• Breaking News

    Tuesday, November 24, 2020

    Clash Royale Maybe Collection Day wasn’t fair, but it was definitely more fun

    Clash Royale Maybe Collection Day wasn’t fair, but it was definitely more fun

    Maybe Collection Day wasn’t fair, but it was definitely more fun

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 07:17 AM PST

    Since hovering units are not affected by an underground Earthquake, they should also not be affected by the underground Miner’s trail.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 12:46 AM PST

    SuperCell asked why CW2 isn't fun: we are glad to answer

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 11:43 AM PST

    SuperCell asked why CW2 isn't fun. Let's answer:

    • It is not fun to play the same clans for 5 consecutive weeks.
    • It is not fun that the clans in the race end up the weekly race in the same positions every week.
    • If at the beginning of the war season (week 1) your clan clearly is behind the other clans, many clan members may abandon the clan (depending on their engagement with the clan) or it is otherwise bad rewards for the next 5 weeks.
    • Boat attacks might be fun, but it is much better for the clan to just do battles.
    • In CW1 you felt like your victory in final day really counted. In CW2 wining or losing doesn't seem to matter.
    • Being forced to play 4x every day no matter what makes you hate CW2. It is just a chore. Now it is only 2 or 3 days if your clan ends the river soon, but if they make the race longer, it will be even more days.
    • As a clan leader it is a nightmare having to pursue every one to play their war battles. And if they don't play, other players get upset and may leave the clan.
    • CW2 gives not reasons for team-building and for higher cooperation and discussion in the clan chat. It is only complaining about members that don't play. Discussing about what boat to attack is not even a thing since attacking boats is worthless.
    • Many CW2 battles are not played in an even field. The levels are quite often very different and the skill level too (player with PB 5600 being matched with ranked players).
    • The forth and/or third decks are most likely a Frankenstein monster for many players and it is not enjoyable to play with them.

    Any more?

    submitted by /u/PEKKA2000
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    Tesla is the reason why xbow is broken [COMPARISON BETWEEN 3 ELIXIR CANNON AND 4 ELIXIR TESLA]

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 09:07 AM PST

    Countering MK & Getting King Activation for a +3 Trade Using 2.6 Cards (Ice Spirit not needed)

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 11:06 AM PST

    Parfectly timed heal spirit resets tower

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 03:14 AM PST

    Clash Royale vs Brawl Stars (Infinity War)

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 02:31 PM PST

    Card idea

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 07:39 PM PST

    I have an idea for a spell card. "Graveyard" would be a good name for it but obviously it's taken.

    Basically, this card would be similar to the clone spell. Any card in the radius that has died will be revived to a one hit HP similar to clone. OR

    Will be granted one extra hit then it dies again. Basically, you place the spell in the area and whatever is in it when it's placed, if it dies within the 5 seconds or whatever would come back as a one hit (attack) & die, as well as a one HP and die like a clone.

    I think this would really change the game in late sequences while doing a huge push. Other ideas: it could only revive the lowest/ highest exilir card or HP, hopefully you get the point and idea of where I'm going. Just a concept I thought of!

    submitted by /u/doordsh
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    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 08:00 PM PST

    You can predict magic archer with tornado resulting in no damnage to your princess tower!

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 08:59 PM PST

    What kind of garbage human thinks it’s funny to ruin the game for everyone and kick out the entire clan?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 10:00 AM PST

    New card idea: CRUSHER (open to suggestions and/or questions)

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 01:42 PM PST

    Yes, even after the latest update you are able to repair your entire boat with 1-2 deck sacrifices only..... Well played bug fix team

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 03:17 PM PST

    Sooo I made my first ever deepfake on Seth.��

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 03:22 AM PST

    Clan Wars 2 is fundamentally broken

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 10:57 AM PST

    No matter how much Supercell will polish CW2, fix its bugs and make fun game modes for it, it will never feel interesting, satisfying nor rewarding and here is why. It goes against what the game is about. CW2 is a race in a game that is not about racing. Clash Royale is about winning, and what makes this game fun (or not fun for some) is that in every battle there is a winner and a loser. But guess what, in CW2 it does not matter. Regardless of whether you won or lost, you and your opponent are both winners, because you both contributed to your clan. Now imagine this. What if when you play ladder, you gain 30 trophies when you win and 15 when you lose. It would be no fun, right? Because you would get trophies based on how much you play, not by how much you win, which would destroy the purpose of the game. Consequently, the person on top of the ladder wouldn't have anything to be proud of, other than being a complete no-lifer who has way too much time on his hands. The same applies to CW2. The clan at the top just has 50 active members who play war battles as soon as they have a chance. Is that something to be proud of and be rewarded for? I don't think so, and it will always be the case if the concept of CW2 remains the same.

    submitted by /u/fumaratas
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    This ad showed up to me yesterday, and I noticed they literally copy-pasted Clash Royale crown onto their game! I mean, is that even legal?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 07:45 PM PST

    For commons, More than 50% of Gold us used for a SINGLE LEVEL (12 - 13). This is just wrong

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 12:52 PM PST

    Hoping nothing new is broke but it looks like come compensation is coming.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 11:17 AM PST

    Clan Wars 2 Even More Disastrous And Broken Now! Many didn't even get the chest after the race completed!

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 04:26 AM PST

    • The new system has everyone's decks resetting at 10AM UTC each day. Our clan war started at 8:40AM UTC on Monday. So guess what everyone was doing in all the clans at high level? Tanking every clan war game to make sure as many people as possible got their battles done in this 1 hour and 20 minutes before the decks reset (this is in part due to only allowing 3 people to attack at once, why can't everyone attack at once?). However this tiny window of extra attacks is stupid anyway.
    • Monday 10am UTC and everyone now gets their attacks reset. These attacks don't need to be rushed and can be finished over a 24 hour period. However be careful that people come in and randomly do a clan war attack. This will mean other people that want to do clan war attacks will not be able to (due to the 50 man per deck reset rule). So while any race is ongoing, you don't want new players to join any more as they may stuff things up for others that will want to attack. Yes people will say but you can only have 50 people in the clan. But some people like to go to another clan temporarily to do a trade, or battle a friend etc.
    • My clan is a top clan. Our battles have been intense. For around the last 5 hours on Tuesday (prior to the decks resetting at 10:00am UTC, 3 of the clans including mine were sitting on around 37000 fame, the other two clans on around 33000 fame. None of them were getting any fame at all for at least the last 5 hours (due to the 50 man rule).
    • 10am UTC on Tuesday hits. Mayhem. For 1 hour it is a mad finish. Boats are being attacked, a lot of tanking happening again, just to get those last 13000 fame.
    • My clan finishes second. Beaten by 500 fame. This is ok. However half the clan doesn't even get the clan war chest!

    This is pure crap. The strategy has now become to tank twice per week in clan wars, to get the battles done fast so as to not hold up the space for others to do theirs attacks. We now have people that after all this work, didn't even get the clan war chest despite being in the clan the whole time from start to finish and getting a lot of fame. It happened to about half the players in our clan.

    What needs to be done?

    1. I much preferred the pre patch clan wars 2. This 50 man rule version now makes tanking a viable strategy twice per race. The current system makes tanking viable twice per week now. Also we had some people shut out from attacking too.
    2. Lets eliminate races altogether. Just give rewards to every clan for reaching a certain fame milestone (Similar to the old clan chest system). Rewards could also be tied into individual performance too. So lets say you got 4000 fame for the week, your reward is improved, or you get a bonus reward (even if it is just some tokens or some gold).
    3. If No to Point 2.... Then Start allowing everyone to attack all at once would mean no tanking would ever need to be done. No one likes waiting around trying to attack in their preferred game mode. This would also stop all tanking occurring as people could just do regular battles whenever they want to and not hold up anyone else, or have to wait for anyone else to finish.

    Seriously Supercel. Hire a gamer to actually tell you the flaws in your systems. I saw these flaws the moment you put them in place. Others have too. When in tank mode, on day one, I noticed other opponents doing the same too (ie fireballing the king tower in the first second).

    As a clan leader, my clan has been excellent in following instructions and we would not have had a good finish this clan war if they didn't co-operate. But needing to tank games is so boring. Without it, we would have had a poor finish. Players not getting the clan war chest sux badly too.

    Overall, the new update version of clan wars 2 is a Disaster! Roll back to pre-patch for next week until you come up with a better plan or implement some more changes.

    EDIT some people are asking what Tanking is.....

    Tanking is losing on purpose. People tank for different reasons. In Ladder people tank to lower their trophies, but in Clan wars 2 the reason to tank is for the games to be played fast and there are 2 reasons for this.

    So with the new clan war (in legendary leagues at least where it is very competitive) there are two times tanking was done this clan war....

    1. On Monday in that short window of time when the race started (for us it was Monday 8:40am UTC) until the decks reset again (Monday 10:00am UTC). If games were played normally and take 3-6 minutes to complete, this holds up a spot for other people in the clan who need to wait for you to finish your game before they can attack. So if you tank (or lose on purpose) the game is finished in 30 seconds. This allows as many as possible to finish their 4 clan matches in this 1 hour 20 minute window. This will give the clan the most fame possible in this short time, and afterwards everyone's attacks are reset anyway.
    2. On Tuesday 10:00am UTC all clans were stuck on around 37000 fame. So with only 13000 fame left, there was a mix of people playing legit and trying to win, but a majority of people needed to attack boats and lose these on purpose (for the sake of fast games and fast fame). Again the problem being because not everyone can attack at the same time. Losing a boat battle and winning a boat battle gives the same fame, so might as well just tank these and lose in 30 seconds.

    Both these times to tank games would be stopped if SuperCell lets every player attack at the same time instead of having to wait for others in the clan to finish their battle. Or get rid of this race feature and simply make it any clan that reaches certain fame milestones gets the rewards (and couple that potentially with individual fame eant in the week can give that player additional prizes or improve their chest).

    submitted by /u/EatEmAlive123
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    New way people are cheating in clan wars 2 �� So there’s a limit to 50 players each day to play ... once decks reset he came in and played with one very low level deck and lost and left to return to his clan who are against us!!! Do people get satisfaction from being cheats ?? ����‍♀️

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 02:58 AM PST

    nice spear goblin placement for lumberjack

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 03:20 PM PST

    I've noticed a trend with how people boat attack. They start with stacking elixer collectors. They'll build a push mirroring elixer golem or giant skeleton followed by night witch, sparky(not always), and clone.They usually attack right tower 1st. Guaranteed 1 tower if not 2. Any advice on defense?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 01:46 PM PST


    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 02:35 AM PST

    I can’t believe I have to play 5 weeks against the same clans, this is getting so boring.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 07:22 AM PST

    As a clan leader I'm noticing how having people participating in clan wars is harder everyday. I don't know if it is something related to my region but I've been leader of this clan for 4 years and I totally don't know what to do. People just don't care anymore, yeah we are behind to clans in the war again, just as the week before and the week before and the week before. If you guys have some advice to give me as a clan leader I would be grateful.

    submitted by /u/ValeC3010
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