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    Friday, May 22, 2020

    Clash Royale Now that there is infinite elixer friendly battle...

    Clash Royale Now that there is infinite elixer friendly battle...

    Now that there is infinite elixer friendly battle...

    Posted: 22 May 2020 08:36 AM PDT

    Fisherman + Infinite Elixir = ?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 07:09 PM PDT


    Posted: 22 May 2020 04:19 PM PDT

    Porcelain figure of Electro Dragon

    Posted: 22 May 2020 08:16 PM PDT

    I've hit 7k for the first time this season! Hopefully I can progress higher

    Posted: 22 May 2020 02:32 AM PDT

    My thoughts on matchmaking and how people deal with it

    Posted: 22 May 2020 09:04 PM PDT

    STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT MATCHMAKING. We get it you're somewhere between 4.6k-5.6k and you sometimes go against higher level people. What you may not understand is that matchmaking is based on trophy count (and win/loss streaks) but NOT tower/card levels. Supercell is never going to change this. Any sort of level-based matchmaking on ladder won't work, simply because it would make upgrading cards not important and it ruins the progression of the game. You either have to play longer to upgrade your cards, or get better at the game. I have a level 1 account with a pb of over 5.2k, which proves it's not impossible to beat higher level players if you are good enough. Obviously not every matchup is gonna be winnable, but that's just how this game works. And no, the matchmaking is not rigged against you, people have done studies and proved that the game does not put you against hard counters all the times. You just need a better deck. The only "rigged" matchmaking is when your on a big win or loss streak it puts you against other people on a big win/loss streak. but that's not rigged against you, its just to even out everyone's win or loss percentage so no one has a 10% or 90% win percentage.

    Sorry for the ramble i just wanted to get my word out. Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/willyoung50
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    Extremely close match between Boeufmac and Makarious (repost from @Boeufmac twitter)

    Posted: 22 May 2020 09:01 AM PDT

    When the desperation magic archer actually works

    Posted: 22 May 2020 02:12 AM PDT

    This, this right here, is why you should never give up in this game

    Posted: 22 May 2020 08:09 PM PDT

    Supercell, please don't fix this

    Posted: 22 May 2020 05:57 AM PDT

    Emote Idea: Musketeer vs Fireball! Animation made on mobile.

    Posted: 22 May 2020 02:17 PM PDT

    Mini Zappies Rework: An in depth analysis

    Posted: 22 May 2020 04:07 PM PDT

    Effort Post

    Hello fellow clashers! This post is dedicated to spitballing ideas for a mini zappies rework! Feel free to agree/disagree with me and post any ideas of your own in the comments.


    • Zappies overview.

    • My thoughts on why supercell hasn't changed this low usage card.

    • Ideas for reworks

    • Reflection


    Spawns a pack of miniature zap machines. Who controls them...? Only the master builder knows

    Mini Zappies are 4 elixir medium range air and ground targeting card that specializes in defensive play. They compensate for low dps by their ability to stop their opponent in their tracks. Literally. The zappies are among the lowest used cards in the game.

    The biggest problem with the zappies isn't that they are a terrible card, but rather, there are too many cards that do their job much better. Electro wizard does more damage for the same elixir. Its much higher damage makes up for the slightly lower stun. The ice wizard is a cheaper card that is better because it's cheaper elixir cost allows other cards to assist it. All of these are assist cards, and they're all fragile. One of the biggest things that set the wizards and zappies apart is that zappies die to fireball, while electro and ice wizard do not. This gives your opponent an opportunity for fireball value, and wiping out your support troop can be what starts a big push.

    So why hasn't Supercell buffed or reworked them?

    The bottom line is this: Zappies are ANNOYING. They slow the game down, which is exactly what supercell has been trying to prevent. The recent changes in the meta have been made to increase gameplay speed, nerfing cards like tornado, which create slower and more defensive gameplay. The bottom line is that zappies being a good card could lead to the same Rock Paper Scissors meta that we had last season, hard countering cards like hog rider and balloon, but dying to any deck with fireball. Because of these reasons, it seems like supercell is going to leave zappies how they are.

    Is there a solution?

    Well, as we have seen with the tornado and heal spell reworks, supercell is willing to make a complete change to a card if needed. There are many different changes that could help the zappies to be more viable in the meta.

    Idea 1

    Let's keep the zappies with their original stats for this one, but making one major change. Instead of three zappies, we make it two. And for 3 elixir. The main attribute of the zappies is their stun ability and losing the third zappie wouldn't make that much of a difference. It would also make the card cheaper, on level with ice wizard, so that you would have more elixir to assist it. Fireball value would also be negated by this rework. Finally, this would make the zappies less annoying. This is my favorite rework idea.

    Idea 2

    Mini zappie. Not zappies anymore. A one elixir card that does decent support for a cheap cost. Basically just the above idea, maybe a little stat reworking.

    Idea 3

    Make the zappies even weaker. Nurf damage and health, and maybe reduce attack speed to 2.3 seconds from 2. But REDUCE THE ELIXIR COST. This card just doesnt work at four elixir. Three elixir is a much better fit for this card. We could go even further and reduce the stun duration instead of the hit speed to make it less annoying.

    Reflection: What have we learned?

    Well, nothing! It's a game. There are no life lessons here. You win or you lose. Either way everyone's just going to blame supercell.


    In my opinion, the zappies are a really cool and fun card. The biggest problem with the card is how much it slows the game down. Supercell is gonna have to be really careful if they rework it. As it is, 4 elixir is simply too big a commitment for such a week support troop.

    Thank you for reading! Feel free to say anything in the comments :)

    submitted by /u/ELIte3907
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    Can’t find a game

    Posted: 22 May 2020 11:58 AM PDT

    Ladies and gentlemen clash support while I literally can’t play the game

    Posted: 22 May 2020 10:41 AM PDT

    So... this happened in a friendly Infinite elixir battle...

    Posted: 22 May 2020 09:15 AM PDT

    I have been collecting some data from my matches in ladder since the start of the season. Now my question: Should I post the whole data and a few more statistics compacted into a nice looking chart after the end of this season?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 06:08 AM PDT

    Where are all the doom merchants at saying Miner would be nerfed into oblivion?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 03:58 AM PDT

    Day 2 of making new clash royale troops: Introducing the rage spirit

    Posted: 22 May 2020 05:33 PM PDT

    Does clash Royale update their game still besides seasons and balance?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 08:47 PM PDT

    I don't think this game has been updated majorly in about 2 years now since quests. Is this the new normal with them releasing a card randomly and a new skin every month?

    submitted by /u/NotLiam19
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    Nerf Firecracker!

    Posted: 22 May 2020 09:47 PM PDT

    IMO - In the game Firecracker looks more annoying and strong compared to Princess (though it's legendary and same cost)!

    Firecracker cannot be killer with log !! Where as princess can . Please nerf Firecracker health to kill her with log. Let me know ur view.

    submitted by /u/Teja618
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    Infinite elixer friendly battle but its healers instead of sparky(game lags)

    Posted: 22 May 2020 11:33 AM PDT

    Anyone wanna chat bout clash royale

    Posted: 22 May 2020 09:47 PM PDT

    I'm bored out my mind and got nothing else to do also feel kinda down

    submitted by /u/Wolves_yt
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    Trash server

    Posted: 22 May 2020 07:33 PM PDT

    supercell servers are garbage, they always disconnect me mid game and don't let me rejoin, it always gets stuck on 80% on the loading screen when i get disconnected. why is that?

    submitted by /u/Yolosoogie
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