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    Tuesday, March 2, 2021

    Clash Royale Clash of clans shared this for clash royale birthday.

    Clash Royale Clash of clans shared this for clash royale birthday.

    Clash of clans shared this for clash royale birthday.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 08:19 AM PST

    Clash Royale 5 anniversary! Happy birthday Clash Royale!

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 11:36 AM PST

    That giant aint goin nowhere!

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 11:32 AM PST

    Don't forget that the devs are responsible for a multi billion dollar game.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 08:50 AM PST

    Multi Billion dollar game can't even come up a new stage graphic once a month. Much less the 5 year anniversary!?

    Devs talk down to people who love the game and have actual good ideas that conflict with their stale recycled ideas.

    No good new game modes when the community has a ton of ideas. How about level cap 9 when you take a tower all your opponents cards go up one level? Draft where you pick opponents cards? PVE tower defense style mode? That's off the top of my head, what's your excuse SC?

    2v2 ranked? A no brainer

    Maybe they should fire the devs and higher some players that have logged 1000+ hours in the game. The problem is the devs don't care, if they did they wouldn't chastise fans and whales for wanting a game to stay good that they have been playing for 1 to 5 years. If they did, it would show in their work. If they did, they would take us seriously instead of putting up their fists when their sub-par work is pointed out.

    I'm sure no one important in the dev department will read this, but if you do, and if you think you deserve your job (managing a multi billion dollar game) then prove it. All we see is you giving us an inferior product and getting your feelings hurt when people give you the truth.

    Edit: I wasn't aware of the terrible comments and threats the devs were getting. In no way do I support this kind of behavior. From a business aspect, I feel they are failing, from a personal aspect, they're just people like us.

    submitted by /u/budango
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    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 05:26 AM PST

    Max card but no gold to upgrade? Here's a neat little trick you could use to request card on a close to max account

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 03:09 PM PST

    Nice bm though

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 09:54 PM PST


    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 01:19 PM PST

    Just posted this on twitter and wanted to see what you guys think about it

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 06:08 AM PST

    Fix Clan Wars or your game will die...

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 07:16 AM PST

    I recently left a top 150 war clan after one season with them and saw the ridiculous strategies required in order to be a top clan.

    The majority of the clan would do all 4 of their attacks day 1 of war but the following day is where it goes crazy.

    The goal is to lose matches as quickly as possible, "insta-lose". Because even though it's a loss for half the fame it's quicker than playing out a 5 min and possibly still losing for the same amount of fame.

    If 5 players quickly lose a match and they take 1 minute each that's 520 fame vs a win that may take 5 minutes for 208 fame.

    So the way to win Clan Wars in Clash Royale is to lose on purpose? Really?

    On top of this they place spells on boat defense so that other clans can't insta-lose because spells and the cannons will never attack the opponents crown tower.

    And on top of that we have the issue of time zones. In order for me do partake in the insta-lose I would have to be on at 5am 🙄. I'm guessing since a Chinese company is part owner of Supercell explains why clans located China get a nice start time at 6pm 👍.

    I played Clash of Clans longer that Clash Royale. I never understood why they didn't just adopt a similar Clan War model that they have in their other game. What would be so wrong with that? They already share the troop/card ideas across both games so why not war as well?

    The reason I left that top 150 war clan was due to not wanting to wake up at 5am and insta-lose.

    Clan Wars 2.0 is the biggest joke in gaming. How can you expect players to be competitive when the correct strategy is to purposely lose battles to win the war?

    submitted by /u/RAKOOSHA
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    Never give up :D

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 02:36 PM PST

    My opinion on the state of the game

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 08:45 AM PST

    Wow. What happened to my love for this game? I started playing in late 2016 which is pretty to crazy to think about now. I pumped so much time and effort into CR over the years. I enjoyed doing it but I can't help feeling that for at least the last 6 months that the game is dead to me.

    Everything feels stale now. Albeit things have been stale for a while now but it hadn't really hit me until recently.

    The season passes (which were sort of exciting the first few times) have become absolutely mundane. Nothing is even being brought to the table anymore except emotes and card boosts.

    I have maxed a ton of cards out. My favorite card prince still only has 1 star level. How after all these years does he and multiple other cards only have 1 star level?

    I've probably fought more 2.6 cycle decks than anything else. Not really a complaint just something that gets tiresome over the years.

    Clan Wars 2? Enough said. I have zero interest in participating. What a waste of resources that were pumped into that concept.

    If you're still enjoying the game that is great! I'm glad to hear it.

    For me, it's sad to feel this way about something I was passionate about for so long but I guess we all have to move on at some point. It's been fun and I've enjoyed being a part of the community and yes, I'm even talking to toxic emote spammers. Thanks for the lolz and the rage quits.

    submitted by /u/McFlyLikeAnEagle
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    Don't forget that major changes to CW2 is either never coming or atleast not for next 3 months.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 09:43 AM PST

    The next update will be focusing on progression system and nothing about CW2. We all know they are going to buff progression like 5-8% and call it revolutionary update.

    Doesn't matter how many bugs/issues is fixed for CW2 its fundamentally a flawed concept due to timezone issue. It needs a huge re-work (if they ever bother to change) and it will require 3 more months since the history of updating their game has always been too long.

    submitted by /u/BridgeLiar
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    Happy Clash Royale 5th birthday used craftwork

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 10:24 AM PST

    �� Tournament E-golem deck rec.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 01:53 PM PST

    NEVER BM too early. you’ll be real butthurt when you get shut down ��. (i won 1st match and said gg and he got mad and bmed all of 2nd match so when i shit on him 3rd match i gave him a taste of his own medicine) ������

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 07:21 PM PST

    Chest boosts

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 10:49 PM PST

    I used to be a pretty hardcore gamer here but as the updates rolled out and life moved on I just don't have the time to dedicate to the game as I used to. With that being said one thing I HATE as a casual-yet-constant gamer is the cheat boosts. I may be alone in this, but I genuinely wish there was an option to forgo the chest boost and use normal time. This is a small suggestion that I'm sure will catch zero traction lol

    submitted by /u/RickCityy
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    Wellp... I always knew I’d make this mistake with Fisherman eventually...

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 06:50 AM PST

    Clan Wars 2 needs a rework! There is no timezone advantage for North American clans

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 08:31 AM PST

    I am in a North American competitive clan. We were at the lead at the end of day 1 before reset with about 30000 fame. But we lost the race to 50000 as 2nd place by a few minutes. The clan wars 2 has become the race of which clans have members attacking early on day 2. This puts NA competitive clans at a huge disadvantage as not everyone can wake up at 3 in the morning and attack. A "race" by time is not fair when there are advantages by location ... cw2 in general is broken ... the only week that makes sense is the final colloseum week where it's a grind to the most fame ... strategical picking which battles battles to do when. I feel colloseum week is good except for the day 1 race to 25000.

    Here is some solution to this issue:-

    You can make the race longer at higher leagues else there is no use of the 2x fame on last 3 days. or

    Match clans by regions but then matchmaking may be tougher. or

    Recommended: I suggest that to fix this, so certain time zones aren't fucked, all they have to do is choose the winner at the end of the 'day'. If two teams crossed the finish line on the same day, whoever has more total fame at the end of day at 24 hours reset will be the winner.

    An accumulated race over 24 hours over a few days is better than an actual race based on time giving time zone advantage to various different regions.

    submitted by /u/rogueone98
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    7x elixir

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 09:33 PM PST

    We should be able to ban a few cards at the beginning, like league of legends draft picks or have the regular clash royale draft pick. Countless games of elixir golem, skeleton giant and spamming spells loses its appeal almost instantly.

    submitted by /u/ChronicComa851
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    Do you remember?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 02:21 PM PST

    Remember your first game launch, when you had no idea about meta or what's not and just enjoyed the game?

    Remember good old Clan Chest that really felt rewarding? Remember Clan Wars 1.0, which wasn't perfect, but it was still interesting because you had to experiment with decks in war day?

    Remember just playing against your friend and mindlessly spamming troops under collectors + rage combo?

    Remember the tilt when you was 1 win away from the new arena, but instead fell down even more?

    Remember when getting a legendary was really special, and after the new animation, it wasn't so special at all?

    Remember the era of 3M + Pump decks? Yeah, I know that they are pretty controversial, as many people hayed them, but I definitely liked it.

    Remember your first "special" chest that you just got from a battle?

    I am not here to say that today's state if the gane sucks, but I kinda wish to return to the old times, where everything was much simpler and somehow more close to heart

    submitted by /u/Pe4enkas
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    Two New Game Mode Ideas for Casual Play!!

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 04:27 PM PST

    Hi everyone!! My name is Azaan. Recently I have seen how well Supercell has been dealing with the competitive scene with CRL 2021 and all, and I felt that the casual scene could use some help to keep up. What better way to help than to introduce some cool game mode ideas I came up with?

    I have 2 interesting ideas that would actually bring a little freshness to casual gameplay, as opposed to a bunch of random troops spawning from the both sides of the map every 15 seconds.

    First up is what I like to call 'Clashdown.' The idea is that it's similar to draft, where, before the match starts, you pick the cards for your deck out of a pool of cards. For example: first, the blue king picks a card, then to make it fair, the red king picks two cards, then each side alternates picking one card until both decks are filled. Like draft, a card you have cannot be used by the opponent. Unlike draft though, you both know all the cards that have been chosen, so there is more strategy than regular draft or triple draft. To make things interesting, you could have a 16-card Clashdown, so every card is used, or 40-card Clashdown for more flexibility, or even a 48-card Clashdown for best-of-3s, where cards already used are removed from the pool, dwindling your choices. Now I don't know where that last variant would fit in the game, maybe party mode, but it's just an idea. But that's the general basis of my first game mode called 'Clashdown', which I think is pretty fitting. And who knows, maybe they could attach my name to it like some of the other content creator challenges?

    Second, is something a little more unique. I haven't worked out all the potential issues conceptually, but I figured it was interesting enough to at least share with the rest of the community and get some help with. The game mode would be called: 'Turn-based Royale'. A big part of vanilla clash Royale is being able to react quickly, or be patient enough to overwhelm your opponent with troops at the RIGHT moment. But, in this mode each player will only have 3-5 second intervals where they can play a single card. Turns will alternate, of course, and it would create a whole new method of strategy in terms of managing elixir, and getting the most value out of a single card. It will be much harder to spam and out-cycle your opponent, but playing a heavy deck still runs it's risks as well, still allowing your opponent ample time to defend. Of course, this mode will probably be unbalanced, favoring some cards over others, but remember it's still just meant to be a fun casual party mode idea. I recognize that 'newer isn't always better', but I figure it should at least be playtested in-practice to work out any kinks.

    Anyways, those are my two game mode ideas that I think are worth trying out in the game. It would definitely bring something new to take stress AWAY from trophy pushing, but let me know what you think! Thank you for listening, I really appreciate it. I always like to think of creative yet beneficial ideas for games that I love, and I would hate to see Clash Royale die out of staleness. Peace! <3

    submitted by /u/azaankhan2
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