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    Monday, March 15, 2021

    Clash Royale Generalizing my favorite youtubers part one

    Clash Royale Generalizing my favorite youtubers part one

    Generalizing my favorite youtubers part one

    Posted: 15 Mar 2021 06:54 AM PDT

    Generalizing my favorite youtubers part two

    Posted: 15 Mar 2021 06:56 AM PDT


    Posted: 15 Mar 2021 08:47 AM PDT

    cReDiT cArD iS tHe BeSt CaRd

    Posted: 15 Mar 2021 12:18 PM PDT


    Posted: 15 Mar 2021 04:44 AM PDT

    They just sit there the entire season

    Posted: 15 Mar 2021 03:11 AM PDT

    The new matchmaking system

    Posted: 15 Mar 2021 12:32 AM PDT

    Where is it?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2021 11:39 AM PDT

    *indistinct muttering of curses*

    Posted: 15 Mar 2021 10:46 AM PDT

    This has been going on for 5 minutes. Then I started recording it.

    Posted: 15 Mar 2021 08:56 AM PDT

    That’s when I rage quit

    Posted: 15 Mar 2021 08:48 PM PDT

    It's not a Win Condition.

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 10:32 PM PDT

    My actual deck btw

    Posted: 15 Mar 2021 09:26 AM PDT

    The game as it is designed to be played

    Posted: 15 Mar 2021 05:37 AM PDT

    Top 500 USA clan struggling due to CW2 update

    Posted: 15 Mar 2021 08:43 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, I'm sure we're all familiar with how horrible the clan wars 2 update has been so far, but I haven't seen many clan leaders here post about what has happened to their clans due to this update, so I thought I'd post a little thread to highlight what it's done to my once, top 500 USA clan.

    Before CW2, my clan consistently was amongst the top 500 clans in the USA region. We were not very war based, but rather we emphasized a lot on ladder pushing, mainly because war was very stale and repetitive. We were always able to maintain a strong, healthy, and active clan with no trouble at all.

    Once CW2 was released, our clan has been the same since, we've maintained the same players and have had the usual amounts of players being kicked and then replaced the next morning. This has all been fine so far.

    However, recently in the past couple of weeks, our clan has seen a significant drop in player activity due to the upsetting update, and many of our old time clan mates have outright quit the game (I respect their decision and in no way am I complaining). This was fine for a couple months, but we've had to up our kicking game quite a bit, and it hasn't been as easy to get new players into the clan because of how many people have quit the game. As a result of this, our clan was forced to lower the trophy requirements and have less experienced players join our clan, only to be kicked within 48hrs usually because they're not that committed. I genuinely don't know what to do because I started this clan back in 2017 and we have been strong ever since, and we still hold 4 players from back when we started and we have been there at Clash Royales's best and worst times.

    I'm not here to give a whole spiel about what supercells doing right and wrong because I'm no game developer, and I have no experience in the field, and I'm sure they're doing a better job than I could ever if they've been able to keep me attached since the beginning. However, what I am asking for is just for them to be more transparent and see what WE would want, that way when an update gets announced/released we actually know what to expect, rather than what happened with CW2 where it was just speculation and bits of hints everywhere.

    I really enjoy the game and I don't want my clan to die out (we're currently 47/50 members, but our average trophy count has significantly dropped and we barely have 30 members participating in Clan wars). I also wish any other clan out there that this is currently happening to the absolute best of luck, and I know we can get through this!

    submitted by /u/TheShinyLizard
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    The state of the sub is worse than the state of the game

    Posted: 15 Mar 2021 08:46 AM PDT

    Minecraft dev team says open testing and feedback is key to making a good update. Just leaving this here bc you know

    Posted: 15 Mar 2021 01:48 PM PDT

    Ideas to improve Clash Royale!!! Effort post! Please Read!!!

    Posted: 15 Mar 2021 01:32 PM PDT

    I have a school assignment where I basically pick any creative topic I want and i chose to come up with new and creative ideas to improve games that I play. Here are my ideas! I hope you like them!!!

    Matchmaking: They recently made changes to the matchmaking, and personally, I think it has improved. I haven't gone against a single level 12 since this change. (I'm a level 10) I still think they could go further with this though, because I still go against people who are level 11 with maxed decks. So, I say, just take it one step further and make it so that you only match against people with the SAME king level as you, and increase by 1 after 5 seconds. I don't think people will care that much if matchmaking takes a few seconds longer, as long as they go against people with similar levels. Maybe, also make it so the average card levels of the decks are within 1 of each other. This could easily be taken advantage of though, by people just using things like level 1 skeletons or spirits.

    New LADDER game modes:

    1v1v1v1: It would be unlockable at 4000 trophies. Not really sure how the bridges would work, but it would be cool to have 4 people playing all at once. Instead of everyone having 3 towers, they would have only 1 king tower each. You could only play 3-5 of these battles per day, because they would give you more than 30 trophies if you win.

    Rewards:(These are just what I thought of in about 5 minutes. The actual supercell team would decide what is more balanced.)

    1st:-+50 trophies and giant chest

    2nd: +25 trophies and lightning chest

    3rd:-10 trophies and gold chest

    4th:-30 trophies and silver chest


    4 or 8 person tournament:

    Not sure whether it would be 4 or 8 people, but I'll just explain the 4 person one. It's pretty simple. You could only play 3-5 of these matches per day. You need 2 decks to play.(One for each match.) You go against one of the other 3 people and the other two people go against each other. The winners of those matches play each other to see who gets 1st place, and the losers play each other to see who gets 3rd place.

    Rewards:(Also just what I thought of in 5 minutes. They aren't really balanced, but this is about what someone should expect.)

    1st:+50 trophies and giant chest

    2nd:+25 trophies and lightning chest

    3rd:-10 trophies and gold chest

    4th:-30 trophies and silver chest

    Some things that people have already talked about to the point I don't need to explain them or are really simple and don't need much explaining:

    -tower abilities(splash damage, faster shooting, no shooting but way more health, etc.)

    -more deck slots (Around 15-20 would be nice)

    -Bring back some sort of quests to keep people playing ladder everyday, and to help with progression.

    -More cards per chest. The chests had a good amount of cards when there were only 50 cards in the game, but now that there are over 100, progression is much slower

    -Banned cards. Move the king and princess stats icon to the king level/experience icon so there is room in that spot. Then you could choose 1 card to ban that you would never go against. (Maybe excluding win conditions.)

    -Challenge tickets. 1 classic challenge ticket per week, and 1 grand challenge ticket per month. This would really help free to play players progress much faster, and revive a dead feature of the game. People could only hold a max number of 10 classic challenge tickets, and 3 grand challenge tickets to prevent people from stockpiling and having like 50 at a time. Maybe, they could also be sold for gold or gems.

    -Make season pass cost gems. 500, because it would still cost $5, but it would still be attainable for free to play players. Just like the brawl pass in Brawl Stars.

    -Add more rewards to trophy road. Maybe instead of only having a few big rewards per arena, they could do a ton of smaller rewards for every arena. Maybe something like every 30 trophies.

    New Idea(kinda):

    Joker Cards:These are in a different game that I play called Frag Pro Shooter. They are basically their own new currency. Their concept is pretty simple. You win them for completing quests and challenges. Then, with these cards you can use them to get more cards of your choice. 1 common card costs 1 joker card, rares cost 5, epics cost 50, and legendaries cost 500. In one 9 win challenge you would get around 500-1000 joker cards in total. Many more, and it would inflate the rate that people can upgrade their cards by too much.

    Give cards multiple forms:

    I'm not sure how great of an idea this is, because it could make the game too complex, but basically you would have the same card, but with slightly different stats, and no real design changes. It wouldn't even be a new card, just a slight variation in that card's stats between forms. You would be able to choose which form of the card you want. This feature would be unlocked at 4000 trophies to make sure the game isn't too complex for new players. Most seperate forms would focus on the health and damage changes, but there would be other things changed too, just not on as large of a scale.

    Ex: Level 9 Musketeer has 598 health, damage of 181, dps of 164, a range of 6, and a speed of medium.

    There would probably be a form of the Musketeer that would be more tanky, but be slower, and deal less damage. It would have stats like 800 health, 140 damage, 125 dps, range of 5, and speed of slow.

    Another with more speed and damage but less health: 400 health, damage of 200, dps of 180, range of 6.5, and a speed of fast.

    Supercell would not need to come out with 3 versions of every card. For some cards they could get away with only 2 different versions, or not have any other versions at all. The way for your opponent to be able to distinguish between what variety you have set on your cards could be the color of the troop. Maybe the size of the troop. Or the shade of color that the health bar is. Those are just a few options. Not really sure which one would be best. Spells would probably change based on radius. The smaller the radius the more damage, and the bigger the radius, the less damage. Though it might be best to not touch spells at all, because an earthquake that does 400 damage sounds pretty horrible.

    Clan Wars: Personally, I don't really mind clan wars, but I also only do 1 battle a week, just to get the chest. I know that there are many people who really think clan wars needs to be reworked. The main thing that should probably be changed, is that all cards and towers should be level 9. Another main thing that needs to be fixed is when you go against the same clans for 5 weeks in a row. After the first week it's not even really competitive anymore, because everyone already knows who is going to win. This could easily be fixed by going against different clans every week. Oh yeah, and the rewards are trash too. It wouldn't be that big of a deal for Supercell to raise the loot in the boots, and even in the 1st-5th place chests, because even if you win every week, that's only 1 legendary, a few epics, and a handful of rares. These are just a few of the problems that could be fixed, but there are still many more, even though they are small.

    LAST BUT NOT LEAST: LISTEN TO THE COMMUNITY!!!! I think Supercell would be surprised by some of the great ideas that the community has, and could really help them keep the remaining players that they still have.

    submitted by /u/Aggravating-Matter-2
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    New record for lvl 1s. Way past 6k already.

    Posted: 15 Mar 2021 11:43 AM PDT

    That tornado felt illegal

    Posted: 15 Mar 2021 10:00 AM PDT

    Checked my brother's deck for him on Deck Shop and got this, uhh...

    Posted: 15 Mar 2021 08:03 AM PDT

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