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    Wednesday, April 8, 2020

    Clash Royale Can you show me a worse way to spend gems?

    Clash Royale Can you show me a worse way to spend gems?

    Can you show me a worse way to spend gems?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 06:05 PM PDT

    I love how my heal spirit turned around at the end of the match... making it look like the Ebarbs are chasing him and he's laughing and taunting them.

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 05:50 AM PDT

    [Humor] Magic Archer Before & After Nerf (Meme)

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 06:28 PM PDT

    The diamond background isn’t centered properly in the loading screen. Literally unplayable.

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 09:30 AM PDT

    Inferno at the buzzer!

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 06:33 AM PDT

    OGs will remember the achievements

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 10:13 AM PDT

    The other day I posted my accomplishment of hitting Ultimate Champion with a unique deck. Some people asked for a replay, so here’s the match that took me to 7k!

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 08:46 AM PDT

    **TECH**Skeletons can stop 2 furnace waves. Correct tile placement indicated by the clock, and release finger when the first fire spirit touches the bridge.

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 04:11 PM PDT

    This is how I lost the the first 20 win challenge at 15 wins.

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 10:03 AM PDT

    Bomb Tower isn't OP, it's just that all the other defensive buildings are weak

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 12:25 PM PDT

    I was originally on the "nerf Bomb Tower" train myself, but after poking around RoyaleAPI, it becomes quite obvious that the other buildings are in need of some love. Bomb Tower has balanced stats currently(15% Use, 54% Win) so you can't really make an argument for it. It's super strong, I will not deny that, this is especially noticeable in Splashyard and Miner Wall Breakers, its two best decks. But again, this raises the question. Is Bomb Tower truly OP, or is it just that other defensive buildings aren't that good? Let's take a look:

    Tesla(5% Use/43% Win)

    Cannon(1% Use/25% Win)

    Inferno Tower(3% Use/35% Win)

    I'm not going to be including Mortar and Xbow in this category because they're mainly win conditions.

    Looking at the other buildings, it's quite clear what the issue is. Lack of competition

    Sure, these 3 are good in their own respective decks(2.6, 2.9, and LogBait) but after that, there's not much use. Tesla is in a few bait variations but that's about it, and IT is in B-Rad's Miner Poison, but that deck is pretty much dead at this point anyways. The problem might not actually be Bomb Tower itself, it's just that the current buildings are underpowered. Bomb Tower is also the only one that can survive an Earthquake with enough HP to defend. Tesla and IT survive with a tiny bit of HP, but lifetime decay finishes them off right after, same with Cannon, which leaves only Bomb Tower. Furthermore, the recent buff to Earthquake, allowing it to hit underground Teslas(an unnecessary change, mind you) was the final nail in the coffin for Tesla, which, pre-EQ buff was the only actual BT competitor left. With Tesla out of the way, BT truly has no competition.

    Royal Hogs being prevalent in the meta further increases the need for Bomb Tower. Inferno just gets overwhlemed, and both cannon and tesla need some sort of support, such as an ice spirit, to counter the Royal Hogs. Decks with RH also happen to have EQ, which, as I mentioned earlier, pretty much wipes these buildings out. Bomb Tower, however, with its splash damage, can take out Royal Hogs even with Earthquake, making it a strong pick and a reliable counter, whereas the other buildings suffer. Because Bomb Tower has splash, even with EQ, the Royal Hogs are not able to get passed it. So, because of this pseudo-immunity to EQ(has enough HP to last longer after an EQ than the other defensive buildings), its splash damage for the Royal Hogs, Elixir Golem, and the newly buffed/reworked Spawners, and the general underpowered nature of the other buildings all lead to an overused Bomb Tower.

    Bottom Line: The other buildings need buffs, period, full stop. Tesla, Cannon, and IT are too niche, and too weak in the current meta to actually be effective. Earthquake keeps them down and out, leaving BT as the only building that can funcion in a spawner, earthquake dominated meta. I have some ways I'd buff them but these are not final drafts and I'll be making new balance changes later on.

    Possible Solutions:

    Tesla: Damage Buff to 216(from 190), Hit Speed to 1.2(from 1.1)

    This change allows Tesla to one shot "loggable units" but to compensate, it now hits .1 second slower. This is an overall DPS increase of 8. Currently, Tesla's DPS is 172, this change would bring it to 180. Or if necessary, let EQ continue to hit Tesla while underground on top of these changes so Tesla itself isn't out of control.

    Cannon: Hitspeed to 0.7(from 1)

    Cannon used to have 0.7 hitspeed but was later nerfed, or reworked. It got more damage but got a much slower hitspeed to compensate, severly nerfing its ability to deal with cards like Graveyard but instead, buffing its anti-tank abilities. This was a good change, however, cannon is still only used in Hog 2.6. This change would be an overall DPS buff from 175 to 250. This is a huge change, but it would allow Cannon to better deal with Royal Hogs. With this change, Cannon would take out the Royal Hogs in less time overall, while still having the same damage stat, and would indirectly nerf Graveyard. Cannon might finally be viable in something other than Hog 2.6.

    Inferno Tower: Lifetime to 35 seconds

    The 30 second HP change is what killed Inferno. No explanation really necessary as this topic's been done to death at this point. 35 seconds is a happy medium between the current 30 and the old 40.

    Conclusion The point of this post was the raise the question "Is Bomb Tower OP or are the other buildings just underpowered." In my opinion this is how balance changes should be approached. The use/win rates of competitor/similar cards matter just as much as the use/win rates of dominant card. Another example is Mini PEKKA. Is MP actually OP, or are the other tank killing units(besides PEKKA obvi) just underpowered? This will be a future post, but anyways, in conclusion, I want to end off with that question, "Is s Bomb Tower OP or are the other buildings just underpowered" because I feel it's an interesting take on the current state of the meta, rather than the current trend of hopping on the "NERF IT NOW111!11!1!!!" bandwagon the majority of this sub seems to hop on whenever something becomes popular.

    All stats were taken from here: https://royaleapi.com/cards/popular?cat=GC&mode=grid&time=7d&sort=usage

    submitted by /u/_SgtDerekFrost
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    Then he lost his 3 crowns

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 01:50 AM PDT

    [HUMOR] When the Mega Minion goes Oof

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 06:04 AM PDT

    SK army + Mirror + Clone + two people = about 120 skeletons

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 08:26 PM PDT

    Has this happen to anyone else. �� we were surprised. Who do you think should have won it ?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 07:48 PM PDT


    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 07:53 PM PDT

    Imagine how big the actual arena is...

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 03:40 AM PDT

    New challenge idea : called flag protection! Sorry for my bad english!

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 12:52 PM PDT

    [EFFORT POST] Donations rework

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 10:29 AM PDT

    Clash Royale has a great mechanic that allows you to support your clanmates and gain gold and exp: requesting cards. And it sure does help in maxing your deck. But the system isn't perfect; in fact it is far from balanced and it has two big flaws. I'll be covering those in this post, of course with ideas to balance the system.

    1) Requesting commons gives much more value than requesting rares

    A)The problem

    At first, I thought that rares are higher rarity than commons so needing a few more requests isn't bad, but the difference shouldn't be that big. Rare cards aren't that rare, you are guaranteed to get them from every type of chest (except epic and legendary chests). The requesting lets you request for 40 commons and 4 rares, assuming you are in legendary arena. So, 10 commons should equal 1 rare (5 commons = 1 rare in trade tokens)? WRONG! The table below (card comparison-section) tells the real value.

    Level Common cards required to upgrade Rare cards required to upgrade Card comparison Requests needed to upgrade (commons) Requests needed to upgrade (rares)
    10 800 200 4 commons = 1 rare 20 50
    11 1000 400 2.5 commons = 1 rare 25 100
    12 2000 800 2.5 commons = 1 rare 50 200
    13 5000 1000 5 commons = 1 rare 125 250

    As you see, requesting for commons gives sometimes 4x more value than requesting for rares, and 2x more value when it's most balanced. This is a real problem.

    B) A possible solution

    The simplest possible way to balance this would be simply allowing to request for more rares. It's also the only one I can think of that doesn't involve messing with card levels in general. Let's suggest allowing legendary arena players to request for 8 rares. It would half the requests it takes to upgrade a card.

    Level Common cards required to upgrade Rare cards required to upgrade Card comparison Requests needed to upgrade (commons) Requests needed to upgrade (rares)
    10 800 200 4 commons = 1 rare 20 25
    11 1000 400 2.5 commons = 1 rare 25 50
    12 2000 800 2.5 commons = 1 rare 50 100
    13 5000 1000 5 commons = 1 rare 125 125

    This doesn't fully balance the system, but cr leveling system in general is pretty weird (400 cards required doubles to 800 cards, then goes 1.25x to 1000 cards). And rares are still higher rarity than commons, so this would be actually quite good.

    2) All players in legendary arena get to request the same amount of cards

    (This is more a small QoL change, and if only one of these changes could be done, it would be the first one)

    A) The problem

    The requesting system has a feature that is forgotten by many players: it lets you request for more cards when you reach a certain trophy milestone.

    (10 commons 1 rare initially, 20 commons 2 rares after 1000 trophies (P.E.K.K.As playhouse), 30 commons 3 rares after 2000 trophies (Royal arena) and 40 commons 4 rares after 3000 trophies (Hog mountain))

    Sadly, this isn't implemented to higher trophies. It would reward trophy pushing and encourage level 13 players in master league to push higher up and maybe help a bit in matchmaking.

    B) A possible solution

    This is my concept for requests:

    - 10 commons 2 rares initially

    - 20 commons 4 rares at 1000 trophies (P.E.K.K.As playhouse)

    - 30 commons 6 rares at 2600 trophies (Jungle arena)

    - 40 commons 8 rares at 4000 trophies (Legendary arena, Challenger I)

    - 50 commons 10 rares at 5000 trophies (Master I)

    - 60 commons 12 rares at 6000 trophies (Champion)

    Here's some statistic how it would change the donation system (higher leagues).

    Level Current system (already covered in part 1) Challenger (already covered in part 1) Master Champion
    10 20 common reqs 50 rare reqs 20 common reqs 25 rare reqs 16 common reqs 20 rare reqs 14 common reqs 17 rare reqs
    11 25 common reqs 100 rare reqs 25 common reqs 50 rare reqs 20 common reqs 40 rare reqs 17 common reqs 34 rare reqs
    12 50 common reqs 200 rare reqs 50 common reqs 100 rare reqs 40 common reqs 80 rare reqs 34 common reqs 68 rare reqs
    13 125 common reqs 250 rare reqs 125 common reqs 125 rare reqs 100 common reqs 100 rare reqs 84 common reqs 84 rare reqs

    Keep in mind, usually 6k players already have an (nearly) maxed deck, so they will be focusing more on other cards, while challenger/master-players focus on leveling up their main deck.

    Thank you for reading this post. Please share your ideas and suggestions to comments.

    submitted by /u/Just_A_Casual_Player
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    The Mighty Skeleton Barrel Army (from B-Rad's stream)

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 02:20 PM PDT

    I didn’t know the Magic Archer update also included a small two-step dance ��

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 09:28 AM PDT


    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 02:43 AM PDT

    Mortar went from S tier card to laughable HP container

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 03:45 PM PDT

    Just a couple of months ago it used to be a part of strong bait/miner poison decks. But I don't really think the strength of those decks stemmed from the mortar itself, but those other cards. Have you seen it winning or at least being played with success in any competitive tournament lately (2020)?

    Now if you play mortar even on defence, it gets slaughtered by some rushing mini pekka, muskeeter, baby dragon, hogs and doesn't even stop them from damaging your tower. On offence you are very unlikely to get a connection and pretty much give opponent 4 elixir advantage and a counterpush. Just all those fast cards turned mortar into HP bag and then there's an eq to take away this title.

    So the card is versatile, but in a wrong way - it's bad in everything. My suggestion is to give it more damage only to troops so it can handle big pushes better, since it's called a defensive building in its description. Also this way it won't give such a huge counterpush for opponent if you play it near the bridge. It'd also be logical if the boulder would damage air troops, since it's plummeting from the sky, but that's probably an overkill. Wish it was a reasonable alternative to abused bomb tower.

    submitted by /u/Ventnom_
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    Fisherman DESPERATELY needs a buff.

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 05:26 AM PDT

    First of all, some data.

    Fisherman is the least used card in top 1000 ladder, with below 1% use rate and 46% use rate, he can't find any place in the meta because his unique ability is useless, due to the incredibly slow (1.5s) hook speed, and the fact that he can't oneshot knife goblins.

    What are my ideas for a buff? Fisherman was too op after the first buff, when its hook speed stood at 1s, so I suggest bringing its hook speed at 1.2s and buffing its damage by 5%, enough for him to take out goblins.

    The fisherman would stay a niche card, since the meta revolves about cycle decks (I love cycle decks) right now, and he would not fit in 90% of the decks.

    I am open to criticism as long as it's not straight up insults.

    submitted by /u/Jesoo_
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    Buffed skeleton barrel= faster skeleton barrel mirror clone rage!!!

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 12:39 PM PDT

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