• Breaking News

    Tuesday, May 4, 2021

    Clash Royale magic archer, digital, me :)

    Clash Royale magic archer, digital, me :)

    magic archer, digital, me :)

    Posted: 04 May 2021 07:46 AM PDT

    Petition to delete 'Meme Monday' and have memes all week long

    Posted: 04 May 2021 10:01 AM PDT

    Fellow Clashers,

    you, too, must have noticed that Tuesday-Sunday are just replays (which consist of "don't bm too early" and "epic win omg" and deck advice. Personally, I think this community will have a lot more going for it if it "legalized" memes all week around. Hopefully, by liking this, we can bring this to our Moderators attention and delete Meme Monday, hopefully to make our Reddit community more interesting and active.



    submitted by /u/strwrsnerdbutbetter
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    Use wallbreakers to keep mini pekka from being distracted? Totally meant to do that

    Posted: 04 May 2021 01:21 PM PDT

    First time logging on after a few years.. quite a few rewards

    Posted: 04 May 2021 07:21 PM PDT

    Game needs a surrender button.

    Posted: 04 May 2021 03:46 PM PDT

    We all have those games where after 30 seconds you know your deck is worthless against your opponent. Yoi might not even scratch the paint off a single tower. Why do we have to suffer through 3 minutes or just give up and wait to be destroyed? Why not give us a surrender button like clash of clans has?

    submitted by /u/Frank24601
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    Why you should not bm before you win

    Posted: 04 May 2021 03:29 AM PDT

    Fisherman Golem Tug-o-War

    Posted: 04 May 2021 01:01 PM PDT

    Book of Books = 100 gems? Please let them stack or allow us to give/trade away like trade tokens.

    Posted: 04 May 2021 08:22 AM PDT

    Do people (more so F2P players) forget that supercell is still a company?

    Posted: 04 May 2021 03:14 PM PDT

    I'm really risking it here cause this place seems to be a F2P's heaven but I'm posting this anyway.

    I'm seeing so many damn posts about how leveling up takes too long and that everything is just given to people who spend money on the game, and that this game is too P2W friendly. Like...no shit?

    People who actually spend some money on this game SHOULD be rewarded more. They SHOULD have max leveled decks at level 11 because they're giving their MONEY to the company who owns the game their playing. If nobody spent a dime on this game and everyone was F2P, Supercell would probably end up ending this game as it's literally not making anything.

    Like of course though, I get it. Clan wars 2 sucks, we all know that. There are definitely problems in this game that everybody knows and cares about being solved. What I'm focusing on is the F2P's who constantly post here and complain about getting beaten by people who actually spend their money on the game.

    The people who spend stuff on here actually give money to supercell, you don't. End of story. If your sick of being low leveled and want your cards to be upgraded faster, then buy the pass. It's not that hard.

    Oh, you lost a challenge to a person with the pass, who can retry it as many times as they want? Too bad, get better.

    Oh, you got destroyed on ladder by some guy with every card in their deck maxed out completely? Well they gave supercell money so that's that!

    Is it seriously that hard to understand? You aren't supporting the people who make and run the game you play, and the "P2Ws" ARE! Without them, this game would have never taken off and we wouldn't have this today.

    Thanks for reading if you did, sorry for the rant, I just wanted to put this out here cause its a little infuriating to see so much about it. (For reference if ever needed, I started playing a year after this game originally came out, and bought the pass almost about 10 times. I've spent roughly over $100 on this game throughout the years I've been playing.)

    submitted by /u/tinboygamer123
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    Just curious, what do you guys think of my deck, and what trophy range would you assume I play in

    Posted: 04 May 2021 09:51 PM PDT

    Wish I knew the health of the furnace

    Posted: 04 May 2021 08:22 AM PDT

    Winning with 8/7 spells deck

    Posted: 04 May 2021 09:55 AM PDT

    What’s a good deck to escape mid ladder off meta hell

    Posted: 04 May 2021 06:08 PM PDT

    I'm looking for a deck that I can invest long term like lava loon, giant double prince, golem beat down, etc... I play 3.0 X-bow cycle but it's extremely frustrating and difficult to play against off meta decks that have cards with higher level cards . Please help

    submitted by /u/magicaltwink1e
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    Perfect Barrels

    Posted: 04 May 2021 01:13 PM PDT

    Animated card art for Star Level 1

    Posted: 04 May 2021 10:28 PM PDT

    So, as we all know, the Star Level 1 for every card is very disappointing. It only changes the level color when the card is on the arena so it's golden, makes golden sparks when the card is deployed and adds golden borders to the card.

    What if Star Level 1s also made the art of the card animated, similar to other games that have golden/foil cards (like Hearthstone's golden cards and heroes)? Example: the fireball's flames on the art could move a bit and glow, while the ice spirit could have an ice moving aura and snowflakes or something. Some cards wouldn't need moving things, just some particles moving around and glow would be fine.

    In my opinion, it would make Star Level 1s much more exciting to get, opposed to what we have now.

    If you do not understand what I'm saying, search for "Hearthstone Golden Cards" on youtube and you'll see how beautiful the golden cards are.

    So what do you think? Upvote this post so Supercell sees this!

    Also, I know there are things in the game that should be prioritized before this but suggestions are nice anyways.

    Thanks for your attention!

    Edit: added details.

    submitted by /u/Pedro-Rangel
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    Can’t believe I got this win. Inferno dragon beat out the raged loon.

    Posted: 04 May 2021 10:24 PM PDT

    Just made this deck. My favourite cards are prince and mother witch

    Posted: 04 May 2021 05:34 PM PDT

    What should I upgrade next Mega or Inferno

    Posted: 04 May 2021 09:45 PM PDT

    A little too toxic. 3 crowning with electro spirit ft. Mini pekka freeze.

    Posted: 04 May 2021 12:29 PM PDT

    Which one should I update first?

    Posted: 04 May 2021 03:15 AM PDT

    Random Decks = Most fun Ever

    Posted: 04 May 2021 02:26 PM PDT

    Been using this deck forever but starting to think it’s no longer viable. Almost pushed to 6K last season, any suggestions for tweaks?

    Posted: 04 May 2021 12:21 PM PDT

    How is this fair? All of his troops 1 shot mine and we lost in 10 seconds.

    Posted: 04 May 2021 08:42 PM PDT

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