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    Wednesday, July 8, 2020

    Clash Royale I drew the Mega Knight with chalk!

    Clash Royale I drew the Mega Knight with chalk!

    I drew the Mega Knight with chalk!

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 05:42 PM PDT

    3 towers fall at the same time in OT! My craziest match I’ve ever had.

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 11:12 AM PDT

    Why is my Ram Rider icon different from most other people icon’s???

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 12:36 AM PDT

    All my homies hate firecracker

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 06:48 AM PDT

    Fun Fact : 'Rare' is only rarity that requires more cards to upgrade from base to 12 than upgrading from 12 to 13.

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 06:45 AM PDT

    First Ever Clash Royale App Icon Change Incoming, Guys! R.I.P. King 2016-2020!

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 03:31 PM PDT

    [Art]Emote Rework: Inferno Dragon Zapped by electric wizard and electric dragon

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 09:23 AM PDT

    Ideas for small in game tweaks

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 12:03 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, I have been playing CR for almost 4 years, still missing the badge 😏

    I am also a developer, so I just wanted to share a few ideas that could improve the game has it is right now. And I know that there is a big update on the clan wars coming, cannot wait for that, but what I have in mind are a few tweaks that would give the game a little boost of happiness.


    Starting on "personalization", everyone likes to have something that makes them unique, in this case on our CR profile we have badges and our deck, one thing that I really liked about those star skins is that they don't change your cards completely, so we will not have the problem of playing against a card that seems strange, like In other games. And I believe that more "gold" skins will appear in the future, but one thing that I think would improve on this is the option to select the skin that we want. Right now if we unlock a 3 star goblin barrel we can never play the zero stars goblin barrel… a simple button could solve this, where a player could select the skin to use, or even simpler, clicking on the card avatar would select the number of stars from zero to the max stars of the card, if it is already unlocked!

    This could be on the card profile, in terms of dev, this would mean, probably, another field on the player table, a "active-skin"!

    Clan Chat

    This one I already saw youtubers, and probably people here as well, talking about a tab chat on the clan chat UI just for the trades, this would help everybody life so much in my humble opinion. I don't know if you will add this on the new clan UI, and I don't know if there's any time left on this month dev pipeline, But it would improve the communication between us players in a colossal way!

    An emote limit would be cool, if a player uses 4 emotes in sequence, he/she could send another after only 5 minutes maybe... just make the emotes grey! A mute option would be amazing, but that would bring other repercussions. This could be a simple thing to code, or not, I don't know your code base 😊 but it would help many people from raging, and other mental problems!

    Clan profile UI

    One thing that was kind of weird for me was having a way to copy to my clipboard a player tag, but not a clan tag! It's just a tiny teak that could help so much, and if anybody is thinking why we need this, well, it is for the same reason we have the copy player tag option!

    Add friend

    This is a little complicated, and I also saw many people talking about it. For now, the only way that we have to add friends are from: connecting our Facebook account, at the end of a 2x2 match and by sharing our invitation link by any digital way.

    What many probably want is a request friendship button on each player profile, but this would bring spam to most pros and others alike and could annoy a lot of people. They would probably ask for a mute/ban button to avoid cancelling the requests from the same players, so overall in my opinion, for now, this should not change! Even the Facebook connection thing is too much in my humble opinion, 4 years ago it could have, but now, I do not think so!

    Trading Cards

    With a semi-maxed account, I can only request one card in my clan, since it is the new card it annoys a lot of us, and probably many of you! A full clan were everybody requests the same cards because they cannot request any other, even if they are not maxed out. If you have enough cards to max a card you cannot request it! And this is what I wanted to touch, if a card is not maxed why can't I request it? I could simply receive the gold amount that we already receive when we get extra cards from the chests! This way we could request other cards and not create a big requesting madness of newest cards! Again, in my humble opinion, it would help a lot of players, and it would release some steam from others!


    This are, probably most used by clans, youtubers and communities, but it always feels like we need to use other tools to complement this feature. I would suggest an option to share a tournament link, an action just like we have on the "Invite to clan", it would create a link that we all could share on our communication channels, and upon the click it would add that player to the tournament. Other really helpful feature would be an option to kick a player of the tournament, maybe there is a player that got into the tournament or is playing with a deck that it shouldn't, among other strange reasons that we humans get from time to time 😶

    Without wanting to push too much, an option to ban cards would be amazing here, it would allow to bust the tournaments usage by "nine thousand"! But this could require some development, don't know if some of the code used on the touchdown event could be helpful here (since some cards were ban on those events)!


    I will finish this for now, sorry for the big text and I hope I didn't copy any idea here, if you think so, then please send me a message about it with a link for the reddit post and I'll change this post to give the appropriate credit!

    Thank you for reading everything, and thanks Supercell for creating a game that still gives me joy till this day.

    I also want to say thanks to all my gaming partners, some ideas came from them and from our amazing talks about this game that we still enjoy. And thank you so much to the reddit community and everyone that helped me here, without them I could not have posted this, you are the best 💪

    Have fun and I will see you all in the arena 👍

    submitted by /u/trainermancr
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    This has to be the closest match of all time. Beat tiebreaker by half a second with 1HP vs 3HP

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 05:08 PM PDT

    Thanks for all those BM emotes and 'Thanks'

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 05:26 AM PDT

    Don’t mind the poor edit, but i think adding “current favorite emote” to stats would be interesting, not just for personal curiosity but to find out which of your clanmates and other players are annoying to play against lol

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 09:21 AM PDT

    Basic Golem Tip (Sorry for bad editing)

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 10:22 PM PDT

    I grouped every card into a faction. Ask for explanations in comments.

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 09:43 PM PDT

    This is easily the closest match I’ve ever had. I was just happy I won and then I noticed the hp of my tower and was amazed. Have any of you had a match this close?

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 05:35 PM PDT

    New challenge idea :{ Power up } (defeat the storage and increase the power of your kingdom.) If you have suggestion or question, feel free to comment it down bellow. Thanks...-Next one --> smash and grab

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 10:06 AM PDT

    Rares are so hard to level up

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 02:39 PM PDT

    Does anyone else find that rares are extremely hard to level up? Most of mine are 10-11. I dont understand how people have them maxed as f2p. My epics are higher then rares. I feel like they should make rares requests up to like 10 or more instead of 4. Because commons is 40 but then rares is 4 it doesn't make sense to me.

    submitted by /u/Mat3o13g
    [link] [comments]

    Well, it was good riddance, lets see how many games that i claimed my king tower lvl could have won me i will go on to win now! ✌�� lvl 12

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 03:43 PM PDT

    The reason I love Clash Royale so much is because in my time playing, there has never been a severe hacker problem.

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 07:48 AM PDT

    When was the last time you ever has a hacker in one of your games? Can you remember? I sure can't. Clash Royale is a great game because people aren't constantly trying to ruin it 24/7, like the current state of TF2. Supercell, y'all are doing a great job keeping hackers at bay.

    submitted by /u/Wild7rapper
    [link] [comments]

    I ain't stoping (to be Supercell's whiteknight) now

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 06:34 PM PDT

    Finally! All limited emotes in my category!

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 10:47 PM PDT

    I found a deck which is all godly on deck shop pro.

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 11:03 AM PDT

    If you press a finished chest and the battle button at the same time, it will glitch you out of the game.

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 09:34 AM PDT

    Meta is finally shifting away from Cycle and Bait after so many months

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 09:40 AM PDT

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