• Breaking News

    Wednesday, May 27, 2020

    Clash Royale This new skeleton dragon card is great!

    Clash Royale This new skeleton dragon card is great!

    This new skeleton dragon card is great!

    Posted: 27 May 2020 01:01 PM PDT

    I think that this would make the skeleton dragon more unique.

    Posted: 27 May 2020 04:20 PM PDT

    [Humour] New update info!

    Posted: 27 May 2020 06:25 AM PDT

    Clan wars in a nutshell ����

    Posted: 27 May 2020 03:50 PM PDT

    When Inferno Dragon just released

    Posted: 27 May 2020 12:10 AM PDT

    Drew and Seth after announcing the 5th Delay of the Update

    Posted: 27 May 2020 04:39 AM PDT

    Most of us know about balloon bypassing, but don’t forget you can do it with skeleton barrel! Easy way to replicate at the end.

    Posted: 27 May 2020 09:53 PM PDT

    I was looking through Drew's Twitter and found this We're getting a tv royal this weekend!

    Posted: 27 May 2020 11:48 AM PDT

    When finishing off spawners with a log, place it as far as possible back, while still being able to hit it. This helps in the scenarios where your about to leak elixir, and placing a log at the immediate bridge wouldn’t finish it off completely, and the death spawn would occur

    Posted: 27 May 2020 10:15 PM PDT

    Can we stop with the "no skill" comments?

    Posted: 27 May 2020 10:27 AM PDT

    Hog takes no skill because its just bridgespamming and defending

    2.9 takes no skill because its just xbow tesla over and over

    golem takes no skill because its golem night witch and ignore opposite lane punishes

    log bait is no skill because its just stack princess until opponent plays small spelll

    sparky is no skill because its just sparky then giant/gob giant at the bridge

    miner takes no skill because its just put it down wherever you want, all of these are comments from this sub.

    All decks take skill, some more than others. If you think any deck does not require skill, win a grand challenge with it and rank number 1 in the global tournament. These comments help absolutely no one and just increase toxicity on this sub. Instead of arguing about whos better, and whos deck needs more skill, why dont we give each other tips and help each other improve as players?

    submitted by /u/UnluckyWait3
    [link] [comments]

    Dart goblin mirror clone rage in the rage challenge Vs 2 e golems. (This is in normal speed)

    Posted: 27 May 2020 08:30 PM PDT

    [EFFORT POST] The Standardization Movement: What it means and how to Implement it into Clash

    Posted: 27 May 2020 09:13 AM PDT

    Sorry for the post being kinda late. I planned on posting this on Monday, but Memorial Day and other family events made me delay the post. Oh well, better late than never right?

    Hello everyone, u/JCorby17 here, and boy am I excited! The Big June Update (which is confirmed to have a Fishermen Buff, the new Skeleton Dragons Card being added, and being the final Season Update in the First Year of Seasons being added into the Game) is around the corner and we are just dying to see what the big feature that Supercell has been working on (maybe a little too long if you ask a lot of us lol) is! But I think that this Update is going to be more than just a Massive Feature added and the usual Season Update additions: I have a hunch that Supercell is up to something even bigger; bigger than anything we have ever seen.


    • As we saw In the Season 11 Balance Changes, Magic Archer got his HP nerfed 440 from 490, which u/Seth_Supercell confirmed on his Twitter here that they are "making 440 a new 'standard' number like 216 (Princess/Dart/RGirl) or 598 (Musky/Wizards)." This got me thinking: "If that is a Stat that's now standardized, shouldn't other Stats be standardized to better balance the game?" But then I realized: They have been slowly starting to do this!

    • Last month and also in the month Before: Goblin Hut and Barbarian Hut got Death Spawns like their Tombstone counterpart (Furnace still needs one, but they are probably going to rework Fire Spirits to make them stronger, maybe make it similar to Ice/Heal Spirit? Speaking of Heal Spirit...). Also last month, Heal Spell was transformed into a Heal Spirit; sharing most of the stats to match his frosty cousin. And, there was also the semi-big "Rulebook Update" that made all Melee Troops have similar and specific Melee Ranges back in July (even making Cards like the Minions and Lava Hound either "Melee Long" or have 3.5 Tile Range, which seems to be the shortest Range besides the Melee Ranges)!

    • After really looking at all of these, I believe that Supercell is slowly but surely making things much more standardized and consistent in the game! And for a game like Clash Royale, with specific interactions that should be consistent at equal levels of play, I think this is an excellent move in their end! But now that raises the question: How will they standardize the other mechanics and Stats inside a game like Clash Royale? Well, that's what I'm going to try and do, by discussing the idea of the "Standardization Movement"! So, let's get into it then, shall we?!


    • So, what exactly is the "Standardization Movement" that I'm talking about? Well to put it simply:

    The "Standardization Movement" is an effort to standardize all the Damage, HP, Durations/Lifetimes, and any other inconsistent Stats of all the outlying Cards in the game. Ideally, it allows for more intuitive interactions between Cards in battle and would easier memorization for older and newer players alike. This movement should ultimately optimize gameplay, which is heavily interaction-based in Clash Royale.

    • What this Standardization Movement does is make the game more consistent and easy to understand for all players, while also fixing some interactions that are either inconsistent or frustrating at times. For this Standardization Movement to work, we are going to have to look at A LOT of the mechanics in the game, and I have to give huge thanks to u/Mew_Pur_Pur for finding most hidden statistics and mechanics and helping me format my post. Check her out if you want! So, now with that out of the way, let's go over what mechanics and Stats we will be standardizing! They will include:

    1) ~Damage~: How much Damage a Troop, Building, Spell or even Crown Tower deals in a singular Hit. Cards that are considered "Win Conditions" or Spells that deal Damage MAY have a unique number for this Stat (they will not be in the post, but there are some Exceptions)! Standardizations include: 67, 70, 80, 90, 98, 111, 140, 160, 180, 201, 220, 240, 280, and 360 Damage

    2) ~Health Points/HP~: The Amount of HP that a Troop/Building/Crown Tower has. Cards that are considered "Win Conditions" MAY have a unique number for this Stat (they will not be in the post, but there are some Exceptions)! Standardizations include: 67, 91, 201, 216, 252, 280, 440, 560, 598, 696, 750, 888, 964, 1000, 1110, 1232, 1432, 1542, and 1672 HP

    3) ~Hit Time~: How fast a Troop/Building/Crown Tower hits something (Note: Hitspeed + Damage = DPS, or Damage Per Second. This shows how much Damage a Troop/Building/Crown Tower deals every Second if constantly hitting something). Standardizations include: 1.0-3.0 Hit Time

    4) ~First Hit Time~: How fast a Troop/Buidling/Crown Tower hits something for the first time (resets from after defeating a Troop/Building/Crown Tower OR when being applied Knockback by something). Standardizations include: Instant (0.0), Fast (0.3), Medium (0.5), Slow (0.7), and Sluggish (1.0) First Hit Time

    5) ~Melee Range~: How far a Troop/Building can Damage something when it has to walk up to it to deal Damage. Standardizations include: Very Short (0.4), Short (0.8), Medium (1.2), Long (1.6), and Very Long (2.0)

    6) ~Distance Range~: How far a Troop/Building can Damage something when it doesn't have to walk up to it to deal Damage. Standardizations include: 3.5-11.5 Tiles

    7) ~Splash Radius~: How much area does a Troop or Building cover when on the Arena. Standardizations include: 1.0, 1.2, 1.5, and 2.0 Tiles

    8) ~Lifetime~: How long that a Building is on the Arena when NOT damaged by anything at all. Standardizations include: 30, 35, and 40 Seconds

    9) ~Spawn Time~: How long it takes for a Card that has something Spawn after it's defeat to spawn into the Arena. Standardizations include: 0.5 or 1.0 Second

    10) ~Effect Duration~: How long a Effect (such as Slowness) last after being effected by only 1 increment of it (Ex: A Giant Snowball "hit"). Standardizations include: 0.5, 1, and 2 Seconds

    11) ~Sight Range~: How far that a Troop can "see" a Troop/Building/Crown Tower and be distracted by them (The bigger the Range, the easier it is to distract and vice versa). Standardizations include: 5.5 Tiles at minimum for all Troops, add 0.5 Tiles to a Ranged Troop's Range, and 7.5, 8.0, 9.5 for Buildings Targeters

    Note: There WILL be some Cards that DO NOT have all of their Stats standardized because it either *1)** Makes them too much like another Card and seem almost redundant, and 2) Makes them too weak or strong if 1 or more of their Stats are standardized. The Cards might still get their Stats changed however. Also, this is NOT a Balance Change Post, so some Cards look like that they have been Nerfed or Buffed with these Standardizations, but we would have to give the Cards other changes to make up for the mandatory Buffs/Nerfs. How we fix them is up to you guys, give me your thoughts on how you would do it!

    • So now that we have the Stats that we will be going over, and the Standardizations that we will be implementing to the Cards, what and how will the Cards change to match these Standardizations? For each Stat, we will go in order of lowest to highest followed by the name of the Card and what and how their Stat changed to match the Standardization.


    ~Damage Standardizations~:

    ~67~: X Bow (From 26), Skeleton (Same), Bat (Same), Spear Goblin (Same), Earthquake (From 68 per Second)

    ~70~: Firecracker (Times 4, From 53 Times 5) Hunter (Same), Tornado (Same per Tick), Ice Golem + Death Damage (Same)

    ~80~: Ice Wizard (From 75), Lava Pup (From 75), Battle Healer; HP Healed when Attacking (From 84)

    ~90~: Minion (From 84), Zappy (from 84), Ram Rider; the Rider (From 86), Archer (From 89), Crown Tower (Same), Guard (Same), Ice/Heal Spirit (From 91)

    ~98~: Freeze (From 95), Electro Wizard (From 96), Goblin (From 99)

    ~111~: Royal Recruit (From 101), Dart Goblin (From 100), Magic Archer (Same), Witch (Same), Rascal Boy + Girl (From 110), Skeleton Barrel; Death Damage (From 110)

    ~140~: Battle Healer (From 123), Baby Dragon (From 133), Princess (Same), Executioner (Same times 2), Flying Machine (From 142)

    ~160~: Zap (From 159), Giant Snowball (From 159), Barbarian (From 159), Electro Dragon (From 159), Bandit (Same), Fishermen (Same), Miner (Same)

    ~180~: Cannon/Cannon Cart (From 167/168), Fire Spirit (From 178, possibly 201-280 with other changes), Musketeer (From 181)

    ~201~: Bomb Tower (From 184, possibly 280 to match Bomber with other changes), Tesla (From 190), Barbarian Barrel (From 200), Lumberjack (From 200), Dark Prince (From 206)

    ~220~: Royal Ghost (From 216), Battle Ram (Same), Ram Rider; the Ram (Same), Valkyrie (From 221), Mega Knight (From 222)

    ~240~: Wizard (From 234), Bowler (From 239), The Log (Same)

    ~280~: Mega Minion (From 258), Bomber (From 271), Ballon; Death Bomb (From 272), Goblin Brawler (Same), Elite Barbarian (From 301)

    ~360~: Prince (From 325), Wall Breaker (From 325), Heal Spirit; HP healed when Attacking (From 366), Royal Delivery (From 402)


    ~294/572/600/877/1232~: Arrows, Fireball, Poison, Lightning, and Rocket (Arrows: From 303, Same for the other 4)

    ~598/696~: Mini Pekka (Same) and Pekka (From 678)

    ~35-360/720~: Inferno Dragon (From 30-350) and Inferno Tower (From 35-704)

    ~798~: Ballon; Regular Attack (Same)

    ~964~: Giant Skeleton; Death Bomb (From 957)

    ~1110~: Sparky (From 1100)

    ~Health Points/HP Standardizations~:

    ~67~: Skeletons (Same) and Bats (Same)

    ~91~: Fire Spirit (Same, possibly 200 to match Ice/Heal Spirit with other changes) and Guard (From 90)

    ~201~: Minion (From 190), Ice/Heal Spirit (From 190), Shields; Guard, Dark Prince, and Royal Recruit (From 199)

    ~216~: Princess (Same), Dart Goblin (Same), Rascal Girl (Same)

    ~252~: Archers (Same) and Firecracker (Same)

    ~280~: Wall Breakers (From 275) and Elixir Blobs (From 299)

    ~440~: Tombstone (From 422), Zappy (Same), Magic Archer (Same), Royal Recruit; Shieldless (Same), Skeleton Barrel (from 540)

    ~560~: Flying Machine (From 510) and Barbarians (From 555)

    ~598~: Ice Wizard (From 590), Electro Wizard (From 590), Wizard (Same), Musketeer (Same)

    ~696~: Royal Hog (From 695), Mega Minion (From 695), Hunter (Same), Witch (Same, possibly 750 to match Night Witch with other changes)

    ~750~: Cannon/Cannon Cart with Shield (From 742), Bandit (Same), Night Witch (Same, possibly 696 to match Witch with other changes), Battle Ram (From 756), Electro Dragon (From 790), Fishermen (From 800, possibly 888 with other changes), Goblin Cage (From 800, possibly 888 with other changes)

    ~888~: Goblin Hut (From 844, possibly to 964 with other changes), Goblin Brawler (From 853), Furnace (From 884, possibly to 964 with other changes), Elixir Collector (Same)

    ~964~: Baby Dragon (from 957), Tesla (From 954)

    ~1000~: Elite Barbarians (From 970), Ice Golem (From 994), Miner (Same), Royal Ghost (Same), Executioner (From 1010), Inferno Dragon (From 1072, possibly 964 to match Baby Dragon with other changes)

    ~1110~: Dark Prince; Shieldless (From 1030), Lumberjack (from 1060), Mini Pekka (From 1129), Bomb Tower (From 1126)

    ~1232~: Sparky (From 1232), Mortar (From 1219), X-Bow (From 1330, possibly Unique with other changes)

    ~1432~: Inferno Tower (From 1408), Battle Healer (From 1425, possibly 1542 with other changes), Knight (From 1452), Barbarian Hut (From 1452)

    ~1542~: Rascal Boy (From 1515) and Prince** (From 1615, possibly 1672 with other changes)

    ~1672~: Valkyrie (From 1654) and Bowler (From 1596, possibly 1542 with other Changes)


    ~111/170~: Spear Goblin (From 110) and Goblin/Lava Pup (From 167/179)

    ~360~: Bomber (From 398)

    ~2000+ HP~: ALL Troops/Win Conditions with 2000+ HP (Same but Changable, I'm not that crazy to state all of them)

    ~Hit Time Standardizations~:

    ~1.0-3.0~: Most of the Cards in the Game (Same but Changable, I'm not that crazy to state all of them)


    ~0.4~: X-Bow (From 0.25), Inferno Tower (Same), and Inferno Dragon (Same)

    ~0.8~: Lumberjack (Same) and Dart Goblin (Same)

    ~4.0~: Sparky (Same)

    ~5.0~: Mortar (Same)

    ~First Hit Time Standardizations~:

    ~0.0/Instant~: Prince's, Dark Prince's, Battle Ram's, Ram Rider's, Bandit's and Mega Knight's Charged Attack (Same)

    ~0.3/Fast~: X-Bow (From 0.0/Instant), Archers (From 0.1), Valkyrie (From 0.1), "Skeleton Barrel" (From 0.1), Goblin (From 0.2), Ballon (From 0.2), Goblin Brawler (From 0.2), "Wall Breakers" (From 0.2), "Fire/Ice/Heal Spirit" (From 0.2), Royal Hogs (From 0.25), Baby Dragon (Same), Giant Skeleton (Same), Fishermen (Same), Battle Healer (Same), Dart Goblin (From 0.35), Battle Ram (From 0.35), Mega Minion (From 0.4), Wizard (From 0.3), Guards (From 0.4), Lumberjack (From 0.4), Bandit (From 0.4), Knight (From 0.5), Flying Machine (From 0.5), Royal Recruits (From 0.5)

    ~0.5/Medium~: Bomber (From 0.2), Barbarian (From 0.4), Rascal Boy (From 0.4), Ram Rider; the Ram (From 0.4), Inferno Dragon (From 0.4), Minion (From 0.5), Mini Pekka (Same), Musketeer (Same), Giant (Same), Skeleton (Same), Spear Goblin (Same), Prince (Same), Pekka (Same) Miner (Same), Magic Archer (Same), Mega Knight (Same), Princess (Same), Bowler (Same), Ice Wizard (Same), Bomb Tower (Same), Tesla (Same), Sparky (Same), King/Princess Tower (Same), Cannon/Cannon Cart (From 0.6), Royal Ghost (From 0.6), Hunter (From 0.7), Elite Barbarian (From 0.7)

    ~0.7/Slow~: Dark Prince (From 0.4), Hog Rider (From 0.6), Ram Rider; the Rider (From 0.6), Royal Giant (Same), Electro Dragon (Same), Witch (Same), Night Witch (Same), Goblin Giant (From 1.0), Firecracker (From 1.0)

    ~1.0/Very Slow~: Golem (Same), Golemite (Same), Lava Hound (Same), Lava Pup (Same), Mortar (Same), Ice Golem (Same), Rascal Girl (Same), Executioner (Same), Elixir Golem/Golemite/Blob (Same),Zappie (Same), Inferno Tower (From 1.2)

    ~Melee Range~:

    ~0.4/Very Short~: Golemite (From 0.25), Elixir Golemites (From 0.25), Skeleton Barrel (From 0.35), Battle Ram (From 0.5), Goblin* (From 0.5), **Skeleton (From 0.5), Wall Breaker (From 0.5)

    ~0.8/Short~: Barbarian (From 0.7), Lumberjack (From 0.7), Bandit (From 0.75), Golem (From 0.75), Ice Golem (From 0.75), Elixir Golem (From 0.75)Royal Hog (From 0.75), Hog Rider (Same), Ram Rider (Same), Giant Skeleton (Same), Goblin Brawler (Same)

    ~1.2/Medium~: Bat (Same), Knight (Same), Elite Barbarian (Same), Valkyrie (Same), Dark Prince (Same), Pekka (Same), Miner (Same), Fishermen (Same), Royal Ghost (Same), Mega Knight (Same), Battle Healer (From 1.6/Long)

    ~1.6/Long~: Goblin Giant (From 1.2/Medium), Prince (Same), Guard (Same), Royal Recruit (Same), Night Witch (Same)

    ~2.0/Very Long~: Minion (From 1.6/Long) and Mega Minion (From 1.6/Long)


    ~0.1~: Ballon (Same) and Elixir Blob (From 0.25)

    ~Distance Range~:

    ~3.5-11.5~: Almost all the Cards in the Game (Same, I'm not that crazy to state all of them)

    ~Exceptions ~:

    ~2.5~: Fire Spirit (From 2.0), Ice Spirit Same), *Heal Spirit** (Same)

    ~Splash Radius~:

    ~1.0~: Ice Wizard (Same), Bowler (Same), Executioner (Same), Royal Ghost (Same), Dark Prince (From 1.1)

    ~1.2~: Witch (From 1.1), Dark Prince (From 1.1), Baby Dragon (Same), Valkyrie (Same), Mega Knight; Regular Attack (From 1.3)

    ~1.5~: Wall Breaker: (Same), Bomber (Same), Wizard (Same), Fire Spirit (Same), Ice Spirit (Same), Heal Spirit (Same), Sparky (Same)

    ~2.0~: Golem's Death Damage (Same), Golemite's Death Damage (Same), Ice Golem's Death Damage (Same), Skeleton Barrel (Same), Princess (Same), Mega Knight; Spawn/Jump Attack (From 2.2)


    ~0.3~: Magic Archer (From 0.25), Hunter (Same), Firecracker (Same)

    ~3.0~: Death Bombs (Giant Skeleton, Bomb Tower, and Ballon) (Same)


    ~30 Seconds~: Tesla (From 35 Seconds), Mortar (Same), and Cannon/Cannon Cart (Same)

    ~35 Seconds~: Bomb Tower (Same), Inferno Tower (From 30 Seconds), and X-Bow (From 40 Seconds)

    ~40 Seconds~: Tombstone (Same), Goblin Hut (Same), and Furnace (From 50 Seconds)


    ~20 Seconds~: Goblin Cage (Same)

    ~50 Seconds~: Barbarian Hut (Same)

    ~70 Seconds~: Elixir Collector (Same but Changeable)

    ~Spawn Time~:

    ~0.5 Seconds~: Graveyard Skeleton Spawns (From 0.4), Goblin Cage Death Spawn (Same), Barbarian Barrel Spawn (Same), Lumberjack Death Effect (Same), Goblin Giant's Death Spawn (From 0.7 Seconds)

    ~1.0 Second~: Battle Ram's Death Spawn (Same) and Goblin Barrel's Spawn Time (From 1.1 Second)

    ~Effect Duration~:

    ~0.5~: Stun (Same)

    ~1.0~: Freeze (From semi-Card Dependent), Healing (Same), and Poison (Same)

    ~2.0~: Slowness (From semi-Card Dependent), Rage (From 2.5 Seconds), and Snare (Same)

    ~Sight Range~:

    ~5.5~: Pekka (From 5.0), Knight (Same), Giant Skeleton (Same), Mega Knight (Same), Barbarian (Same), Elite Barbarian (Same), Goblins (Same), Valkyrie (Same), Skeleton (Same), Minion (Same), Mega Minion (Same), Night Witch (Same), Lumberjack (Same), Miner (Same), Guards (Same), Prince (Same), Dark Prince (Same), Bat (Same), Ice/Fire/Heal Spirit (Same), Baby Dragon (Same), Inferno Dragon (Same), Electro Dragon (Same), Executioner (Same), Electro Wizard (Same)

    ~+0.5 to Ranged~: Sparky (5.5, From 5.0), Archer (5.5, Same), Witch (5.5, Same), Wizard (6.0, From 5.5), Ice Wizard (6.0, From 5.5), Musketeer (6.5, From 6.0), Flying Machine (6.5, From 6.0), Bandit (6.5, From 6.0), Magic Archer (7.5, Same), Princess (9.5, Same)

    ~7.5 for Building Targeters~: Giant (From 7.0), Goblin Giant (From 7.0), Golem and Golemites (From 7.0), Elixir Golem, Golemites, and Blobs (From 7.0), Royal Giant (From 7.0), Ice Golem (From 7.0), Wall Breakers (Same)

    ~8.0 for Building Targeters~: Ballon (From 7.7) and Skeleton Barrel (From 7.7)

    ~9.5 for Building Targeters~: Hog Rider (Same), Royal Hog (Same), and Ram Rider (Same)


    ~5.5 for Building Targeters~: Battle Ram (Same) and Lava Hound with Lava Pups (Same, might be a Bug. If so, Change Lava Hound to 8.0 to match other Air Building Targeters and keep Lava Pups the same at 5.5)

    ~8.5 for Ranged~: Firecracker (Same) and Dart Goblin (From 8.0)

    ~Building's Sight Ranges~: Their Range IS their Sight Range (Same as Before)


    • After reading all of that (or at least skimming it), you're probably thinking "Wow, that's a lot of stuff to implement into the game that seems like it would make the game more consistent. But, why do it if the Cards already are 'fine' right now?" And the answer to that question is something that Supercell has stood for since it's beginning: "Our goal is to make the best games – games that are played by as many people as possible, enjoyed for years and remembered forever."

    • What I mean by this is that this Standardization Movement could, no, WILL fix a major part of the inconsistencies and issue with the Game that keeps it from being "played by as many people as possible, enjoyed for years and remembered forever". We may not give Supercell, and in turn the Clash Royale Team, the credit they deserve, but they really do make good games that can be played for years and years. However, with the current state of Clash Royale; with it having minimal "updates" each season for over a year now, monitization issues, ladder issues, and etc, this change would fix the game to be better than ever and 1) Bring new Players to the fan base, 2) Get old members that left the fan base to come back because of all the fixes, and 3) Just be a good improvement to the Balance of the Game and be a breath of Fresh Air to everyone.

    • Now I know that these standardization would mean a lot of Time and Effort put into making sure that these Standardization Points (or whatever Points Supercell comes up with, remember, mine are just educated ideas) are balanced and consistent, but if we can wait a year for a massive update, then I think we can wait a bit more for something that will make the game better in the long run. If we want this game to follow their motto, then I hope that Supercell really considers doing this (among other changes to fix the game).


    • So, there we have it, the Standardization Movement. We first discussed how Supercell is slowly making Card Stats more Standardized, then we gave examples of how they can Standardize some of the Stats in game, and lastly we discuses the reasoning and effects of these Changes.

    • What are your thoughts on Clash Royale becoming more standardized? Do you think it's better for the game or worse for the Game? What other Stats do you think I'm missing in this post? Maybe I'll make a follow up with the other missing stats like Knockback or something. Any Standardization Points you would change, and if so why? And with that, I hope you all have a great day and stay safe. # ClashOn


    • Oh hey, you actually read all of that or just skipped to the end looking for a TLDR. I don't know how I would of wrote a TLDR for something this big so..., you must of really liked it then. Thank you so much for reading my post, it means a lot to me. Make sure to share it with your friends and Clanmates if you want. Anyways, onto the future. I decided that I'll post at minimum 2 Post each Season: 1 Post for Season Analysis, and the other either being a Balance Change Post or something Different like this. Unless it's something sudden or I have free time to do it (which I might have now since it's officially summer now), it will probably stay at 2 post a Season with that system in mind. What kind of stuff would you like to see me do, tell me down below in the comments. Again, have a great day, stay safe, and # ClashOn!

    submitted by /u/JCorby17
    [link] [comments]

    Advanced Tips - Ice Spirit ❄️ This is the First YouTube videos on my new channel!

    Posted: 27 May 2020 06:07 PM PDT

    Don't celebrate too early

    Posted: 27 May 2020 08:20 PM PDT

    [OC] "Skeleton Dragon" Emote Pack by Me

    Posted: 27 May 2020 09:08 AM PDT

    Please fix this very annoying Tesla bug, which has been forever in the game

    Posted: 27 May 2020 03:04 PM PDT

    Please fix this very annoying Tesla bug, which has been forever in the game

    The tile that dictates the placement depends on whether you are True Blue or True Red. When you need to place tesla immediately, you often miss because of this inconsistency. Either you miss the pull completely or you make it shorter and they start taking your building's hitpoints way faster. Please make it consistent.

    Edit: the white circles are a setting of my phone which shows visual feedback for taps.


    submitted by /u/joaclashroyale1
    [link] [comments]

    A emote I drew 4 years ago in 6th grade, kinda proud of it, and sometimes wish it was in the game

    Posted: 27 May 2020 04:57 AM PDT

    Now that tower skins are a thing, Supercell should permanently add this for people who got it back in 2016

    Posted: 27 May 2020 12:11 PM PDT

    I know y'all seen this before but I'm still like wow

    Posted: 27 May 2020 04:11 PM PDT

    4 elixer wizard - in next update???

    Posted: 27 May 2020 02:55 AM PDT

    The first 8 people to comment on this post their flairs will be made into a deck. here’s the first match. I’m doing it again with this post.

    Posted: 27 May 2020 04:39 PM PDT

    that salty over a ladder game. wow.

    Posted: 27 May 2020 03:07 PM PDT

    What happened to the elite barb?

    Posted: 27 May 2020 10:45 PM PDT

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