• Breaking News

    Tuesday, July 14, 2020

    Clash Royale I thought I got emote by not attacking war

    Clash Royale I thought I got emote by not attacking war

    I thought I got emote by not attacking war

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 07:56 AM PDT

    Petition to add a total damage attribute for long spells (poison/tornado/earthquake). During battles I'd like to know if I can shot a tower without using a calculator

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 01:59 AM PDT

    Idk if this is a repost but enjoy

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    [Balance Idea] Cannon Cart... Not bad, but needs a calling of his own.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 05:46 PM PDT

    I had a longer post prepared for this, but my device broke and I lost everything I've been working on... Ugh fucking hell that was months worth of text for several different posts

    So I'm gonna keep this short, sweet, and to the point because I've lost all will to put effort into explaining my thought process.

    Cannon Cart isn't bad but almost every other card in the game can do what he can better. He can get his own unique value sometimes when he locks on the tower, being guaranteed a lot of damage, but that is very niche and not reliable enough to justify putting him in your deck over some other card like Bandit or Musketeer.

    He needs something that he's the best at, beating all of the other replacements so that he can have a chance. So here is my change.

    Cannon Cart -- Elixir Cost 5 -> 6, Sight Range 6 -> 7.5, All stages now considered a Building (so basically the first mobile building in the game)

    Yeah, that's it. Just make him a Building that moves. He can pull Giants at all times, as well as Balloons and Hogs, etc. and take damage from them, even while mobile. With increased Sight Range to match the Sight Range of other tanks, he will beg for tanks to come to him.

    I mean why not though? He's just a Cannon... with wheels under him. Why would wheels discourage building lovers from giving him a big hug?

    He becomes 2 Cannons for 6 elixir, but the first one is mobile and has infinite lifetime. Also resistant to Rockets and Lightnings due to the shield. Immune to Healing, Clones, Ram Rider Snare targeting, and the likes that do not affect buildings. Fisherman pulls himself to the Cannon Cart rather than pulling the Cannon Cart to himself.

    Any hate for the idea? Fire away, I couldn't care less right now. Have an average day

    submitted by /u/yojojo3000
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    OP STRAT vs no skill golem clone!!!

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 09:45 AM PDT

    Edragon, I’m 12

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 08:35 AM PDT

    Is this a new sports or something...?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 06:32 AM PDT

    Used their fisherman to get my Royal Giant to their tower faster and to escape a rocket.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 12:39 PM PDT

    Peace was an option

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 03:59 AM PDT

    Big brain time

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    If yall wanted to hear something positive today... this lvl 13 came up against me, a lvl 8, and decided to give me a break. Wherever he/she is i hope they’re having a good time and would like to thank them for proving that good sports can be found in the CR playerbase

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 06:25 AM PDT

    �� 3 crown in sudden death

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 01:11 PM PDT

    2v2 ladder is dumb. Stop asking for it ffs

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 11:29 AM PDT

    2v2 is meant to be a Permanent part of Party mode and way for you to chill off with your friends causally.

    Its also very teammates dependant so it would be frustrating to play 2v2 "competitively"

    submitted by /u/Donghoon
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    That might’ve been one of the smartest moves my wizard has made.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 09:08 AM PDT

    Make friend requests easier

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    Hey, guys. Right now I'm noticing that friend requests are actually really annoying to do if you don't have a form of communication on your device to accept friend requests. The only other way to add friends is to do a 2v2 with them. In my opinion, this is really unfair, since even people IN MY OWN CLAN have to do 2v2s to add friends. My suggestion would to make an "add friend" button on players' profiles, since not everyone has discord or gmail on their device.

    P.S. Sorry if this has been posted before

    submitted by /u/Noah3238_games
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    Be optimistic! Clash Royale offers have improved greatly from 4 years ago!

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 04:36 PM PDT

    We’re giving away a Clash Royale Fan Box! Details in comments on original post.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 04:29 PM PDT

    Update: Deck is still doing well for this early season push. Currently sitting at 5564. More to come!

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 07:29 PM PDT

    Fisherman's hook should do damage

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 09:32 AM PDT

    So everyone's favourite Irish fisherman Maurice and his trusty good blue cod fish friend are back, yet i personally think they can be an even more formidable duo by making the anchor when hooking deal damage. I don't have in mind anything big regarding damage probably about 92 damage enough to at least kill fire spirits. If he becomes too op, which imo he will probably not we can decrease his hit speed therefore also effectively decreasing his dps. I just think it's annoying how he has to grapple every single weak skeleton and fire spirit, pull it towards himself and eventually kill it after ages, also it's a fricking ANCHOR WHY SHOULDN'T IT DO DAMAGE

    submitted by /u/Blackangel466
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    How do you climb past 5k when these are the opponents you get ��

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 07:27 AM PDT

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