    • The average length of time it takes to open a chest in Clash Royale is about 4 hours and 30 minutes. That means that it will take 5 1/3 chests on average to keep your chest unlocking busy every single day. For the average player with a 50% win rate, it will take 2 battles to get each of these chests. This means it takes about 11 ladder or party battles every day to keep a player's chest slots running. This is before considering the chest boosts that appear when reaching a new league and completely ignoring everything else, including the 4 daily war battles and any special challenge or tournament going on. To me, that's too much.
    • My solution involves making the average time to open a given chest longer, thereby remedying this issue. This would make it so it is less demanding on more casual players since it would take them fewer battles to feel like their keeping up. I will go into more specifics on this solution shortly as it better falls under another problem. However, some of you may like the faster pace of the chest cycle and don't want it to be slowed down. Don't worry, as I have some more ideas to help everyone have their cake and eat it, too, so stay tuned.

    Problem 2: The chest cycle is boring

    • The Clash Royale chest cycle consists of 75% Silver Chests and 22% Golden Chests. Since 3/4 of the chest cycle is a single type of chest, and most of the rest only consists of one additional type, it gets boring pretty quickly. Not only is there little variety among the common chests, but the frequency of more interesting chests like Giant and Magical Chests is low, appearing only about once a week if you keep up with the chest cycle.
    • Simply put, my solution is to add more unique chests to the chest cycle. I will accomplish this by adding three already existing chests to the chest cycle, each with a unique roll. These are the Wooden Chest, the Lightning Chest, and the (Legendary) King's Chest.
    1. The Wooden Chest has been pretty much a no-show since the removal of quests, but I decided to give it new life in my chest cycle rework. My idea is that about 1/3 of Silver Chests will be buffed to take 6 hours to open and will have greater rewards (a little more than double their current contents, but still less than a Golden Chest). The remaining Silver Chests will change into Wooden Chests, which have identical rewards to the current Silver Chest. That way, no chest will take up more than half of the chest cycle, making it more interesting on a day-to-day basis. The addition of many 6-hour chests will also help in implementing my solution to problem 1 above.
    2. The Lightning Chest is a simple but good chest. It's not quite as good as the Giant Chest, but still a lot better than a Golden Chest. It's always baffled me why it's not in the chest cycle since it seems like a great fit, so I think it's worth fixing. I suggest that 6 Lightning Chests be added to the 240 chest cycle. Adding these smaller special chests between the more elusive Giant and Magical chests will keep the chest cycle more interesting.
    3. The King's Chest also seems like a great fit for the chest cycle as it is essentially the counterpart to the Mega Lightning Chest. While I do think chests like the Mega Lightning Chest are a little too rare, I thought it would be better to add another chest instead of making the MLC more common. With that, I suggest that the King's Chest (or Legendary King's Chest if in a high enough arena) be granted once about every 500 chests, much like the Mega Lightning Chest. This would give players another really good chest to look forward to without having to wait months on end to get one.
    • All of these chest additions put together would make the chest cycle more interesting, whether it be by adding more variety in the day-to-day grind, keeping the wait between bigger chests more bearable, or by adding another big prize to look forward to.

    Problem 3: The chest system does not allow grinding or farming.

    Problem 4: The chest boost is difficult to use properly.

    • Currently, once all chest slots are filled up, there is little a player can do to keep "farming" rewards like they can in Clash of Clans. Sure, you could use a chest key, but those only allow one more chest. Alternatively, players could get a chest boost from a league, but those are slow and players have little control over how or when they're used.
    • The above problems go hand-in-hand, and I have one solution that handles both of them. By reworking the chest boosts into a magic items that can be used at any time to greatly speeds up chest timers, players can farm whenever they want without the slow or uncontrollable chest boost being used poorly. Essentially, any time a player would get a chest boost, they will now instead get a boost potion. This potion, instead of boosting chests by x2 for one day, will boost chests by x24 for one hour.
    • With this setup, a player who wants to spend an hour farming can easily do so. Simply use a boost potion and play until it runs out, since now your chest cycle can keep up with your grinding session. Alternatively, one could simply use it on one or two larger chests to get the benefits without feeling like they need to grind all at once. This solution, along with the solution to problem 1, will allow both casual and serious players to keep their chest slots running at the right pace for them.

    Before I end this post, I want to include a lightning round of smaller ideas that I also want implemented into the chest cycle to really drive the update home. The information below is only supplemental, so I will include it in a spoiler if you don't want to read it.

    Problem 5: The Epic and Legendary Chests are not good enough to justify their rarity and unlock times.

    • Solution: Make them both appear once in the 240 chest cycle instead of every 500 chests. Also make the Epic Chest scale to have more cards after Arena 10 (as it stops at 20 cards around then). Additionally, make the Legendary Chest take only 12 hours to unlock. After all, why should it take as long to unlock as a Mega Lightning Chest?

    Problem 6: There is not enough gold

    • While I feel the real solution to the gold shortage lies beyond the bounds of the chest cycle alone, I do think something needs to be done here to help out. One idea I had is to double the amount of gold that a player gets from a Golden Chest. It is a Golden Chest, after all.

    Problem 7: The 500 chest cycle for the Mega Lightning Chest (and others) doesn't line up with the 240 chest cycle

    • I'll admit, this is more of a personal annoyance, but it is easy to fix without making the chests too easy to get. Simply turn the 500 chest cycle into a 480 chest cycle that aligns with a pair of 240 chest cycles. This makes things a little more consistent while also correcting for the longer time it takes to traverse the chest cycle.

    TL;DR: The chest cycle as it currently exists in CR should be updated to fix its major problems. First, the amount of battles needed to keep the chest cycle flowing should be reduced by making the average chest time longer (without reducing the rewards per hour). Second, the monotony of the chest cycle should be remedied by adding the Wooden, Lightning, and (Legendary) King's Chests to the chest cycle. Finally, players who want to be able to farm ladder or party battles should be able to by reworking the chest boost into a magic item that boosts chest timers by x24 for 1 hour.

    Well, what do you think of my rework ideas? Would they make the chest cycle and ladder better and more interesting, or would this completely ruin a time-tested system? Let me know with a comment down below. I know this post was a long one, but I felt like I needed to share my ideas as I care about this game and want it to stay fresh. Once again, if you read this far I thank you for reading, and I wish you good luck in the Arena!

    submitted by /u/V-Man776
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    this an okay deck for someone just starting out (arena 3 atm)?

    Posted: 28 May 2021 05:44 PM PDT

    We need a fame shop ASAP. Like getting 5000 fame and you could get a magical chest 20 thousand for a legendary king chest. This would boost war performances and help the hell out of free to play players. Of course it can be adjusted but it’s a idea

    Posted: 28 May 2021 03:15 PM PDT

    Like getting 5000 fame and you could get a magical chest 20 thousand for a legendary king chest. This would boost war performances and help the hell out of free to play players. Of course it can be adjusted but it's a idea. The fame shop however in order to make it not broken can only be used once every day. The offers could reset like the normal item shop too

    submitted by /u/Old-Ad-413
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    Perfect tornado to win the game

    Posted: 28 May 2021 08:33 PM PDT

    How is it possible for him to be lvl 13 and have not even had the game for a year, i know he's a top player, so this is very impressive how good he has become in such a short time

    Posted: 28 May 2021 04:02 AM PDT

    Need deck that counters this

    Posted: 28 May 2021 07:49 PM PDT

    This was how my brilliant clanmate played.

    Posted: 28 May 2021 06:12 AM PDT

    Haven't played in 1.5 years, is this deck still good? I'm at 4800 Trophies

    Posted: 28 May 2021 01:18 PM PDT

    My Favorite Battle

    Posted: 28 May 2021 10:09 PM PDT

    So, one time OJ was hosting a tournament. I forgot what was it for but he was watching and reacting several battles. One of the battles he reacted to was mines. He complimented my game play and it was a fun experience all around. This happened around 2018-2019 I think. Thanks for reading my story.

    submitted by /u/ArakiButNotFamous
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    You can’t win against higher level cards.

    Posted: 28 May 2021 06:20 PM PDT

    I just faced someone with a level 13 Mega Knight and Level 12 Mother Witch. I'm a level 9 and my highest card is 11 which is a goblin barrel...

    I just don't know how I'm expected to win, the dude had 7 legendarys in his deck. Dude just Spammed shit randomly hoping to god he wins. It's not like I can spend $100 on the game to get the highest level cards.

    I don't even know how I managed to face him, I'm at 4275 trophies and he was level 11. Just proves how ass he is.

    I'm running Classic Log Bait with my own twist that worked pretty well until I started facing people like him where it doesn't work. I just wanted to rant a little bit and maybe someone can give me some advice. That's not "Random youtuber got higher than you with a level 1 account" I'm not a pro...

    submitted by /u/wearisomefuture
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    I was today’s years old when I realized you could counter a whole goblin barrel with a megaknight

    Posted: 28 May 2021 10:50 AM PDT

    Could this please be fixed? I just want to change accounts.

    Posted: 28 May 2021 04:50 AM PDT

    Most cracked e giant deck of 2021. No other opinions allow

    Posted: 28 May 2021 08:55 PM PDT

    They reworked Bomber, Guards should be next

    Posted: 28 May 2021 04:04 PM PDT

    Guards are one of the worst cards in the game right now. They just don't provide enough value for 3 Elixier. That's why you hardly see them in competitive.

    They should either get a buff or a rework. I suggest to nerf the Shield and make them 2 Elixier. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/HawelSchwe
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    Guide to Fastest Way to 4000 Trophies

    Posted: 28 May 2021 02:40 PM PDT

    Guide to Fastest Way to 4000 Trophies

    General Tips:

    • Do not upgrade any cards.
    • Play against bots.
      • Most effective if King Level = 1
      • Battle, Cancel after ~2 seconds or "Estimated Time" appears, repeat (difficult at ≥3850 Trophies)
    • Play "control" at 1x Elixir, then "beatdown" same lane to win.
    • Please keep Skeletons, Barbarian Barrel in Deck.
    • Elixir management: Try to avoid defense with more Elixir if you will be unable to counter push.
    • Card placement: recommend YouTube クラロワ大学.
    • Replays: if you lose against bots, please watch replays to understand your mistakes.

    Trophy Road Rewards + Deck:

    • 0: [Starting cards]
    • 250: Hunter. Replace Minions/Knight
    • 350: Skeletons. Replace Archers
    • 550: Witch. Replace Common/Rare
    • 850: Barbarian Barrel. Replace Arrows
    • 1250: P.E.K.K.A. Replace Giant
    • 1550: Tornado. Replace Musketeer
    • 1850: Giant Crossbow. Replace Common/Rare
      • Giant Crossbow is very strong defense against bots with Goblin Hut/Furnace/Barbarian Hut/Tombstone.
    • 1950: Legendary: Replace card with similar purpose
    • 2450: Elixir Collector: Optionally replace Crossbow
      • Elixir Collector will not be attacked by bots, so it always generates 2 Elixir. This will create large pushes more easily.
    • 2550: Bowler. Optionally replace support card
    • 3250: Cannon Cart. Optionally replace support card
    • 3550: Electro Dragon. Replace support card
      • Electro Dragon is a very strong support against bots.
    • 3850: Mirror. Replace a card if you have a good Legendary

    ≥3850 Trophies:

    • Faster to play against true players than to find bots.
    • Opponents will be Level 1.
      • Elixir Collector = +2 Elixir. Cycle Elixir Collector for elixir advantage. Easily win by beatdown same lane + Elixir Collector.
      • Barbarian Barrel is important against Goblin Barrel/Skeleton Army/Witch.
      • Skeletons are useful to stop charges + faster cycle.
      • Electro Dragon is good counter to many Epics/Legendaries. Tornado is useful to pull Princess/Magic Archer into Electro Dragon.
      • P.E.K.K.A/Mega Knight is useful for defense of Mega Knight + tank for beatdown.
      • Please include swarm counter/support such as Witch/Hunter.


    • https://royaleapi.com/player/GLGRCYCQC for battle history + Decks
    • In this account, I built decks with only Trophy Road reward
    • 139 W / 6 L
      • Sometimes accidents will miss bots. If occurs, please just quit game.
      • Some loss versus other Level 1 ≥3850 Trophies. Please just pay more attention to defense + cycle.


    After 4000 Trophies:

    • Because opponents will be humans, it is more important to learn the game.
    • Please use RoyaleApi.com for learning Decks.
    • Please use Private Tournaments, Global Tournaments, and Challenges to practice.
    • Please invest in one main Deck. I recommend upgrading most cards to Level 9 and practicing different Decks in Private Tournaments before deciding on your main Deck.
    • Donations are important for Levels! Please find a clan with many requests.

    I hope this may help ^_^

    submitted by /u/mimimi-
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    pure pain

    Posted: 28 May 2021 06:59 AM PDT

    A YouTuber steals clips from our subreddit and claims that they are his

    Posted: 28 May 2021 01:51 AM PDT

    The YouTuber is gaming with TZ. He uploads funny cr and coc clips. But the clips are from this subreddit.

    He doesn't even give credit to the original uploader. Just add some music and edit the clips and make others think the clips are mine and mine only.

    We need to do something about it This is the link for his newest video in which you can see that he has stolen clips from here, edited them, and didn't even give credit to the original uploader. https://youtu.be/Sa1zU8bbIQk

    I don't know the names of the uploaders but I have seen this clips in this subreddit. If you know the names of the uploaders please write them in the comments I will edit my post with the names.

    Again he also threatened me in that video's thumbnail but he changed it now. He said he had 200 confirmed kills and his spies are tracing down my location. I know what he said is all false.

    The best way we can do something is take down his channel for copyright or spread awareness to others. Please help me and this community to get rid of these clickbaiters.

    I will answer any questions you have in the comment section.

    submitted by /u/iamstillateenager_24
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    Last second clutch (open for beginner tips and recommendations)

    Posted: 28 May 2021 06:26 PM PDT

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