• Breaking News

    Tuesday, December 1, 2020

    Clash Royale The furthest King Activation of all time!

    Clash Royale The furthest King Activation of all time!

    The furthest King Activation of all time!

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 06:52 PM PST

    How I became pro at Clash Royale ;)

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 02:53 AM PST

    Not sure if this is a bug, but a Bandit can hit the tower after time expires

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 09:47 AM PST

    Card Idea: What about a new mechanic that could briefly ground flying units?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 05:31 PM PST

    I made a project that shows your personal statistical data on the game

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 09:43 AM PST

    I made a project that shows your personal statistical data on the game

    Hello everyone, my name's Vadym and I'm going to tell you about the project I've been working on for some time now. To make it short, this project/program can save your data (from battles) and compile it as a statistical report showing you these things:

    • cards/decks you are struggling to play against
    • cards/decks you can easily play against
    • cards/decks you face the most/the least and what is your effectiveness against them
    • what opponents do you face more often (with higher or lower PB/level/level of the deck) and what is your effectiveness against them
    • some other stuff of your activity (some is still in developing stage)

    You can see the code on GitHub by this link.

    A short story

    I joined the community of Clash Royale on Reddit about 4 months ago (and I really like it here). Here I found out that Clash Royale has its own API, that gives access to a lot of players' data. As I just started to learn programming I thought it would be great to make some kind of project based on this game. Also, some of my friends from my clan(which is dead now btw due to a new update) used to complain that they would face the same card that counters their deck every other game. So, I wanted to prove them wrong using actual numbers and help them to get less emotional about the game.

    That is the main purpose of this project: to help people understand this game better and develop more constructive thinking which leads to a freer perception of the game.

    How does it work?

    I'm not going to dive into tech things, you can find it on GitHub (link). Instead, I will tell how this program works from a player's perspective. First of all, it is able to save all of your battles into a database, so whenever you play a Ladder game, it's saved automatically. Then it compiles the data saved over a period of time(usually one season) into a couple of images, each showing different statistical findings. These images can be divided into 3 parts:

    • main image(about opponents and battles). Still developing
    • card-images(about cards that you face)
    • deck-images(about decks that you face)

    main image

    basic data

    This part shows some basic stuff, you can see the image, so, no explanation is really needed. But, some of the data may change depending on what player it is. For example, if a player is not level 13, but regularly plays against maxed opponents, there will be facing/winning opponents with higher level section instead of longest win/lose streak.

    But this part is not fully done yet, there are a lot of things I'm still working on. Here they are:

    • data of challenge and 2v2 battles (they are already being saved into a database)
    • charts based on daily data
    • seasonal progress comparison


    This part shows data of cards that you played against. There are 4 images in this part:

    • cards played against the most
    • cards you have won playing against the most
    • cards you have lost playing against the most
    • your effectiveness playing against different win conditions

    most faced cards and how your win percentage against them


    This part shows data of decks that you played against. But, this only works for players with high trophies (because that's where most decks look the same). There are 3 images in this part:

    • decks played against the most
    • decks you have won playing against the most
    • decks you have lost playing against the most
      There is one additional image, decks used the most, but this only works if you play different decks regularly.

    most faced decks and how your win percentage against them

    I guess this is all my project can do for now, but there are a lot of ways to improve it. For example, to create a way to deliver data to players automatically (a bot or something), but I don't know how to do that.

    How to join a project

    If you want to become a part of it and to be able to get your statistical reports, just join this Discord server here and follow the instructions.

    How to contact me

    If you have some questions, you can ask me directly and I'll be glad to answer them. You can do it in Discord, in Reddit, or in Telegram.

    submitted by /u/vadympk
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    Kill ewiz with skeletons and no damage on the tower

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 12:59 PM PST

    Just a Reminder of how they decide balance changes

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 05:58 PM PST

    Introducing, the Shade spell! Designed to be a cheap cycle spell, the Shade spell slows all units in its radius's hit speed! What do you think? :)

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 04:00 AM PST

    I finally made it too Champion I (without a maxed deck)! I’m very happy and here are the two decks that helped me push :)

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 08:07 PM PST

    i got up and screamed after this.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 03:02 PM PST

    Bring back these emotes Supercell! I know they said these emotes are exclusive and won't be coming back, but its been 2 years since they were released and these emotes are just freaking amazing.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 08:22 AM PST

    Card Idea: Call to arms (reworking the Rage spell)

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 11:44 AM PST


    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 10:18 PM PST

    Next month wishlist:

    • Knight: Damage -5%

      • This card is why 3.0 xbow is op. Nerf it and 3.0 should be more balanced like 2.9. Knight should be a good tank, protecting dps. Currently it is used as a source of dps far too often, and does that too well. It needs its hp to make it useful, but the amount of damage it deals makes it op.
    • Heal spirit: Jump range decreased 2.5 tiles -> 1 or 1.5 tiles

      • Heal spirit is too strong. It's already had a nerf to it's healing radius and it's total heal, but really the problem is how easy it is to connect. Oftentimes, even when a counter such as the log is deployed, the heal spirit still manages to barely jump over the log due to its high speed and jump range and gets tons of value. Basically: Heal spirit jumps just as easily as ice spirit but is far more devastating. For this reason, it should be made less likely to connect and heal.
    • Barb hut: First wave of barbs removed, second wave spawns slightly sooner

      • When barb hut is deployed, it immediately spits out two barbarians that deal a lot of dps to anything attacking the hut. They also block for ranged attackers such as a magic archer or flying machine or musk. The reason barb hut is op is because it is very un-punishable despite being 7 elixir. Eq can mildly punish, and lavaloon can, but otherwise it is almost always a safe first play. This is partially because of those immediate barbs that prevent things from hitting it. To make the barbs spawn later will leave the hut more vulnerable upon being deployed, and will allow for some troop like a hog rider to have a chance at killing it.
    • Barbarians: Damage -5%

      • Barbarians, Barb hut, and especially barb barrel are very strong right now. So it is the perfect time to nerf the barbarians directly. I would also consider an hp nerf that lowers them a bit closer to flying machine/magic archer/recruits. Note: This change plus the one for barb hut would be a pretty severe nerf for the hut, so maybe if this is implemented then change my hut nerf to simply a later first spawn instead of removing the wave entirely
    • Fisherman: Slow removed

      • It slows things down when it pulls, this is to make sure it hits them before getting killed by whatever it pulls in. But right now it's paired with hunter and skeletons often which makes a relatively broken combo especially with royal giant. This along with the heal spirit nerf should keep those rg fireball decks in check.
    • Royal Giant: First attack .2 seconds slower

      • Royal giant and heal spirit are a very good combo, because the healing enables rg to just barely get a shot off when it often times wouldn't. And usually, when the royal giant gets damage, it's just a shot or two because it barely broke through your defense. (Unless you are playing a more sack and attack type strategy, in which case this doesn't apply). This is also why it is used with cycle decks, so they can chip you out over time. But this nerf would make a lot of those times where RG barely gets a shot off never happen, and make it easier to defend. Note: Same as barb hut, this could be pretty severe when combined with the heal spirit, fisherman, and barb barrel nerf. Maybe reduce to .1 seconds slower first attack, or don't nerf the rg directly at all, depending on how effective the other nerfs are.
    submitted by /u/RumiB7
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    Day one player, CW2 imho

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 01:38 PM PST

    I didn't really like War2 at first but I gave it a shot incase I was missing something. The Duel and Battles are fine but the attack other boats is too much/impossible to statagize anyways.

    The Race is just dumb. It can't be fixed. We can't have clans winning War2 just because they wake up first. My guys that work ain't got time to battle till after they get off.

    So why even try competing in War2?

    At first my top 600 War clan gave War2 a go but got smashed by 4 clans that were Top 20k. Yeah all of them had 3xxx War1 trophies. Obviously not as well organized as our clan was.

    We went from getting a Legendary card every season to nil. And every week we come in last place like we're dopes.

    Its kinda hard waking to clans with 10k Fame before we even start the race. Is that a designed handicap? Could yall dial it back? When our clan sees them so far ahead we don't even try.

    For 99% of War1 we started our Wars B2B. 95% of the time we finished War1 with 100% completion. Nowadays we barely cross the finish line. What happened?

    submitted by /u/buicksbad
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    Free legendary chest?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 04:01 PM PST

    Does anyone else feel like the "Win Streak Challenges" undermine the value of Pass Royale?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 04:31 PM PST

    Keep in mind, this current season is my first time getting Pass Royale, so I can't compare it to other versions. However, the rise of these "Win Streak Challenges" seem to ruin one of the most appealing parts about Pass Royale: the ability to have unlimited continues.

    I was really excited for this since I knew it would allow me to get FAR more rewards in challenges than I used to, but with these new "Win Streak Challenges" it seems like that is no longer the case. So I have to ask:

    A) Was this always the case? Did these types of challenges always exist and I just didn't know about it?

    and B) Does anyone else with Pass Royale feel a little bit gimmicked by these types of challenges?

    submitted by /u/NightmareReborn
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    I've been using this deck for quite a while now, however I seem to get stuck around the 5700-5800 trophy range, any suggestions or tips?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 09:01 PM PST

    Heal spirit got hops ��

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 10:13 AM PST

    Can we please get an explanation on how Supercell is calling X-Bow balanced?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 01:42 PM PST

    You’ve ruined this game for casual clans

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 10:47 AM PST

    How are casual clans supposed to compete in clan wars two. I have a clan of 40 or so and we've always done wars but at our own pace. 20-25 guys play in war and we play a clan with the same amount so everyone has a chance to win. Now you play against clans that still run40-50 people, get drilled and then people quit your clan because they aren't having fun getting drilled for 5 weeks straight by the same clans. Just bring back clan wars one already so is casual gamers can still enjoy this game. I'm not going to have a clan left very soon because of this nonsense

    submitted by /u/arsonal8
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