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    Thursday, March 4, 2021

    Clash Royale What new players think Sparky does Part 3 (Positive Elixir Trade)

    Clash Royale What new players think Sparky does Part 3 (Positive Elixir Trade)

    What new players think Sparky does Part 3 (Positive Elixir Trade)

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 02:16 AM PST

    What new players think Graveyard does Part 4

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 06:22 AM PST

    50 Firecrackers vs 50 Sparkies (50vs50 Part 1)

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 07:57 AM PST

    Fisherman: Don't worry guys, I'll handle it.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 12:48 PM PST

    5th Birthday is a huge letdown

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 10:35 AM PST

    I play other games. It's pretty amazing to see the amount of things they give to players for their anniversaries and even half anniversaries vs what we are getting for the 5th birthday of CR.

    There would be no 5th birthday for CR without the players.

    The only thing I've seen is the same pass royale rewards from the previous 20 seasons and a bunch of opportunities to spend money on "5x" deals.

    Thanks for nothing.

    submitted by /u/diseptikon77
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    Love the loading screen Ca$h Royale.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 07:31 AM PST

    Dart Goblin showing why he's one of the best support cards.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 05:33 AM PST

    This game is stuck in 2019

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 09:38 AM PST

    Clash Royale has had only 1 big update since the Battle Pass seasons started. Can you guess which one? Yeah, it's fan favourite CW2.

    For those of you who are newer to the game, July 2019 saw CR's last truly impactful and refreshing update, where seasons were introduced. Since then we only get small periodic updates in addition to reskins of different objects and emotes.

    Since July 2019 we have had the following small updates:

    1. 1 new mode, crown rush, party button and tiebreakers (September 2019)
    2. Battle healer (98th most used card) and card level boost (December 2019)
    3. Firecracker (51st most used card) (January 2020)
    4. Royal Delivery (94th most used card) and content creator modes (March 2020)
    5. Heal spirit (101st most used card, and a rework of heal spell) (April 2019)
    6. Skeleton dragons (75th most used card) (June 2020)
    7. 2 modes (July 2020)

    As you can see in the first year of seasons we went from having a medium or big content update every 3-6 months to having none.

    Since July 2020 we had:

    1. CW2 (August 2020)
    2. Electro Giant (93rd most used card) and electro spirit (61st most used card) (October 2020)
    3. Mother witch (102nd most used card aka the less used card in game) (December 2020)

    On top of that, as I said, we get reskins of the legendary arena which only affect the players in it, and useless emojis and tower skins, no gameplay changes. Not saying skins aren't cool, they just don't offer anything new and interesting to the gameplay.

    So, what do I mean by all this? Well, the game is totally stale, and it doesn't look like it will get much better in the future. Only 1 big gameplay update in 20 months, and it's the most hated update I've ever seen.

    All that's left to try to keep the game fresh are the new card releases, but as you can see they are all irrelevant in ladder and classic challenges (which is what most people play), with the exception of electro spirit (played a lot in challenges) and maybe you could make a case for firecracker and skeleton dragons. 8 new cards in 20 months and only 1 is actually used more than 6% of the games. To put this into perspective, the top 30 cards are all above 10% in ladder, and they include the cards many fear and hate like hog rider, balloon, mk,...

    In conclusion, I just wanted to voice my concerns with this game and see what you think. I personally know of many who have lost interest in the game due to the lack of new content and I myself am starting to play less and less, what about you?

    submitted by /u/StupidAssMf
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    When will Supercell fix CW2?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 12:18 PM PST

    In my timezone, the cooldown ends of my war deck ends at 2 a.m. So in order to win the war. I have to attack at 2a.m to 3 a.m. There are other places in the world where they can attack in their daytime, so why supercell not doing something to fix this problem?

    There is a simple solution: In order to get a chest, the clan's total fame need to exceed a certain number by the end of the week, else they get the boot. Once you got the chest, the ranking should be determained by the total amount of fame earned in this whole week, just like the last week every war, but instead you only get the reward at the end of the week. (this can also stop clan hoppers)

    So supercell, why are you being such a shit?

    submitted by /u/e777z777
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    The gift that i got from my sister for my birthday ��

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 10:17 PM PST

    Something we all need to remember

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 05:32 AM PST

    Never thought a Tornado would save me...

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 10:41 AM PST

    I’m very confused on these types of TV Royale battles. Why and how do they have so many legendaries? Why are they in similar clans with the same logos? Why are they AFK the whole game? And if they’re bots what’s their purpose?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 04:35 PM PST

    I know this post is nothing to you guys but I just wanted to share my success with you! You can achieve anything with a lot of effort! Best of wishes!

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 04:25 PM PST

    Lovely encounter with Support

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 06:52 AM PST

    All new cards should have Star Level 3 - Only add the new card to the game once you have all 3 Star Levels for it. Will give you less work to do in future to add the Star levels to the rest of the cards that's not got star level 3 yet.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 12:09 AM PST

    Winning after my opponent got a 2.6k damage lead with Ebarbs and RG

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 03:22 PM PST

    I’ve seen some dumb moves but this...?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 09:19 PM PST

    The best solution for CW2

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 08:55 PM PST

    I actually like CW2 more than I ever liked CW1, however the start time advantage can be fixed in the following way:

    Why don't they just start a timer for each clan at the start of that clan's decision to begin their war week? Then let's say clan 1 gets to 50k in 30 hours, but clan 2 does it in 29 hours. They both started at different times of day, but we can compare the total time each clan took to cross 50k relative to their start time. Then 1st place is determined by total time the race was running for each clan. Lowest times win. Clan 1 could start at 8am Pacific, Clan 2 could start at 8am local time in India or wherever. All that would matter is total time from when the clans hit start...to the time it took them to reach 50k. Boom. Problem Solved. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/IceMatrix13
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    Tower abilities are imminent

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 05:01 PM PST

    Get ready; it's happening.

    Just about everything that has been posted is leading to this next update implementing tower abilities. or at least in the next update.

    CWA's SuperCell interview pt 2:

    Other facts

    • they have postponed this first quarterly update they were going to do until the end of March/ beginning of April. Due to the need for a new game client... I wonder why they need that. I mean, obviously, it could be for the cards as well, but I mean.
    • The CR dev team loves templates and things that they can implement more easily. adding new tower abilities seems pretty simple from a developer standpoint

    My thoughts:

    I think tower abilities would be awesome for everyone to play with. However, I don't want this to become a thing where tower abilities are an auto unlocked item. I want to grind. I want a new way to have a buzz when I get something new. How should we implement this new idea for slow progress? I don't know for certain, but here are some of my ideas, any idea or combination of ideas I think would be a good idea:

    • it would take multiple, as well as a good amount of gold to upgrade. What would we do about tower levels now? We make that the level standard for the default arrowed towers, eventually leading to star levels(which are apparently getting revamped as well. woo!). This would not hurt progression; trophies and tower levels are already independent of each other. "yes, it hurts, having something new makes you better." how is that different from needing to unlock cards to play with them and max them to get higher in ladder and such.
    • Every season, if you are in leagues, being above 5k-5250 trophies will grant you a chest of 3 days unlock time for a random tower ability. This chest wouldn't disappear if your chest slots are already full; it would just roll over and appear when you have unlocked any other chest.
    • when you receive first place in war, you receive that chest I was speaking of. (this would require clan wars to have a major revamp. I've already given my thoughts on that CW3 1500 words jsyk)
    • only be unlockable when you surpass 4k trophies. Avoid overwhelmedness for new players.
    • not tradable, avoid people buffing one account

    if this new game concept becomes something where almost all players can instantaneously have access, it will fail. When a new card is released, almost everyone has access to it from a challenge. Why would anyone grind this game when you can easily max out a tower ability in a challenge. It just doesn't seem smart. Instead of the ability becoming of something that is unlocked based on how much and how fast you complete something. What's the point? Pros will have theirs maxed in one week. This needs to be based on time rather than how cards are unlocked.

    Here are some of my ideas; I think this would be a good start for some default tower abilities in this next update.

    My Tower Ability Ideas

    • ice tower- slows troops, low damage
    • splash tower- low damage, AOE(area of effect) damage
    • jumbo tower- triple health, no damage ability
    • poison tower- the tower spills poison and does continuous damage to melee troops
    • elixir tower- slowly fills with the elixir, and when the enemy does damage to this tower, the owner receives one elixir. Still, the elixir in the tower must regenerate before the next delivery of Elixer for the owner can be administered. how fast the elixir will regenerate will be up to the dev team
    • range tower- farther range, lower damage
    • graveyard tower- slowly spawns skellies, no way to attack, dies releasing more skellies
    • "nuke" tower- slowly has the animation of pumping electricity upward, big sparky blast, duration up to the devs
    • "inferno tower" lol- a constant beam of accelerating damage
    • stun tower- just like e-wiz
    • heal tower- a small amount of healing in a specified range(excluding buildings)
    • bat cave- small spawns of bats; I've always wanted a building that could spawn air troops; this could be the start of one(plus a new idea for cards for the dev team right here)
    • xbow tower(this one is far fetched and might be super op)- small xbow on top of the tower with minimal range with quick small DPS(damage per second) shots

    these are a few. Some tower abilities you can ignore, but some are great. But I think this would add a new way to play the game. obviously, they can have fancier names; these are just rough ideas

    If it took, say, 37 "tower chests" to fully max (based on legendary card upgrade stats), and it's on average once a month. That's 40 years of gameplay... maybe we can do like 12-15 "tower chests" to the max. But you see my point; there is so much progression potential.

    All signs lead to us getting tower abilities, so get ready.

    submitted by /u/mattclement895
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    Hog Rider Turns My Brain to Mush

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 08:44 PM PST

    I fully realize I'm not the first and nowhere near the last to b*** about the mind melting card that is the hog rider. Every time it's dropped it's as if millions of brain cells suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.

    Before anyone jumps to conclusions, yes my win to loss ratio against noob rider is well over 50%. Really what this post is about is a doomed but tragic plea for a game I really love that has destroyed itself. Supercell is like a small child with a set of Legos. They somehow managed to make arguably the best mobile game of all time, yet are seemingly bound and determined to destroy it. Leaving the entire player base to stumble around in eternal agony on a Lego covered floor.

    I get the counter argument. Just throw a building in your deck. But if we're all being honest, that argument is asinine. That in a game with 102 cards and counting you would need to build an 8 card deck with a primary goal of countering one single card.

    There-in lies the crux of the problem. It's just plain boring. It's not even an interesting play. There's so many great cards and yet the whole game has been reduced to just spamming the hog. And as if that's not bad enough, Supercell doubled, tripled, nay - quadrupled down on more hog card variants. It's almost as if the devs doesn't understand what a deck building game is. They've excelled so thoroughly on the breakdown of deck building they've gone so far as to come up with these new tanks that defend themselves. Why??? It completely baffles all logic.

    But I digress. The hog is really the worst card. I'd say on the best of days my game history shows it used 40% of the time. Now if all cards were truly balanced any given card should only be used 8% of the time yet the hog is used 5x more than that. On the best days. The hilarious part is every new balancing update from our two bearded hipster friends that talk about usage rates yet never speak a word about hog. It's almost like an old friend who's died that no one wants to bring up and spoil the mood.

    The only theory I can deduce is our good friend horizontal growth. See, in the gaming world these days the market is very saturated and most heavy gamers have already cut their teeth on the big games. So how do developers appeal to the casual gamer? By dumbing it down (and don't forget pay to win). So as the single, least skilled card in the game they haven't and won't touch it. Don't believe me? Just look at the usage rates or the fact you'll frequently see users of these decks competing two tower levels over their own. That's a pretty hard fact to justify.

    The least they could give us real players is a good tongue in cheek emote. Something like a hog with a tramp stamp, a brain cringing in pain or some unbalanced old timey scales. But alas, I doubt they would ever be that forward. I will have to just settle for consoling with the easy victories that come from the kids that most predictably drop hogs with the methodical persistence of an H&R Block appointment setter.

    So we will just have to take it how it is. With the kids that spam emotes as if their hog victory actually took any kind of skill whatsoever because I'm assuming those are their biggest victories in their short, prepubescent lives. I'm a nice person, I will give them that concession. Sort of like the big truck tiny you know what cliche. I actually almost feel sorry for them really. There's no hog rider in real life.

    Steps off soapbox

    Edit: Glad to see the trolls of the Reddit are alive and well 😂 Read first line, head straight to the comments section. Funny how anytime hog enters the conversation there is a measurable drop in critical thinking skills....

    submitted by /u/SpamEatingChikn
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    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 08:38 PM PST

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