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    Tuesday, June 23, 2020

    Clash Royale Place goblin gang like this to counter skeleton dragons (and other splash cards)

    Clash Royale Place goblin gang like this to counter skeleton dragons (and other splash cards)

    Place goblin gang like this to counter skeleton dragons (and other splash cards)

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 12:22 PM PDT

    I always thought a horizontal spell would be a great and unique addition to the game, this could be a way to incorporate an adult dragon into the game as well!

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 11:58 AM PDT

    New card idea: MINION CARRIER (open to suggestions and/or questions)

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 01:30 PM PDT

    The number four player in the world, giving a detailed opinion on the state of the meta

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 04:27 PM PDT

    Sword here spitting facts

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 12:07 AM PDT

    Since air troops can fly over buildings, why can’t we place them on top of buildings?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 08:17 AM PDT

    Being able to place air troops on top of buildings would help immensely. Especially in situations where you don't have any spells in your starting hand, and someone starts a match with a goblin barrel. Bats/minions would be able to counter it decently if they didn't have to be placed AROUND the tower instead of DIRECTLY ON TOP of the tower.

    What are y'all's thoughts on this?

    submitted by /u/LavishHeifer
    [link] [comments]

    [Long, Effort Post] Elixir Golem & Battle Healer: An in-depth analysis of why they synergize so well, why they are so hard to balance, and what in the heck we can possibly do to create balance.

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 06:57 PM PDT

    Ayo, it's yojojo, and today I wish to offer my assistance regarding the EG+BH situation. I've been trying to restrict myself from making balance posts about just one or two cards alone (other than the Mirror one), but considering how complicated this problem actually is for just being two cards, I believe it meets the requirements I've set for myself to make a post about it.

    Let's get into it, shall we?

    Table of Contents (😏)

    • Table of Contents (😏)
    • Linking Together The Synergies
    • Why Isn't There a Simple Fix?
    • Possible Complex Fixes
    • Conclusion

    Linking Together The Synergies

    Before I can even begin to describe the problems we face when balancing these cards, we need to go over some very important points so that we can be on the same page, and those points of interest are the monstrous synergies these two cards have with each other. Some may think it is as simple as "EG becomes a swarm," which does make her healing more powerful, but it goes much deeper than that.

    First off, let's consider their performance when they aren't paired together and dissect who they are individually.

    Let's just look at the Battle Healer just for a moment. Pretend Elixir Golem doesn't exist for the sake of analysis. What is she?

    She is a healer. What do healers do? Healers supply nearby troops with a surplus of HP, and will continue to do so until she dies, meaning she can technically heal troops for an indefinite amount of time.

    How is this ability balanced out in CR?

    • For simplicity's sake, she will only activate her heal when she attacks an enemy. Because she relies on hitting targets to deliver healing, she can't be too efficient of a killer, or else she won't get enough healing done.
    • Since she can heal herself with the same attack, her heal cannot be too strong, either. In specific, she shouldn't be too immortal for her cost when she locks on to your tower.
    • Because she needs low damage to do what she is supposed to do and low healing to not be overpowered, the rest of her stats must focus on giving her the right amount of hit points.

    All of these are a problem.

    • Because she needs low damage to do considerable healing, she cannot defend herself very well and relies heavily on support cards to protect her, which in return does not allow her to do much healing.
    • Because her healing is limited due to the fact that she can heal herself, the healing she gives out is negligible. She needs to dedicate a lot of time to Healing before she makes a considerable impact on the match.
    • All of these downsides can be resolved if you give her enough Hit Points to allow her the time she needs to do her job, but there is a problem with this that won't allow her having more HP. I will explain it later in the post as it will tie with something else. Point is, as of now, she dies too quickly if unprotected.

    Because of all these problems, she is a completely dead card. Outside of Elixir Golem decks, that is. She is at best an inferior 4 elixir Knight with the DPS of a Royal Recruit. Garbage.

    Now, let's look at Elixir Golem.

    Elixir Golem is a high risk, high reward card that lets you place a very hefty tank for cheap, but becomes expensive when it dies. The goal when using a card like this is to recover enough of an advantage to make up for the disadvantage you will soon face when your tank dies. Due to this design, it can be very punishing if you already have a lead, essentially being a deal-sealer.

    How is this ability balanced out in CR?

    • The way the cheap-becomes-expensive system is implemented into CR is by having the tank break down into 4 individual Blobs that each give the opponent 1 elixir, giving your opponent 4 elixir in total. Considering it gives your opponent an extremely versatile advantage, there needs to be a feature that can make giving your opponent elixir worth it if you work for it, preferably something else versatile.
    • Considering it goes straight for buildings (so basically the Crown Tower), the redeeming feature it has is offensive aggression. In specific, it offers a large amount of HP with moderate DPS, and moves faster the more damaged it becomes. Seems fitting for a card that punishes by design as it isn't too picky about the situation.

    Now, there is some conflict between these two things, and the conflicts can conflict each other as well.

    • The biggest conflict is how it turns into a swarmy unit. It's not that being more swarmy is a strength (though they do move a lot faster), but rather it is a huge weakness. A single 2 elixir Log being able to dish out 1440 maximum damage on the entire tank (killing the Golemites then hitting all the Blobs that come out at the same time) makes killing the Elixir Golem way too easy, not to mention that most tank killers will still do a ton of work to him on top of that. Right now there is a certain something that prevents him from getting a buff, and it leaves him a weak card.
    • Due to its aggression, you can run the risk of making it too aggressive (or in other words, making it a 7 elixir tank that you place for 3 elixir), making it difficult to buff.

    So now you have a 3 elixir Giant that has twice as many hard counters to it and gives the opponent 4 free elixir. No thanks, I'd rather have the Giant with fewer hard counters and no elixir being given out like a madman. Tada, Elixir Golem is dead. Without the Battle Healer, that is.

    Both cards by themselves are quite dead. Battle Healer in her current state needs a good tank in front of her in order to survive long enough to do anything meaningful, and because she is 4 elixir, she takes away from what could have been a push that could have brute-forced its way to the tower utilizing a different 4 elixir support card. Doesn't work. Elixir Golem, cheap as it is, suffers from having twice as many counters as a normal tank, limiting how much of an advantage you can get from him greatly and causing huge counterpushes to come your way. Forget it.

    Are you seeing everything fall together now?

    Elixir Golem allows for more support behind the push. Two Battle Healer flaws now removed: she no longer takes too much away from a push, and now she has a beefy tank in front of her to keep her alive. Battle Healer heals groups of troops. Two Elixir Golem flaw now reduced: the effects of all damage are slightly less powerful on him, and now his support troops can make up for his elixir dump much more effectively due to the Battle Healer constantly healing them up.

    Tada, all flaws are effectively made up for when these two cards are together, and now you have a very, very strong pair.

    And this is a bit of a problem when it comes to balancing these two cards.

    Why Isn't There a Simple Fix?

    Well, first off, I do want to mention something that I didn't mention in the previous section for reasons that can only be described as "I couldn't put it in and make the paragraphs flow at the same time": they both have excessive power in numbers, both together and individually. 2 or 3 Elixir Golems can easily brute force their way to take towers just by having too many Hit Points to bleed through, and getting 2 or 3 Elixir Golems down is not hard to do, even without a Mirror. Same goes for Battle Healer, being easy to get 2 or more of them down without a Mirror. Battle Healers can heal each other up to the point of immortality, which can make them unstoppable.

    Together, the effects of stacking them together can become oppressively strong, being almost guaranteed to take at least one tower if not all three of them.

    With that out of the way, back on topic: Why isn't there a simple fix? Let's look at how things are now:

    For Battle Healer, this vile synergy with the Elixir Golem prevents her from getting a very important HP buff that would make her viable in other decks. If you buff her HP now, Elixir Golem would benefit too much from it and make them become a completely unstoppable duo as the support troops will just never die. So, the simple HP buff she needs cannot be done.

    For Elixir Golem, this synergy does not allow for any sort of direct buff to make up for his extreme weaknesses, for the same reasons as mentioned in the previous paragraph. So no simple buffs.

    Now what about just a little more complex fixes that can still be considered simple by keeping the design of the card?

    Considering how Battle Healer simply needs a tank that can make up for her elixir cost, almost any Elixir Golem change you can think of can just be thrown out the window. More swarms, less swarms, different distribution of HP, different distribution of Elixir, faster movement speed, slower movement speed, doesn't matter since all she needs to do is keep support troops alive for a certain amount of time and boom, tower down.

    Making him more expensive + buffs won't work until you do it to a point where you just can't support your Elixir Golem enough with or without Battle Healer to make up for his massive elixir dump, effectively killing his use rates. Tank killers and splash units will still delete him regardless of his stats, and higher elixir cost means a more massive positive elixir trade for the opponent.

    The only ones that could work are ones that completely remove Elixir Golem's tanky side and replace it with something else incredibly powerful and ridiculous, such as making him a Mini Pekka that goes for buildings. At that point you might as well make Royal Giant have 1000 HP and make him Very Fast.

    What about Battle Healer changes?

    Making Battle Healer do less healing for more of anything is a big no-no. It would simply make her even more of an inferior Knight and basically make her anything but a healer. It would definitely make Elixir Golem synergies less powerful, but if anything, it would simply kill her use rates.

    Removing passive healing in exchange for a buff is again a big no-no. She needs HP really badly and this would once again make her more of an inferior Knight, and this wouldn't even address the disgusting Elixir Golem synergy at all.

    You can't nerf her healing, period. It sucks already since she's so reliant on having something tank for her, leaving her unable to heal much of anything other than the tank and one support troop. The healing is only a problem with Elixir Golem since he provides so much cheap tankage for her, still allowing for a lot of support units to be dumped with her. Her healing shouldn't get nerfed any further because of him, as it would only serve to kill the card afterwards.

    Any other change made to her that would try to keep her design would be pointless, considering that her Healing is the only thing that matters in an Elixir Golem push.

    You understand why there is no simple fix for them now, right?

    So what can we do now? We can't just kill the cards, even if they are oppressive as hell when they are together.

    Possible Complex Fixes

    At this point, the only way you are going to fix these cards is by changing their design a bit, but just a bit. Design changes are things like adding/removing abilities, changing their elixir costs drastically, or really any enormous stat change (like +50% HP on Bowler) that changes how you play the card a bit. All things considered, I think both of these cards have met the requirements needed to call for a design change, having very little use rates in every mode (yet still oppressive) and being completely dead cards when separated.

    A reoccuring problem when it comes to balancing is the Battle Healer's need for a tank to get things done and Elixir Golem's extreme dependency on Battle Healer's healing to get his value back using multiple healed support units. With this in mind, I've cracked one solution that could for-sure work to make these cards independent of each other. What could make Battle Healer less in need of a tank and what could make Elixir Golem less dependent on the Battle Healer? This:

    Battle Healer -- Elixir Cost 4 -> 6, Hit Points +45.5% (1425 -> 2073), Damage +39.8% (123 -> 172), Added Death Heal (same as Heal Spirit Heal, 2.5sec delay before delivering the heal)

    That's right. I increased her elixir cost greatly. And it's a glorious way to make Elixir Golem less dependent on Battle Healer. The more expensive a card is, the less total cards you can place into your push, and for Battle Healer and Elixir Golem, that's a huge disadvantage. Elixir Golem needs as many reliable support troops as he can get to make up for the 4 elixir he will inevitably give to the opponent (and Battle Healer ain't one of those reliable support troops, just a support for other support troops), and Battle Healer needs plenty of support troops around her to keep herself alive.

    With Battle Healer being 6 elixir, you now have 9 elixir worth of defenseless crap to support when putting the two cards in the same push instead of the previous 7 elixir worth of defenseless crap. Try placing that at the bridge! That's more expensive than a Golem, and it is a Golem with double the hard counters!

    The fact that she is 6 elixir alone is enough to make the combo questionable, which would mean that the synergies between the two cards might become reduced enough to the point of allowing for a proper and safe buff to the Elixir Golem.

    What if it's not enough and the combo is still too strong? Make Elixir Golem 4 elixir, or even make Battle Healer 7 elixir. Making the combo more expensive is the key to nerfing the synergy, and I can bet a lot of money that just one more elixir on top of this change would nuke the synergy.

    How do you make 6 elixir Battle Healer good? Simple. Since her synergies are reduced significantly/nuked with Elixir Golem now, you can do almost anything to buff her. And you know what I buffed? I gave her the HP she has needed since her introduction to the game to allow her to manage without requiring a tank in front of her. Now she is the tank.

    I originally planned to give her more health than what the change lists above, but considering her new cost, I decided to swap some of that HP out to make her more like a Giant Skeleton for the sake of comparison, since her stats were already fairly close to that of a Giant Skeleton. Gave her more damage to match the GS's attack pattern, and gave back the lost healing (from the damage buff and less HP than originally planned) as a guaranteed sizable Death Heal. So she is basically an inverted Giant Skeleton. Exact stats are up to debate, and getting the stats even a little bit wrong can have catastrophic results, but I want you to focus on the potential of the direction this change is going moreso than the exact stats, as those can be figured out later.

    This also limits how much you can stack Battle Healers, which is also a big plus. Also makes Clone a good and somewhat healthy pair with the death heal considering using Clone with Elixir Golem is a fat mistake.

    That is my favorite change so far. The reason why I love it so much is because despite its complexity, little changes in terms of how you use her, yet it can fix so much. She would still feel the same as she always did, but now instead of being a mini-tank, she is a regular tank and doesn't necessarily need a tank in front of her to function. For 2 more elixir that is, but for what you get in return, that's okay.

    This isn't my only change. I got another one in case you didn't like the first one.

    Death Heal gave me another idea, but I'm on the fence about this one for its controversy:

    Battle Healer -- Hit Points -29.8% (1425 -> 1000), Added Death Heal (same as Heal Spirit Heal, 0.5sec delay before delivering the heal), + any one specific buff you can think of

    A much simpler yet much more drastic redesign than the previous one, this would make Battle Healer much easier to kill even when behind an Elixir Golem, which is a killer nerf that many people want right now. We're talking completely nuking Elixir Golem decks. In return, she is given a completely new role: a sacrificial tank, sorta like Lumberjack or Ice Golem. Her death heal can make her a great tank for win conditions like Royal Hogs, Hog Riders, Balloons, Minion Hordes, etc.

    The main problems I'd like to point out with this change is how drastically it changes the card and how it makes certain aspects about her null. It makes her passive and active healing pretty much useless, and if you were to buff her damage for balancing reasons, it would become even more useless. Point is, it would kind of ruin a lot of what makes the healer, well, a healer. She'd become a Heal Spirit delivery.

    I'm not saying that it wouldn't work, but it definitely makes her a lot less unique and takes away a lot from what she can do. On top of that, she can still be cancer in an Elixir Golem deck if you can't kill her.

    So far those are the only two changes I've come up with. Question from a few of you: Why not change Elixir Golem instead? Answer: Like I said in the previous section, all the Battle Healer needs is a hefty tank and a lot of support troops with her to be an oppressive monster. Making a design change to Elixir Golem that would get around that issue is flat-out ridiculous, considering you'd have to make him ridiculously less tanky (and factor in all 3 stages/forms of the Elixir Golem on top of that) and then make up for it.

    If you can come up with a proper Elixir Golem design change that nerfs the synergies with Battle Healer and buffs his use rates overall while still being within the realm of reason, then go for it, but I haven't quite found a change that can do so. I'll stick with the Battle Healer change for now.


    I created this post as an effort to chip in and do my part as the unpaid theorist of Clash Royale. I do this for fun and then sulk as it gets buried, and then "I'll fuckin' do it again. [a-hyuck]" I don't know what to tell you other than that I'm mentally insane for doing this over and over again and expecting something different each time. But hey, at least I enjoy being mentally insane when the next day rolls over, so that's all that matters.

    Anywho, I wish I could be... more. I wish to be more... impactful. Significant. I wanna make a bigger boom than just making supposed "fan" posts on reddit, because I believe I can offer good insight on multiple things about this game (when I'm not in a bad mood), not just card balancing. And I want to do it because this game has a special place in my heart. It's a valuable source for me as it is one of the very, very few things I can completely dedicate my mind to when it comes to coming up with solutions to problems. My "one-trick" ability, so to speak. (As to whether that "one-trick" ability is actually good is up for debate, but I'd like to be given the chance to prove myself.)

    If anyone is looking for someone like this for whatever project they have concerning Clash Royale, by all means hit me up. I'm looking for the opportunity but I'm having a hard time finding them.

    Thank you all for your time. If my responses are late, then that's because I went to bed or suddenly became busy. Ask questions, don't be dicks, be calm, be collected, and most importantly, be professional.

    submitted by /u/yojojo3000
    [link] [comments]

    Dart goblin machine gun

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 05:03 PM PDT


    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 09:03 PM PDT

    Never tell me the odds!

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 07:16 AM PDT

    Perfectly synced: my teammate and I both launched our goblin barrels (one with star level one without) at the same time.

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 09:20 PM PDT

    Lol My Last 3 Wins Gave Me A Mega Lightning Chest, Epic Chest, Then Legendary Chest.

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 06:28 PM PDT

    Magic Archer survives almost a full minute and shoots 39 times

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 06:54 AM PDT

    His fireball did more than 291 damage...

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 02:07 PM PDT

    The Quickest Spells for when you NEED that Damage

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 12:45 PM PDT

    Things got really intense in overtime��. I won by the smallest of margins, i dont even know how.

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 04:06 PM PDT

    Found this old fan art made by me 3 years ago. That was when I got my very first legendary in CR and it was a Lava Hound. I remember being so happy to get it as I was the last one in my friend group to get a legendary card. Don't judge the picture, I never was good at drawing.

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 03:12 PM PDT

    Bots in the game?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 10:54 AM PDT

    I am an old player that come back the last Week after 2 years without playing. After all that time without playing I found myself getting from arena 7 to 9 in one day, and now I am at 12 arena with level 9. I found this mysterious, and I started to see that most players played bad, no clan, and just strange names, I never losed. I want to know: were they all bots???

    submitted by /u/Drag0nSheep
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 06:45 PM PDT

    My Deck 200 Days ago vs Now!

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 03:16 PM PDT

    How to not counter the goblin barrel

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 10:57 AM PDT

    I was watching B-rad’s video, and I wanted to know if this deck was actually viable. It hardcounters beatdown, but will it do fine against other matchups and will it stay consistent through other metas. I like RG. Will this work?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 07:15 PM PDT

    Guys, I think skeletons might be broken.... What do you think?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 10:12 PM PDT

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