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    Saturday, March 27, 2021

    Clash Royale [News] TV Royale - Magic Items!

    Clash Royale [News] TV Royale - Magic Items!

    [News] TV Royale - Magic Items!

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 06:00 AM PDT

    The balance changes are here!

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 04:17 AM PDT

    Some just don't have the dedication.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 04:15 AM PDT

    Opinions? Is giant skeleton new bomb worthless for 6 elixir?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 06:36 AM PDT

    Season 22 new loading screen!

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 10:30 AM PDT

    Will the reworked Giant Skeleton actually perform worse in real situations? Let's find out.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 03:25 PM PDT

    How I interpreted the rework:

    • Damage: 172 --> 220 (Similar to Valkyrie, kills loggables)
    • Bomb Damage: 957 > 444 (Similar to Mega Knight stomp)

    Whoosh, that Bomb Damage reduction is huge. But how does this really make the card worse? I grabbed a few videos of high-level Giant Skeleton gameplay and showed my analysis here. Here's what they showed:

    Video 1


    Battle 1: Four Giant Skeletons were played

    • The first Giant Skeleton was kited across the river, attacked a Giant a few times, and his death bomb only killed a few bats. The rework would have helped.
    • The second Giant Skeleton killed a Bowler, attacked a Night Witch once, then killed her with his bomb. The Night Witch had under 430 hitpoints when the bomb cleared her. The rework would have helped.
    • The third Giant Skeleton killed a Bowler on the bridge. With him taking 2 more punches than post-rework, the opponent wasn't forced to react further. The rework would have helped.
    • The fourth Giant Skeleton did almost the exact same as the 2nd one. Actually, it would have probably killed the Night Witch with the stronger punches, resulting in the bats dying from the bomb. The rework would have probably helped.

    Conclusion: The rework would have helped in this battle.

    Battle 2:

    • The first Giant Skeleton killed a Wizard and a few skeletons and the bomb hit nothing. The rework would have made no difference
    • The second Giant Skeleton got massive value out of its bomb, killing a Wizard and pretty much a Baby Dragon. The rework would have hindered massively.
    • The third Giant Skeleton was in a troop clusterfuck. It's complicated, but after rewatching and doing some math, I figured. The changes would have made no difference.
    • The fourth Giant Skeleton attacked a few times but didn't die because the match ended. The rework would have helped.

    So the rework would have hindered this battle seriously.

    This probably helps exemplify the method I'm using. I'll just summarize the rest.

    Battle 3: The only GS play was off-screen to accommodate a meme.

    Battle 4: One that would have made no difference.

    Battle 5: Three would have made no difference, two would have hindered.

    Video 2


    • Battle 1: First GS was off-screen. The second GS would have been MASSIVELY detrimental in that situation, but it's to note the pro would not have played it like that. The third GS would have helped a tiny bit by the rework.
    • Battle 2 and 3: A lot of GS were played, but in none of them the rework would have made a big difference.
    • Battle 4: The opponent, Anaban, also played GS, so I'll count his plays too. Anaban's first GS would have performed massively worse after the rework. Our first GS would have performed slightly better. Our second GS would also have performed slightly better, as well as Anaban's second. Both of the 3rd GSs wouldn't have been influenced by the rework, as well as our 4th. Our 5th GS would have been negatively impacted by the rework, but that's because a Tornado was used to drag things to the bomb. Anaban's 5th and 6th GSs would have been impacted slightly positively by the rework.

    I watched a few other replays and such. The change appears to be a bit negative for Giant Skeleton, but not as much as you may believe since the extra damage is almost guaranteed, while the bomb often does not get less damage off.

    If everyone overreacts like the subreddit right now, I predict that Giant Skeleton is going to become a slightly weak sleeped on card, like Zappies and Goblin Cage before their respective buffs where they became very strong.

    Put simply, unless your reliance on the death bomb is big, don't throw Giant Skeleton off your deck right away. Give him a chance.

    submitted by /u/Mew_Pur_Pur
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    Balance changes with some interactions

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 06:55 AM PDT

    Here is a new card idea along with some existing cards for comparison. Tell me what you think. Is this a concept you would be interested in, or should it be scrapped?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 01:34 PM PDT

    Balloon "Nerf"

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 03:27 PM PDT

    Hey Clash Royale Balance-Team and u/Supercell_Drew !

    I want to ask you guys to please rethink the Balloon nerf!The problem with Balloon is not necessarily its death damage but rather its first hit speed and damage output in general.

    ESPECIALLY with Hunter and Zappies now being nerfed, ballon is actually going to come out with a better performance than before the nerf!

    So I'm asking you to either nerf it's hp or first hit speed. Otherwise it will be even more obnoxious to face in the future. And my heart cannot endure more Balloon-stress for 3 months.

    Overall this new update looks promising, I'm excited! Thank you guys!

    submitted by /u/Individual_Function7
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    Will surely miss the giant skeleton ������

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 09:29 PM PDT

    I’ve been playing Ckash Royale for 5 years and I finally verse the one YouTube guy I’ve been watching forever. I’m from Australia and can’t believe it ����

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 04:21 AM PDT

    No freaking way

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 06:28 AM PDT

    2000iQ zap spell

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 01:54 AM PDT

    Balance changes and how they will affect the game

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 09:05 PM PDT

    Mother Witch - damage from 96 to 110, hit speed from 1.2 to 1.1 seconds, first hit from 0.5 to 0.4 seconds

    This is an indirect nerf to Spear Goblins, one of the best cards, as she can now one-shot them. This will also bring a Fireball bait meta, along with the 3M buff and lack of Royal Hogs and Skeleton Dragons nerf. This is also an indirect nerf to the already struggling Minion Horde, Skeleton Army, and Witch, and to the fairly strong Graveyard.

    Three Musketeers - deployment time from 2 sec to 1 sec

    This buff will bring about a Fireball meta, undoubtedly. Battle Ram is already fairly strong, so are the Skeleton Dragons, Barbarians, Flying Machine, and Royal Hogs. Fireball being meta will be an indirect buff to Graveyard, as they wouldn't be using Poison, which is known as one of the hardcounters of the said spell win-con.

    Also, 3M deployed in the pocket is guaranteed to deal damage to the princess tower.

    Witch - range from 5 to 5.5 tiles

    This is an overall buff. She'll be able to spawn more skeletons because she "pauses" more often (if that makes sense). However, the skeletons she spawns will also be farther from the enemy, that if you actually deploy her from the bridge, the newer Witch will deal less damage (including the skeleton's damage) because the skeletons will have to travel farther now. She'll still remain fairly weak, but hopefully her win rates should increase a bit.

    Elite Barbarians - hit speed from 1.5 sec to 1.4 sec, first hit from 0.5 to 0.4 sec

    The Elite Barbarians is currently one of the bad cards in the game. This change might just turn them into one of the best cards. Even if they don't, this buff will surely make more players adopt them in their decks. Nothing much to say here, other than they'll probably deal more DPS than a PEKKA now.

    Bomber - elixir cost from 3 to 2, hitpoints from 398 to 275, damage from 271 to 184

    Bomber will now die to Arrows, and will probably shift from primarily being used in Beatdown decks to being used in Control decks. This rework is also an indirect nerf to Spear Goblins, because it's cheaper and thus can be deployed easier. It's also an indirect nerf to Wallbreakers, as it will still two-shot it for positive elixir trade.

    Heal Spirit - damage from 28 to 91, heal radius from 3.5 to 2.5

    This change will now allow it to kill skeletons and bats, and kill Minions and Minion Horde with a Zap, another indirect nerf to Minion Horde. Also, the radius nerf means that its heal will now mostly affect melee troops, an indirect buff to cards like Hog Rider and Giant when you factor in the ability to kill Skeletons and Minion Horde. Overall, I believe this is a buff as the 3.5 radius rarely reaches glass cannons in the first place, anyway.

    Cannon Cart - movement speed from fast to medium

    This card will no longer connect to the princess tower if it gets immobilized in one-shot, similar to the Wizard or Electro Wizard. My initial wish is that they'd just reduce its lifetime as a stationary cannon. However, this nerf might be bigger than it first seems, as its ability to deal massive damage during its second phase is now nerfed because, again, it will not connect if it gets immobilized in one princess tower shot. It used to be, that you can never ignore it and you always have to put a card, like Skeletons or Knight, even if it only takes one hit from the princess tower to immobilize it, but now, you don't need to do that.

    However, in defense, the card might just have been buffed, because its slower movement will allow you to bank more elixir for a counterpush. I think, this change will overall reduce its win rate, but it shouldn't be enough to actually reduce it below 50%.

    Hunter - first hit from 0.7 sec to 1.1 sec

    This might be an indirect buff to the struggling log bait, because the goblins will now get one stab before dying to the Hunter (I could also be completely wrong about this). Otherwise, this change will rarely affect anything, as Hunter will still be an effective tank killer at close range. More likely, this nerf will primarily affect his interactions with swarm troops, but not his tank-killing capabilities.

    Zappies - first hit from 0.9 to 1.1 sec

    Zappies is currently one of the best cards in the game. This nerf will affect its interactions with swarms, but it will still be good at defending against cards like Royal Giant or Hog Rider. It's also worth noting that this card is a Fireball bait, but the nerf of this one card will not be sufficient in preventing a Fireball meta due to other cards getting buffed or staying strong, like 3M or Royal Hogs, respectively.

    Knight - hitpoints from 1452 to 1380

    No, this buff isn't going to increase Valkyrie's win rate, at least not to a degree that can be felt. He will still remain fairly strong, and even if he's nerfed to the ground, there simply are other cards that can take his role, not just Valkyrie. In a sense, his usage rate would "spread out", with only a fraction going to Valk.

    He'll still survive two shots from PEKKA, but he now dies to Rocket + Zap (or Snowball, they have the same damage). Obviously, he dies a little bit faster, but when left ignored, he'll still deal the same damage to a princess tower.

    Giant Skeleton - damage from 172 to 222, death damage from 957 to 444

    He'l kill Wizard, Electro Wizard, Ice Wizard, Barbarians, and Musketeer in three shots instead of four. This is a buff. However, his death bomb will now only kill tier-0 Fireballies (Tier-0 Fireballies survive if they're one level higher), and because they didn't nerfed the Flying Machine's health to be similar to MA or Zappies, the Flying Machine will actually now survive the Giant Skeleton's bomb! Witch, Barbarians, Musketeer, etc. will also survive the bomb.

    Balloon - death damage from 272 to 199

    This is a buff to Archers and Firecrackers, as even if you misplace them that they walk through the bomb, they'll still survive and can be used for counter-attack. It's supposed to be a buff to Princess, Dart Goblins, and Rascal Girls, but these three will die to a Balloon that is one-level higher, and given that Balloon is epic and the epic trade token is the easiest to get, it will probably only indirectly buff the Rascal Girls, less so Princess and Dart Goblins.

    Lavaloon will still be effective, and possibly not even budge. Balloon cycle is a different story, because the Balloon gets played more often and relies on the death damage for that extra chip damage.

    Bomb Tower - death damage from 369 to 184

    Now this is an indirect buff to Minion Horde, as it will now survive the death bomb (it will still die to a Bomb Tower that is one level higher, however, being common, the Minion Horde will always have the edge when it comes to levelling).

    Other than that, this change rarely affects anything, except that it's probably an indirect nerf to Tornado as it synergizes well with the bomb, and an indirect buff to Royal Hogs (which is already strong!) because Bomb Tower is the only building that can counter it fairly well.

    Also, the death damage isn't even that great to begin with. this change will only make it so that Bomb Tower will almost certainly be played in the center rather than at the bridge to explode in the face of a Wizard.

    Author's note

    I am kind of underwhelmed by the balance changes here. I expected more cards to be changed to compensate for the quarterly balance updates. The balance team left cards like Barbarian Barrel, Lavahound, and Elector Spirit to remain strong or even to get indirectly buffed due to the nerf of its counters. Weak cards that could have used easy buffs like a simple first hit decrease for Cannon or increased skeleton count for Skeleton Army were not implemented. Overall, the changes in this balance update might have been good, but as the old saying goes: "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take", Supercell missed a lot of necessary buffs and nerfs to the cards they refused to touch.

    submitted by /u/doomshroompatent
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    Professionals have standards ��

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 10:04 PM PDT

    PSA : Put up trades before using book of cards

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 06:34 PM PDT

    Everyone should already know that you should only use book of cards to upgrade from level 12 to level 13, but you should also get your cards to as close to 0 as possible.

    If you have 1000/5000 common cards, using a book will only give you 4000 cards. You can however, put up trades to give away that 1000 cards so you have 0/5000, use the book to get 5000 cards, then cancel the trades to get back 5000 gold.

    This will be especially useful for legendary cards where each card gives you back 20000 gold.

    submitted by /u/jkoh1024
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    Was watching Legendaray's vnew video. Left is Giant skele death dmg after nerf, right is giant skele death dmg before nerf, both on a sparky. Is this a big difference? To me the new death dmg is like a fireball onto a sparky

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 07:14 AM PDT

    x7 Elixir Tie in 44 Seconds

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 01:04 AM PDT

    Clan Wars - Unexpected Changes!

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 03:21 PM PDT

    So I wasn't expecting those Clan Wars fame changes after all the focus on balance & UI changes. As a leader of a top clan these changes actually make a big difference to war strategy.

    Firstly, you get the same fame for wins/losses no matter the level of your deck - this affects the type of player base you need/don't need.

    Secondly, the fame earned on boat win or losses is different. This may stop many clans using the "throw boat strategy" to win in 20-40 mins on Tuesdays...

    Thirdly, the pre-war window is no more! It will be interesting to see what people think of these changes...eg. Max fame per player is now 950, not 832...and if clans don't get over 35000 on Day1 they can't simply queue up on Tuesday to throw & lose Boat attacks. I think a mixed approach may be needed based on a) Fame scored on Day1, and b) the number of players you can mobilise at reset on Tuesdays.

    The biggest change yet to come is of course the war reset time being made fair for ALL clans...and some other subtle changes needed.

    I like these changes though - plus we get nudges and wars played tracker in the UI now...so less stress there!

    What do you think - will these changes impact your strategy?

    submitted by /u/Blessedwylde
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    I don’t think this guy knew what a mother witch was.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 05:43 AM PDT

    They were BM’ing us all game and then this happened���� ahhh karma is sweet

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 08:45 PM PDT

    Magic update seems promising. But... _what about gold??_

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 07:53 AM PDT

    TLDR: the update will only worsen the card/gold imbalance by giving too many cards and not enough gold to upgrade them with.

    As we all know, GOLD, not cards, is the main impediment to progress for everyone who isn't nearly maxed. At least if you care about more than one deck. I see it so many times, people with dozens of upgrades they can't afford. And unlike almost every other game out there, CR doesn't even provide a way to farm gold beyond what is given out as rewards. (Anyone about to mention the 44 gold from battles, the door is over there.)

    This game shouldn't be about slowly grinding gold to painstakingly deal with all your overdue upgrades one by one. But for many players, that's what it is.

    From what i see, none of the new items will boost gold progression, aside from the magic coin (free upgrade) which comes only once per season. Whereas almost all of them give extra cards which only worsens the gold/card income ratio. The only way to use it to boost one's gold supply is to max all cards of a certain rarity. Which not only takes forever to do for a new/free player, but also goes against the premise of a game built around card-collecting.

    Not meaning to sound greedy, this update is great for free players. But it's too much of one thing and not enough of the other.

    submitted by /u/azyttvo
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    Logged goblin barrel takes out an entire tower

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 06:22 AM PDT

    So.... Star levels?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 05:34 AM PDT

    Why haven't more stsr levels been added in like 3 years. As a five year veteran it was one of the new additions I actually enjoyed.

    submitted by /u/subs_samson_ttv
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