• Breaking News

    Saturday, February 29, 2020




    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 06:43 AM PST

    These changes will go LIVE on Tuesday 3rd March!

    This Season we take a look at Miner, Golem, Earthquake, Cannon and Cannon Cart!



    Crown Tower Damage reduced 40% > 35%


    Miner is perhaps the most versatile Troop in the entire game, providing a primary or secondary win condition while also removing defenders. The biggest issue we saw with Miner is that the higher skill you got, the more necessary Miner became. Miner was the single most played card in top end Challenge battles or Ultimate Champion league, with an eye-popping 42% usage while maintaining a high win rate. The second place card, Zap, clocks in at 32%.

    Miner has a damage reduction against Crown Towers very similar to Spells. A while back, Spells were nerfed to deal 35% damage to Towers instead of 40%. For Miner now, we are matching that amount for consistency and to reduce Miner's effectiveness as a win condition. His massive use rate and versatility will keep Miner in the meta, but hopefully reduce him from a must-play at high levels to a more balanced choice within the meta.



    Affects Hidden Tesla


    When Tesla is underground, Earthquake will now damage it. The idea of an underground Tesla is that it would be protected from damage. For some Spells, like Lightning or Poison this feels intuitively correct. But it always felt wrong that Earthquake wouldn't hit something underground. Freeze affects an underground Tesla (by preventing it popping up), so it feels like Earthquake should work intuitively as well.



    Golemite Damage -22.5%

    Golemite Death Damage +55%


    Golemites have two annoying factors – they do quite a bit of damage if ignored, and don't kill Skeletons when they explode. We have shifted Golemite's damage towards the explosion, meaning they do less damage over time but have a bit more upfront damage for clearing swarms when they explode.



    +5% Damage


    +5% Damage


    Bomb Tower is currently the most popular building in the game by a large margin. We considered nerfing it, but wanted to follow our process of buffing possible alternatives. Cannon has been sitting at around a 42-45% win rate, and while Cannon Cart does slightly better, it's still down at a 1% use rate. This mutual buff allows them to defeat overleveled Goblins and increases DPS against ground tanks.



    Cards that are the most likely candidates for balance changes

    • Magic Archer
    • Wall Breakers
    • Bomb Tower
    • Electro Wizard

    Magic Archer and Wall Breakers form the core of a very popular and fast-cycling deck. We are rolling out the Miner nerf in Season 9 to see how it will impact the high level metagame, but if both cards remain dominant at high ladder and challenges, one (or both) will likely be nerfed.

    Bomb Tower is a notch above the other buildings in power level, but we wanted to see how Cannon / Cannon Cart buffs would balance out the building options instead of just directly nerfing the best building.

    Electro Wizard, like Magic Archer and Bandit, are incredibly powerful Legendaries that fit in nearly any deck for positive value. While we don't want to nerf cards just because they are strong, Electro Wizard seems to be solidly above the other ranged attackers in nearly every meta. It's a card we are always keeping an eye on, one that may receive a small nerf eventually.


    What do you think of these balance changes? Let us know below!

    The Clash Royale Team

    submitted by /u/Supercell_Drew
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    Daily Discussion 3/1/20 - 3/3/20: Royal Delivery - The King's Latest Contraption!

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 07:35 PM PST

    Topic: The Strength and Viability of the Royal Delivery

    For their 4 year anniversary, Clash Royale has decided to deploy a new spell from the skies: The Royal Delivery! It is a cheap spell card that is signed, sealed, and delivered by the King himself, ensuring that it leaves an impact of nobility wherever it is placed. However, what's more important is whether it will pulverize the arena as a grandiose debut or collapse into shambles as a useless deadweight.


    Here are all of the cards stats! Thanks to u/IDProG and u/ScholarlyGaming for their input!

    Basic Stats:

    Elixir Cost: 3

    Area Damage: 318

    Targets: Air and Ground

    Spawn Speed: 3sec

    Radius: 3 tiles

    Recruit Level: 9

    Complex Stats:

    Pre-Deployment Visibility (How long the shadow is visible before impact) : 0.7sec

    Knockback: 1 tile

    The complex ones are NOT set in stone, so please inform me if there are any inaccuracies.


    Discussion Questions:

    • Where would you rank it based on its strength and potential viability in the meta?
      • From Worst to Best, label your rank as one of the following: F, D, C, B, A, S, SS
      • What is your reasoning behind this rank?
        • If applicable, how would you change it to make it balanced?
    • What archetypes/decks do you perceive it slotting into?
      • What do you think makes it a compelling option over its competition to merit a slot?
    • What cards/archetypes do you perceive to get benefited/inhibited by its presence?
      • Why do you think it is a positive/negative contribution to the meta?
        • Do you think it is best suited to be a niche card or a popular one?
    submitted by /u/Bo5sj0hnth1n3H4MM3R
    [link] [comments]

    This took 12 hours to finish this poster for my uncle. Hope you’ll like it :D

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 02:44 PM PST

    Royal Delivery fully counters Sparky.

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 03:06 PM PST

    Balance Changes March 2020 Season 9

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 06:05 AM PST

    Sneak Peak to “big project” occurring this year!

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 06:37 AM PST

    We need this on Clash Royale!

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 04:37 PM PST

    New card in Spooky Town will be the SCARIEST ONE YET!

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 06:00 AM PST

    Emote Idea (Sorry for the low graphics)

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 08:56 AM PST

    Clan war update?��

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 11:39 AM PST

    Larrys party

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 11:35 AM PST


    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 05:10 AM PST

    Is it immoral to use a building spam in 3x elixir battle?

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 02:27 PM PST

    Ice golem to the Hog Rider: You shall not pass

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 06:51 PM PST

    X-bow/tesla haters' best 2020 gift:

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 07:53 AM PST

    According to ernie c III those should come in season 8....where are they?

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 12:19 AM PST

    Haven’t seen that in a while - Draw

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 02:03 PM PST

    [Effort] X-Bow Firecracker Guide From A 7300 Player

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 11:10 AM PST

    [Effort] X-Bow Firecracker Guide From A 7300 Player

    Why should you read this guide?

    This is a meta viable deck that features the newest addition to the game (at least until the start of the next season). Firecracker has not received the attention it deserves (5% use rate in gc's, 3% on top 1k ladder) and its win rate is also lacking at 48% in grand challenges. From my point of view this is the best deck with firecracker since it benefits from firecrackers strengths and manages to hide its weaknesses (to a certain degree).

    Over my time on the subreddit I have come across many deck guides that required a lot of effort from the creator but were not worth the read because the creator was not experienced/skilled enough to provide insight that was useful for high level players.

    I have been playing X-Bow decks more or less exclusively on ladder for the last 2 years (X-Bow Valkyrie was my main deck for the longest time) and I climbed up to 7300 trophies which gave me a top 1000 global finish.
    I have been using this deck since the release of firecracker and finished the last season at place 1476 with 7087 trophies. My Profile

    Currently I am at 7051 trophies which puts me at place 1235 in the world.
    Additionally I am currently the Number 1 player in the world with this deck so there is no one better suited to give a guide on this deck. Proof

    (Please note that I do not consider myself the best player in the world. I just happen to play a deck that is not being played by any of those superior players)

    The Deck

    X-Bow Firecracker 3.0

    As you can see this deck is quite similar to X-Bow 2.9. In fact, it uses the same deck formula but fills the mini tank and the ranged support slots with different units.

    Namely firecracker and knight. Knight helps a lot in matchups where you need a reliable, spell proof card for defense (especially important against many miner decks but also really useful against sparky decks).

    However, using knight instead of ice golem creates a weakness to swarm cards like skarmy, minion horde and bats.
    This is where the firecracker comes into play. Firecracker brings splash damage to the table and can for example kill an entire minion horde in just one shot. Additionally, firecracker can be extremely tough to kill for certain decks, thanks to its pushback. This allows it to sometimes get insane value against decks like E-Golem or the big, old Golem itself.

    Also firecracker loses less hard to arrows compared to archers since it can sometimes dodge the spell completely (only useful against unexperienced players) and can be played early to force the opponent to play the arrows at an suboptimal point to screw up their cycle and potentially get some chip damage on the princess tower by piercing the attacking units.

    Certain units like night witch and baby dragon are quite tough to deal with for the archer version of this deck but get a lot better thanks to the special abilities (splash damage, piercing damage and self-knockback).
    This abilities allow the firecracker to kill the night witch + the bats even when they are behind a tank and constantly retarget the baby dragon which gives you an opportunity to distract it with another unit to keep the firecracker alive.

    All this makes the firecracker a great addition when going up against slow decks but therefor matchups against some fast decks become a little harder compared to X-Bow archer decks (More on this in the next section).

    Last but not least firecracker also synergizes exceptionally well with X-Bow since the opponents have an easy time activating their king tower with the firecracker but this big disadvantage of the card is completely nullified in a X-Bow deck since X-Bow does not win by getting units to the tower.

    Matchup guides

    In this section I will go over my game plan against some of the most popular decks running around at the top of ladder. If you feel like I left out an important matchup feel free to ask for a game plan in the comment section.

    Pekka Bridge Spam

    Quite an easy matchup. Having the knight instead of an ice golem helps a lot. Make sure to always have a tesla set up in the middle (3 tiles from the river so that the opponent can not bypass the tesla by pushing the battle ram with another unit). Stay passive, take spell value and maybe try to get a little piercing damage with your firecracker against the E-Wiz or Marcher.

    Once double elixir hits you can start to be more aggressive but don't be afraid to go for a win by tie breaker rules if your opponent defends well.
    Do not allow your opponents marcher to get piercing damage through your counter pushing knight. If you do have a knight that is walking towards the bridge, try to predict the marcher with a tesla or a firecracker.

    X-Bow 2.9

    Even matchup. Defense over offense is for best bet to win this matchup. Do not cycle firecrackers behind your king tower to avoid giving spell value. Concentrate on defensive X-Bows and always being ready to distract your opponent's X-Bow with your knight.

    You can use the firecracker to snipe a defensive X-Bow 3 tiles from the river and to kill an offensive X-Bow with a tesla next to it without activating the tesla by playing her on the second tile on the outermost column.
    If the opportunity arises use the firecrackers ability to kill archers in one shot.

    Miner Loon Cycle

    Another even matchup. Do not attack when they have a loon in hand unless you have a big elixir advantage. In single elixir play Sim City by playing the X-Bow defensively 4 tiles from the river and 1 more tile in either lane compared to the placement in the middle. This way both towers will attack the loon and you can build a chain to distract the loon even longer by playing the tesla right next to this placement. Use a surviving X-Bow to build a counter push.
    If possible, you can try to get some piercing damage on carelessly placed ice golems by your opponent.


    With 2.9 this is one of the easiest matchups. However, with this deck you struggle quite a bit since firecrackers often refuses to shoot the skeletons from the graveyard resulting in a ton of damage from the gy. Always attack the opposite lane to avoid giving them poison value and do not be afraid to play defensive X-Bows in the anti-poison position.

    Spamming X-Bow + tesla at the bridge is not a bad move against this deck since this is your only way to distract and kill the baby dragon effectively at the bridge and it also works well against bomb tower and knight. Another important aspect is catching the barb barrel with skeletons.

    Classic Logbait

    Even matchup (Easy against a bad logbait player or against the prince + rascals version of logbait). This matchup is all about keeping a princess at the bridge from hitting your towers.
    The best way to do this is a tesla played right at the river one tile into the lane the logbait player is attacking. This placement cannot by bypassed.

    Additionally, try to get chip damage with piercing attacks against knights, princesses and gob gangs played close to your opponents towers since this matchup often comes down to a chip battle with neither side being able to break through.

    Giant Miner 2.9

    GG well played and thumbs up. We have our first hard counter. Outcylcing the giant is nearly impossible and the miner combined with small spells and the chip damage from the magic archer will most likely deal more damage than you are going to inflict.

    Your only ray of hope is that the giant deck lacks a big spell so you might be able to break through a giant by stacking everything at the river and shutting down the magic archer (a good player will lay the marcher at the river to hit both the tesla and the X-Bow at the same time so playing a predictive firecracker might be worth it.

    I do not recommend playing defensive X-Bows because of how good magic archer deals with them and instead preplace teslas 3 tile from the river to support your attack.
    Depending on the situation it might be good to play the X-Bow at the river to make the giant walk a greater distance and keep the marcher from hitting the princes tower.

    Golem Night Witch

    This is where the firecracker starts to shine. Normally golem can be quite difficult since baby dragon 2-shots the archers, the bats from the night witch do not die and the barb barrel and lightning work wonders against X-Bow.

    However those two spells suck at dealing with firecracker. Barb barrel cannot reach her, and her great range allows the X-Bow player to avoid giving lightning value. Additionally, the pushback allows her to frequently escape the tornado or push herself back into safety after surviving a pull with tornado.
    But the greatest strength lies in the firecrackers ability to kill the night witch behind the golem and get significant piercing damage on the tower through an attacking golem.
    Also, she can escape the baby dragon and the mega minion with her pushback to avoid sharing her fate with archers which die in 2 respectively 1 shot form this support cards in the golem deck.

    E-Golem Night Witch

    In this matchup we see the full potential of firecracker. Normally X-Bow struggles to keep up with all the spam coming its way because of its lack of splash damage. And where archers die to e-dragon firecracker simply pushes herself back into safety while constantly raining hell on the attacking push.

    While golem night witch is weak to firecracker E-golem night witch gets destroyed by her. The E-Golem dies rather quickly resulting in even more units that get hit by the firecracker's rocket.
    Firecracker is so strong in this matchup that some E-Golem decks have started using arrows to counter her.
    If you see yourself facing this variation play a firecracker at the bridge to get piercing damage through the approaching E-Golem and do not be afraid to fireball a slightly damaged night witch to finish her off since dealing with her after your opponents kills the crackers will be really hard.

    Miner Wall Breakers with Magic Archer

    Good matchup. Stop the wall breakers with a log + ice spirit combination or with a tesla if you can hit other units with it (like a Valkyrie or a miner). Its key to prevent marcher damage by predicting it when you have a knight walking towards the bridge and being fast on your fireball when ever your opponent plays him.

    In single elixir you can attack with X-Bow+ tesla or xbow+knight when your opponent has either valk or bomb tower out of cycle (if you want to attack with knight you also have to keep track of the bats). In double you can combine the X-Bow with both the knight and the tesla to be able to break through a valk + bomb tower response.

    Your opponent will also try to get a miner on top of the X-Bow. I usually predict in the side of the xbow closest to side of the arena, but some miner players tend to play it behind the X-Bow. Logging a miner played on top of the X-Bow might also work out really well since many opponents tend to combine the miner with wall breakers resulting in extra log value.

    Hog EQ

    And we end this segment with one of the worst, if not the worst, hard counter to this deck. There is only one play that gives the X-Bow deck a fighting chance: A tesla played in the middle (1-2 tiles from the river so that a EQ can not hit both the tower and the tesla).

    If you are lucky you face the hog EQ deck with exe nado. In this case staying defensive (In this case this means not playing any X-Bows) and preplacing teslas combined with rather aggressive spell cycle can win you this matchup rather consistently.

    If you are not lucky you face one of the other variants with a faster cycle and bats. Bats reck a preplaced tesla played so close to the river and firecracker's targeting issues prevent her from killing the bats fast enough.

    Against these decks you will have to play offensive X-Bows because otherwise you will get outchipped. But due to the fast cycle of those decks they are able to earthquake both on defense and on offense resulting in a miserable time for the X-Bow player.

    However, the interaction between a hidden tesla and an earthquake is going to be changed in the next season. This makes a preplaced tesla way less viable and as I said in the beginning a preplaced tesla is the only thing giving X-Bow a fighting chance in this matchup.
    Because of this hog EQ will turn from being a terrible matchup for the X-Bow into a matchup where you might as well just fireball the king tower as soon as you know what you are facing since continuing to play will just delay the inevitable.

    Tips and tricks

    (Only tips and tricks that are unique to the firecracker version of this deck)

    • One firecracker shot combined with a log is enough to kill a magic archer (and dependent on the placing of the marcher you might get a few hundred chip damage on top)
    • Against decks with arrows play her early at the bridge to get some piercing damage and bait out a spell/unit. Thanks to her knockback she will push herself back in the usual defensive position next to the princess tower. By doing so you can also cycle back to another firecracker incase they arrow your first one.
    • Firecracker tends to miss quite its shots quite often so try to position it in the path of attacking units to guarantee if you cannot take any chances.
    • Use skeletons to catch a barb barrel and prevent it from killing the firecracker. This is a play you should be similar with anyways when you are playing X-Bow since it is key to win against barb barrel when using X-Bow.
    • Treat her like a princess. Logbait is all about protecting the princess because she can get unlimited value if you manage to protect her from any attacks. The same principal holds true for firecracker. Against certain matchups stacking firecrackers will make your defense unbreakable so defending her at any cost can sometimes be your bet.
    • Firecracker can be used to snipe buildings that are placed 3 tiles from the river.
    • If you want to avoid a king tower activation against a building in the default spot 3 tiles from the river but still use the firecracker to damage the building, play her in the lane the building is not facing. That way her piercing attacks do not activate the king tower


    This X-Bow firecracker deck is a solid alternative to the common X-Bow 2.9 deck. It is better is some matchups (most notably against Golem and E-Golem) and worse in others (Most notably against Splashyard). Due to its similarities with 2.9 you might be able to catch some incautious opponents off-guard with a Firecracker out of nowhere that evaporates their minion horde.

    I consider this a fun and high skill-cap deck that has a lot of potential to succeed in the meta. And since firecracker is a little on the weaker side in terms of its win and use rates there is always the chance for it to receive a buff in future balance updates.

    Thank you for reading my guide. I hope I sparked your interest in this variation of X-Bow tesla. If you have any questions feel free to ask in the comment section and I will give my best to answer your question.

    submitted by /u/-everwinner-
    [link] [comments]

    “So how’s your day going so far?”

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 04:00 PM PST

    Clash Royale Story Mode? Thoughts?

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 10:56 AM PST

    Xbow gang rise up

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 08:30 PM PST

    [Ask] Why does my mini account (4.3k) keep getting solid offers while my main account (6.5k) keep getting those 500 gems of x card useless chest offers?

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 03:17 AM PST

    A new way to get star points.

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 06:12 AM PST

    Finally made Grand Master as a lvl 12

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 06:47 PM PST

    I did it Dad

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 08:04 PM PST

    This happened to my opponent once, when they stupidly decided to tornado my pekka.

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 07:50 PM PST

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