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    Wednesday, September 30, 2020

    Clash Royale Clash Royale sales ranking through September. Karma?

    Clash Royale Clash Royale sales ranking through September. Karma?

    Clash Royale sales ranking through September. Karma?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 07:26 AM PDT

    This game...

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 01:48 PM PDT

    Clan Wars 2 was a huge disappointment. Looking back at TV Royale, here are some content and developer goals that were never fulfilled in the CW2 Update as advertised. Most of it was because you need 32 MAX LEVELED CARDS to survive in CW2. Hope this is fixed in the next update.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 10:38 PM PDT

    We're all living in 2020 while the official (!) website from ClashRoyale is still in 2018

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 10:01 AM PDT

    Exclusive: Shocktober - New season

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 07:04 AM PDT

    As if Clasy Royale couldn't get any worse...

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 07:22 AM PDT

    Rough concept: Sort by type. Sorry for bad quality :)

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 12:02 PM PDT

    [How to not disappoint players in 1 simple step] Give 1 token if you win in colosseum duel, and give extra fame earned as gold at the end of the month.

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 06:01 AM PDT

    Am I the only that thinks this is stupid

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 07:32 AM PDT

    What the community wishes for

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 09:39 AM PDT

    Let me start with a brief introduction, I'm AGK: been playing the game for 4 years, I consider myself a good player and I'm a leader of a clan that overall have been smashing it both on cw1 and now on cw2 and part of a small clash royale family of 2k people, where we share our opinions, ideas, have fun and so much more(probably most of you seeing this come from a family of clans too) so I overall know enough about this game and the community to share some of my conclusions:

    Anyways I heard a lot more complaints about the state of the game lately than ever, the wait for the update was exhausting for all the players(I'm sure devs had their share of frustration too not to be able to work properly becasue of covid but we are focusing on players on this post at least) so we'll try to put some light on why the update wasn't so well received and some suggestions to make it better

    The Update

    The long awaited update, after a year waiting for it, has come. The cw2 idea was refreshing at first, and it being referred as the biggest update of cr ever sure made a lot people build up too high expectations to then soon get disappointed again(I'll come back to this point) Let's be honest, we all were excited for this boat race and it looked pretty fun at first sight, especially after hearing it will be favorable to f2p players(personally I'm almost fully maxed on my main but ive been running an f2p acc that now is lvl 13 so im pretty familiar with the struggle) but after we tried it out it was a huge let down for some sides even tho there were some nice parts of the update as well like the new duel mode, and rewards too for example that are a huge help to all players, mainly cause they are weekly and this without considering the huge amount of gold you could collect by constantly participating. I think we all agree on this. now let's get on the cons of this update and why the community isn't loving it much

    War day

    The monotonous tone of war day in cw1, and please note that back then we at least had a bit of variety that constantly changed each month with the war day collection, is basically being dropped again on us with the river race. All important battles are 1v1, either simple or duel; boat battles are often a waste unless in a clutchy situation(it's a nice feature in itself, except that this way it's seen as the only escape of the haunting 1v1 modes, moreso that it's less rewarding and so leaves a bitter taste behind it) and gives you only half fame compared to a 1v1 win

    The main problem with the 1v1 modes is as always card levels; I'm sure by now everyone who has played the game consistently for more than 1 year and a half or 2 years has at least a deck maxed or more; the issue is ladder only requires you one maxed deck initially, and then eventually you work around it till you level up enough cards to change it depending on your comfortability , but on this update, you are literally forced to have at least 2 maxed decks and a good dozen of lvl 12 cards to be able to compete for the maximum amounts of fame and if not you're left to the 50/50 matchmaking luck where usually if you're f2p you'll be literally just hoping not to get stomped by someone who's deck is maxed while yours is made of lvl 11 or lower.

    The monotone behaviour is also a great factor of discontent and boredom of the player, as he is literally put before a two option choice of the same thing: do I 1v1 in a bo3 with someone or do I 1v1 with someone else; another aggravating factor is the fact that the race itself is redundant, even in the coliseum week and this will almost surely lead players to burnout and get tired of repeating the same thing; the literal same reason people wanted a rework for cw1!

    My idea

    Personally i had this idea/suggestion for a while and i saw a lot of good suggestions on this subreddit as well that deserve more attention, I know that the team just came back from vacation and I know Drew is usually hanging around(If you see this thanks for all your work and efforts, we really appreciate this game, hence why we are this touched or ''disappointed'' when it becomes boring) .

    Firstly, please change the duel mode to be capped at lvl 9 and we could leave the 1v1 up to lvl 13, I'm sure most of us wouldn't mind that as we'll have at least another 1v1 mode with our card levels that isn't ladder

    Second, add possibly more river tasks, either different tasks with new features; for example a special seasonal mode for each season and a pvbot mode or a ''party'' task button with 3 different special game modes for each month, so for example for september it could have been draft, 2x elixir and 2v2 and for October changing it with sudden death, a skeleton themed mode (or 2xelixir 2v2) for spooktober and double exlixir draft or 3x elixir and so on(or we could even have an elixir collection task where all special elixir modes are so 2x, 3x, ramp up and why not 7x or another where all draft modes are so normal, 2x elixir, triple draft and touchdown and each of those tasks are like the party button so when you tap on them they show you all available modes); of course these modes would be capped at tournament standards. This wouldn't only give more choices to players but also a higher chance to win since they aren't lvl dependant; not only that but also that usually most of them are fun and enjoyable so this could give a bit more joy to the overall races. I strongly believe that this way if people had fun with all kinds of modes during the race and then in week 5 they have to duel, it wouldn't be so tiring as it is actually now because we have literally been only dueling or normal 1v1 the past 4 weeks and we are left doing the same now again; at the same time we could make colosseum duels rewards bigger for week 5 so the colosseum has more sense than just being a new arena and a duel copycat with the same exact rewards.

    Thirdly if the team would listen just a bit more to the community it would be awesome, I read all drew's and seth's posts about this(btw good luck to him on Clash of clans!) and i notice at every balance change that at least half of the cards nerfed/buffed were a popular request from the community itself and i know that it's literally impossible to make everyone happy but why not make another small step toards us: Sadly toxicity is a big obstacle to this and unfortunately we have to live with it but please now that those are always a minority and that most of us are really passionate about the game, exactly the reason why we are so concerned about its state;

    Another update/feature the community would like to see could be a small rework to the challenges; we are constantly getting special challenges but why not make some of them permanent; as i mentioned above the ''party'' button feature could be used on challenges too for example; so for example we could have a party challenge mode for 10, 25 or 50 gems and it would have all kind of elixir and draft modes for the moment, pretty much the most balanced and requested modes but also adding a challenge token (this is a really popular idea that was mentioned a lot of times) to compensate for the gems(For example a grand token can be used for a gc or 10 times for a cc or 2/4 times for the special challenge and a common challenge token for one free entry to the classic challenge, you get the idea, this could be exploited a lot) especially since most players save their gems for gt rewards to have more value or for emotes too and usually hesitate to do challenges. Let's also not forget 2v2 ladder, that's a popular request as well(even tho i suspect the team could be already working on it ;) )

    Overall I hope this post could reach a good part of the community and hopefully they could relate to it and if not, absolutely feel free to reply with your ideas as well, I'm sure we together as a community could brainstorm a lot of awesome things that eventually the team could take inspiration from.

    To the dev team, I know your work isn't even remotely easy but we can all agree that we all as humans can improve and what better way to do that than in this case hearing, from the community that loves the game so much, where things could be improved and how, and at the same time we all thank all of your efforts onto building such an awesome game that to this day we still still appreciate and enjoy!

    Ps. Special thanks to everyone who took some time to ready post, I know my syntax isn't the best so sorry for that :)

    submitted by /u/AGK369
    [link] [comments]

    Petition for Clash Royale to do something like this, but instead, make it for healthcare workers.

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 01:40 PM PDT

    Wizard splash won the impossible game

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 07:11 PM PDT

    IT FINALLY HAPPENED!! BMer loses and joins clan to rage.

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 12:08 AM PDT

    Didnt know i needed a full deck to watch a replay!

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 05:06 PM PDT

    [Petition] Please can we get weekly updates Drew? (Regardless of how little or much you have to share). On Friday just share 3 things the team worked on this week and 3 things you'll be working on next week (even if they're the same). And perhaps 3 issues you've faced / facing. (Also known as PPPs)

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 06:26 AM PDT

    [Reposting this as my original post was removed - presumably because the image I used was copyrighted maybe?! - no response from mods yet]

    I had to post this after seeing a recent comment from Drew saying:

    "i can't put a timeline on when i will be able to give more info, sorry.

    when there is info to share rest assured i will share it!"

    That's fine - if you can't give us an accurate timeline.

    Shortly after Clan Wars 2 released you shared a mockup of an improved clan members screen and a good summary of many of the issues we're facing. This filled (some of us) with hope that these will be addressed and things will be improved.

    The problem is, since then communication has been very few and far between. We don't need exact timelines, or even all of the details. But just be present with the community, interact with us more. I've tried tagging you on Twitter so many times to try to get some answers but these always get ignored. I realise you're probably a busy guy but we need better interaction with the community to keep giving us hope. A one time post, followed by weeks of pretty much silence, does nothing to help us believe that anything is happening behind the scenes.

    There's a reason companies employ people to reply to Tweets and social posts. It helps build trust. More communication is a good thing.

    I realise you probably feel there isn't much to share, but you'd probably be surprised that a little would go a long way.

    Following the PPP structure I suggested in the title might look something like this:


    - Good progress made on matchmaking algorithm. Still at least 4 weeks away from being able to release this but on track so far.

    - Clan member screen improvements coded in. With QA team now.

    - Quests being added back into the game. This is taking a while though. Likely to be in Jan 2021.


    - 2 New cards coming in update next week

    - More bug fixes being worked (be specific if you can)

    - Work starting on a 2V2 ladder (I realise this won't be the case but just giving examples)


    - Still a bit light on dev resource - currently backfilling some dev roles

    - We had server issues, hence the 15 minute maintenance this morning (again, I'm making this up, but would be great to know what the maintenance was actually for this morning)

    submitted by /u/WesternSorbet
    [link] [comments]

    Clash Royale Grossing Ranking Over 3 months on sensortower.com

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 01:57 PM PDT

    I wish CR learned more from Brawl Stars. They’re doing a hell of a job and pump out great updates and communicate with the community consistently.

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 05:56 PM PDT

    3 towers in 3 seconds

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 01:43 PM PDT

    One of the craziest games I’ve ever played. Gotta appreciate a good game when you see one

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 05:14 PM PDT

    Hey is this a good lavahound deck ?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 01:54 PM PDT

    New goblin gang art looks dope!

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 03:53 AM PDT

    (Idea)You can buy tower skins for gems like heroes in coc

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 09:25 AM PDT

    Why was this removed

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 02:06 PM PDT

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