• Breaking News

    Tuesday, March 23, 2021

    Clash Royale TV Royale incoming!

    Clash Royale TV Royale incoming!

    TV Royale incoming!

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 10:13 AM PDT

    Why do people join your clan just to share the replay where they have defeated you? I did not BM, even said well played after the game.

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 12:47 AM PDT

    New Feature Regarding Progression

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 06:18 PM PDT

    Only for Last BALLOON DROP ��

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 11:39 AM PDT

    Fixing Ladder

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 01:20 PM PDT

    We all know ladder is the main attraction of the game, you level up your cards, grind for hundreds of hours every season and most importantly go through a rollercoaster of emotions and tilts to end up high on ladder.

    But the ongoing joke "ladder is broken" is certainly not incorrect. although Supercell does everything in its capacity to better the game, ladder remains the same and the problems just keep increasing as the game grows.

    The reason for that is that its been 5 years since the game has come out and it definitely is more complex than it was in 2016. This leads to more counters and more extremities inside decks which can cause sharply matchup dependent games instead of skill based games. Also, the sudden death post overtime update which has removed draws has also contributed to this.

    It is time this should be fixed.


    Now this is a trick from supercell's book! This is for legendary arena only just like in clash of clans, in legendary league you have to attack the same base but can switch up your strategy on the fly!

    Banning and making decks on the fly like inside CRL has been a part of the competitive world for years. This would significantly reduce all the toxicity which we face with bad matchups inside ladder.

    Banning 2 cards for a single match before you hit the play button, bans flash before the player like the way a 2v2 teammates deck flashes in front. in case any ban conflicts with thr deck arise, you can make your deck within 90 seconds. if you fail to do so, you instantly lose the match as this would save time, but you can offer to abandon the match against the opponent for flexibility

    This can be tested and promoted with challenges fixed at level 9 cards and that wouldn't cause any harm to the game either.

    PROS: - Introduces a fun new mechanic - Reduces matchup dependency - Causes more versatility in ladder with more uncommon decks - Removes sharp counter decks ruining a player's day

    CONS: - Takes more time - Upsets lower level players who win with exploiting matchups like balloon lumberjack for level 1s. - Players have to learn to make decks on the fly - Introduces more complexity

    6k trophies seems like the perfect place for this as at that level of the game people are willing to spend more time on matches and have quite a lot of maxed cards so that they can create decks easily. Also the top players in the world have a lot of knowledge about the game and can easily excel in this game mode.

    This doesn't create a parallel ladder which would divide the game, it incorporates inside the game just like legendary league in clash of clans did! Although i wouldn't want a limit on the number of battles per day, that would be boring af.

    It would pump new life into the game which would attract old players who had left the game due to the state of the game and would also give new players more motivation to get to high ladder.

    Thank you for reading this extremely long post, do comment your ideas, I appreciate reflection upon ideas.

    submitted by /u/neelu16
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    United States clans getting screwed by cw2.

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 09:39 AM PDT

    Clan wars 2 is still killing this game and killing clans.

    This war system still needs fixed! It's been hard holding a clan together when we have to get last place for a whole month and there's zero control over it. We can't win against 4 clans based in a country that has reset advantages.

    We are losing great players since we literally can not compete. We were ranked 15th local at one point. I feel like my clan is dying and the game just isn't doing anything to fix the flaws of cw2. Clan wars 2 had potential but at this point I've lost my optimism.

    We are losing 2+ members a week who just flat out quit. The lack of balance changes is the 2nd worst decision devs have made.

    Edit: top ranked clan in the United States is 69 globally. United States is a huge market with lots of players. Not having a clan in the top 10 should be a huge red flag. Fix your damn game. Make it good again please.

    submitted by /u/sextoymagic
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    Wow... nice glitch lol

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 07:52 PM PDT

    The closest game I ever had

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 09:39 AM PDT

    Need to vent and rant

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 01:19 PM PDT

    I'm really losing my enjoyment of this game. I'm befuddled by the direction and choices of the development team and the experience they are creating. I no longer pay for the Royal Pass and I'm considering leaving the game all together. The only reason I haven't already is my clanmates.

    Most ladder and CW battles I face opponents so much stronger that I don't feel I ever had a chance. Why is someone with all 13s facing me on ladder when I've only got 1 13? Are they that bad that they are so low? Or should I consider myself really good to be in "league" with these foes? And my CW battles are often 2 to 3 HUNDRED trophies ahead of me if not more. Had one that was 800. When I do finally win, it's often against someone who's much lower than I am, and I feel bad for them. Rarely have I seen a battle where I felt it came down to the skills of the users. Yet, win or lose those are the most enjoyable.

    Maybe Supercell thought this would create a desire to pay to improve decks. Maybe it does for some, but for others like me it's just a turn off and we stop paying. Matchmaking, it seems like it's consistently the biggest complaint in the game. Yet it doesn't appear that Supercell cares about getting it right.

    Am I off base and alone here? What keeps you still playing? Do you think they'll actually get a better matchmaking system?

    submitted by /u/draft101
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    Is anyone else having the clan chat glitch showing 90+ when there are no new chats?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 07:42 PM PDT

    I cannot load clash royale or any other supercell game

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 03:11 AM PDT

    I have been trying to play clash royale since yesterday and it wont let me in. It loads onto the black screen with clash royale on it then kicks me off. It happened since yesterday where i logged off at the start of the match because i tried to cancel it but that button doesnt work and i had to go. it wouldnt let me in after that so i unistalled and reinstalled it and then i could go into the game again. I then was playing the game for quite a bit then when i left in the middle of a game again it wouldnt let me in. Same with brawl stars i couldnt load in.

    submitted by /u/Necessary_Bluejay297
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    Is this a joke?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 09:39 PM PDT

    Classic Challenge Overhaul

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 09:21 PM PDT

    Classic Challenges have become a toxic mix of players whose range from tier-2 pro to average midladder noob. Especially around higher win counts, the challenges get exponentially harder, discouraging players to get into CCs as much. In order to fix this issue, I propose the following CC rework:

    CC pools will now be divided into three tiers: no CC win, 1-9 CC wins, and 10+ CC wins. Each tier will be divided into three levels: 0-6 max achieved wins, 7-9 max achieved wins, and 10-11 max achieved wins. Players in the 1st level (for each tier) will pay 4 gems per CC, players at the 2nd will pay 8, and players at the 3rd will pay the normal 10.

    Let's track the path of a brand new player along the CC circuit with this plan. They start out in the first tier, where the matchmaking pool is all players with no CC wins (without regard to level within the tier). They first pay 4 gems to enter their first CC. They continue to pay 4 gems per CC until they get above 6 wins in a CC. Then, they begin to pay 8 per CC until they get 10-11 wins in a CC. Then, they pay 10 per CC until they win one, at which point they move up a tier into the 1-9 CC wins tier. They pay 4 gems to enter their first CC in this new tier, and will continue to do so until they get above 6 wins in a CC, etc, etc.

    The goal of this rework is to 1) encourage the playerbase to start spending gems to enter classic challenges to improve their skill and to 2) reduce the polarization of the CC playerbase.

    When you first get into CCs, the paltry amount of cards you get for the 10 gems you pay (because when you first start you will have pretty low wins) discourages you from continuing CCs further. If this was not an issue, then I feel more players would be encouraged to enter CCs.

    I noticed that when I get to 7-9 wins in a CC, I start noticing players that have 10+ CC wins or players that are ranked that absolutely ruin me. You could say "git gud", but there's no analyzing and learning from replays when they outclass you so thoroughly that one bad play blends into another. This isn't learning from playing against better players, this is getting straight wrecked. Players can't learn anything if they enter matches where they are severely outclassed; they will learn best if they play against players that are slightly more skilled or equally skilled as them, and this system of creating three matchmaking pools based on the tiers is designed to achieve that.

    Note: It is possible to jump levels. If a player gets 10 wins on their first try, they immediately skip to the 8 gems per CC level, and if they win one on their first try, they will skip straight to tier 2.

    submitted by /u/Cognizar_The_Dragon
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    [ART] Hey people! So i was bored and i have made these irl Clash Royale Cards. I got inspired by Pokemon so i hope you like it. By the way i am not super-good at Photosop etc . Can you suggest me which things i can improve in this. Thanks!

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 08:33 AM PDT

    Upgrading cards to level 10 is the most viable for XP farming.

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 08:25 PM PDT

    The following applies for all cards EXCEPT legendary ones.

    Hey everyone, as a level 11 in master 2, I often find myself against level 12 and 13 players, and when I loose it's usually because of that 300 hp difference. That 300 hp difference also means it's more risky to attack first. So I did some investigating.

    Up to this point almost all my cards were level 9 (not in use), but I found that the cost to xp ratio of going from 9-10 is almost as good as going from 8-9. However, it is much better than 10-11. By upgrading approximately 70k worth of gold into xp, I gained a full 8th of the required xp to go from level 11 to 12 (5000 xp).

    In conclusion, if you want to gain a large amount of xp quickly, one of the best options is upgrading all your cards up to level 10, from lowest to highest. Feel free to do the numbers yourself.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Daddystitsup
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    Rate this deck

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 08:15 PM PDT

    I started playing again after quitting since clan wars 2 update...so this was my good comeback after a long break...thought of sharing it

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 12:40 PM PDT

    Balance changes wishlist

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 11:01 AM PDT

    Hello guys,

    Since we will get some news from Supercell this weekend in regards to the next update/balance changes, I am just curious to see what the community wants for the next season.

    If you were to pick one card that you want to be buffed and another one for a nerf, which one would that be?

    I will start first:

    Nerf: Royal Recruits- I find the card very RPS and low skill.

    Buff: Mother witch

    submitted by /u/theoo27
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    I have the inferno dragon and the magic archer what deck should I make with them also I don’t have a clan right now any recommendations for clans

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 07:43 PM PDT

    Please help me I'm kinda new to the game

    submitted by /u/RafaelPita
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