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    Wednesday, January 15, 2020

    Clash Royale 🏆PRO TIP🏆: Use an ice spirit to fully counter a magic archer, +3 positive elixir trade

    Clash Royale ��PRO TIP��: Use an ice spirit to fully counter a magic archer, +3 positive elixir trade

    ��PRO TIP��: Use an ice spirit to fully counter a magic archer, +3 positive elixir trade

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 06:42 AM PST

    This is the type of community I like to see. Keep it up clashers :)

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 04:56 PM PST

    Me and the bois playing clash

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 02:27 PM PST


    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 12:50 PM PST

    Still waiting on the random tower skin option

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 06:39 PM PST

    If Clash Royale Troops had Call of Duty Perks

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 12:26 AM PST

    Concept: Mega Deck Draft! Similar to draft but with 9 choices. This would be hectic!

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 07:26 PM PST

    What if there was multiple slots for personalized emotes

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 08:31 PM PST

    [Effort]Why I stopped paying for pass...

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 11:23 AM PST

    About me: playing CR for 1.5y with PB ~6k, 28 maxed cards, all on level 11 or up. Bought all passes from 1 to 6 and many other "promotions". In generally spend much more than no any AAA PC games made longer than CR is live like Witcher 3 or RDR2. Last buy on 2nd Dec and not going to pay a single cent any longer... even if I can afford it and still like the core of the game.

    Now let me explain the reasons behind it. I see some changes in the game from the summer to not pay as I get stronger and stronger feeling of being manhandled and slowly less and less F2P friendly. Even if I was not F2P player I care about it because strong P2W games do not live long without hords od new users who do not yet know about it.

    Here is the list of changes that made me take that decision:

    1. Pass royale and special challenges prizes going down. One of the reasons of buying pass and playing a lot were relatively big prizes initially (in July it was 55k gold first event, 15k second not counting). In December it was a joke.

    2. Special challenges getting harder (drafts, 2vs2) etc. In all challenges if you are average player there is 50% chance you get only first three prizes for free (without pass). This I think is partly a trick to make it harder for good F2P to get far (as bad players having pass make it easier for them)

    3. Not adding new common card for almost 1.5 year (we got one new this January). Because of the way chests select card, the new common is very easy to max quickly even for longer playing F2P players if they have enough commons already on 13 level (they are out of random generator list in initial round) and easy to request. This means adding them is not very profitable.

    4. Adding all this additional king crowns nonsense including the explanation it is to make crown chests easier to grab for low playing users. The real reason is to get an illusion of additional boost and the excuse to remove old special quests where ending them added to stamps to the bar and allowed get big chests faster (anyone remember last Christmast with easy 24 special quests for 20 points each? and what we got this Christmast!). I do not do thise quest as 1.5 week in season i already have 20th to be unlocked without playing a lot. If you have a pass and play challenges and for normal chests event with The Bank (400 more crowns) all is doable easily without special quests or crown boosts.

    5. Removal of 3x 3000 gold for 100 gems. I understand that two other boosts had to go, but this one was a monthly 5x gem to gold exchange offer.

    6. Silent removal of epic chest from the shop (available maybe twice a month, not sure) and into bi-monthly special offer? Additional move to make F2P players get epics higher (buying pass is where you are kindly forced... you get over 70 epics there with changes...).

    7. Split of 100 gems to 40 and 60. Supercell knows how many players can go to 6150 and many many (including me) can't, so you get 60 less. The 50% winrate target is designed the way that above 6k you have to have more wins than loses.

    8. More and more tokens are added at the beginning of events or challenges. I undestand they are helpfull for some to max dreamed card, but from the game perpsective and your real progress with cards they have almost no value.

    9. Many very obvious bugs gets into the release every time. When for fhole month there was a bug in chest queue I said that CR do not deserve our money because I do not remember any other high profile company to have it for so long and only visible to paying users (sic!). But I gave a try... And there were even more obvious bugs in next updates, but this time luckily for us Superrcell is not on monthly vacations. Quick question: anyone knows when the testers are going from vacations?

    10. Controversial, but just personal feeling that it may be more complicated than "just trophies" in ladder. With introduction of party mode and non ladder 1vs1 I have made some tests. Last day of the season I on purpose lose to get below 4600 (4300 after reset) to control when I get the time boost (like over the weekends). When playing part 1vs1 the algorithm is still trying to find you an opponent with similar trophies but it is not limited to it (I do not see taking levels into accont there). In general having 4300 I see players from 4100 to 4800. But from time to time I get someone really out of blue who is below 4k (like 5400 guy with 6500PB or with 3800 guy with almost all gold cards???). What we really know about 1vs1 matchmaking for ladder? Yes, it is honest on the trophy range matched (levels do not count) and yes, after 7 wins straight you may be too high for you skill level, but considered this... Supercell gathers TB of analytical data every day and for each your deck can easily say with which archetypes your deck will struggle. This way within trophy range they can find some guy that will beat you and most of the time you won't be ably to do anything about it (as average player, not a pro). Well crafted losing streak and you may throw your phone, quit the game or $$$buy in the shop$$$ (that is why standard prices are very high, for compulsive buyers). Does Supercell use gathered analytical data this way? I do not have proof but also haven't seen their matchmaking algorithm audited (as for some casino games and their random generators), so it is technically possible. Also a 2vs2 bug some time ago made me think that match history may also be used (when after several games you could'nt find opponents).

    11. More and more cards for this inflation gold is not really increased in chests etc. We got last year is (always 44 gold for 20 first wins a day; from 26-36 mostly, so not ground breaking change) and more gold in trophy road. Most of additionall gold is currently going to special challenges or pass.

    12. Reddit communication in last months is bad. Yes, there were many bad comments and hate because of balance changes but whose fault it was to change primary aspects of long existing epic card? Because of some hate we now have silence. This does not build community.

    PS. What I mean obvious bug. The bug that tester should easily find playing the game before release. Like for example all cards showing as Boosted without order and wrong levels (event is capped to lvl 9) in deck section for special events... I do not count here bugs that are harder to find or unimportant that I personally see from first pass royale (ff you have the pass, in clan war the current war popup have the middle tab with member names; sometimes you are there in gold but sometimes plain white; it looks it depends on the API asked for the list).

    Also the current global tournament changes are going this direction. From 2 turnaments to 1 they say better prizes, i see 30 gems in total (most of you will get 20) and even more priceless tokens :) But let see 30 gems is 500 gold in shop. Well from progress perspective I'would better see gold chests in all those places...

    Why CR devs are doing this? Because Clasy Royale tanked in comparison to the last year in revenue. Also Clash of Clans (which is longer on the market) had similar revenue in the last months of 2018 as CR (if I remember). This December CR had $23m and Clash of Clans above $70m (both have pass system). It says something... and this is the reason CR team silently starts to be more and more agressive in my opinion. Above list of reasons and bad balance changes make more and more players angry leaving the game (from CRL gems result I saw 5m players, so likely they is 10m players). We will see next Dec numbers, but with this direction there may be less. I like the game but with less players only advanced will stay which may make it unplayable (not fun) for average players like me. I may start to pay for the pass again when I see some real improvement.

    Please leave a comment if you think I missed something or do not agree with some of the points.

    submitted by /u/gluwer
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    Played with a guy in the 2v2 challenge, then face him on ladder in the next match. What were the odds of that?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 07:03 PM PST

    Keep track of my average elixir for me while I'm drafting... cause I'm old and can't keep track of the math AND choose cards at the same time.

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 10:08 AM PST

    Healer is dead who is next. I have a guess.

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 11:50 AM PST

    "Showtime" wizard artwork by SKRILL_2O and Mr.Pampers

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 05:05 AM PST

    Won by a millisecond...

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 03:49 PM PST

    This is BS. 412 on their tower and 4 15 on our tower.

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 09:25 PM PST

    Tornado saving my ass yet again for the 700th time

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 10:20 PM PST

    Despite the nerf, this one to me seems like an excellent emoji.. well done SC

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 06:50 AM PST

    Absolute beginner, started yesterday! Tips for a decent starter deck? Giant is my win condition right now. Works fairly well as of right now. Help is greatly appreciated.

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 09:45 AM PST

    What the....

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 06:10 AM PST

    Ewiz bamboozled me

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 02:24 PM PST

    He had an active poison on my tower. I had 8hp left. Watch how I ��'d the game with his help.

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 03:52 PM PST

    Horizontal Clash Royale

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 08:07 AM PST

    Im about to hit king level 13. How exactly do star points work?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 02:58 PM PST

    I know they allow you to get gold cards if they are level 13 and I have a few maxed cards but i was just curious about how i can aquire star points, how much each star level upgrade costs amd how fast they can be acquired.

    submitted by /u/citizen42701
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